9 i PAGE FOUR - tix i Direct Imporlers of: FINE CHINA, D1NNERWARE Hotel and Restaurant White and Green Band Vitrified Ware Various Sizes of Glasses for Beer Parlors BASEMENT STOKE Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dae Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Tlease Purchase Tiskets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticfcets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 NEW AND BETTER COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Salmon Fleet Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, ,the Company has Just completed extensive changes and improve ments ln ice storage and ice delivery methods. Ice for the boats will all be old ice, thoroughly cured or aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered into the hold, even in the hottest weather, as cold as the storage room. Fishermen are invited to Inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at' no increase in cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality in fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert i Special Easter Service Co. Lid. TFRRACE, April 14. On Sunday evening Knox United Church was filled to capacity with an Easter congregation. Special music was rendered by th" combined Junior and Senior choirs under the direction of Mrs. Adam Crisp, Outstanding Items included: a British Columbia solo, 'Open the .Gates of the Temple." by Miss Lorraine Kenney; a song story, "Matthals-Ben-Ezra," read by Miss Jessie Llewellyn; and selections by the choir "They Tell of Christ." "Have Faith In Him." "Wonderful Message of Jesus." "I Know Thou Art The Christ." "I Would Follow." " O Could Ye Not Follow?" "Calvary," "The Song of Hope" and "Fill All the World With Carols of Praise" Those who took part ln duets, solos and quartettes were Miss Jennie King, Mrs. Staq- . song, naiieiujan, n.enny onum, and Alec Aslln. ! "I am a Little Daffodil." Colleen Commons. Primary hymn, "The Seed," Bet-!ty Hadden. ' Song. "At Easter Dawn," Kenny and Tommy Smith, Alec Aslln and Erlnr Berg. "Glad Easter Bells," Betty Jean Loper. Prayer by the pastor. "The Robin's Message," Ann Loper. Thanks for Spring," Isobel Pai-tcrson. Hymn. "Crown Him." "A Spring Playmate." Thelma Eckland. Song, "We Thank Thee for tht , Flowers." the school. I "Little Miss Bunny." Ellen An derson. Easter Lesson read responslvely. Playlet. "The Message of the Aslln; Leaves, and Marjorle TWa aclverllsement Is not published or displayed by lhe Liquor Control Board or brz lho Government oi British Columbia CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Fhone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. K. BLACK !! ? nnrnnmi i rruro 5 UKLJOlYlAlVilNb J jl Tailoring and Remodelling f $ KIMI UYEDE i Phone Blue 916 203 3rd Ave. 5 Colleen Loper; Snowdrops, Una McClary and Jan-riends- et Eckland. j I At the evening service the text chosen was The Meaning of the Cross." Misses M. and A. Patterson !;and B. Mclntyre sang "Sing His praise." ana Mrs. Busnncid "He is Risen." Communion Was observ ed at the close. j Rev. F. Bushfleld, the pastor, was ln charge of both services. Mrs. Bushfleld was at the piano. The church was tastefully decorated with mottoes and artificial daffodils and tulips. An Easter lily. banked by large geraniums, calU Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNft-ui THl! DAILT NEWS Frtdav a News of Northern Districts i i ; 1 Easter Services At Burns Lake EASTER AT the churches here. r II. - , i t J cwij... sunrise service was held ln the Un-I lted Church at 6:30 ajn. Following this at. 11 a.m. the usual morning I service was conducted by the pas tor. Rev. Bishop Black. Easter Sunbeams." three sunbeams, Mlssesnymns were sun and a m8e de-j Margaret McClary. Jean Patterson' "Y" wT. V 7 .. service Ben Woods Infant child mm re- ana iana usiDerg; russy willows S. and J. Commons celved baptism and Mr. and Mrs. Woods as well as Pansy Pearl received the congratulations of many At 3:30 p.m. Captain Johnson and the Salvationists put on i de lightful Easter song service entitled "From Calvary to the Resurrection." The order of service consisted of Passion hymns sung to action and scripture readings. Opening jthe service was a speech by Chief Ijames Weget. This was followed by a song Tell Me the Old OH Story." Miss Fanny Brown. cloth ed in a black gown, was surrounded by children, two of whom were kneeling, while the choir sang softly the song. Prayer was offered by! llllles and daffodils, effectively ar-RcT BlshoP Black- Tticn followed ranged on platform and duIdU. an acUon n baMd on the hymn The services were well attended. i fine weather prevailing. ley Brooks, .Miss Lorraine Kenney. Mrs. Jack Sparkes. Mrs. A. Stout, the Misses Frances and Marie Hal . Edna Bland and Norma Kenney During the service a reception ofl new members was held and a soloj "I Would Be True" was given by Miss Edna Bland. I The minister took as his Easter, subject: "The Stone Rolled Away." appreciate quIitr''1 JteSI f You vill the rich ,. and rare flavor of this fine hiky . .. vjiJ&SSBLsfvk blended from choice old highland malts. flEP ISHbVvi THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY OX LTD. JywV CAa5 HVESIOTB SELECT WHI5HYgjP 'AH Hall the Christ." Little rhild- ren strewed flowers as symbols of His crowning. There was Scrip- BRINGS INSTANT EASE ' Walker's iMusic Store Larue Stock Mui-Ilclntfman, Nordheimer and l.ejui(r Piano Piano Tunlnt wilb "Rmomiwop" Phone Rliif JR9 112 4th 81 Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery . Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Beiner Block Phone 234 iture reading o! Jesus In the Garden by Henry Wilson In English. The choir sane "Down In the Qar- l'Irrpr,w,TTl7'T A ldfn" 'rhen Petw Mark rcad tne jorus Russell sang the "Pilate Song pirnvs i.kv Anrii u- cpi! Special Services Held In Churches and Captain Johnson read the Special Easter serrices were held' inaian image In St. Paul's United both morning and evening. The Sunday School KITSEQUKLA, April H. Spe-scholars presented the following, $ervkM ww heJd ln numbers at the morning service: Piano solo. Edna Ostbcrg. Easter Prayer, Evelyn Eckland Hymn. "Christ the Lord." "Easter Messengers." Una Mc Clary. Song. "Easter Flowers," Rose Mungcr and Bessie Anderson. "What They Said at Easter iTime," Valerie Clark. M .. i - . . r r. lit. story of the Crucifixion The trr:-vice closed with a short pageant displaying the Resurrection. A silver colored Oriental tomb was plar -ed on the platform. LouUe Weget. n Mttl cjhnl crlrl una hatittfn1?v ' in the United Church, with CapUl to represent the angeL DrM6,d Johnson of the Salvation Arrr.i- conducting the service, a special feature was a Junior choir, robed ln white surplices, which sang two songs to the memory of little Ken- I U If.. I .l J!. J I.... in white gowns two young ladles. Miss Clara Johnson and Miss Evelyn Weget. approached the tomb. As they stood silently gazing at the opened -1 doorway the little girl. In a n U1 a soft but clear voice, uttered the n-nrH ! la Vnl lfr It l Rlun - Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Weriey '. Wlh hefld lhe young wo. uuuicu lilt cuiiuini wiiu uiu splendidly. Alfred McDames led In prayer and Rev. Bishop Black gave an Interesting and helpful address on the last words of Jesus, "It Is Finished." In the afternoon ln the Salvation Army Hall Chief James Weget conducted a united service. An address on the words of Pilate "What I Have Written I Have Written" was given by Alfred McDames. Others' taking part In the service were I Peter Mark, Capt. Johnson and I Rev. B. Black, Special hymns were I sung. Large congregations attend-1 jed all these services. I On Sunday-mornlne an earlvl men slowly grave. departed from the Try a Dally News aMlf!ed vertlsement for best result They Arc ad- New As Spring.. These Smartly Tailored Suits for Younjr .Men WYMKi mamm Wm mm $ i r m si and Moderately Priced, Too 25 .00 HO.OO With Kxtra Trousers Walls & Nickerson Phone 315 50C Tlimi) AVI- NOTICE ! Commencing Saturday, April 15th, our CONFECTIONERY STORE Will Open Until 10:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion y .... ...... t r i nm ni na ii FRISCILIA LANE-WAYNE MORRIS JOHNNIE "SCAT DAVIS JANE BRYAN EDDIE ALBERT RONALD REAGAN JANE WTMAN lltNRY ONC1L Dimt! hi WVL KUCIIUT Ik. WtlKTI MfM Ani)i:n Screen Snapshots Muilcal "Knltht is Young" Cartoon Torky's Nephew" fit ftrtawui' C7 Al 7 40 and i TONinilT and SATlUDAr 2 Shows Nightly ;0 l ) j ooooooooooooooooooooooooooovoooooooooocoocv:c Bauer & Bl ack VELURE" I Vanishing Cream 8 I Makes Hands Softer and Smoother I Vanishes Quickly ! 39c And 59c Ormes Lid. Pioneer Druqtfiats The detail Store Phones: II & II Open Daily from S ajn. till II p.m. Sunday and Holidays from IJ noon till t pm. 1 i.itw till 9 p.m. o i o I ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooet Crystal Diamond- :u t But Uiey only ; ! 1 light KIlHt Owl DlSJi) ! V For tly farkle r, .1 r.;l-' Black Diamonds? A Ton Will Come to You If Voa Phone up 633 Philpott Evitt & Go. Ltd. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVES Steamer Icnrcs Prince Rupert everj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains Iearc Prince Rupert for tlic East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR Tor fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office. 616 "a SlasBlBlaJBBBiaWBBBSjssBBBMaaBaai aMasamBHMKBaMasSssaiMaM If you have something to sell, a classified advertise In this paper will soon let you know if there is a bu) the city, ...I