March 0. JM9. Quality Counts Most TEA Joint Affair For Children's Trip Fund Is Proposed bridge, etc., planned by the central tmrnmuef Th ftnancttf objective to $10t0 v.hlch would Mhance tha wiMtm ( f eijcMaon w nineteen children Rtiould iht objective and Sprint; Killed Mattress. Special I ' ' -' LOCALS f Eagles' Bridge March 22. Anglican Ta, Mr. Tobey' March Clearuif Ito of Crepe Wiol for, 15: at the Dollar Store. tf. ! Mra. F. M. Crosby U jailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Rexoleum Floor Covering Silver Grey Blankets I'ure wool blankets offered at a special price. Size 61x81. Pair Low priced floor covering. Made on a good felt back. Six feet wide. Sq. Yard 35c $8.50 ELIO,S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE PIIONK ORLT.N 91G Prince Rupert Ilr. Canon W. F. Ruahbrook will aatl tomorrow night on the Prince ( John for Mawett. Tonlght'a trair., due from the! rtl 11 iWwV urn FnnrtiHl r,.l u I . . A... , ""k "". "I"" - - m.r.r iS.7 T thte afurnwwi to be on time, number of -TVmiZ-m children would be aent. H. Q Van or alujrt w4 appoint- Sons of Norway springtime dance mean of raWng fundi for ed by Ui Junter Cfiftiftfar to pro- tomorrow, 9:30, Oddfellows Hall, impairn to finance the send- reed with further mukjamenu for Foamim'a orcheatra. Refreshment, f i'tral children to Victoria on the propoMvJ af'alr. lAdntbnkm 3Sc. 67 - iion of the rWt of the Klnf ' n;ber of Comnrnee Tuesday god tables and seven chairs do- . trip to Vancouver. i , .hat the Junior Chamber and nated by the Canadian Legion. , C. :- Club mlaht hold a stag This will help the boyc consider- rtev. A. Abraliam, Anglican Tlu would be In addition to ably In furnishing: their new quar- church miaatonarv at Ma&ett. ar- c fforU such ax the tag day. ters and they are very appreciative 'rived In, the city on the Prince John r -e amateur night, telephone of the Rift WHITE SOFT" SAFE TRONGWJpii; .yesterday and proceeded by 'evening's train to Toronto. tan J Mrs. Edgar Arnct and children, who have been on a trip to the West Coant of Vancouver Island, return-I fd to the city from the south on 1 the Prince George yesterday. I w. II. Tobey. CJUt. divisional su- perlntendent, left on test erenlng's train for a trip as far as Smith-err on official duties. He will be returning to the city Saturday night. 1 For selling ' Drasetl was nolice court yeaterday afternoon Oup. n at the end of May. it ww Miss Kathryn McMillan R.N. re-' led by 8mm Joy nt the meet- The Daya Clto has been far- turned to the city on the Prince r ihr Prince Rupert Junior tunaUs In ha vine thirteen very George yesterday froni a holiday Two yuth.- for being found In a beer parlor when under twenty-,ne years of age, were Riven three months' suspended sentence. Mr and Mr. W. J. Allison arriv ed id the city on the Prince George iterday from Vancouver and pro ceeded by the Prince John to Cum-.shewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Mr. Allison Is the son of A. p Allison, well known Island log-! in operator. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Mrs. L. Pu'tak will take place on Saturday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock from St. Ai.drew s Cathedral Special Values In FURNITURE Special Value in Bedroom Suite WMccc Hcdroom Suite, modern deafen, made of solid piece birth, J" include: Vanity Dresser, Bench, Chiffonier, Hcd, ( able Sprine 79.00 10. Baby Has a Party rta. Miss H. Lamb will arrive in the city from New Ilazelton on tonight's train and sail aboard the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. The Nordkap Society was in business session Monday night, merely routine matters being taken up. The president, Peter Lien. was in the chair.. F. 8. Walton was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Interestingly he recounted expert-1 llouor to minors. R-'enees as a prisoner In Germany! fined ttOO In city louring the Great War. President w. L. Coates was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Hotel Arrivals Mrs. 8. Prince Rupert E. Sunbary. Georgetown. Says Varicose Veins 5 Can Be Reduced At Home Small Cost If vou or any relaUve or friend is worried because of varicose veins, or bunches, as good advice for home treatment as any friend can give, is to get a crcscriptlon known as Moone's Emerald Oil. Simply ask your druggist for an nrlfflnal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil and apply nlnht and morning to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you should notice that they are growlntc smaller and the treatment should be continued until the veins are no longer burdensome. So pen-otmiintf nnri efficient 1 Emerald I Oil that It also helps simple swell ing due to strain to aisappear. Announcements All aaverilaementa in thl column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S. O. N. Springtime Dance March 16. Rod and Oun March 13. Presbyterian March 17. St. Patrick's Hall, March 16. Annual Meeting, Orange Bridge and Dance March Shamrock Tea Supper, Catholic Varden's Play March 17. United Tea Mrs.wi T. Kergln's March 23, S, O. N. Fishermen's Dance, March 23. Hill 60 Tea March 25. I Farcwc-l ( r High School Spring Plays March 24, 25. ' Wife,'' Mrs. Howard Hibbard Is sailing V. F. Stone sailed yesterday af-tonight on the Prince Rupert for ternoon on the Prince George for a two months' visit in Vancouver, a trip to Stewart, on business. Mrs. George Clccone Is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to attend a United Church gathering. Phone 499 for Appointments AW rhone Ulue 916 ..v..w. How he !s enjoying himself! And he's doing himself a world of good, for in his bottle is a Carnation Milk Formula. Growing fast Is the recognition of Carnation Milk as the best war to feed a baby cows' milk. The reasons are very simple. Irradiated Carnation Milk is just cows' milk nothing else. Part of the natural water is taken out. The milk is kept uni Richard Nelson of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. arrived In the city on the Prince George 'yesterday from Vancouver, being here on business In connection with the Tucks Inlet reauctlon plant and! other local fisheries interests. t m an au i i i u im rm'imxutu a I ELITE Si hi Is Beauty Parlor Mr. Sutherland Introducing the New 1 Zofos Permanent Dy an amazing color change the guardian eye signals the instant this exquisite permanent to complete. This precision timing assures longer life, greater depth and for lovelier curls. 203 3rd Ave. Music Utith Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music llelntxnian, Nordheitner and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "nesonoscope" Phone niue 389 21! 4th St CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. & E. BLACK Oiarrnnirnt l.linmr Art" (Bectlun 27 ntlrv f or Conviit is I s ? s 3 g '.V.W.V.V.W 'I DRESSMAKING i1 Tailoring and KIM I Remodelling UYEDE To o a a Tfunfrr Wfrr .rmtr I Notice 'is hmby glvfn .Uat on th loth day of April nnt. the undr- , , , isigwd Uitwida to apply to the liquor "Queen Mary" Tea Mrs. Parkin a Qunuvi vumta fur consent to umuJer Easter Monday. "t bt Ltwx No. 423, issui in i- ipect ot prfOilsiB bulng part ot , . . building knom-n as Savoy Hotel, ltuate Prince Rupert Operatic Society at Frarer stiwt. uuu uie lands de-l present "The Mikado'- April 12, 13 ribt a. Lots Ko. 13 and ".Block1 Capitol Tlieatre. R(ViatTOUou District, in th Prov- llnre of British uouimnia, rrcm aix- nnder James iTuuncmme ,w uari wu-j PrMhvtoHnn rresnyienan Easter Faster tasirr Sale oaic, Anrll Apru i,, nn,rt. aruuh' U. rvjumbltt. thi trantsferee. C. N. R. A. I Hall, April 21. Ikited at Prli Rupert, B. C. this ,t Blh AM ot Mroh 1939 CARL WILLIAM ZAREU4 , 1 AppUoant and Traniftrc, VPtk SIZES I m. . ttK page torfe form so that no matter where you buy it, baby always finds it the same. It is canned and sterilized, so that you can keep any quantity on the pantry shelf, yet always have safe milk. In this processing, it becomes much more digestible than cows' milk in any other form. And irradiation gives it more "sunshine" vitamin D an extra supply to help build strong bones and sound teeth. Ask your doctor. Carnation Milk won fame for use in cooking because it makes everything taste better and it is so economical. Just try iu Write for Carnation books. "The Contented Baby" is free. The big, colorful Carnation Cook Book is 15c" (postpaid). Carnation Company Limited, Abbott St., Vancouver. RADIO Ihltn I tht "Ctnltnlti Horn" irttj MtnJjj niihl, See jour he J nturtpiptr for itMioni mJ liwit. imoiATEirTty WW Carnation Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT "from Conlntd Cows" PEAS Size 5 Fully matured, fine flavor and the mott economical size for good, old-fashioned, home meals. i ooooooooooooooooooooooooooacwoooooooooooooooooooooooa As Advertised on the Air BISMA-REX 4 oz. bottle t 75c Antacid u !S Stomach Powd er ' f 1C 07. bottle $1.50 Ormes Lid. TZfut Pioneer Drtazfft'sts The Resall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 00000000000300660 6660660000000 (0000OO0OO0O0OO 60000000 &est Once OcoaI eyerftineci. A Old Klni Coal is a clever old gink He works pure magic In a wink He'll Cheer your moping. drooping soul With,; ton of Phllpott Evltt Coal. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. The Host Coal In Town