4 4 4 1 5 rAliK TWO Spnn The Latest Designs and Colors In Straps, Pumps and Oxfortls JUST ARRIVED Your Hosiery Is Here In All Of Penman's Latest Colors Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RDPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 'Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circniations 'DAILY EDITION ax EYES ON CHUNGKING 98 Friday, ApriM4, 1939 The eyes of the worjd are likely to turn again to China soon and particularly to the new capital of the country, Chungking. The city is difficult of acceas from'. the east but from the southwest it is connected with the; port of iRangoon by way of Burma. The highway, which we have mentioned before, is 1400 miles long and has been con-structed by coolie labor within the past year over, moun tain ranges and through a wonderfully wild antl: picturesque country. It is said to be a splendid highwav and over it the Chinese are now getting supplies- f on their arm ies. As soon as these are . properly equipped arid their leaders- consider the time Opportune, it is proposed to maKe a nur enorr. to onve ine wapanese out oi me country. The Japanese smile inscrutably at the threat but the Chinese have -great faith that (f they do notacconjplish it 4his ima yvii-incjf year they will win do uu so su next iicac year yeai ui or the .iie-.ycai yeariafter. ii,i. Time jiiiici i FLURRY IS OVER? 'It seems as if the latest flurry in Europe is over for "the present ind we may be able to sit back once more find forret riie dictators until they see fit to. cause another .period of unrest. According to a story . . circulated quite -, 11.. ti : i.i it itiiermiy, mere -was. a paper seized uy ine vzecn govern-ment'from KonradHeinlein in which was written in HU-ler'fl own handwriting a program which has been' carried out so fat and v hich includes the taking of Poland this coming -fall.-taking1 of Jugoslavia next spring and Ron-mania and Hulvaria in theniitumn of 1940. In the snrintr of 1941 Hitler pinna to add north of France,-Switzerland,! Uelfrium, Holland and Denmark. Finally in the autumn of 10411 he expects to gobble iip the Ukraine. Rut the: best laid nlans of mice and men do not always succeed as Rob-ert'Rums-wourdihave said if he had not used the Scottish vernacular. .'Another; story is to the effect that two German secret police have been sent to Roumania to ''get"-King Carol and that developments are exnected soon. This is nnn nf those weird tales heard in the European centres which! may prove true or may not. MacKenzie 'Linoleum Mats 18)c36. With' burlap" back. -Each Feltol Mats 18x30, Each Itexoleum Mats 18x25. Each Everything for the Floor Furniture M,,i,,1MMMiriMiTimr '40c , 25c : 15c Phone 775 IBURNSliAKE tolas' C. Manson Is recovering nicely from an appendix operation iv.. r....n r ntn Ifncnlf ft! In 3 PaSTm (he Mr, Ri tmbn., 6th of April. his parent's here. MR Beatrice Ixo of Validerhoof spent the week-end as the guest or her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. mid Mrs. O. Madden. Miss Mary Haddock Is spending lh- EastiX vacation as the -west of Mr. and Mrs. John Oowarus Mm. It. Vollen f Edmonton ar- ttisfiEfl ARTICLES FOR SAl.K RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC.. mailed postpaid In plal.i sealed WTapper. 80 less than' for rome weeks. retail. Write Tor mall-order catalogue. NOV-RUBBER CO., Dept L. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. tt FOR RENT CLEAN, Well - furnished apartments. Phone Red 444 i FOR RENT-ble party Ave. West range In each flat; two stores 2.V FOR 6ALE-iouse and Lot flirnltnrp OiUnpr tnrrprf tn !! WANTED WANTED Amateurs for Amateuf Night April 20, Prizes, Register at Nelson's Barber Shop by April 15. Aid of Children's Fund. 87, WANTED-i-G lrl private home. 867. desires room In Close in. Phone I 487), -FOR SALE -OK TRADE FLOAT and float-house FUhermen's Float. it George Hills iPAINTINGnn'd DECORATING Sign Work of -all Descriptions Estimates Furnished Free Phone BLUE 754 'l by 28.1 .911 j TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned on or before April 30 for the purchase 6? Dwelling and Lot 49, Block 34 Section 1. The highest or anv tender not necessarily accepted O. P. Tinker Ltd.. Besner Block! (88) il TUB DAILY Mill. Hwd 'On last atorday's' train to Visit hVr parents, ktr.'andHlrs. M. F. Nourse. Mrs. P. Deeder of FrancoU Lake was the week-end guest of Mr. and The "United ChOrfh Women Mrs. O. Braaten. Miss K. New-: Auxiliary spent a pieasani auer-man, E. Braaten. Mrs. Peterson and noon-at the homr of-Mra.- O.- Ost j nprow ucro nmon. those leavlnesbere at the monthly meeting. Linen were solos' by X-Mra. McCormlek and J. Brown ftnd aduet by:Mr-.'0. Saul and Mr,' Brown. "The chancel flowers in braxsvase-:. large rose tulips and daffodils. fresh and lovely, were very effective. Mr W. WflU son fre.MdHi tit the organ. A choral communion followed. Rev. F. Buthfleld held Easter service at .he'Topley' CommOntly Hal on Tuesday evening. An approprK on Thursdays train for Vancouver, was distributed for use-arme iantate duet by Mrs. It. Horning ann ; i bazaar. The Study Book, Thener sliter. Mini Sylvia Covlimton, Fred Small of Priestly school Uiwwld ln-0nakOw read by M?s-i were enjojrd. 'ComtnunlMi rvlv Spending the Easter vacation wun . frank Uiinhfield. was held at Wie tw. The funeral of Master -'James) The'Ilartfllcran. Cttlb. under the Stanyer who died In the hospital leadership of Mr. and Mrs. II. Eck-last week was 'held At Bt: Paul's XJn-hand, held a successful tea on Ved-Ited Church on Friday. Two hymns.' nrd in Jhe Elks' Hall. Deoora-"SAfe in the Arms of Jesus" and 'turns were In violet and yellow "Jesus Lover of My Sodl." were throughout.' tho -ervUmrs wearing kXmg. The pallbearer were Charle.s caps and aprons to blend and NiHir.se. Charles Llnttm. Peter Bmaft uhlea central with daffodilk. put and W. Gilaan. Rev. Frank Bitfii- -afAy touch to Uie scene. In charge field conducted he service. Mrs. 0f the tea were the Missel R. Glow-Bushfleld accompanied the hyifms.ffnan.; M.' Roumlru, P. Jcaen. L. 'Redyaud'J.'Oerow. ' Home cook- MLss Margaret Ollgail of Tthenin- nn a He tterxtrom. cauly. U.Hmi- knt arrived Saturday to reaiilr- here mieu and fancy work. Mr. T. bring employed at the home f Mr and Mrs. Hcklend. Mrs. !J. Berg left on Saturday's train to visit relatives at irma. OrmiwofJd. The faney woik by tlws glrlx and woodwork by the boys reprinted an IntrreMlnn winter's work and aome fine pieces were Known. Kenneth, Oerow ant! 11 Hush field were In chante of the woodwork. L. Radley Is secretary- Mrs.Andalln of Collcymount has treasurer or the boys group, been a patient in the hospital here Charles Nourse and Peter Small left, on Tuesday train for a visit to Prince Rupert. .. . Tl Ul L.h.rhAM iuiii nit: ITUIWIIIUIII modern T'tfvl V urn An may not Rupert. lllnn Smith QmltVi T7lrelr Block Phone' t)Unni'r11An Ellen and m Tl.m. Bessie Anderson, k A a nliilft . ' O. Fulton, or Gladys j overhaul at the local dry dock. nanza . a real on good accomodation shore boat, and equip jRoumle'u, jean and Una Lowe and'sailed at' 11 o'clock last Tiljht fc a. . a ,lf.ni.u FOR RALE ChAan. Cruiser .noi.Margurci 'cviry. - tt t . . Mrs. O. Saul and small son of Vancouver where she will be re-commissioned later for summer service. The Oeorge sailed fifteen m.nt miinp nimi roiinhlo ftnrilDecker Lake have beert the house minutes before the Prince Rupert 1..--. .t t-..!. m r l t . . . In first claw running ordcr.iKue6" " Mr" ,u mr3, ,uc,t ,uw vapv. eu iwciin, gut nway on Terms to reliable . party. Apply Hubert Ward. Cow Bay or Green 157 tf MODERN Bunf ow, twobedrooms splendid condition. 8th Ave. East near Booth School. Must be sold to clear Tip estate. $1500.00. G. P: Tinker Ltd.. Besner Block. i88 for the Easter week-end. On Wednesday St. John's Anglican Church held Easter service at 7:30 with a good attendance and Rev. J. 'R. McCormlek of Endako In charge. He took as his text "The Message of the Risen Chrtif'There ner regular voyage soum. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, arrived In port at 3 o'clock thl afternoon from the south and" will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vanvouver and waypolnts, NE OF 5C0TLRNDS em TV Easier Services Held At Hazelton HA2SL-.ON. KHl 14: - Easter 'wtvice h4d on Omxl Friday and J - I . .. n..i 1 CM tl.l H: spend the Easter vacation. , Slx hallbut VfMfla Mld catehN." TL. ' . 7 room house. Rella- , 7 , . , 'totalling 1IJW) pounds yesterday tended. w only. Apply 134 5Ul.wM. K Mu 8, .-"o - Irom K and 6c. The sales were aJ,lkm hymns Irom Suiner "Crucl- ; " follows. follows: Pioneer. pioneer. 40.000 4u.uoo pound,-nxion' pounoi.-nxion" were were mn, ing, wH wHn organ from the same w6rk; rUKdAL.fi J . Whiz. Whiz. 8ic skc and ana oc; ic: Eureka. Eareiu. 12.-. u.- vlunurt VaIuihaHm 000. Phone Blue 972. . , ..-. .. qqq New En-jand, bc ana cc FOR SALE 1937 deluxe Forddr'very popular lust now. Little Miss Sedan 5ood as new; mileage 15 -, Ann Loper. entertaining r friends . tm Ban Jua CLAPP Block for sale Building 50 by 80", 3 storeys, eight 4 room flats with bath, pantry, monarch w. a. ner,xm o.rmoay on rr.ua, rot . j nd Recotfry 18 000 WlMth. jWM-one oi tne ni.v ngton 8,ic ftnd u . ... 15,000. uootn, bc ana oc. This is "Clean-up Week." The snow has an oisappearea irom town. Bonfires: burning and spring Capt. Paul Armour left at 3 sued basement:! lTJ corning for Vaneou- foundations good. Building cost " "; ,HV. Ycr 'lln the Armour Salvage Co.'s .-Vw $16,000. Taxes owing $1500. Own-!?,,osed trafnc..f?,U JS! w n0" boat Paehena. er Instructs 41s to sell equity fo, .horse? b!ca.me..u",u1, ft - A r mny rW,nS- It la possible that the Paehena i.H-..k.-t. O. Helgerson, CoLtd; 93) DenTe7ehtertalned M D on FOR SALE 30 ft trailer, 8-10 Pel-1 Wednesday from 4 to 6 In honor of ters Deisel. Fisherman's Float.lher house guest, little Beverley apply 929 6th Ave. East. Price! Warner of Smlthers. $400.00. (871" centred with " The table was flowers and Easter be returning to- Prlnc Union steamer 'Cardena, Capt John Boden. Is due In port at 11 o'clock tonight from the south and j .(vw .win win sail sail at ai midnight Tiwamgni on on her ner re- re- IS not an important factor with them as long.aS'thOy can ENLARGING Camera. Phone RfjinoveItl.e5' lhe cotor scheme r Plnk,turn to Vancouver and waypolnU. I nre;prVP'f heir mnrnlp I 687. 58) 68and and white white being being carried carried out. out. Young Young --- - i 'FISHERMEN CO OUT 'We seem to make a great feature of the halibut leaving for the deep sea but take less notice of th6 .movement of the. trollers to various trolling grounds' where they rcmain for weeks or even months without returning to the city. These men in almost all cases own theiVfishing boats and, at the conclusion of the period, they sppn'd their monov in town, remaining most of the time in ornear Prince'Rupert. While at their wol k they have plenty of time to think out the problems of life. Many of them read widely 'and many are philosophers, politicians and occasionally poets j or "prose writers. They are a fine lot of men and one of the greatest assets Prince Rupert has. We take this op-1 jwrtiinity of wishing them luck, large catches and pleasant' Urolling weatheif this year. "77 1 guests Included Misses Alma War- C. steamer Prince Oeorget F "ProcMakm-il to Calvarv" and "God C Hentert. 9,000. WhlZ. 8'C and e Loved Th World wlin I .. . . r.nnt JsmH WAtt nfor h.tvlno-1 rVilllfcM ner. Betty Jean ixjper, Lorraine " . j , ' iDccn oui iot inai runs yesieruayi , . , Will accept $35000 cash. 8e W Kerr, Edna Ostberg. Colleen 'Zellke. nf,f.n tnnmAn- y,J ..,, For E-uirr Sunday, the church waa beautiful wUh red tltM aou a proruiton f daffodllc. E. R Cox. of Vancouver, a former church) warden, rowowea m nsaai eutvorn In sending Boater flowers in memory of hU little daughter, wh died here. Other floweni were given by the Woman's Auxiliary n! St. Peter's and friends and afterwards sent to Invalids. In addition to favorite Emtr hymns sung by Uie conffrecatlon the robed Junior ebotr gave an Baxter Carol "Eater Flower." 1 he prteehtr for all services was Rev. Frank Burling. Owing to the pre valence of colds some Raster music was not sun? At the afternoon native service. Wale lay rndrr and K . . and P lulc ir -is here BEER WiVvlT!ty, trxnpy, gcmilnc OLD STYLE Ttock llr, he 3finfAttrcut 'f tlier irSn aenont is now. avnilnblr in boll It's ami on lraii!ht.Hf metiibf r,1 tile aprintf Bock HritAon i hliort ami thetftuprly of OLD'STYLHHidek U llmitcil. I'hone Stiy,ti277fot ftee-homt delivery, CAriLAfMi imrwiNG oo UMItKII ,irra hed Les rA'4i ft riH g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-w. -l--g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-i -.-BV M mm Tliii adverlikeuleut it not publiitied or diiplaved by the Liquor Control liuard or by tat Gomniaent oi UrltUh Columbia. WHISKIES smw wer.-trader of ! wX RHNT SCOTCH WHISKY IT- LI CD AND tort T) j ' fit ,enAl it Mot pubbthed or dS(.l t Corr : ' Rojrd o by the Govermrtent o hi r NEW ROY; HOTEL 4 Zarti.,. Prcpnm -A tlOMF AWJlTftQl noMr Kates ILNif SO Rooms hV & f i Prlnre K. I rbaneZll fAkl J. H. BULGE Gptometrel Kyt Ml THE SEAL QUAl GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Socieji PINK SEAL Finest Pink Sate P-tked bv tte oc$ eannlog eompanj wlttU th vear round 11 In Hip Miuirr 'In III mi. Prti?e Rnprt ,n rwmui lit Hie MMff AL.I . .... ti.ii. .,1 ht r Arthur H"fl. ,wr TAKK NOTH'K l!o3r W E 1 I April. A t. 19- ' t ' nluWr tuir Drowi ' Ivavlnt crawr ' ! lire h-rWT f'- VttiJ vf r.r- ' ih lh 01 i f, M A .alt lrti '"1',' rrpi!-Kl o 1'' " j iixMrOnrw. ' nuidrf i ....... -I III . .nun" -vrt Uiirnlx ' TAKE NOTICE . -n.-a.-. V E rv MiHVh. A. D. ... i v Ml '"''V rv;l I " . it .iki ...kiin T mirl TSTTJZKZ Z, m- on .-.. f m A- v r Off! 131 "k&'A