r tr July 26, 1939. Swain I salllng print Alice Vancouver. She to. Mrs. Lionel Holtby It leaving on forjthc Prince Charlea this evening nn iot Banean tuver camo far a ,jr the trot three month's holiday She U aecom : Mn and daughter- panted by her son Gwln, daughter ,i Mr. U A. Hwaln Monica and nephew Bonny Thump ,-t. ton of Ban Francfcteo. I iupatrtek who has Mr. Oeorge Peters and child will u'-on trip to Van- sail tonight on the Prince Charles .aid elsewhere In the (or Oueen Charlotte City where to the dty on the they will spend the next week visit ....tie yastefday after- Ing with Mr and Mrs. T. A. Stew art. BARGAINS IN Used Furniture 3 Sewing Machines S7 0 - ..m. up 2 Drcsacw Large size mirrors. 89.00 .arl'i 1 Washing Machine In good condi- QQ 00 ion. Special ,, loyal Typewriter- 15.00 I Odd Oiwterricici Couch-' $15.00 Kl s Urge Size Carpets Qg Off . v 1 rum, up NEW FURNITURE 2 Cast Iron Cahin Cook Stoves 13.95 Uhe-sterfield Suite In tapestries CCQ Aft nd Velours. Special, per suite u Large mwortment of Unpainted Chests and Modern Huffets, It will pay you to come in and look over our large stock at a great savings. B.C. FURNITURE CO. 1'honc HLACK 321 Next Door to H. C THIKI) AVENUE Clothiers You So Longer Need Deny Yourtelf and Family The Enjoyment of a radio in ererj room $14.95 IW.Uf.1 imM pU.U "M1 1 Just look at theso foaturcs! Powerful Sul SuprrlifUr- StwuUrtl llrolfM IrtfluJ- 1yn. Yirtrota Plug In. Yei, Uli n HCA Vlflrnl tuAmenl yu tan pUy Victor lUrurih throutli lli "Little 'Nipper". in plire lnJ. AGOC apertlUu. Comport yu rn eilly liolil.it in your liil Mttli M nitty ' rrinod'oni. LinLE NIPPER-The Uh1 Badlo with the Big Nome! MacKenzie's Furniture Simmons Felt Mattresses All Bizes. $7.50 Each v s TIIIIU) AVENUK Vbon' 175 convicted on an assault charge and fined five dollars In the city ,ollce court. In the city Juvenile court last night two boys were sent to the industrial school at New West minster for an Indefenlte period. Mr and Mrs. p. P. P. Bird anj Mr and Mrs. O. T. German are eaving tonight for a two weeks' vacation at the Dunes, Tlell. PA6X THRE Tin daily nem LOCAL NEWS NOTES daughters spent the past two weeks visiting at Sangan Blver Hoy Thomas Prince Rupert couver. Is sailing on the tonight for V&p- Edward Marsh was this morning r Man in the Moon ' Of course It's a got,d momu Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's, tf For prompt and courteous ser- ftmj a ntfe day. We have nothini Mrs. Paula Pearson and two vice Phone is mxi. w. nere. Mrs. O. Baggan and child sailed jve he wants a lob with last evening on the Princess Ada- piy 0j pay ftn4 rfot too much lalde for Vancouver. work- If he were younger I'd seui 'him the following advertisement Miss Hetta. McLeod U fcavlng 03 from ft British newspaper You the Prince Rupert tonight for 'can guess what part of Britain t trip to Vancouver. comes from: j Miss Dorothy Wilson and Mis "Wanted, Boy to work in general Barbara IloDe are sailing tonight, aiwrv ttnr in email town and 'to Join Uie Girls Camp 8t Tlell. jearq to be o shoemaker Musi have passed matriculation. One Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. W. Ft rno can help milk the cow and Love and child are sailing on the pfcy m the band preferred. Musv Prince Charlea for a holiday at! be youth of clean habits: cigarette Tlell. I smokers need not apply. Boy who 1 understands Diesel engine and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Miller, with fordeon tractor given preference their two daughters, Betty an.l users of intoxicating liquors and J Ellen, are leaving tonight for a profane language will not be con-holiday at Sangan Camp near iidered. Boy who gets this lob Massett. . must not be too proud and artsto- D A. Macphee returned home on cratlc to mingle with the livestock the Princes Adelaide yesterday af- Mr. and Mrs. a. u. Mcwan ana and chickens and help out In the ternoon from Vancouver where ho daughter Shirley "sailed on the Car- kitchen now and then. Tenor sing- attended the tournament of the dena this morning alter a-visu nere cr who Is a good fast bowler win UrlUih Columbia Lawn Bowling As- with their son and. aaughter-in-ttw find this an ideal situation. Must oclatlon Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunn of Tacbma arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from the south to pay a week's visit here vlth Mr. Dunn's brother. Joseph Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke McLean. Old Land Women Weddinp; Aliens Have Champions Mrs J Perry arrived In Prince r?nn. on ih. Artiirt vMtirrifi LONDON. July 29: 'CP' British n(t.. .nn r.nti 4Hns women whc marrv aliens must 10 her Barents in Victoria and will wait until the next Imoerial Con- furnish board and room at 2 IPs jroceed home to Naden Harbor ference for a decision whether they u you will mow the lawn in your n the Prince Charles this eve- will have the right to keep their spare time.'' nlnr ma Itoal Washington. Prince It u pert J E Dubberley. W. II. MacReth Vancouver; C. D. Dawson, viciorja. Pr N Eusenla Barney, sonora, Cat.: A McL. Duncan. Shanghai, China: 8. Elliott. Dead Tire rouu. J. Perry. Hy. Announcements All advertisements In this col-amn will be charged tor a full month t 15v a word. Lutheran Tea Inland's August 4. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" and Better. Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar November 3, MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY The Pioneer Store In town carrying a large and up-to-date stock of Box Chocolates Chocolate Bars Candles Ice Cream Soft Drinks and Mix-ereFresh Milk and Cream-Cakes and Cookies all kinds Fresh Fruits In season Serving Coffee Tea Toast-Sandwiches and Fancy Ice Cream Dishes Sodas and Milk Shakes Open 8:00 a.m. (o 11:00 p.m. be early riser and not afraid of work. You will work In very healthy climate with beautiful; surroundings, fine fishing, game and flowers. Horse to ride Sunday .afternoons. Must be good sale-,man. Apply In your own handwrit- Ing, sending photograph with three ! references. 3 a month to begin with for a live wire, with chanc buy Interest. .Employer can nationality. Women' organisations all over Japan says she wants to estab- The equipment used at Kelowna Britain, supported b peers and llsh a new oider in China, that n and Okanagan Lake In connection commoner, are aettatlng to ob-'the reason for her activity vith the completion of the barge tain a reform of the nationality In other words the Japanese hipped there from Prince Rupert law whlth makes freneraof Brl-.want to orasr tne cntnese arouna U now arriving. Walter Hume. tUh women, who marry foreigners, n their own country. who was In charge of operations Lord Alne, sponsor of the British j at the lake. U expected to arrive Nationality and Status of Aliens' Tourist to local storekeeper: home Monday. Bill which came before the House They teU me thte town is on nn of Lords in July. 188, is forming a Island. What Is the name of the Oeorze Crtpps. provincial asses- committee of pectr 2o '.aid the istanar sor. arrived In the city thl morn- movement. i n on the steamer Cardena after Lord Alness declared the sole ar-' Imakliu? an lnsoeetlon of Some of sumonr anlntt the Bill WM that Motions of the dls- rihw mm.m k rimw until the do- Now that the Junior Chamber of Commerce is said to be going int irtct He came here dlrec from minion- em nt-lMe-. Such a trios on Vancouver Hotel Arrivals what throughout That seemed to him to be an Intolerable poition. "Let the government abandon its I MtiioLau rwH mutllanlmoiis noliav v P Richardson. Vancouver; E. M,.,i,i , , t.n"4 ti snld. W E llayhurst. city. St. Elmo which attach to allenshlp." PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines llepaired and Overhauled MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 727 FRASEK ST. "Kalen." "Real hot stuff, ayeT ' i K Vi n- hticinncc ixrlth tntt con the as. Venture, from crJopar- dominion could veto serpeni ai me oan urne, n u cx- U arfmitiedlv a uat reform peciru uiai rum iimuuj m c- II,. Dtitiih Crnn m IBUUSII tt loav illic ui uuutr uj luc place acrom. to carry the passengers With the sea serpent properly f siw. up MiiL-rw.r fnr based at Prince Rupert, the place will-be-hke Ihe' factor of the Johnson. W. W. Hutchison, Porch- -j am wUjn1 that if' the BrltUh'1"2" thatjna.de a better mousetrap er LUand: W P. Dow. Vancouver: govtrntnenl the lead all the tha" be- to It. ,world wlU W M. Abel, smuners. numr dom u-jji come Into llne.M , Hutchlns. Roland C. Loekey. Van- AIneS4 a meeting which ouvcr Mr and Mrs. M. Strand. discuwed the question that In his Vancouver; Eugenie Doherty. Vic- opmlon lt wr(M; that natlon-torla. aiity should be taken from or lm- Central ltvn.fl nnnn nrlntt pttlzen without ! their consent The law Is harsh." i iho cairi "The British subiect who Mrs T C. Colwell. Port Simpson; les a allen woman. and the Mr and Mrs. James ounn. rao-. . marrie. a Brltl,h woman have free and unrestricted right of choice whether they shall retain or abandon their nationality. A woman, alien or British, has no choice In the matter " He added there had been and still was great ' 1 I .1.1 I t... tU.,.Wi A. H. Bayllss. Vancouver, am. j. nn,mllnn n. tn. -xl.tlnit law. Naden Harbor; J Alien.) r mnPria an alien loses the right to be a member of a local authority, or a member of Parliament, and the right protection from her own country, and If she returns seek- jlng employment she will find herself subject to all the disabilities make a beaten path It is understood that the sec-! retary of the Junior Chamber Li already claiming credit for the idea of Impounding th big creat ure and capitalizing u ior me benefit of Prince Rupert. If everybody was as keen as that to helo forward the Interests of the city there would be more progress made. Dally advertising m News Is sure to bring suits. the Dallj dally re- CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 TEN GALLON GOES PINT SIZE Thousands of visitors to Jasper Park Lodge m .he Canadian Rockies know genial Tom MeDonough. transport on agent at the National Park, whose mighty sombrero badge of office made him an outstanding figure at Jasper Station. Promoted District Passenger Agent for the Canadian 'National Railways at Edmonton. Alberta, Tom sadly gazes at the city hat which replaces the famou- "Ten Gallon." "REGENT" STAINLESS ENAMELWARE Modern in Appearance Easy to Clean Color Combinations to Match Your Kitchen IVORY TRIMMED WITH BLUE, BLACK or RED Bread Boxes, Kitchen Garbages and Cannister Sets in Matching Colors Start a Set Today! GORDON'S HARDWARE SIcBKIDE STREET CH300aOCrOOOMIOttrtHJOCrOOOiiU Phone 311 1 Miss Pat Bunn left for Vancou- E. F. Jones, city sllicltor, is sain ver on the Princess Adelaide yev' trig tonight on the Prince Rupert terday. for a trip to Victoria. Mrs. M. Holland-Cox, who ha?; Mrs. V. Perry of Naden Harboj(, been visiting her sister Mrs. J. V who has been on a trip to Vanoou Hlnton for the past month, Is sail- ,ver, arrived in the city from the;" Ing tonight on the Prince Rupert south on the Princess Adelaid' for Victoria. She will motor across yesterday afternoon and will pro Canada to Ottawa to visit her son ceed tonight by the Prince Charles-and then motor to Florida. ' to the Queen Charlotte Islands. DOOMOOOOOOOK00lOOOOOOOO SPECIALS 25c Grass Sponges and 75c RQP Chamois Both for KJt'x' 15c tin Budget Lighter Fluid and 35c tube Gardenia Shaving Cream QQo Both for Sponge Ball and Child's Tooth 1 Qp Brush Both for Kurl Comb and Rickers Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 35c value. OK' Both for Attractive Blue Fluted Glass Ice Pitcher and a bottle of 100 Purtest ff Q p A.S.A. Tablets-Both for Ormes Ltd. Ufie Piontcr Druqgists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 p.m. till 9 p.nu aonaoaanooaoooooonaooocroftcrooooaooaaaoonooaooos i:1 pi 11 ' 4 TV r