Tomorrows Tides s:;viii No. 75. 9:12 am 18.8 ft. 22.05 pm, 10.1 It. 2:42 ajn. ML ft. 15:33 pm. 5.1 ft. m 4 m 'a 'Hfc. MMk M IT w DTIMKM 11 X ON PLAINS RUNS HIGH IpiUtion Over Pralrlet Above Normal mil sear .TO March 30: (CP) u;; and winter precipe j j M S. Alberta ond 8a$ train grower prepare . .ding with optimism-. high as last year. On, : a d. Manitoba farmers, those in the eastern' t.e province, look for1 r inset a moisture ae - t m account jww ian more westerly prov-' v with the snowfall. ( that. In most dl-' ;; probably hold normal moisture to be available at; .e winter. In eastern .ni August to Feb-' ,c precipitation was' below normal. M teorollgtcal Office rnng the seven-j August I to February " at precipitation was normal for the r taken as a whole, katchewan led with 40 percent over the ' d with 14 percent j-1 year. Saskatchewan re-. of ffx percent. " he corresponding " 33. while former net in the south-a deficiency of only m pared with six "'ar r;ru all reported ;.bive the normal al-ii north Improvrd ir In this area the t ed to 10 percent ii three percent. Tlie last year up IS bark to one percent vuth the difference " n marked with an percent. As against ! deficiency rntlster-"ba. the western dls-s 'nal precipitation. j Monthly Analysis t 'if the Mcteorologl-tnnnthly records shows - .ii August was below all areas except nor- 3 f ntral Alberta and M; Tiitoba. In September the same applied In 1 a: id most of Alberta, i ' .her hand, more snow, 1 amount of snow fell In ; southern Alberta and ' and southeastern 8as- n during the period from tt to February- Southwest-iu'. hewan was the only '1 which the snowfall of1 - January and February I nbly below normal. In " rpnths the excess In south-: A.bcrta was 30 percent In r" -i Alberta, about 10 percent iithern Alhprtn npnrlv SO TK (' In . I . . , T" percent in the southeast. Mil-. , . :. ManiioDa mere was an Pr'3bcr precipitation, which or- ? -r-'y has the most chance of P'j frn7.f!1 InlA it,. tr.,.-enll . . MlbU VI1V f . Hj.-OV.I IW '""alnprt,t I1 ...In fras about "io ocrcent below -' m western .Manltboa. 65 iL "icin, m eastern Aiani-imt . Prnt In northern Al- land b 1vii.riiL in rpnirn f i nnr. Pjatihewan, On the other hand, cre wa; an excess In rVLnhor nf W ent In snnthnrn A1hr MVS wm Hi- in nnrlhnrti RnclrnUUA. me FINAL BULLETINS HALIBUT CASE APPEALED lly way of tperlal case. J. T. Harvey hat entered appeal ' to Supreme Court In the can- of the halibut boat Bayvlew, Capt. Han Vedte, which was fined $100. with cargo of flh. confiwated Ut year for flhlng in Area No. 2 after it had closed. Appeal It on the groundi that the regulations are ultra vires of the International rhheries Commission. The appeal will be heard at 1 the Supreme Court Auites opening May 10. CEORC.E HILL ROBBED Yesterday afternoon shortly before 3 o'clock George Mill stepped out of hit thoe ttore on Third Avenue and crossed to the Itoyal Itank to get change. He was away about fire minutes and, on his return, found that his cash register had been robbed of tome (50 or $(0 in bills of K and upward. Silver and $1 bills were left. The matter was reported to the police who are DOMINOES WIN VICTORIA Victoria Dominoes defeated Vancouter Westerns 16 to 36 last night In the fifth and deciding game of the provincial men's senior basketball championship series to enter the Western Canada final opening here nest manth. STEAMERS RELEASED SEATTLE Withdrawal of pickets permitted the resumption today of Alaska steamer movements but Maritime Federation of the Tacific officials reiterated their determination to block northward shipments of talmon cannery supplies. RAISES GAS TAX TORONTO Premier Mitchell Hepburn announced today that the Ontario gasoline tax would be increased two cents per gallon. CAHLE CAROL WED ' KINdMAN, Ariiona Clark Gable and Carol Lombard, two of filmdom't best known luminaries, were married in a surprfoe ceremony here last night. A High School principal and the min-fiterTwlfe were the only witnesses of the ceremony. Both Miss Lombard and Gable were to report back to Hollywood studios for work today. Gable received a divorce from his former wife two weeks ago. AGREEMENT APPROVED OTTAWA The new Canada-L'nlted States trade agreement was ratified on second reading by the House of Commons vesterday by a vote of 168 to 32. TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver Big Missouri, 52. Cariboo Quarts. 2.33. Dentonla, .tttj. Falrvtow. 1)6. GoW Belt. 33. Hcdley Mascot, 1.24. Mlnto. .02 tt. Noble Five. .02 Ui. Pacific Nickel .12. Pend Oreille. 150. Pioneer. 2.47. Premier. 2.06. Privateer. 1.10. Reeves McDonald. .25. Reno, J9. Relief Arlington. .10V4-Reward, .03 V4. Salmon Gold, .1H4-Sheep Creek, 1.09. Cariboo Hudson, 20. Hedley Amal., .03 Vj. Oils A. P. Con., .18. Calmont, .42. C. d E., 2.15. Freehold. .03 ty. Home, 2.45 ask. Royal Canadian, .181. Toronto Aldcrmae. .35'4. BeaUlc, 1.16. Central Pat., 2.38. Con. Smelters, 52.23. East Malartlc, 2.48. Fernland, .05. Francocur, .23. Gods Lake. .22. Hard Rock, 1.22. Int. Nickel, 48.75. Kerr Addison, 1.73. Little Long Lac, 3.10. McLeod Cockshutt. 2.06. Madsen Red Lake, .36. MeKcnzle Red Lake, 1.17. Moneta, 1.08. Noranda, 77.25. Pickle Crow, 5.00. Preston E. Dome, 1.31. San Antonio, 1.56. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.10. Aged Man Dies At Port Simpson Albert Smith Dies On Saturday And Funeral Held on Monday last at his home at Port Simpson of Albert Smith, 76 years of age Lawrence ln 30 winters for fencing purposes on Wolfe Island near here Father Anthony Meulcnbcrg, nnrfsh Driest of the Roman Catho here. Stadacona, .56. Uchl Oold, 1.25. Bouscadlllac, .06. Moshcr, .16. Oklend, .09. Smelters Gold, .01 li. Dominion Bridge, 29.00. NEW BOATS REQUIRED "Our halibut fleet Is badly In need of new vessels. In fact, more than half the fleet Is worn out. New boats, however, cainot be built until higher prices carj be paid for the catch or it becomes possible to market fish which Lt now thrown away. The enormous;' waste must be eliminated before the fishery will again be profitably" Such was one striking statement made by Peter Sunderland of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental SUtSn in the NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1939 German On Troops Polish BIG YEAR FOR GARDEN ACTIVITIES ! course of an address before the Prince Rupert Gyro Qlub yerter- Horticultural Society Expects Big day. Mr. Sunderland, .during the Show This Year With .More nast year or so has been delrlnz Classes Local Plant Sale rather deeply lno the rvWnrv of the 141 Capitol TAXI Macey's Coffee House PRICE: 5 CENTS Land Calls To Dominions Concentrating Frontier; Britain Strengthens. Navy,Air Force Italy Not Very Wei! Pleased With Daladier's Reply to II Duce and Dispatches Quarter of Million Troops to Unnamed Destination LONDON, March 30: (CP) Representatives of the British Dominions were called into consultation tonight with Sir Thomas Inskip, Dominions Secretary, as reports reached London of German troop concentrator along the Polish border. The German army has not been demobilized since the occupation of Czechoslovakia and reports Aid that the heaviest concentra- The Prince Rupert Horltlcultural tlons wcre towards Danzig on the . sfjirsJt ; s?s??r or: HONOR FOR 'relate in an irtrotJn nri lait niSht ln tnc CM Hall, de- here was the possibility that Oer- I JLY ;Phlc manner the developments c!dcd hol lhe, anhnual "?w" many was attempting to dissuade which have taken nlase. since-ha U- fhW l a Umef,t IsUSfn PolUh Foretgn MmUter Beck from. but fishing had 1U Inception on the ,also .Ttln"!!!Ide" llnln8 tl PrPd anU-aggres-; cnlarly in ... IIKIV II lhT H fill rSIA 1L IS I1ULTCU IAJ Smh H the credent dav. wrtl- ". " " . 7 ... . ,u" with Great Britain. MCNICH0LL i. . ,k. -.((h a lurair . . ... . . . Prrvnlftl With Cilt-i In a . m . awiv a " A-. ry M t- hnnrp sinn -KTium vnirn np wi.i " - ...... .-..v ww.-w M ITO OI DOaW .. . rA , fV, H.n . . . " . . ". ... R,n(in Recognition of f I t?,l1. "'ic " """ iscuss frime Aunisier wevuie and methods of the fiahtntr el 1m prlze. there was a difference of chamberlain and Foreign Secret-.,ti.?21hB'?; lli ji ml a ht itu mt " 10 Whether. the ry Lord Halifax on April 3. . j mould be lor stncuy amateurs Mr Sunderland but there was a . taniL remain who help mptoyed no or fd dlscUM aIfalr. skipper-; who had operated on both stems and hooks fashioned from wood, had caught halibut long before the white men started fishing on the Pacific coast. It was ln 1886 that word reached the Atlantic coast that halibut were lic Church at Stewart, sailed by1 abundant on the Pacific. Two year? the Prince Rupert yesterday on later three schooners set out for his return north after a brief visit j the North Pacific, sailing around uape norne to commence iisning off Cape Flattery. The first ventures with salted fish were not altogether successful. Indian canoes and Columbia River boats had been at first used for the fishing, dories coming Into use ln 1895. Ear ly methods of unloading the dories were elected as follows: He leavss to mourn his passing 'fjI Honorary President. Hon. T. D. . a cn on the Pacific was. If an thing, i-AKib, ...aicn nt: Spokesmen oi tne riencn gotfenuneok wart pieasuie tne QcciSion oi ine criiiiu guverameui, w aouoie lannt. lit nuuuu iwai .w..u.6 . vor g OUk ail ttuui itw grandchildren. The funeral took mre r'8rUSrtth "J a""' Honorary Vice-President. h n boate and Place Monday. Rev- T. C. Colwell and, J A,der man w h at- officiating. Pallbearers were Uken ' Jhe 'h P;'J Hq vice-President from the Young People's Educa- Hanson, M. P. tlon 'Association and the Port ftsher,ff mustha,? .UI!.Mfj 'Jl President, H. F. Pullen. Simpson Band led the funeral pre- " ,u"c" " , Vlce-Preslflent, C- G. Ham cession. Those who sent flowers ''"" 2 m,: Secretary - Treasurer, lan to the present . time canoes included the Ladles' Aid of the Wame vists to tne colors and dispatching them to an undisclosed destination. Daiadier's reply, winch stated w J that France would stand by the Long Railway Service VANCOUVER, March 30: Back in 1889 Georje A. McNicholl. now m2l j.!?1"' fl as in th past. It Is possible that 0n HoU9e of commons Pre- Bcncral Passenger agent, Canadian existed today Brtttah Columbia sea- Bn open claM may be made as mlfr chambirlair intimated that National Railways, traded his ser-washod shore of 7.000 mll. owing wel, as two strictly amatei-r the Navy and Alr Force will r TV " T, J. masses expanded like the territorial army bays and f ords wlch formed safe A grtat impetus will be given to vhlcn to be mcreased to 340.000 and accessible harbors alwig which the gladiolus exhibit this year by men and within the territorial limits to the presentation to the society by j CANBERRA. March 30: CP which there were fish ajul mam- willlam Oalr'ot 33 prizes for dlt- jue MVernnut of Australia has ratto ln greaterbmrt4tr& IKsn tent dj,- -xTdLP p ot Smpil-anywhere else In the whole world ln the show he is offering fifty registration oi man power There were some people who be- bulbs, twenty-five of Picardy and and a measure of legislation to put licved that fishing was an easy way twenty-five Commander Kohl. For jt jnto effect win be presented to of making money but this was by the second best he offers ten Tip Parliament, it Is announced by no means the case, particularly ln Top and five Miss New Zealand prtme Minifter j. Lyons Under latter years, said Mr. Sunderland, and for third prire ten Polar Iw n,e pjan tnere jj De a roster On the whole, deep sea fishing was and five Stuttgardla. f mcn eligible for military servtr" a long and hard struggle and there Another prize siven by Mr. ,n ine CVent of war. were few wno got rich at it. Tne Galr lor tne jtreaiesi numper m France Is Pleased North Pacific halibut fisherman, rolnta ln the show Is $5 In Bums however, had one advantage over for first. $3 for second and $1 for those of other places. They had third. good food and many of them had The smaller prizes are for varl- ... . . . .t.iu. A ae frfVtwt nne vessels not Decause mey naa ous u -o u.u.rMWriai aimy strength. Tns made enough money to build new Bst dark and light blue. Best ue , lt ti ones but because they looked af- wlmon red, best scarlet, tetj- ter the ones they had. ardy. best white t,": vwu nauuu. Ly .upvemacy best dark red best jellow best Mr. Sunderland expressed the op- P.-Iialy inlon that deep sea fishing off the "1! L"? FStl- na ma tne rep.y oi Premier . l Pacific Coast was every bit as dlf- ouam iadier to Premier Mus Mr Galr for The death occurred on Saturday l" WS! . X' Honored jAjjHPjl G. A. McXICHOLL Franco-ltauan agreement oi i . Ol0f which Italy has repudiated, that France would not yield an inch ot vices for $150 a week in his home territory or one of her rights and town of Montreal, filling packages that the next move was up to of candy for the slot machines oi Frank lta,y was mucn stronger than had those days. He never collected his n Violr, flin-o the KnolptV il Kale half .been anticipated here. salary. e quit at ine raa oi hip of the dlesel schooner Innovations Winslow.! Premier Mussolini today real, first week to Join the Grand Y P. E. A. Mr and Mrs. Joshua utlveMrs, R. M. M'Ka Mrvrnv and famllv Flora Wilson and Improvements had been made . . c j N firmed Itaiys Intention not to re- Railway and the boss held out for ,nd to bring about easier and less dan- un.- main a "prisoner In the Mediter- two week's notice or no salary. Mrs. Agnes Brentzcn CEDARS BY THOUSANDS igerous conditions but the dangers 4""' ' d chu'ies Baiag- ranean." II Duce made this state- The second Job lasted a lifetime Jof the elements had been by no "rcu u ment while Fascists studied with to date and officers and staff of- ti t j U.. iU. A HO. t . n , i ii. cmuvh ... ti.uil.. fiolnltv MVAml rAmiiri t H vaf veeinrriav -rrlv nf- of. I means eliminated nor had the deep . Tf orronirnrt that in nffler UUimui I jcillici "Jiaui" o ..v.u..j . o j 'sea fishermen's life been made an .nPrpa the "facilities for those' Vlrglnlo Gayda, leading Fascist ternoon when they surprised the . easy one. ! . , v-ri. editor, summed ud Italian reac- general passenger agent In his of i'i.i,n. .... o ., ... iu. T.l f ta onH rtroxmtpH him wilh n ,..w . mnt History ui i'""s ,i. . -rorli!,U en tprf tn the lion Willi llic ttciuun iiiak u- .v.t f..... - '.back township farms of Frontenac the halibut fishery. Mr. Sunder county. 200,000 cedar poles have land stated that Indians, by crude been drawn across the frozen St., means of lines made irom kelp IU . vw -j . ; , McNicholls completion r inext Saturday ot 50 years' service T Hungary's Plan to the tore which w forme ly T"stSTi Canadian National Railways BUDAPEST, March 30: (CP) -With Thlrt Avenue on Saturday. April The Hungarian government has ; "d Its Predecessor companies Of the half ) century he has spent 32 8. Those with gardens who have decided, with a view t0 reaching a; the Pad lc Coast and spare planU are asked to donate settlement In the dispute with Slo-' yrs n of these ln Vancouver-consisting two-thirds them for the sale and a committee vakla, to concede to Slovakia aj of Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow, portion of the south of that coun- j Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton, Mr. Balagno, try In return for another portion William N. Kelly, inspector for Mr Miller and Mr- Riffou was ap- which had been taken previously. trie BrltUh Corporation, marine pointed to have charge with pow- in recent clashes between Hun- underwriters, arrived ln the city er to add to their numbers. The garlans and Slovaks. It Is stated on the Prince Rupert yesterday to sale follows the usual Good Friday that 25 Hungarians have been inspect the steamer Prince Charles gardening activities. killed and sixty-one wounded. j which Is now undergoing annual A general discussion of matters Czechoslovaks Hopeful overhaul at the local dry doct. pertaining to gardening took place. CHICAGO. March 30: Former j - - President Edouartl Bencs of - - - - er There being nt Ice plants on Czechoslovakia Is planning an ear- Slovak patriots are being organized fhP efvait at first. Ice had been ly visit t0 Europe- ueveiopmcnts wun a view mj restoring me Into the mother ships and the Icing brought down from the Interior In at any time may mean his depart- Czcchoilovaklan state at some fut of fish were described by the speak- '(Continued on Page Tim) re at snort notice, uzecn ana ure w.