ifBS PAoE TWast November li. ,hj Dim mrwi Horn trp'-uimslmtJti IM'ROVtD fOKMULA AlKAllNt-SWItTINS THI STOMACH Follow Up War Vith Peace And Real Goodwill hi H O Funslon urged his con- iti First Presbyterian rtsterday morning to give ould as friends of Jesus In .Ms stood. It the freedom Sailered 11 Tun fp)m BRONCHITIS Twa Bottles of Bocllei'i Mlitire Cleared it up. CWi yu maVa tha mutaka ef trying "alraoM everything " (f you hare brenchitit or lough hang-on colJ. Bant fir. by tha prince of Mr. R. Suphanion, Oneway, Alia. Here it what Mr.Strphrnon trrttttt."! wlfefrd from bronchiiit for 11 year, and triad almatt everything without relief. Only two Votslea of Bucklay'a Mitture vera nttJJ to c Uar it up. aufkUy Mixture it a grand remedy for retpiratory ailmant. It tha cough almott irutaiuly, eofiena hard phlegm, awi breathing, claan your head, mW you feel fina, Don't experiment. Buy Buckley i. OVER 10 MILLION IOTTLES SOLDI :9 dkl aJA BBBBsVi adequate distribution must be attained, Moral values must be accepted as of transcending ance. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Feero an ... . i t Kp your fuel cost down to minimum thh Winter by usmg -tested coal that gives you more heat and lesi .waste. Wespec UHst, In picking coal that glm the most heal tot iht money. We'll gladly help you pick a grade that will burn efficiently f In )our furnace, kitchen range or heater, give you more heat, and Me you money. Just phone 118 or 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd MacKenzie s Furniture Card Tables Undestructable'' Card Tablcs-Beautlfuly finished CO 75 Spanish leather tops. Priced at "! .: a Phone 77S School Observes Remembrance Day Special Program at King Edward School lA By Mhs E A. Mercer An appropriate membrance Day tosfc Flanders Fields," nee of Re Edward School on ratty with trie principal. MIm E. A. Mercer. Hi charge. There ware two parts tb the observance. In ttt first part the children sang tile eworuses "Irtj Store Second and reeple's Store Third membrane Da- do'-a'lon. fiec-ond if tli" TIM I to UmDalliir Store an fhrd to the f eaple'c Store. Honorable mention was made of the window rf )fi nllemY s' ; ' thtnvinr ahnnt AttttrH the nnpe after payiii? a and also the Canadian War Memor ial. units, that took,iiin .iba v r nounce the engagement of thelrUnd even the menlorfad to theTiors youngest daughter Venetla Jewall efl mice. birds and other boast.-! to Sergeant Oeorge Madlll, young-1 whose lives were sacrificed for Uie est son of Mrs. M. C. Madlll of.un.M at the war "were all of in-' k.; to be retained by the Prince Rupert, the wedding to take i of the present war was Pce December 1 tt i ..awed up and taken full, 1 b i . ? or principles of peace it's the cumuatle effect of ad- dw with plenty for all by vertislng that counts. Enterprise Coronet Range H I nlrrprUe Coronet uteri ran-e has been built for thtwe who nnl the UrM and late-t lira steel ranee t hlth ajuality. But) la there that will traiuform )r kitchen. lieanty of bal-nct of flnhh, of color rich porcelain enamel, tiarhling chrome trimmings, Illark bae and the red touches en the dial ther-metn all combine to give an effect difficult to equal. You Can't (la Wrong With Dtlerprle ood Allowanre Tor Your Old Range on a Trade-in ELIO'S FURNITURE TIIIUI) AVENlin PRINCE lUIPF.ItT lerest This nrotram had a very spe-lal appeal to the children to whom in the past the Peace Tower must have been a rather uninteresting and impersonal part of the Parliament Building but. in light oft the present war, took on a special significance Store Window Winners Named Ordeery, McRae Bros.. nrin Ha vm. ' s OrottC. Wa!lacr and Annette's. I Reference wa p.lo made to thrl .aniiuin iti: -mrii;!'i ;lh:m v-j.$ not m "O'nnetttjor O J Dswv, hitvlng been lartely respnMble for Ihlt. i Five thouimno Rupert neopl 'eftrl the rHlv News Tt ohv lo let thprn k-pow what v' five to el amu maiarT rum iwirTTv "P.alld It. C. Payrolls" Why The Vacuum Seal? LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt nd courteous Phone II Taxi. tt. pi nrtllnsr Associatirwc meettat? wtiuam crulckshank returned' The Morning AfterTaking Carters Little LiverPills uieca Miss Molly K. writes asking: "Why Is Pacific Milk va:uumi packed? What difference does a It make?" Here is the answer: Merit Air destroys the flavor, so we H. M take the air out of the can be- M fore we put the milk in. Only H. Pacific is packed ln this way PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Rob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q & S Grocery Phone 318 COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 w Vance's Home Arts was snnounc-1 terior. I ed at the Canadian Lerlrm Arml- , tie Nht banquet n havins; been I John A St mbratcn we'.i known; the vAtmtr oi the window c'lunlarjnorlhrr.i rii'.-.iina ' nan. betr comoetttlon !n conrt e,-t ion wtfh Re-' known amor;? th? m ains rrater- n:ty as S amp'-ae i.ri;iv wa nete nbsasd the, Prjntfs Sorflji jrester- Jay on w..y toc to Whlte-aors- .'tr n two months' trio auth far as the San Francisco 'xposl'ion. A. W Tew,!vn general a?ent for the Union Sip.imship Co at van- ;ouyer. rrivtd in lilt city .on wie Cardena Friday nhrbt frtm the uth. stiyin over until Sunday night vr-en h -it)f"t OTi the Catala n mike V rcund trip to Stewart., rrt'jnv'u he-p I'M niesnay on umv bnk Vancouver. O. A McNirholl. general passen-, er nent. Canadian National Ran-; wayc. Vr".toirvar, and Walter Hate- ly. grene r.il frelijhVaeeHt, fVr mak- nsr the ir'.p north from Vincourerj to awwt and lf? on the- -fPrtncP Bvxirt, rft Friday ev ening's ffiih fnr Jasper Park en--route-back to Vncowver. Theyj were eccompanit ri by W. H. Tobey.' dlviiirnal sperintf:ioent here, and' Peter Lak;r, c'.ivis.jnal freight and- passenror a?.eit. Hotel Arrivals Prinre RuMrt gpfflpwasgaasw NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A NOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $(.00 up 50 Rooms Rot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone SRI P.O. Box 196 R. E. Eyolfson CIHROrilACTOR rhonc BLACK 318 210 Klghth Avenue West Bowling afternoons and evening' Max's Alleys. it. Mrs. D. C. Schubert, who has been tavwi.tt a oj.. Max's Alleys. Team , on a vacation trip to the Okanagan ce at King i representatives please attend. (24 j Valley, returned to the city on the Princess Louise Friday afternoon h- mv mi turda aiftemoon'': Private C. Clark, who has been rot fmm brief trio to Terrace !on duty here -with the Sixteenth Canadian scoiusn. sauea ai ine "Tftad Softly" Chorlps Graham, inspector oiiena oi me wee jui and "O Qod Our Help la Agri Past' mim v sailed yesterday on tne; i iniikMiiii 1 1 i i ri Tnrin a ir.o vo umj: iiru .huu, . lit auutiivu vu v, vwvmpib - . - t I tng number. "O Can" and ' Ood (Save the Kimf." Mis Meeeer spolep jon the MnifUanct f 4he poppy I and noppj- day. whsH v artght be atiin rft.ti-w ti nf.'icia emies. ronaer oi me tocai uim oi ture. FRESH H I Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer n. n u u.nwtnn MtHraoH tn ', Rpwrve left at the end of the the Cry cn Saturday night'e train v! ;it to Terrace in hh cacar'ty as u : strict aeputy Grand Miister of the Masonic week for Esquimau naval barracks to report tor duty there. Dr. J. H. Carson, who has been . i . I .a. - LH,ny,a Hn t Cln T f 1 Ci n The second part toelc the form ofilxlge rT" Peace! an d elsewhere In the United States an illustrated tee Tower at Parllwnent Buildings. Walt?- H-.warth. who left the fc-4f city for several veeks, returned to the Th. r,un nf th- twer flnd. moreU erarle of ywrsaRo for Vn:ou- city on the Princess Louise Friday i-.i.. .u. ,:t.,vpr rnurnpd to Chr ritv on the afternoon. Mrs. Carson will be re of the conception and workman-l Princes. LouLe Friday afternoon turning later. .Mh .n.Mct rh .oithIwlfn a view to n - bating here. of detaO in the memorial chamber 'Mrs Howarth rcrarned a few weeica with the remarkable reproduction j ago of badges of the various military James Franklin, assistant baggage agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway at Vancouver, was here aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning going through to make the round trip to Brigadier J. T. Gillingham, div isional commander of the Salva-Jg tion Army tor Northern British 5 Columbia and Alaska, and Mrs'jj Gillingham. after a two weeks g visit to various corps in this dls-.g trict, sailed by the Princess. Norah 1 2 yesterday on their return to theit headquarters at Wrangell. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince .1 ' - Rupert General Hospital was held FMiy night in the hospital. Bus- C. Ii. 8awlc, 'puiSiaiur d the Om- Haze tan. t " "a - iuuw..c tt,olrt ueraio at new Ufw inose preaeni were O. P. city. He arrived on saturaay; "" " "' L . , .. h wi .tnniiti.R- E- Benson, Dr. R. G. Large and 1 reveal Sectors: H. W. Birch, to ne ta the - managlng secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady superintendent. SHRIMPS Boat W.S.L. Daily at 4 p.m. TKOTIER'S DOCK Announcements All advertisements ln this colli run will be charged for a full month at 2& a word. Eagles' Bridge November 15. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 15. Vaudeville. November 17. Dance, Moose Hall, St Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. Country Fair November 24. St. Andrew's Dance, Nov. 30. Burrell. N Laftgham and! catholic Tea, Mrs. Hanklnson's Hvi-. rt:v r. w. wewtnan, November 30. stcvpiisiin. H. w. Brown, D. McX.jte B Br. Masecar and! United Bazaar December 7, A. Kny Vancouver: D. C. Steohenfcn, Niumimo; C. H. Sawle. New Ha7?lt--n: M- and Mrs. John McLean Pnrt Frt-ard; R. Moore. Smithers- Dr C A. Armstrong, :port Simpson: Otorge J. P. Broh-man. Edmonton: A. M. Vlnograd-joff, Seattle: K. Hart, Everett. Lutheran cember 9. Circle Bazaar. Dc- THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert NAVAL DANCE MUCH ENJOYED Armistice Night Party Draws Crowd Of Two Hundred To Headquarters of R.CN.V.n. President and members of th wardroom of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve entertained Saturday night at a delightful Remembrance Day Ball at naval headquarters, about two hundred persons beuv; naval and military officers now stationed at Prince Rupert. Exce!- lent music was furnished by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra. Delicious refreshments were served. This adTertliement 1 not puhllahed or diaplayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the GoternroeM of British Columbia, present. Receiving the guests were : . Lieut. O. O. Stewart, commandln?. 7"..'" I 7 Mrs a A Arms trtm d officer of the local unit, and Mrs. ?r W. H. Tobey. Prominent amon!a ia ragni vy u their return to Port Simpson after the'. of those present were many a visit to the city. C. L. Youngman, who has been for some time In Vancouver, re turned to the city from the south on the Catala last night. 000000KK00M0O000CfcOao00HKH300 The Rexall Drug Store 1 GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonierral Prizes Given Away 8 For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 13th Rules Governing This Contest May Be Obtained at Our Store Boys and Girls Make Sure Your TTamo is on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows Ormes ltd. 3fu Pioneer Druqgists Tbe Kesall Stere Phones: 81 A 82 Open Dally from 8 a-m. till 10 p.m. SaiMlan t4 Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. . 1 sun. till 3 pun. 0O0O0OOKOOOOX0K0OO00O0M0HHX0O00O PICTURES OF QUALITY Not cheap nor yet too expensive our new stock of framed pictures reveal the finest craftsmanship coupled with good taste, beauty and appropriatness Classic Miniatures In pairs. Pair ... $1-25 Marines and Nature Scenes $1-25 to $4.00 Florals A large range Including miniature placques, the new deep set style, raised surface and modern. From 20c to $2."5 Pictures Are Excellent Gifts For Any Occasion Easily Wrapped for Mailing Attractive Stand Frames In new styles 25c to $1.25 A NEW SHAVING MIRROR Round type with magnifying surface on one side, Ideal for electric shaving, ordinary mirror on reverse. Special 40c Be sure to see our .line of fancy gift trays, many beautiful patterns '5c to $5.00 J. H. BULGER!) Optometrist Royal Bank Rid. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY POONB S57 12 r mi I 1