FOR MEN WHO CARE We Carry a Wide Rane of Styles and Weights in the Finest Shoe at its Price in Canada Finest Fitting Lasts Dependability Plus Style. Priced AMILY SHOE STORE III The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCL UUl'EKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue II. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Paid In advance, per week .12 Paid In advance, per month - .50 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion , .02 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations! DAILY EDITION WESTERN HIGHWAY ROUTE 1 With the. arrival in the city of the full text of the report on the Alaska Highway Commission meeting in Victoria, it is revealed that Prince Rupert's member, Hon. T. I). Pattullo, was present throughout and sometimes took part in the proceedings. One of his interjections 'was that he was sure what the United States Congress would do about the highway but he was not sure of the Canadian government. He also said he knew the coast towns would like to see the coast route followed. One of the interesting statements of Commissioner SpenceT was that a thousand miles of highway through Canada would have to be rebuilt If it was continued through to Alaska. The Premier admitted that this would be necessary. Congressman Magnussen of Seattle was the mst outspoken in favor of the coast route. He expressed the desire of towns like Ketchikan, Juneau and Prince Runert for an outlet. Ketchikan neople look to getting through a mountain pass to Stewart, a distance of 21 miles and connecting with the highway. One proposal for a route is to nass through Atlin and White-Iiorce but to sidetrack Dawson. The eastern route through Fin-lay Forks would mean passing over a summit something like 4,500 feef ainve sea level but, on the wiio'e, that route would be cheaper o construct and would be a Hivl'tlv thnrler route, While it was said that it was up to the Servants Only In Cycle Clubs LONDON. July 29: (CP) An advertisement in a bicycle magazine has .brought an end to lonellne&J for a. number of domestic servants. In 930, a butler, fond of cycling, advertised In a magazine for domestic .servants to form a club. Miss Saturday, July 29. 1939. EDITORIALS Canadian Commission to decide on the route yet the American members will have mwe to do with the financing and it is the iinancing that really counts. If the Americans want the coast route and are willing to finance it, there is nothing for the Canadian commission to do but recommend that route. Mr. Mag-nussen gave it as his opinion that the advantages of the coast route would easily outweigh the cost. Several parties will examine parts of the routes this year and by fall a fairly accurate estimate of cost can be made and submitted to the Canadian Parliament and to Congress at the next sessions of each. COULD STOP THE WAR i The United States and Great Britain can stop the war in China ' if they wish without any military intervention. They can starve Japan into submission. Japan has I no oil, iron, copper, lead, nickel I or rubber. She does not even have the raw material for her factories. Most of the materials needed come from United States with Great Britain the second best source of supply. According to a report of the foreign relations committee of the United States Senate the United States supplies Japan with 91 percent of her trucks, 41 per cent of her pig iron, 93 per cent of her copper, 60 per cent of her scrap iron, all of her gasoline, 48 per cent of her machinery and engines. Canada is also a large exporter to Japan. Let all these sources of supply be closed and the war would end tomorrow. PLAY FAST AND EVEN Fine Display of Football Between Velvet and Navy After opening exchanges which were even in Thursday night's Oil huly Cup football game between .nin.. ... ,1 ........ nl,.,rt,.rt nMiF.0 BOARD AND KOOA1 BOARD, Good home cooking, 814 2nd. Avenue West. tf CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited, The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benylwah House, Win-neba, Gold Coast, British West Africa. tf. FOR SAU? FOR SALE House and lot, clear title. Apply owner, 236 Seventh East. t HELI WANTED day there are 100 members dlvlrt- WANTED Woman for housework ed Into several groups. The club's chief object Is to promote t'jod friendship among domestic servants. In many instance! young men and girls go into strange cities and towns to worl;. "If they are members of the club " said Miss Leigh, "They are assured of meeting their fellow-member3 Martha Leigh answered the call ne6S antj the members are much and eventually a club of six mem-! contented ,n thelr work ber was formed but it dldn t last j loiyr. I The London group has no head- . Last August Miss Leigh decided ( quarters, They always meet under to try again. Before starting on, the arch at Hyde Park Comer, a, cycle' tour she advertised and re- Only domestic servants Including cejved 25 replies from maids,, but- hotel employees are eligible to lers, footmen and chauffers. A Join. The fee is one shilling to Join neV bicycle club was founded. To-land half a crown a year. STRONG Girl to do all general housework and cooking for family, of four, modern conveniences in house. Apply Mrs, J. S. Nelsori co Hudson Bay Co., Port Simpson. B. C. (178 WANTED at Smlthers, apply Dybhavn tt Hanson, 315 3rd Avenue. (176) LOST LOST Fawn and black Angora kitten. Phono Oreen 922. Call 332 7th, East. (176) PERSON AX of either sex. In this way tonell-lBE READy TOR EXAMINATIONS. ness Is banished and friendships spring up. This makes for happl We have helped hundreds to obtain positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks and Stenographers etc. Free booklet ot information M. C. C. Schools Ltd,, Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. tf. YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba. tf. J; Argentine Eyes Velvet and Navy, Dickens got across - . - a centre that Baker brought under' I 1 f Pnlfi i iit YVltlC 1 U1U " U1 control and beat Morgan with a, good shot. Pickens. Just after.: made another good run and Mor-' Canadian gan did well to fist his centre away (poned, rain. Horn Soutli America Captain Sees Possible Team dangerous shot and later drove In 01 1922 when Montreal-born Lewis another accurately but Vink clear- Lacey only 10-goal player in the ed. Ferguson missed a great op- history of Argentine polo led a enlng and OlllLs was just wide, squaa aoroad to capture both the Velvet was now pressing and Cam- English and American .champion-eron dropped a centre across that "hips. finally came to the foot of 01111s ine Argentine players ore not who drove a terrific shot Intn tho Willing to rest Oil the fame of the iTrapshooters Are Active Burnett, 20. Wright, 18. Crerar. 17. K. Fulton. 13. Scott. U, McRae. 10. W. O. Fulton. 10. Brueser, 9. Bryant, 9. Ward. 9. Evltt. 8. There will be ;radials Will post- QUALIFY Meet Faleoiibrldge In For Dominion Soccer Championship Three Games Bowling Last - Night At C.N.R. More Races Model Yachts -I top of the net to put Velvet two Olympic championship they captur- ,,,a" u,d At La Night goals up and end the scoring for ed at BerUh Wi. Laeey. now 'r Kve,u 0,1 Aujust 6 the game. says constantly improving strain - in me second nan uryant cen- Ul ",c 'fwa mwuia give me rjie Chie business at the meet tred well but Gomez headed clear. Argentine another winning eombin- jng 0f prjnce Rupert Mode; W. Gomez crossed a good centre. atJn yacht Club last evening was com- Eby and Armstrong were defend- 1 won 1 ay "at we have today pletlon of the arrangements for Ing strongly. Morgan saved well tne Player to beat the American running off the race for the David from Dickens and then fisted Cam- team, which to my mind is the best Tnrid tmnhv Thi i ninneH eron's high centre clear. Baker PoI outfit the world has ever seen." for Sunday, August 6. The race passed to Dickens whose good try rald Laeey, "but we have some com will commence at 3 p.m. Just after just topped the bar but Dickens ers and Uh Jmoroved sticking and the Cnnnrltan Nntlnnnt mnmr missed a wide open goal from Bak-Ibetter horse, they will toon be Prince Robert docks. The course ers pass Just after. Chrlstlson 1 ,,cara iron. wuj be the same as last year. The passed to Bryant whose centre was Son 01 an English architect, race is a handicap event and en-met by W. Gomez but his shot was Ley moved with his family from trie will he accented at the dnek took a grand corner that Davles 1 ,seven Boals. headed clear. It was mostly Velvet's game but Navy kept trying and Chrlstlson, Bryant and Armstrong were always qul:k to break away though they found the Velvet defence very strong. SYDNEY, N. S. W.. July 29: CP j Australians are drinking more, beer but less spirits, a government j report on alcoholic liquor cons-: umption shows. In New South Wales Baseball Scores American League Chicago 1. New Yoork 2. Detroit 0, Philadelphia 3 . Cleveland 0, Washington 2. St. Louis 11, Boston 6. National League Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 4. Boston 7. Pittsburg 1. New York 4, Chicago 5. Philadelphia - Cincinnati, by Jarvls McLeod and Trevor Jol;-ston, and by Captain Paul Armour, j .assisted by Bert Ward and W. O. Fulton on the occasion of the las. L . . , ' Prince Oeorge Cup race. Thank r Local Trapshooters Out Last Night Were lso expressed to Captain' , -Some Good Scores Made Harry Nedden. W Smith, Inspector I , r-i Eleven , . I . Barber and Chief Petty Officer local trapshooters were instructor Bird for their osslst- oui at me range on fane Avenue. ance. 1.1 5 f AVonlnrr onrl ' " wcc. I Canta n J H Plfprt will h In' charge of the David Todd race. 1 INDIAN SOLUTION KARACHI. India, July 20: (CP) Dr. 1. 8. O. Dubash of Karachi claims solution of the ancient geometrical riddle of trisecting an 'angle without use of a protractor ' . a . the method described In a pam-1 a shoot between i,i ts.i...i 1 ...... -... V A .-11 Uil UIIKIC MIIU ' ,1, , - . n, . , Philip, the Gyro and Rotary Clubs early ther con,tructlo.u." next week when some close com-; peuuon is expected. : t uini:h.w, Airt ! Notlrr T ltlliuiirut ('-iwnr Tit John W. Alilrn and (lunilrr Ilirkr 4uil of hmillle. IVnthliigtou, I). Ht ,V WIIEHlEAfl tlxre are owntr Mutt than myatir to lle ci.teni of im're than one quarter intrrmt In each nJ II of Ux HUr No. 1, Star No. 3, Btur No. 3, iUar No. 4, Star No 0, BUr No 6. Btur No. 7, &mt No, 8, BUr No. Ui FinaLi and Btar No 10 Mineral Cltlm attuatai on lite nortli tUU ot I ti reiver Uliikl ' In Chtamci-e Humace iut 500 tt I from the beach In the Bkeena Ulnlrvi i u u mum, rroYu or uraun uxumblt: WINNIPEG, July :-Vw!pJ'3rLK RadlaLl qualified to meet the tf (he mm cS tlUTM being your Montreal Carsteel team In the g3PfrUo ? t,"fS??tu,,'5 !qulr!rt r i i ., . i . , . for the jreara 1B37, 1S38 and JB39 hv Dominion soccer flnaU when they, section oa of the Mineral J r. s. drew with the Winnipeg Irish last night three goals to three In the third game of the semi-final series. The first game between these teams ended In a tie, two goals to two, with the Radial? taking the second same two goals to one. Carsteel won the eastern finals, defeating Faleoiibrldge, Ontario. D. O 1B3S, Onapter 181, togaUier with all xwt of ihla notice, to th under-lifted, the reglatered owner of n'.a Mtccral Clalnu, your Intereat on aald Mineral Claima alwll b torfeUd and becorne vested In Um underalgned whi rna made the required expenditures. DATED at Prince Hujjrri, 0. o. thU 8Ui day of July, 1S39. I! B. BTONEY. TIMI!i:il H.l.i: X2I93H Hie softball jjames were called T?",? JZX?. ft Off last night Owing to the rain. not Inter Uun neon on Uie 20th diy I of Beiptember. 1038, for the purchani FIJFV TFIlltV MFJMOIIIAI. t Wcen X34038, to cut 30.083,000 SMALL HYTIIE, England, July on part of Ttoilber Uctnun sup, 672P 20: (CP) The National Trust is nA 8"p C"! J" ,nUt-taking over Ellen Terry's hous3 WJk Skt ..k,w.3 In Kent, Including the famous-fr removal of .timber. Barn uarn Theatre ineaire, l lo nrcserve preserve u It as as n. n, particular of tlie Chief For- victoria, u. c, or' niatriot For-national museum In her memory. lguri pnoce itupert, bo. Sportsmen Of Two Countries Unite In Plan Non-Profit Company Checks Mortality Among Wildfowl With Aid Of Western Provinces ' BOSTON. Juty 29 CP- When a wild dock and her braid were found on ft Bswton street they weren't killed and thre was nojgebat i about what was to be dofjF with ihm- there Drobably would 1 Appreciation was expressed of, rar the assistance given by Ocorqoj j Bryant with the Harla. osslstc - have been in urevious years. In- 'full of interest. Baker and Cam-! BUENOS AIRES, July 29: lCP- Three games were played at the sieaa un-y eron combined -nicely but Eby Undaunted by the United 8tates' C.N.R. greens last night when the local memoers oi wie cleared. Halg now came on for the easy victory over the best British following imuIU were obtained: Iservatlon group known as Duck vn-Navy and showed flashes of his oldPl team in years In the recent George Hill beat Roy Wlnslow aU limited who sent them to one oi ine itimp ahllltv Morean fUted Cam- Internationa tourney at.New York, to 14. nrewim prterc r - D ....... m -.v IU. leron's high centre. Smith was dan-ine hard-riding caballeros of the Jack Preeee beat Louis Arrol 33 auu wnerr gerous but F. Gomez stopped him. Argentine are dreaming again of a to 12. ! McLeod headed away and Vlnk victory pver the Americans. Tommy McMeekln beat Dave Dor i punched Smith's shot clear. Christ- Tne pololsts of the pampas would land ad to 18. lison lust missed. Halg headed In a ,lke t0 repeat their triumphal tour greatest wildfowl eontervatlon program attempUd 1 being carried out by United State and Canadian soorUmen. Ducks Unlimited was formed about two years ago by a group of farsighted sportsmen who were alarmed at the rate of decrease in the supply of wild waterfowl They formed a nation-wide, non-profit organization and sought to reverse the trend Already. It l estlmatrd, the group bar Increased the wild duok supply by approximately 1,500,000 bird through the protection and rrcla motion of 168,000 acres of breeding grounds In the central plains of Canada. The work was carried on by subrcrlbed appropriations of J 1 ,000.000. Plans for the current year call for an exoantlon of the program to include the Improvement of an ad dltlonal 600.000 acres of breeding ground, toward which approprla tlons of about J 125.000 have already been made Canada was chosen as the spot Just too high. Vlnk cleared f rom ; Montreal to South America as a at the Royal Canadian Naval Vol- Ior l"e Dentation's program be-Davles. Eby blocked Glllls. W. Go- chlld- He has captained the Hurl- till one hour before the start. jcau"' nU,n trea of Alberta, mez and Smith were dangerous but higham Club team, current Argen- till one htu rbefore the start. kati:hewan and Manitoba, and Parsons cleared nicely. Eby head- Une champions, since the turn of Handicaps were arranged by A. J.i h northwest territory, were the ed out a good try by Greer. Glllls ine century, and Is now rater at Croxford and approved at the s,u h " onhr remaining .jrood meeting. Those not already mem- wlimowl wewiHw grounds on this ibers of the club may enter theirleont,nnt- Th five-year wwam boats at the R. C N. V. R. headquarters on payment of one dollar club fee. I The handicaps are as follows: Saraeen, scratch boat. Invader. 1 Ivanhoe, Rupertla, Sheila. Vag rant, Tyee and Annie J.. reelv fhree minutas start each. Th Saucy Lass and the Mary Ann't anuctpaw spending KflOQSXX) in work on th central Canadian ofclns. whl-h are considered the nestln nlace of 80 ner cent of thl continent's wild ducks and geese. ovnusizi: patient MEljnuRVE, Australia. July M: I JkA WAV I I (TtAJMMM I I CQmmjicM&m I L. KXIU I H-'M J EVERY PUNCH A PLEASURE Thousands of clgar-whe smokors enjoy this rich, refreshing fragrance and satisfying flavour every day Smalt CnJ't i'aiiI ti$r. Get Plinth it your tittUt'i todty Jg5 tWci J - CIGAR TO HONOR I'lONIXlU 'PRETORIA". 8ou!l V CPi The Univ. iui'i An erltl dinui tia u receive five minute start. It is oki i . . ' ...., kandeni ateking K mZ-" aeeldtnl but the P01""1 'Voortrekker Un.v, Istand will have h an entry f for thU;biir a hnn, thaf nad trfd ,o (y (l Uji fUlfuj. race. Inmn lumn ,.vor (h hr r.f UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamerji Lear frince Rupert for Vancouver T.8.S. CATALA EVEKY TUES- TJJJi, CAR I) EN A MIIUAT, BAY, 1:30 p.rn. u:jo p.m. Due Vancouver, Thors. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, Meae Prcbae Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tlcke From FRANK J, SKINNER, Prince Rupsrt Agent, Third Ave. Thone itt CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental TrunH.At!antic ' Trans-I'acific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way PorU SB. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m To Vancouver Direct SfJ. PKINCE88 LOUI8E S.8. PRINCES8 ALICE July 5th, J6th. 26th juiy but, 19th, 29t;i BE. PRINCESS CIIAnLOTTnJiilv Mnrl Anir 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific 8c T'cket and Reservations from W. L. COATES, Usneral Ant, Prince Rupert, M.C SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer lrnvc Prince Hupcrt every SATUHUAY, 7 ,m.t MONDAY, 3 p.m. TruiiiN leuve Prince' Htipert for the Eot AHmilajr, Wfilneaduy, l'rilay, 6 p.m. PuuHcupcr Kxprctm FRIDAYS, 11.00 ii.m. AW furea, etc., cull or tfrite City TichvL Office, 52R 3rd U' . v -t 1