PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENCASHMENT KINGS, WEDDING RINGS, imOOCIIES, RRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. we nill make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $12.50 in $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Rasemcnt Store Max Heilbroner Birthday Party For Island Boy Diamond Specialist Visitors See New Boothbay Lobster Pool i SKIDEOATE, July 29: Mrs. Verner Douglas entertained eight Maine Rearing Station Built At .children at her home In Skidegat? Cost of $20,000 Draws Hundreds recently In honor of the fourth For Inspection birthday of her son, Alvln. The table was centred with a lovely BOOTHBAY HARL-OR. Me.. July birthday cake and the children en- 29: (CP)- Hundreds of visitors joyed a variety of delicious re- have been attracted here by the :freshments set for them. Little establishment 0r the new lobster Alvln received many gifts from rcarlng pool, built at a cost of the children as well as from rela- about $20,000. tlves and friends in Vancouver. in if out -Own 7tont If&td To paraphrase i popular lyric of yesteryear, " You'll find the vacation you prize, under your eyes, right in your own front yard." British Columbia's great hinterland offers everything that les for a memorable vacation. No need to spend half of those precious free" days travelling to end from a vacation centre. Just load up the family flivver; or hop on boat, train, or bus, and . . PRESTO , . in a few hours you are in the very midst of what a whole world clamours to visit. See Stltiik Columbia 7it5t. 1 VCTOfiU CANADA ine project was completed by a Works Progress Administration grant. At present the capacity of the station Is 294 rearing tanks each holding 3,000 lobsters. Only one hatch Is expected this year, operations being conducted only through June. July and August The system eventually will be enlarged so that there will be 500 tanks, which would mean two and possibly three hatches a season. The plant, operated under the 24-hour basis. Is under the sup erintendency of Warden Thomas Kinney of Rockland, operating with Thomas Dorr, head of the federal plant. He also has a number of assistants trained In lobster culture. When the seed lobsters arrive here they will be taken in charge by Dorr, The eggs will be allowed to hatch naturally and then will be taken to the rearing station where they will be raised to tha fourth stage, or what Is known to the lobster fishermen as the "sinking stage.- Many of the eggs never reach the fourth stage, the expectation being that about 25 per-.cent of the eggs hatched this year will reach that degree of CTowth. If the present experiments per temperature are a success It is expected that several million fourth-stage lobsters will be the rcTulf. said one week he hauled 110 traps cn one expedition and got only 30 lobsters. Five thousana Prince Rnneri peopie reaa the Dally News. It pays to let them know what you have to sell. August Clearance Sale AT ELIO'S 1 Only 3-piece Chesterfield Suite CI AO Clearance Sale tJ)lUu 1 Only 4-piece Bedroom Suite CCQ ffA Clearance Sale (POtltuU 1 Only C-piece Dinette Suite QEQ Eft Clearance Sale e)t)Ut)U 2 Only C-piece Breakfast Suite Q1 E A Clearance Sale ?uJLDU i Only Kitchen Uaiigcs Clearance Sale 55, $85.50, $89.50, $95 ELIO'S FURNITURE TIHKI) AVENUi: Prince Rupert boats MINISTER'S-WIFE CHRISTENS LARGEST NAVY S CHOONER 'DETECTIVE The largest training schooner In the Empire's navy is shown In the upper leP afV; I had been christened the Venture by Mrs. Norman Rogers, wife of the Federal Minister of Labor, at a little shipyard on Nova Scotia's Acadian Shore. Three thousand farmeMLihermen f the shore watched Mrs. Rogers 'upper right" as she broke a cloth-covered bottle over the hull of the vrh Doner. The ship, built by men who have been making fishing schooners for years, is a replica of tne famous Nova Scotia Grand Banks fishing schooner Bluenose. speed champion of the North Atlantic fleets. The Venture is shown in the lower photograph, riding gracefully alter the launching at Meteghan. Waterfront Whiffs Canadian Halibut Landings Heavy as Closing of Area No. 2 Impends Alaska Seiners and Trollers in Warfare Tennyson's Voice Moves Listeners LONDON. July 29: tCPt- Poet Alfred Noyes described listening the other day to Lord Tennyson reciting some of his own poems z- "one of the moat moving ex-, perlences I have ever had.'' I Tennyson has been dead since 1892. His voice was heard Iron records, never heard In public be ,!iore. fore, made made In in 1839 1839 by hy two two men men With nth .... . lay-over periods . , . between i trips , . suspended , , and sent to England from the united Vlishinir in r:itcriP na ninVlrUr no nrc ji'Kln nrini tn tlin States bv Thnma FrfUmn lh tn. rlnsinrr tnnirrhf nf trio fisViinnr ennenn mo f'i- -ic Arnn Ma 9 ventor. w - uv a "o yj 1 1 .j am aJ a, a a . i a vy m is concerned, Canadian halibut landings at Prince Rupert,Jrfd fn. fV, .,,i: ..,i.. it. .....i i- grandson. Charle a- t i .... Tiir ic ii n sTTiP ar Kinpni w HPrnru . . . ... ... ov 'he poet's ,ftS5efSfUBg rLHt,cr ,hcavy sss thc.h,,Tri. "J, of 472,600 pounds brought in bv thirtv-eiirht boats. This an nudienre nt nhom 3n m. brought the total of Canadian ; ; of the Poetry Society in Aldworth landings for the season to date up a C0UPle r hou" or t by the Maharaja of Baroda's ln- on ner return w Vancouver ana ni with 4,031.350 pounds at a corres- waypolnta. She U calling back nt forceful characterltlc ponding date last year. The Am- "" v"i'e ior a quan-i- wtu TcnnVflon.s luiuv.iuii a volce vuice pounas as comoared with 3.288,250 .t.o t ntaU unc aunot inougni nc was in the pectively. , . oi of last last year vear according aecornintr to tn figures ritrnreii mn-n room pound a year ago. Despite heavy landings of the week, Drlces held up. The too bid of the week for Canadian fhh was 7.7c ' and 5c. which which the the Rose Rose Spit Spit received received for for 14,000 14nnnnniinric!.nH oounds and tk.tnn,i.o. the low 6.2c ..j and ust Issued by the fisheries depart-. "I think that what Impreaseo ment. On the Skeena up ta July rrC mort was how Tennvaon's voir- a me eaten or socKeye was 45.- brought out the rmon In the know what disposition Is to h 9.41.,caseS: " aainst 36-9l2 at a, 'lnw recited from 'Maud.' especial- madP of fh thc, u... similar aaie lasi year, un iihi'v mesc: Commissioner Arthur R. Oreenleaf 5c which the DAT. and Joe Bk-r "Jh 10,284 , C!LtV d"l 'ould her and beat, assures them that thv m ..: were nald fnr A nnn nH 7 nnn nnA. aalnst 8595 last year at the; Had I lain for a century dead. divider! ns Pvntwa. ..iki. .n.nitf .' - -u .u e Springs taken on the the DrodHeta T77 SV rcteJvea lor caicnes or " ine but cnums are Typical of the nlltht nf m-m.!?.' lobstermen Is the pxrvnn,.p nt 00- 12'00 and 38.00 Pounds res John Wood of Pleasant Island who and 5c which a number ol boats The total salmon catch for the were paid . There were forty-seven j whole coast Is down considerably over me same time last year, the round 'total bclnz 176.757 cases acalntt. trip passengers aboard the steam '204,862 cases last year. er i-nncess Aaeiaiae wnich was in I port last evening from the south. If 1 17 Among them were newlyweds, Mr. ! lllClUCtlOn L QT arid Mrs. R. Thompson of Vancou vcr, on a honeymoon trip. Open warfare near Juneau be I New Minister tween herring seiners and salmon1 A T f 1 trollers Is brewing again after ill DUIT1S Lake years of Quiescence. Trollers, an-j gered by the operations of thresl . large herring seiners working in LT ' hwi " 5" the vicinity of Shoap Point. are'VhT 7n at Du u ke for making plans to squeeze the bigger, .Currch, craft out. One trailer. It was re-.'?.ev: Adam Cr,sP J? T.ucsay eve I ported, laid a rifle beside his " n .7U" vc . gurdy pit when a seiner attempted Xlrv wi u to steer him out of position to j fa"btf,l by make mom fnr hrrtSnina ,,.f Rev- J- T- Burchlll of Smlthere.i trouble '"B clergymen were Rev. J. was averted when th,i seiner steered of. Trollers sari rx"u'7 "Kc anfl "ev- that seine boats have not opera- ,nf, Z 1 l onuinefrs' ollow ted for herring In Stephens Pau-'SL .",?e!l, :age for many year, but schools of.S. ine 01 .un aic iuw uctjuiinin; 10 P pear there. Betty Borland. Bettv Wilkinson tot cannery points, Union steam er uaraena, capt. John Boden, ar Helen Hmu-n Aurlrav Uatlrlr,.n.. and Mrs. Watklnson. who hav been camping at Mm. Barclay's cabin at the Salt Lakes for ti rived in DOll at 6 O'clock fhUlnaet tu-n ti.ou. ,ratnn, -Jmornlnpr from the south and sail-Jon Monday. "That seemed to me most nn. proprlate to the occasion as Ten nysons voice has been silent for half a century. It moved me and everyone there very deeply. The down slightly. Cohoes taken on i audience stood partly In the poet's the Skeena oxecna this mis vear year numbered numbered! I studv study and and pa narHv in iv.. The low price of the American imerican fish fish was 75, 7.5c T 4-4"'Cascs hT agalnst ST. I !S pack, where he died. week for me very clarity, precision and truth to nature of Tennyson's pwiry were means by which he achieved his magic, because in get-ting nearer to tho truth of nature, he was getting nearer to the ultimate and mysterious realitw in which nature Is rooted." THE SEAL QUALITY HSSS GOLD SEAL Fancy Ited Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert TALE HERE Basil Kalhbone Head Cl of Te lloun.1 oi the IJaxHrrvillfs." ! Sherlock llolroeV Best , I -The Hound of th- Bakervllle." lUmou' 8herlock Holmes story with Basil Rithbone playtns the part of 'the ureal fictional sleuth. U the of to n wfrp erlcan landings for the Dresent sea- ty ,r canncd salmon and will also sIttir - Mr N to lhe New son 10 aaie, inciuaing 285,000 w ' v.w... , nromcie. 'ths th whnle thln; pounds brought In during the past fne arrlvfs at Vancuver fhe 'l";made a tremendous Impreaslon up-week.' have aggregated 5583.700 be. ..carryine a caPacy !oad. lni-n me. The Intonation and cad- oounds pounds in In pomnariwn comparison with with i 4.234 . aaa'"on to passengers. She haiVncp. of Tmnvn-. vi 900 pounds last year. The grand total of landings at Prince Ruoert 1 , .. . . tn.w tV.. n . n .ammaa on Doara 36 round trip passengers. Wn where the record, wpre not (defective and some mimiim n or. The sockeye ' pack on the Skeem so clear .v. and so w well wen rendered uimvire that msi iii warming me water to the nm-t1"' "lc now lu.isz.yuu . feature offering at the Capitol Theatre here lor tonight only. f literature' nvrtt entiling and shocking mystery storfoa. this has tnn considered one of Sir Arthur Con an Doyle'r rcntet tale and Rathoone Is said to lv a fine portrayal of the central figure. Richard Oreen' and wend mr-rle are c-frt'ird af tta romantic inter wh'l Nll II ' piav 1 Uie uart of Dr Watson. Also plav-tnc Irrnnrtart nn't r I tnnel At-L will. John r"rrrine. Reryle Mr-low and Ratnh Forbes ) In "Th Hound of the Baiker- Wer." tfc detective nit his cunning axainnt that of n cUnt nn-tarthlv bruit that roams the shrouded Enllh mw with bls- Ihk eves and bared fund terrorising the countryside, atlkin hror Into the hearts oi two young lovers and leaving a trail so terrtfv-lns: that only Sherlock Holmes dar es follow. " "The Hound of the natkervill' ' w ti it.iu TRAVEL BARGAIN TO SMITHERS LcaviiiR 1 1 :(H) a.m. nnd 0:01) p.m. Fill DAY, AUfiUST I Final Return Limit , TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 TONKIHT Comlnr MON.-TUi;S. (Jeori? IWnird sr- 2 Complete Shows, 7:10 f.g Sir Arthur Cnnan l)0,,-, "The Hound Of The Baskervillcs" With HASH, llttlinoM A Sherlock llolrnn ltrhst fSreen Wrnaj lUrrle, Nlel Urtine (At 1:0$ am 10 It) I'lut .Mirmn, wiMir n -W.rU TO Bt R.V (7:00 and 9 "!J) HID ...... ... imiuncii ui 4' l is double-billed with -Sneed t bn the Prince Charles - r J Burn." a romantic hnrse racing day last to spend the r r liira HtHh llUk. tt'k.l. f. - . .. ... . ""MOT wnn or so - vuiung ner oxu & Bari. Marvin SUnhens. Henry Ar- son-in-law, Mr and W trt i-n'cs; unaaaier. ninney Fisher. Summit Apar ninrlrmer tnH rhA.lA. n -t. . - - w.n.iT's uiuii nrjc wrrr lour s" r - it wmona- mow in ieaam part. the one houw rcT' r f couniry nome. me t'rowwayj " FUher Four Generations In One House At Queen Charlottes aunng the visit of Mr p r& wrs. o. uarum arrived home tn her home-Mrs Rl ; , .H... , vvt:iiUiiiH a nrr aaugmer. Mrs, it -rT,v ct ne Kuesi oi wr ner granddaughter Mr- P r-- tMil tlu nt a.wk Ak. . 4iiu mrs n. AinnuMn ai tneir ana her creai orniH - '.. .u $5.70 Return Fare From PKINCE llt riRT Children 5 years and under 12 HALF TAKE Good in Coaches Only.. No Baggage Checked Canadian National v.v.v.v.v.v.w.vvvVvvrtvvvwvvv Smoked "Rupert Brand" j Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator I Canadian Fish S: Cold Storage .... . C n 1 1 i inMCC KUpfrt 10. Ltd. British Columbia - COAL drain Tccd Sccdg and Fertilizer PKINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 651 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll Proprietor "A HOME A WAV FBOM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot A Cold Wster Prince Rupert. B C Phone 281 P.O. Box ! Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY niONE 657