Wh Now is the Tirn.e to Buy Your ite Footwear Our Variety in Styles and Values Are, Undatable New Shipment of RUNNERS Just Arrived Familx shoe store ltD, The, Home qf "Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS, PRIfiCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City, delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid in advance, per. week Paid . in advance,' per month By. mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mail to all other countries, per year '. ADVERTISING RATES Classlfle.dadverlslng, per word, per insertion u Local readers, per, line, per insertion News. Department Telephone. Advertising and; Circulation Telephone. Member of Audit. Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION 8C 98 .02 25 Friday, June 9, 1939 PRINCE RjUPERT'S OBJECTIVES 'SPORT TWO TEAM PLANNING' DEADLOCK REGATTA j velvet Beats Laundry And. I Oi Proceeds From -fiit To Go., To, hvrn, lerins With Navy Mr Cunuuunuy. XJenrr tnunwHre Stuart Shield Are Named I ' " . ' FOOTBALL SCOItING SUMMARY Any surplus to be derived from Clirlstlson, Navy, S., R. Smith, Navy, 3. Cross, Laundry, 3. II, I tie kens, Velvet, I, Vhik, Velvet, 2. Ferguson, Velvet, 1. Eastman, Navy, 1, Armstrong, Navy, I. McMeekjn,, Navy, 1. .Slmundsen, Laundry, 1. Cameron, Velvet, 1, Gillies, Velvet, 1. Helkestad, Velvet. 1. Keays, Navy, 1. Last nlRht'-s Stuart Football Bene! Shield football fixture was productive of an Interesting game with Velvet winning from Pioneer .Laundry by the only goal of the, game. Weather conditions were .Ideal and a ood crowd enjoyed the game. As a result of ths match,. Velvet and Navy are tied in the Stuart Shield standing. A postponed game between Pioneer Laundry and Navy remains to be I played. ,.v; Scherk defended well in tht .12 opening moments and later Smith .50 'saved Cameron's hard drive. Th Laundry was lucky when, with 3.00 J Smith beaten, Sunberg kicked off 9.6u the goal line and prevented a score. Velvet was doing most o! the pressing but found Scherk Brown and Ted Smith very sure and resourceful. Christian's cornrt was listed dear by Smith ana Ferguson lifted the ball over th open goal. Cross was the best ot the Lanudry forwards and Vlnk did. well to save his header from Gomez's well-taken corner kick. The second half, found Velvet pressing almost' continuously,,- 'fa a Dreas-away uross made a line One of the Vancouver iJoara oi lraae visitors to. me.run dui ms pan ng snot was if,r ft,; n'rol' coomnfl munh infprptprl in Prinre Runert's Rocked. Scherk stopped' a hard objectives. He remarked that the city at one time had a nuln,mm as an objective. He said he had asked a number drive and Smith saved well from Ferguson. Cameron hit the up right. Laundry .?ot away and of citizens what they had in sight for the improvement of smith Beat vink but the bau the city. One man had replied that tnere was noining in i cieareo a.iex a scramo;e. uick. o:,v. u,,t t w1 qu'qii AnntVpr Vinrl wnr1iens made a ne run and.centret that failure of the fishing meant ruination to the bus nesa endid SSTsSth men. INOqe naa exprpssea any nope 01 anyiiun neiinui Ferguson hit the upright and except the possibility of the setablishment of an air base christian shot over. At last Dick- J at Seal Cove and the, placing of a permanent air squadron ens t through and scored, vei-j there. Beyond that lie did not see that the city had any T'o X52 1 hope. It was.a sa.d tale and, evidently, did not impress the visitor Afiked.as.tp the possibility of getting -a. highway' ;ec?vXv,nk. Parsons Oo through to. the outside world, more than one said they me2. omlSi 'Wlcht d. oome2 : were Supporting a.scheme for highway C.onBtrUCtipn. about Cameron, Ferguson, Dickens, Bak- 150; miles 'east of the city and that, in a few years time, er. christiaa the'y. honed .J! M to M .have some work done nearer home. Pioneer Laundry- Ted smith ;BrownBcherk; Sunberg Bussan- - Ich, Wearmouth; W. Oomez, A. Smith, Cross, Slmundsen. Vance. ninoi? MORE Oll)hXi ninrrTIVPC I fcb Referee-Pete Doherty. tv, n:i m,. A.'to 01.0 nViMiuoo Wo ciin-.' Linesmen Rol Judge and S. gestjthftt one o immedia,te objectives should be the, Ve defence ;m not establishment of-a pulp mill m or, near the city, AnQt.hcT jtested and each member played objective should be the building-of a highway to Terrace,! well. The forwards did- not show letting the people, east of that point look after their owna great eaj of comWnayon. the! section but with the cq-peration of.Prynce Rupert, not S WJth-thfi abandonment' 0 its. own project. I Piorer Laundry owed its good If' It IS-decided' by the people Of the City to aJaflClor showing to the'defence. Ted Smith the highway riroject and be for the next fifty yearn more kept d grand goal whiie scherk or leSS CUt Off from the interior, then We should say SO I and Brown performed wonders. anditeonatoncegettingaroat tain. and. anpther around Kaien Island, the first objective ,ch and Sunbe'g- a ere very being tp connect the city with Billmor and Port Edvvard I vpa'f necniie we felt that the first objective should be a highyvayto Terrace. ;Tw.enty-fiyti years ago the people of the city asked fora,rQdrflund. the island and in response, a, thousand yards of it waa cleared and graded at a point about half way; between .the city and Kaien. This is now grown up thickly Nvith al(ier trees which would make excellent fuel for Hove or fireplace. ApiitHer objective, might well be the popularizing of de,eivsea.siilmpn.fjshing.forRportsnien. This is something in- which the hotel people might well co-operate. Afc Victoria where fish are npt any easier to get than at Prince Rupert the sport has becqme very popular and is wprth ai grJe,t.dealtQthe.cvity, tOther objectiy,es might easily be planned that WPuldi At, ",9 A 111 IJlf beneiit tne city, a. new mviseum wouiu De a great, inmg? for.dheicity, arid, so would further beautifying until every place in the citovhas a garden which tourists would, like to s6'e. .The ciyu centre is a very, wprihy objective afld.byJ r : Hi! . i.v v maKjng living conuiuuns ueuer ui, ifiu city win npip ip keep., people who retire from flitting south. Adaptive homeujlding campaign should prove a great civic asset. Who fins 'other objectives to suggest ? THE SEAL QUAJLJXY mm 8 GOLD EAI, ancy-' Red' Sockeye PINK SKAI Finest PinK.SaJnipn Packed by the,, onljr salmon, canning company, with, ap ajj the year round payroll Ui Prince Rupert th$ regatta which is to be staged !r, 41 I . n . . a . i uy, uie juinyr arcuon ui uie. I Prince Rupert Chamber of Comf Uwr anasnjten;? for. lh,c,.-,vtn.t, The r"ji follows: O e n era! Brnoksban Secretary, T J, Wliaras. Treasurer, T) A, MtVfclfrfe Program, Q. Ollkrr, Qapt, a 1 Kraupner, J, , MeLrtxl, J, 1 Morrison. R. M Wlnslow. Cant, J. R Elfert, AlejcMcR,ae and. qhl. Petty OfftQer, Instructor Av O. IIt. Dance 6, It Rnre, A, S. Nicker- on. Martin. va,n Qooten, a& R,psi. Ingram. Finance,- W,, wU, k H Asemlssen, q. V, BJvltt, I.pk.D.ibb,, JOE HITS and J. Ti Harvey Cincinnati Publicity T A McWatfrs, Tt- 3i st, Louis Williams apd Q. O. Borland pitttburK. r - Chcagq E1RF, I)FJ.UTiVSiyAKn! t?tpocJyn. f-Vii rALf I1. 28 foot trailer, Ford engine with; reduction gear, in good shape, $150 cash. Phone Red. 444, FOR SALE Surplus bedding plan 15c dozen. Cook's Boarding. House. 11341 i TRI-LITB, Piano, Radio, Desk, Dining, Bedroom, Chesterfield Suites, Linoleum, Curtains, Whatnot, Kltcnenware and. Tables, Plants, Oarden Tools. Pugsley. 320 2nd. Ave.. Blue S3. (137) FOR' SALE 22 ft. Ml aX, wltr cabin. Ready ip, riftr' reasonably low. Rhone Red 454. (135) WANXED WANTEPi-air) for soda,, fountain apd lunch.. Daye'a Confectionery, . 033) W, ANTED Boat about 18 feet, light weight, suitable for outboard motor use Phone Black 295. (135) FORiRENtt FOR RENT rrnish,ed bungalow, July and August. $35 per month. Apply Box, 13 Dally. News. '135) REIlSOffAL N3W pep at 40 for ment women, New Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain 2 stimulants from, raw oysters plus 4 general tonics to. pep up whole body. Try package today,'; If not delighted, maker refunds its low price. Call, write McCut- ,. cheonjg JQrug. Store, t.f.' 'EM HARD CHICAGO, June 9: CP) Lusty hitting by Joe DIMagglo who puled out one home run,, of two-basget v4.ftt US4. the lSW. York Yankees to score a 7 to 2 victory over Chicago,. White Bat, yesterday The Boston Red Sv, runners - up. h,eld U, Yankee' juargln of. leadership, tq nine tames by. winning,, the first game ftf a, doiUV-h.eader from. St Louis llrowns by the close score of 8. to 7. the ulghti cap , being, called on account of rain. Cleveland Indians beating Washington Senators, went lnta a tie. with Clucagu for third, place. Port Day -will be turned over, to " " ZZCi: pmiiu. was decided, night at a meet- in of the,'pprt-.Dav Committee. . "efl' d "11. JT leade. fTl.. P. Armour. W. E Drakr. lliuai nla tttltt9 r Lin sl twill A 111 . ... Ml MT r11TTl-l 'Tt ' MWft terday,- chairman, wun -vtmter m W- Vfixk 7j QMca.gM. 2y Il.adelph.l.4 ii DrrtVt s Yhngtoa,, 5 Qe,vfUrid( 7, qhlcagQ. 3j New,. Yfirk, 5. Pittsburg. Oj IK s ton, It Cincinnati, 3i Phll&delphU, 2, T)e, league, stapdlnR,, Us dattv National, IX- DUBLIN. June :. CP, FprUarj Nea Yokv Lynch, deputy speaker In the,. D;a,i: Boston. Eireann. has resigned his office Philadelphia because of ill-health He retains American his seat in the Dall. iNew, York Boston mmmmmmm 1 Chicago iound and held the Velvet for-! Cleveland waras most oi me time. ltd. DetrpU md W Gomez were the best lor-'prdladelpbla. wards. 8mlth not being up to hls.vfmhingtou usual standard. W. Oomez played st LouIj well at back In the second hall , rind perhaps this is his best posl-, - - - - - "" tion. Peter Doherty refereed well ani was greatly assisted by two line i men who followed the play closely and were able to help the referee i when he consulted them. The' Velvet team made a good appear-! ance in new shirts. The soft yel-. low colors look very smart and .Iea and, with the black shorts,; the team creates a very favorable Impression. The Stuart Shield standing to date: I W D L F AP.U R.ON.V.R. 2 1 0 12 0 5 Velvet 2 1 1 10. 9 5 Laundry 0 0 3 4 11 0 NEW m VISIBLE COOKING Aji, Exceptional!)' I)ur.al)lC'3:C(iatt Enamelware White with Red Tim Every Piece Has a Pyrcx Glass Coyer, Come in and Sec Them on Display 'NYLON' Leaders StrnKcrrTJiniGHtr-Unjfprni:-? EJpsiip No, Sh.qon - WJH straighten. When, Dry Will Not Split or Fray Will Not Become SleaiKVv W1o..U.ay,All,ize KAIEN HARDWARE We Deliver One of , SCOTLDNDS FINE5T WHISKIES "s .r vr fvm iiLlI t SAX(N UtA U))CAIJU'4t BUTPN - ON - IIUMHBR, Emr.-I&nd, June. 9. W Huauuk found during Air Raid Precautions excavation here, ore believed of fifth century origin sWH RhNTS TCH WHISKY Th advertucment t not published or dupliyed by he titjuo Control Board or by th Government of Bntith Co.jmbu iujfaci: OF KENYA NAIROBI. Kwya J..., Legislation to eslabuli Indian and Arab ie-t.;u pany for defence ,.! MunA bren tabled her Mlr rcr iPhurpM (naruan-tt wee uncortited wotild be four yearx with live bun. , HUNIt-CAIJJ4) TO RAB fc AinyiMPT AMnmpKS mtmnfM) F 9$; CANBERRA, June ; QHThe : OH-Wted fr.,o: Ml Comrooav(ftttb WHBat hat year wd Edwta H & 3ll; decided an autooxvlHW amine and catted to the bar u'. 30& chaU raaauiactuctat ttidusiry After nine year .47 should be set up In AuMralla, No Boyce paaed hu !. .419 . monopoly has yet bM ajantcd. end claj Manors 324 Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqefiats The Reiatl Store Phones; 11 & U Open Dally from 8- swrn. till 10 p.m Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn-7 p.m. till S.njn. 1' -8S OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OpOOOOOOOOOaOL c- . : C5000C a 0 0 t OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO CK) 00000000 oooooooooccco VELVET ICE CREAM HAS MANY VARIETIES Cimcv Union, Itaxphrrry, Vanilla, Chocolate and. Strav.lerrr Dixie CupWTuttl Fruity. and VanllU Cream Lunch and Candy Freeze IUr Vanlla, Chwry CuUr Phone 10 Tnttl I'ruittl and 'Maple, Wajnut Domin NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot 61 Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.O, Thone 281 P.O. Iloi 10G ion Dairy Fifth Avenue East and Mclrld LOCKWOOD'S FUR STORE Sprjpg JaclicLs and Coats Prices ReaNonable. Call nd Iiook Them Over Highest Prices Paid fur Pelts