:1 I. l. Tomorrows Tides pounced by Minister of Labor In Connection with Training 1'Un m'.VA April 14: (CP Hon. p. wn. minister of labor. i at the House of Corfl- 1t;ht inauguration by the a million dollar na-' Uy program at an ti- 'he youth training plan. . j i . j t i iid to combine training .ymrnt with protection , ment of the forests and userratlon. I will be open to youths Halibut Sales Summary rman Toe Removed "usual Operation Is Performed! Union Meeting Is Disorderly Che On May First : VICTORIA, April 14: (CPt-Premler T. D. Pattullo announced today that the by-electlon In Vancouver Centre to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Fred Crone will be held on May 1. It u expected there will be a three-cornered contest with Liberal, Conservative and C. CJ. candidates. EAST GETS 25 ynri of age unem- - COLD WAVE DISCUSSED Freeilng Temperatures and Snow -From Texas To Canadian Border Feels It NEW YORK. April 14:- From Texas through the Oulf States to the Canadian border, the' East has itUtion of Japanese Halibut been experiencing an unseasonable n t reed by Labor Council cold wave. Throughout the Middle w;:h Olof Hanson In Accord West there have been freezing temperatures with snow. In North a . itL a I r a 1 A Sf.. I . xe up at last night's corded and In Chicago 21 above ,.. meeting of the In Cleveland two Inches of snow Tfrt Trades and Labor fell ' Hansen. M P for Fruit crops have been damaged vd his opposition to by the unusually severe April a ; assured the council weather d ciiUnuc to p(m for Mr Haneon also j rlnclple of restrtct- ' r Japanee In halibut 1 f t med the council of 'srte a $1 licence to ! Ins which, since uld be Issued only to - would largely take 'nation. rollre Called In When Windsor Auto Workers Refuse to Hear llonver Martin -.4 at last night's hr labor council was WINDSOR, April 14.-Pollce were uMne nature. President forced inrTene at a meeting of was In the chair and auUmobUe workers here who good attendance of del- fu4wl Rlve a hearing to Homer Martin, outlaw union leader. When Martin attempted to speak, he was hooted and jeered, such a pandemonium breaking loose that It became necessary for the police to take a hand. Then the meeting 68,500 pounds, 7c and was. cancelled. " and 55c. i j.r 35300 pounds. 6.4c . - . - ' : A 6.9c and Sc. American (PROCEEDING dale. 39,000, solng to. nrtmri i. nn t'" ? 26.000. Cold Storage. 72c' 17.000, Cold Storage. i r 000 Royal. 73c and 55c. - 12.000. Royal, 7Jc and rroseeution of Halibut float Melville To He Gone Ahead With Announcement was made hen - 23.500. Cold Storage, 7c today that the Halibut Marketing Board of British Columbia has de-CanadUn elded t0 proceed at Vancouver "' i 8.000. Royal, 6.4c and with prosecution of the halibut ! boat Melville. Capt. John Ivar- f Jarks. 12.000, Cold Stor- son, which landed an early catch .4f and 5c. jof halibut at Vancouver this sea- and 5,500. Booth, 6.4c and son. The charge, concerning the ves-'ik 10,000, Atlin. 6.9c and 5c.' sel's early fishing activities, will be under the Marketing Act. Tne Marketing Board's counsel at Vancouver. Zelgler and Taylor, have been Instructed to proceed. j tpon Preacher In Calgary I ,", General Synopsis Trc,ra Pressure re- r. rALOArtY has had nl d m Q lr amnillaliut TI Vinrf hri.n 1TIa3 Hammctt much trouble late. .'fc hat to do with It," Ham- l? 1nlr(t.. .... j, Weather Forecast mains high northwest of 14 -Rev. H. M. 'ver Island. Light showers have oc- Vancouver Big Missouri. .18. Bralorne, 10D0. Cariboo Quartz. 2.11. Dentenla, SnVt. Falnrtew. Jits. Oold Belt. M ask. Hedley Mi scot, 1.11. Mlnta ack. Noble Five. j01,. Padflc N)ckel. .12. Pend Oreille. 1J4. Pioneer, 225. Premier, IJ3. Privateer 1.11. " ' Reno, M. Relief Arlington, .10Vi. Reward. .02 Sheep Creek, 1.05. Cariboo Hudson, 26. Oils A. P. Con- .16. Calmont, .33. C. 5i E, 1.95. Freehold, .03,. Home, 1.12. Pacalta, M. Royal Canadian, .17. Toronto Aldermac, J3. Beattle. 1.08. Central Pat, 225. Con. Smelters, 4525. East Malartlc 228. Fernland, .04. Francoeur, .18. Oods Lake, 20. Hard Rock. 1D5. Int. Nickel, 44.75. Kerr Addison, 150. Little Long Lac. 2.75. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.75. Madsen Red Lake, .33. McKenile Red Lake, 1.10. Moneta, M. Noranda, 7225. Pickle Craw. 4.75. Preston E. Dome, 123. San Antonio, 1.38. Sherrltt Oordon, .95. Stadacona, .50. Uchl Gold, 1.10. Bouscadlllac, .06. Mosher. .13. Oklend, .08. Smelters Gold, jOIIi. Dominion Bridge, 26.00. ,Itig American Fishing Schooner. Armed Against Japs, Leaves For Alaska 1 SEATTLE. April 14: The four-matted schooner Sophie Christiansen, with forty-four fishermen on board, sailed yesterday for the Bristol Bay cod and salmon fish eries in Alaska. Shortly before th-vessel sailed a do2en rifles and ammunition were taken aboard. Capt. J. E. Shields, the master of the Sophie Christiansen, said he did not anticipate trouble but he remarked significantly that he and his men would be able to deal with any Japanese fishermen who were found Inside American fishing waters without having to appeal to Washington. TODAY'S (Courts) M t) STOCKS JohrtMoo Oo 1 Conacher Wins Puck Game For Boston Bruins TORONTO, April 14: (CP) Young Roy Conacher fired In both goals that gave Boston Bruins a two to nil victory over V 111 IIII1A A 4.ML A 1 & A W IV. LUA II I 1.1 removed In ajcurred on the coast but the eni, Toronto Maple Leafs here last '3 IT-ftCd on rtnrlnff lhi Orpat Thf (J1 om t. tl,. tnt 9 wine iivilk buc iw & rr.-.u . .. . ... - Minn, somier wno naa 10 er has been fair and warm In tne( mght nd put Dru,ns ,ft & interior. three game to one lead in the Prince Rupert and Queen Char- o(jt Qf seyen Rames fnal lotte Islands-Fresh west to north-( fjr tfje glanley Cupi m- west winds, showery at first, clear-- b,fmatlc of the worid.s pro. Ing at night. u fcs5lonal hockey championship. weal voasi 01 vhwuuki Fresh west winds, coludy and mild with a few scattered showers. i J PETERSBURG. Alaska, April , BERLIN. AprU 14: CP An official communique today dis- cloved that more than twenty- five vessels of the German fleet are ports for training 4 Spanish Morocco and Tangier. MARCHUP0N WASHINGTON W. P. A. Workers Representative To Slate Demonstration Atainst Relief Appropriations WASHINGTON. D. C. April 14 A march of 1500 representatives of Works Progress Administration Workers on Washington is proposed In protest at the cut in appropriation for relief work which will throw out of employment thousands of workers throughout th country. May "27 ha ben tentatively set as the date for the march. Irish Seat In Quebec Is To Be Preserved . QUFBEC. April 14 -CPi Premier Murie DudJptW has given his pledge that there will be no abolition of seat in the provincial legislature, largely consisting of Irish people, which it had been planned to do away with. FISHERMEN ON COUNCIL Two Halibut Skippers Elected Municipal Government At Petersburg Ti Two well known halibut boat .1.1 rn A nsJ tAir T-K r crr swell. Langara Island- Broken clouds, westerly wind, 25 miles, per hour; barometer. 30.10: temperature, 42; heavy swell. Bull Harbor Overcast, westerly 4 wind, ten miles per hour; barom eter. 30.23: temperature, 43; moderate swell. Alert Bay Showery, calm; bar ometer, 30.33; temperature, 44; sea smooth. Estevan Raining, northwest wind; barometer, 30.2. Victoria Clear, southwest wind, eighteen miles per hour; barometer 30.24. Vancouver Clear, easterly wind, one mile per hour; barometer, 30.34. Prince George Cloudy, southerly wind, four miles per hour; barom eter, 29.88. 141 Capitol 10:47 a.m. 17.8 ft 23:lfl p.m. 18.7 ft. TAXI f-7 4:48 ajn. ZJO ft. 17:00 p.m. 8.8 ft. Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1930. PRICE; i CENTS MEU ' ;B"LJ j ;; : United States Would Rise To iu ruKLaia; -n w . : f cht: 1"".1.lccl 1U . ... ii.ii.. VmAmrm Prnfrim An IIUOH !' - ' - mediterranean Defence Of American Nations if Aggression Is' Attempted leaving their home niTnpl 4 jn one month's foreign K I Nn A IS off olf Spa'ln. Spain. Portugal Portugal lvUlJ)Jlrl 1U LINING UP sia into a grand alliance a;ainst European aggression is reliably reported to have made good progress today after a long conference between Vfccount Halifax, the British Foreign Secretary, and Ivan Mabky, the Russian ambassador. After h: MaisVT-Hn'if inference had ended, a British poites:nan TNsre t" no reason to believe that Russia may not join the alUanee within the next few days.'' Other reiwrls mid that the British were proposing military staff talks ainon? Polish. Roumanian, Greek, French and British GREECE IS SATISFIED Gratification Expressed Over Bri tish and Trench Guarantee Against Aggression ATHENS. April 14: Jubilation Is expressed In Greek government al circles over the British and French offer of full protection to Greece and Rou mania in the event armed regression An official statement Is expected today from Premier John Metazas expressing satisfaction of the government. Checking Up On "1 Route Of King Anderson of the Hazel H have; Taken in Saskatchewan to En-been elected to the city council of sure His Majesty's Safety Petersburg for the coming year. Peter Thompson has been elected REOINA. April 14: (CP The f mayor over Knut Thompson, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police jwell known fish buyer. ,wlU co-operate with the police or ' the Canadian National and Canad ian Pacific railways in conducting TODAY'S WzATHbR Ja close check-up of the routes to, I r., a ,. I be followed by the King and Queen j Prince Rupert - Cloudy, north-(whUe m SaskatcheWan In cohnec-' west wind, 12 miles per hour; bar-. m tour flf ometer 30.18 frlslng rapidly i; tern- ' perature, 38; sea smooth. Triple Island - Cloudy, west TV Jpm !,.,. Afn I southwest wind, 25 miles per hour; ! 1 WcCuSUlUlrb tl C CAQ rAllBrl DeadgTree Point-Clear, south- Wplf 01X16 In SoO west wind, five miles per hour; bar-1 Jometer. 30.20; temperature, 42; light j Calls It Criminal and Sounds Warning That His People Will Match "Force With Force" if Effort Made To Subvert Institutions WASHINGTON, D.C., April 14: (CP) President polish. Roumanian, Greek, French Franklin D. Roosevelt today pledged the United States to and British Military Experts defend the nations of the American continents against Get Tojether ; attacks. Irom overseas by means of "economic pressure." London ApriTn- CP) Bri- j Speaking on the occasion of Pan-American Day, the presi-tih efforts to bring'soviet Rus- dent added his country's pledge against economic attack Makes Pledge PRESIDENT KOOSEVELT Proceeding With Ecstal! River Mine Vork Now E. E. Mason, superintendent of the Northern Pyrites mine on th; Ecstall River, was In town today from the Drooertv. At oresent there Los Angeles Is Going Strong In Baseball League LOS ANGELES, April 14: Los straignt victory in the Pacific Coast Baseball League yesterday by defeating Portland Beavers 16 Western Ontario Town Accords lie- to 5. They poled out three home ception to Their Excellencies iruns in doing so. Seattle Indians won over Oakland Acorns 4 to 2 SAULT STE. MARIE, April 14: '.while Sacramento boat Hollywood (CP) Returning to Ottawa alter 10 to 3. their trip to the Pacific Coast, thei Governor General and Lady ...... Tweedsmulr visited Sault Ste. Will Ka I lIHpcf wane, mere u a puuuu tlon after Their Excellencies had been shown around the town. Strike Of Movie Workers Looming LOS ANGELES, April general strike of all Veteran To See King In South VANCOUVER. April 14: (CP) William Otto will be the oldest vet- ! eran to see the King when His MaJ- 14: A esty visits Vancouver at the end of technical May. Otto is ninety-one years of workers in the American picture age and served In connection with Industry Is looming. -the Fenian Raid. 10 earuer pieoges 01 aeience againss military Invasion of Pan-American countries and Canada. Also, without mentioning names. President Roosevelt disputed the claims of Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy that they were being encircled by pointing to i methods by which United States retained peaceful relations with Can-; ada and other American nations. The chief executive called aggression criminal and cautioned that Americans would match "force with force" If any attempt were made to subvert their Institutions. FEARS JiYAR- IS SUICIDE Los Angeles Boy Takes; His Own Life By Hanging After Dreaming Of Battle LOS ANGELES. April 14: Evidently despondent through fear of war. seventeen-year old Buddy Merrill took his own life by hanging himself In the garage of his home. Rising in the morning, he told his mother of having dreamed that he had been in war. He ' appeared to be much agitated. Re- turning during the morning from classes, he complained of feeling IU. He went to the garage where later he was found hanged. I ' I are twelve men emoloyed at the F I fVf C A DD the seasons development and this crew will soon be Increased. Work will be concentrated this season on driving the long tunnel IS WINNER Welsh Heavyweight Given Twelve Round Decision Over Red Bur-man in London I LONDON. AprU 14: (CP) Tom-;my Farr, Welsh heavyweight, outpointed Red Burman of Baltimore in a twelve-round bout here last might. I Daily Train 4- J Service Here Is Advocated OTTAWA, April 14: (CP) O. Turgeon. M.P. for Carl- boo, has asked Hon. Clarence D. Howe, minister of transport, -tor a dally passenger train ser- vice on the line of the Canad- lan National Railways between Jasper and Prince Rupert. He Is of the opinion that the Can- 4 adlan National would share to a much greater extent In tour- 1st traffic if there were such a service. . 0