'J 11: i. Leaving Eyes stay Bright when you have Riqht LIGHT Benevolent Association has elected officers for the year 1939 as fol-' HAZELTON, Jan. 25: Last Frl-l0ws: 4 day the Hazelton branch of the President, Edward A. Lelshton. Native Brotherhood 0f British Col-Vice-President, James A. Prevost. umbia made a trip to the village General Secretary, Johnny S. ol Klsplox. About eighteen mem- Ryan (returned by acclamation). Treasurer, James A. Prevost. Sports Manager, Johnny S. Ryan. Sports Secretary, Wilfrid St. Clair. Musical Director, E. A. Leighton. Curator, Murray C. Clifton. George D. Beattle, well known druggist of Queen Charlotte City, who has been on a month's vacation trip to Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince George this morning and will proceed to the Islands,on the Prince John Friday night. Grters Utile Uver Pills 11:15 p.m. Southbound 1st Until Feb. 28. March 31. V-2-23 THURSDAYS Prince Rupert Rate Effective Nov. Return Limit, There is no eyestrain with its accompanying discomfort and head-aches in a properly illuminated home. There are no dim corners. No glare. No blighting shadows. Correctly placed lamps wall, table, floor of the right intensity make it a pleasure to read, sew, play, work. Your home can be eye-saving at surprisingly small outlay: lamps, bought by the carton, cost little and well gladly help you with the prcper placing. TeMe ltmpt ttiit rea!I mimlnita art a trot kelp la tiled eyee. Wi hire a fine aiiertment of ttrle and lhadei at leweiv pricei. Columbia Power Company Limited Metlakatla Young Men Elect Officers Edward A, Leighton Chosen by Acclamation As President The Metlakatla Young Men, Canadian Nat'onat $tealnships I VISITED KISPI0X Members of Hazelton Native Bro- therhood Make Visit ;bers of the organization and some of the members' of the Sisterhood put on a very entertaining concert The program was as follows: Speech by Chas. Clifford r, master of ceremonies. Opening song, "Howdy Every body" by all. Play, "Adam's Hall." Vocal solo, "The Voice in the old I , . . T ? 1 1 1 I r village iiiou, oam uun-a-nuui. numorous dialogue, rjiinora ana J. Moore. . Duet, "My Own," C. Clifford and A. Brown. Vocal solo, "The Preacher and the Bear," Wm. Smart. Dialogue. "Honey." Miss Martha Mowatt and Johnny Moore. Duet, "The Red Man Blues,' Violet Clifford and Charles Cllf. ford. Comedy, "Cowboys at Camp." Selection by Orchestra. Vocal solo, "I'm Gonna Lock m'j Heart and Throw Away the Key,' C. Clifford. Speech by the master of Ceremonies. The whole village attended. The concert was followed by a dance, the Hazelton Orchestra rendering fine music. Refreshments were served by the Kispiox branch of the Native Sisterhood of British Columbia. Metlakatla Ladies' Officers Elected Mrs. L. Leiehlon is President Of Neighboring Village Organization The. Ladies' Benevolent Associa tion at Metlakatla has elected of Wedneiday. January 2$, hjj Wmi. .ii-u - ' .- ' J i i .nine- PACE FOUR ULHII13I i rviM News of Northern Districts i LAST J. TIMES UJiaBiiaBl TONIGHT 2 Shows, 7:00 and 9:00 ft - .; muw w w w t w iWall Iimpi like thli may ht tnmi lrwhert ind tire icitntific lifht. Wide variety- o' atrlet at aurprit-Uly moderate pricei. Northern British Ladies' Aid Of Y.RE.A. Elects 1939 Officers PORT SIMPSON, Jan. 25: (CP Newly elected officers of the Ladles Aid of the Young People's Educational Association of Port Simpson are as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. J. D. Watson. 'Honorary Vice President, Mrs. Esther Wesley. President, Mrs. Joshua MacKay. First Vice-President, Mrs. William Kelly. Second Vice-President, Miss Edna Alezcee. Secretary, Mrs. Herbert Bryant. Treasurer, Mrs. George Sankey. Social Committee Mrs. Sarah Dudoward, Mrs. John Morrison, Mrv James Lawson, Mrs. Moses Weley". Mrs. William Johnson, Mrs. Peter Ryan, Mrs. Robert Sankey and Mrs. Joseph White. Messenger Girls Miss Emily Of-futt and Miss Cora MacKay. The Morning After Taking REDUCED WINTER FARES to VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River 36.00 Itcturn Meals and North Included ficers as follows: President, Mrs. L. Leighton. Vice-President, Mrs. J. A, Prevost, SecretaryiTrcasurcr, Mrs. W. F, Rudland " ' Former Minister Dies In Interior John Ross of Savory Passes Hums Lake Hospital BURNS LAKE, Jan. 25: The death occurred recently at the,cleanjng up or vice, Burns Lake Hospital or Jonn koss aged 63, who had resided at Savory for the past twelve years. Mr. Ross was a Canadian by birth and was formerly a minister of the Presbyterian Church. Deceased leaves to mourn hU loss, his wife, and two daughters, Mrs. F. Edwards of Field and Mrs. E. Goldsworthy of Surf Inlet. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Frank Bushfleld in the United Church at Burns Lake. There were many lovely wreaths of fresh flowers from the family and friends. Two hymns were sung "Nearer My Ood to Thee"' and "Abide with Me" with Mi. Bushfleld at the piano. The pallbearers were H. Leduke and . J. Leduke of Endako; II Christian of Savory: W. Wilson, A Brown and C. Ostbcrg of Burvi Lake. BURNS LAKE Miss Olga Hamre of Danskln Is now employed at the Eby Hardware Co. She commenced her duties last week. Miss Anita Small, who recently graduated as a nurse from St Joseph's Hospital, Victoria, has been visiting at her home here and left on Tuesday's train for Sml-thers to Join the nursing staff of the hospital there. Miss Isabel Linton returned by car from Vancouver last week and her many friends welcome her home, even though it may be for only a short visit. St. Joseph's W. A. held a court whist party at the Elks' Hall last Friday evening. Mrs. H. Linton and Mr. J. Berg won the high score prizes and Mrs.' J. Kerr and Mr W McKenna had low scores. It Is expected that another one will be held on February 3. The Young Rangers' Band held an enjoyable social evening in the school hall on Saturday. The music was supplied by Misses Betty Rou-mieu, piano, and Anna Setter strom, accordian and Mr. Ashcroft, cornet. Refreshments were served at the close. Mrs. J. Ross of Savory and her daughter, Mrs. F. Edwards of Field, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson for a few days last week. Miss Adeline Gcrow was a pa tient in the 'Burns Lake Hospital all of last week. Frank Smith is a patient In the hospital. It Is reported he is doing nicely now. IY.P.E.A. Elects 1939 Officers William Kelly is President of Port Simpson Organization for Year PORT 8IMPSON, Jan. 25. The Young People's Educational Assoc! i atlon of Port Simpson has elected the following officers for the year Grand President, Charles Dudo ward. Vice-Grand President, Thomas Gosnell. President, William Kelly. First Vice-President, George Sankey. Second Vice-President, Peter Ryan. Third Vice-President, Robert Sankey. Financial Secretary, Herbert Bryant. Recording Secretary, Henry Kelly. Treasurer, Samuel Hughes. Librarian, John Gosnell. Curator, Charles' M..Ryan, FISHERMEN SUFFER SHELBURNE, N 8., Jan. 25:' (CP)-Total of 1,075 lobster traps, were last by Shelburne County fishermen in a trale which swent t"he Nova Scotia coast In December, it was announced after a survc J by fisheries officers. The Letter Box QUESTION OF PKOSTITUTION Editor, Dally News: ' I have read several Items In various newsnauers regarding the etc., In the province. As this Is receiving plenty of publicity from Vancouver doc tor mayor, be. apparently, knows that one of the first things for him to do as mayor of Vancouver, would be to erect a fence around the city. (No don't put a roof over It either) Swcden golng to North Dakota in and protect against driving these 19M joying there for Saskatche-vice suspects to outlying districts. wan ,n 19M nc cttme to pamnj Then he could round up a good,n 1922 He was fngaged In farm-many of the money hungry doctors,, ng untlI nl4 18 m Palling and ... . give . them to understand a thatwh -1 he contracted in tie and tnts is a jog ana not piay. aiso u- vise mem against any grau uu nvrrhnrcr n there no doubt is ?Jt-55!72!"' In hundreds of venereal disease cas es who from time to time seek private treatment. Prostitution seems to be In line for its share of the blame for spreading of the various venereal' diseases. This Is quite right In lots of cases. I This form of vice, has been, Is now and always will be and, the sooner the authorities wake up and establish red light districts, the sooner will a lot of trouble stop. The places would need to be strongly protected against diseases by doctors who are satisfied to receive payment for protective purposes and not as feeding the diseases to satisfy their hunger for money. In this way prostitution would not be i carried on In cars, beer parlors,! dance hails, rooming houses, parks Ing come here by way of Banff and hundreds of other places too' 'here he has been staying tot! numerous to mention. If prostltu- some weeks. j lion Is to be halted In all these places It will take an army of po- Six Inches of fresh snow blanket -lice to keep constant watch andlfd the ground hereabouts on Tuet-, bring the offenders to time. I remember a case in one of our Interior towns where an epidemic' of venereal diseases broke out and, dandies too. When some of these were questioned as to possible orlg- nou" by a lare boulder which In, the blame was placed on a few naa ,llPPl from the mounUln-whlte women. I happened to know 8,ae near Shames and which was several of those afflicted ones and Aov"ed by the roadmen during t had never known them to hang ar- tne aflcrnn. As the train ap-l around 8 ocloclt lhc ' ! ound with any white women. 1 ftjltpfached sure that the whlt women stuff lrfrrov!"g 11 waj "tl" ,n Pess was only a ruse. One would onlyj need view tveral of the younger; generation In these outlying dls- tricts and then think of how luekvl having! 'urnPd the c,ly n th Prince these districts are, In not ?, thu mornln Irom a trip to more tuberculosis and venereal dls-'?60 ouvcr ease cases on their hands. I think the move worthy of every citizen's consideration to help stamp out! these diseases as we may some day I find that our own children have made contact with any one of the many diseases. It doesn't seem quite fair to lay all the blame at the doors of the I unfortunate prostitutes. This clasa of vice might be coas4dered a con- venlcnce or necessary evil and should be given welcome support and protection and not be forced into the mire deeper than ever. A controlled disease spreader Is better than one exploited for political or other gain. Anyone seeking this sort of vice as a pastime will do so whether In' protected districts or previous mentioned places. And anyone using this vice for any other reason should have a good stiff penalty handed out to him. I see by your paper of January 19 where 1GO0 are receiving treatment weekly and others are belnu turned away. "What for?" probab-1 ly spreading the disease and keeping up the supply of victims. I wonder. I have listened to Mayor Telford's! broadcasting speeches on several occasions and he always bragged about pulling for the unfortunate underdog. I wonder what he figures on doing with the underdog of prostitution when he applies the padlocks to their doors. A Citizen for a Fair, Disease-Free Country. Usk. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Palling Man Passes Away Funeral o( Wllhelm Johnson Draw Larje Attendance BURNS LAKE. Jan. 25: The fUnfrai 0I Wllhelm Johnson, who dled recently was held here with Rev. Frank Bushfleld conductlni the service, Vasn Lodge took charge. The late Mr. Johnson was bon nn Anrii 8 1833. at Wermland carpenterlng fr fsitincrm Imvm tt mnitrn hit' - " tn and one brother in Sweden, a sister In North Dakota, a brother In Sax- natcnewan ana two netce ana seven nephews at Palling. A lovely evergreen crow and fresh red carnations and othc: floral offerings, also the many can wnicn orougm inenas ana relatives to the funeral service, testified to the ecteem in which Mr Johnson w'as held. The pallbearers were J. Giant, E Johnson. O. Isaaki. J. Berg. N Eckland and II. Maydol. TERRACE Father E. M. Leray arrived here by train on Saturday evrnlng, hav- aa morning, weather conditions continue unusually mtkl. Monday night's train from the "'t waj delayed two or three in.eu u aer mcaurcd ! " " i ana re r C I Superb Outdoor - Adrrnturt ! Clastic of Canada's N, W, Mounted Police In TECHNICOLOR ! "HEART OF i THE NORTH" With Patrlr Knowles, Gloria Dkknon, Gate Page (At 7:36 and 9 36) Aim:i .Mickey Mouse In -IIKAVK LITTLE TAILOR" "Fathlon Forecast" (In color) Sport "Timber Toppm" COMING THl'KS. FRIDAY The Picture that Dares to Trll the Truth! "DAMAGED GOODS" FARM PLANNING SYDNEY. N- 8.. Jan. 23 iCV - - . m . , ... . a scneme 01 jarm punning win oe ,nam,ural, , Ca pe Breton Countv this year whereby definite crop plans will be laid out for each farm .ftn . -nmmunitv bui tn rn-nwn. tlon with the municipal council BACKACHE? Kidney thai sre not eUmJoatinr .. tf.t - t T matter ae iney tnouiii mm mait W yt you ftl rniKrat.lf - irfc-y - tirtd. oV pffH' II suffmnf from bteitttHt. broken rrat rKeurtiallr ptiaa, you nttd the 8 rutdicMa! tn-rrdirnta tn bin P !a to help your ktdnys filter out trouble-miking tont CkC ho of Git Piiii todjy. 01m Spills! . ja Two SliewRei ulsr, 50c snd ntw Lconomy Site (double the (Juan tlty) 7Jc A Hot Time h What You Want This Winter You ran get It by ulng ear famnu L'dson, Itulkley Vilify or Nanalmo-WttllnctoM coaL I'KINCH KtTEUT FBKI) CO. rtionrt 5 or $ pkg. & Cold Storage Ltd. British Columbia Heat In Blasts from Coal That Lasts BUY Bulkley Valley Coal Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package 8erves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator l Canadian Fish Co. Prince Rupert 1