(ire and bombing attacks t o i :t air which had been raking W Old men and women and f'-;er- as they sought to fly the jr wrre traDDed In the atrecta. -cry fire and aerial bombing -?r;cl their flight. 1 'r -'An h Um MMihAA4ir f n n lninrr lit I.ltM ites At Harbor Spokane 3, Seattle 2. of munitions. CONTINUE equipment. materials, structures, ships and supplied required by the Department of National Defence where expenditure exceeds $5000. provide I hJ n m m that ciih. jj L3 to then had refusea 10 ''"" . 1 r'.'c nrn.r.i waM.!i Pr.n- equipmenv. maienai uu .ui. f.-.t' ii in Un,i, frnm bomb- DC purcnasco ai a n-awnauic ir.r; for surrender notwlth- suiiun -. j -IJ thai ulnriu . Kz 'he? would save the city from i "u o . .. and n!Mr fYwnw ni inc. and bo sparea mm-" ?tM rUmated last night thal.ProP" " "lameni :r.drr1 had been killed by MOVEMENT Sir Stafford Crlpps Still Favors Coalition of All F.len.ents Op posed to Chamberlain LONDON, Jan. 26: (CP-Dejpllcj his expulsion yesterday by the na- tlonol executive of the Labor Party by a vote of 18 to 1 on grounds of' I disloyalty to the party. Sir Staf-. . n 1 lord Crlpps, militant bociausi CntranCe hndinP llcr, says he Intends to push OIII.C LaiUlllg I Jorward the campaign he has been IIP B , leading favoring an antl-FascUt fFn'J week Oeorge Nlckerson and Popuiar Front coalition of all fan-oclatcs expect to complete the j UoHJ oplxsiag Prime Minister Nev-of clearing the nlt at Fred-(.. chamberlain's forelsn policy. Point on the Dlgby Island ubor party executive de- ' oi me entrance of the narooriclmcd nave anything to do with ffidlncss for the nlaclng thert,, nrtip hut. desnlte the oo- fortlflcatlons by the Department pifon 0f the Labor Party to this National Defence. Previously the nrnc.A.,n, sir Stafford continued arlng of the Barrett Point sltuu. j,i ..v,irh hi nw savs It is d been completed and work of intentlon to pursue, the Labor lng in the concrete cmpiace- f,Atlv notwithstanding. He will re "its is now belnr started by the prthem Construction Co. and J. oicwart and E. J. Ryan Cou nting Co. of Vancouver. Some B'ly men are employed at present. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific fiiusl IrmiiP tain the title of "Socialist" he said. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Char northeast to cloudy and mild with showers. FltKNCH SOLDIERS CALLED PARJS The French govern-mentfacrnr the possibility of new International complications if the Insurgents win the Spanish war, as now appears to be almost certain, has ordered eighty thousand men up for military fccrvire In April, six months ahead of. schedule. CANADIANS "LOST-LONDON One hundred and seventy-eight Canadian volun teers became "lost" In Spain while the French border enroute home home, it is learned here. Accorainx io m.itrr renort. the "lost" men to the government and without un-j bfcame jetached (torn a main rcasonauic yrom w iu.iiui.h-- nartv party at at the the bonier bonier when when me French authorities ordered train to proceed. Officials trying to round them up. the are GROUP HOSPITALIZATION VANCOUVER A group hospitalization scheme for Vancouver has been placed before the doctors of the city by Mayor. Lyle Telford. A stipulated sum would be paid mommy ana mcairai anu hospital care would be given when required. TRAFFIC DEATHS LESS VICTORIA Traffic deaths In British Columbia in 1938 totalled 102, a decrease of twenty from 1937. NAMED METROPOLITAN HALIFAX Bishop John Hack-enley was yesterday elected Metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of Canada Including the jMarltlmcs and part of Quebec east of Montreal in succession to the late Archbishop J. A. Richardson of Fredericton. Bishop of Nova Scotia since 1925, Harken-ley now becomes an Archbishop. GEHRIG SIGNS UP NEW YORK Taking a salary cut, Lou Gehrig signed up for his fifteenth season with New Y'ork Yankees. Last year he was paid $39,000 but there was a comprom ise between $30,000 and $39,000. lotle Islands- Fresh to strong, . . , con n east ttlnrfs winds, most mostly v I " secullvc games. CHILD WAS i STRANGLED I I . A- 'Mysterious Siranter lieinj' Sojiijht In Winnipeg For Killing Year Old Girl WINNIPEO. Jan 26: CP'-Ros-Eller, six year old daughter or Steve Eiler. was slain Tuesday Tomonjgyides 141 Capitol Win t & 19.0 ft. TAXI 11:5 'f,7 ft. LOW 23:4$ Ct. 1 ft. Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' W 1 xXVlH No. 21 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1939. PRICE; 4 CENTS ppropriation For Air Base H ere t arcelona Is Taken By . r i overnmeni v.apicai Is Finally Occupied; No Resistance at End . I T I., tftl Y .... IJ t-.4 i it' nnri mi iiiih i' hv iin iimnri'i'iii r iiri'i' r.ini'r mv b it u a a Ma au W " ------- r - ...... - . Metropolis.MinlBtrics Scatter to North liyalists rrorntsc Another Island HENDAYE, Franco-Snanish Frontier, January 20: Pi General Francisco Franco's troops marched into rcelona at noon today with flags flying and bands play- " 2, formally taking over the city and completing occupa- . i :.. rii : ti n r e government s defence. The metropolis fell at last with I.gnung mi me ena no ... . J i . a. invojvca in wmpici- i r.a:' grounded the city jm- j... A haw Attn , : main rtreeU. Truck- I l.-'s into the etty where t.'.c r- sutfered month of to blockade by ea CLEAN UP PURCHASE OF ARMS More Details of Independent Board hme f Minister of National at U forming a new ome where In the' Defence astrlea of the rrpub- ration hate fled to1 OTTAWA. Jan. 26: CP - The ona province near resolution of Hon. Ian Mackenzie, dor whciJiiaJt5linl?tX,r f JiflRaL fl several tOWm. UOV-Vl n muriJriiuciik unniw i- ' portera insist that the 'purchasing board for Canada and r L-ii o-and-a-haIf yeara.the inlUatkm of a ten year fln-t i .-..unue both there andanclng, plan for defence expendi- ai region wheje the turej. stipulate that the purch-c - r e'.ii hold Madrid and.aslng board shall have "exclusive power, subject to approval by the rrr.l'r GRIM TIGHT Onvemor OeneraJ In council, t" ; t: x night deienaera "w : -i lad continued to hold chase " .bbcrr. y flghUng Inch by bv street, house by t;i r t the advance of the t. t r f t Into the cltv. The Bulletins t FrailC B'iS Defence Project at Prince Italy Solemnly Warned By France To Keep Hands Off; Fascist Threat To Be Met PARIS, January 26: (CP) Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet today solemnly warned Italy to keep her hands off the French colonial Empire, telling; the Chamber of Deputies that "France cannot permit any one to touch the Empire she had founded with her blood." Concluding a two weeks' debate on foreign affairs, Bonnet also declared: "The French government does not intend to disinterest itself in Central Europe. There must be an end to the legend that our policy has destroyed engagements we have made in Eastern Europe." Premier Edouard Daladier announced that France and Great Britain had agreed to take "necessary steps" to meet the Italian threat if Fascist failed to leave Spain at the close of the civil war. He did not indicate the nature of the steps. Rupert Included in Estimates Brought Down in Federal House Vote For Local Undertaking is $327,000Sitc Understood THOT IS AMDS to be at Seal Cove Where 200 Men Will be Based . 1 "vuuni XXJ u As previously reported, the understanding is i that Seal Cove has been definitely selected as the site for Prince Rupert's air base. The site is the same as that which was to have been used for a pulp mill. The Construction job will be a big one and the ultimate cost it has been said will be a million dollars. There may be a permanent staff of close to two hundred men including pilots, active fliers and ground crews. OTTAWA, January 26: (CP) Defence estimates tabled in the House of Commons yesterday included $375,-000 for Skeena riding, the principal item of which was an appropriation of $327,000 for a new Royal Canadian Air Force base at Prince Rupert. The vote for the Prince Ru pert air station provides for purchase, clearing and exr cava Hon of site, flip ay and apron gar tanks and wireless station, $327,000. At Allford Bay. Queen Charlotte Inlands, completion of apron, slipway &nd wharf, clearing and preparation of site for wireless station, water supply and caretaker's house, gas tanks, heating, lighting and Hon. power are provided for In a vote of $18,000. The defence estimates reached a PrPsed to borrow- mysterious stranger who Is alleged to have entered the boarding house and bound Kay Reniuk. the house- description of the killer. The trae- Of the defence estimates $29,775,-edy was discovered by the father 565 is for the Royal Canadian Air who was out of the house when it Force as compared with $11,636,517 occurred. i last year. This includes new bulld- lings, mostly In British Columbia CONVICTION VANCOUVER, Jan. 26: (CP) .The British Columbia Court of Ap peals, by unanimous Judgment oi Its five Judges handed down yesterday, set aside a conviction and sentence of two years' Imprisonment less one day at Okalla Imposed by Judge W. E. Fisher at Prince Rupert on Howard Keefi on a charge of theft from the person. A verdict of acquittal was i ordered entered. and Nova Scotia; $6,000,000 for I training of new pilots and personnel some of which will be allotted 0 tralninS 1 Canada of Royal Air IC fll T A nTTi U kill Force pilots following completion IO V UrVul 1 JLil 0f Canada-British negotiations, and I The appeal was heard about ten eleven, mere wm u """""'s idays a?o with T. W. Brown ot I extensions at Halifax and Esqul- Prlnce Rupert acting as counsel for. malt. ' Keefe and T. F. Hurley for the crown. Chief Justice Archer MarUn ex pressed opinion of the court that conviction ordered in the case had depended upon suspicion. The suspicion was strong but nevertheless It was suspicion, the court ruled. STARTS COAL FUND IS STILL CRUSADER W. D. Herridee Talks of New Movement Described as "New Democracy" new aU . time PJ P4 jAyrrAWA. Jan. 26: CP-Speac. i47J75 as cvmpji ealirrSnaggre- , t , ,,,,, m.h,Hn, ,., Six gate of $35,966,524 last year. Hon. W. D. Herrldge, brother-ln- ine oeiencc esumaies are woricea taw of Fonner Prime Minister It. out on a new basis with construe- B. Bennett, former Canadian min-tlcn and acquisition of stores class- jster to Washington, spoke of a ified as ordinary account and other new political movement which ht Items under capital account. The described as the "New Demo-latter totals $29,405,102 which it is cracy and which he said was gaining force The old economic or- Included in the defence vote is der must be changed, said Mr $3,477,175 with which to liquidate Herrldge who ur3ed fighting keDer strandlm the child when a 1 10 of Interest and against the forces of fascism from her cries threatened to arouse the finking fund over a ten year per- within by restoring prosperity and :;u ".I;.. "f r : household. The housekeeper was ia, 'vmg sou.uuu.uuu ior aciuai irom wnnout oy sirengmerung oi l ILa ,l,tf .able to furnish a fairly complete departmental purposes. the Anglo-Saxon union Missing Bombing Plane Is Sought No Success, However. Attends Quest Which Has Been On For A Couple of Days 2.nrtS 1 i toSS b?IPof " I: LONDON. Jan. 26: CP- War-' Howard Keefe of This City Orderr l f ships and Royal Air rce planer and to 262 2'" Acquitted by Appeal Court Of , J " AJ ?men have continued without success so British Columbia '" . . far the search for an Air Force In addition to the Prince Rupert bombl men on and Allford Bay projects are the wn,ch f()rced dQWn m following: th Fneiich nhannM durine the Patricia Bay . Two hangers, run-'st m at tne first of the week. i -i I ways, barracK diock ana roaa m- . version, $654,000. I Vanrouver $229,000. i for clothing, armaments and muni- tio"s-$8 Under naval estimates, totalling ask?d VOt 500.000, up $1,860,000 provision Is . for government ex-m!..L made fo the purchase of a new $7j2W15 Lh . tmt Plven pendltures next fiscal year begln- rr? n: ;,K ; h; APm 1, according to the mam Ing Canadian naval units up to j Hon. u. a. uunmng, minister oi finance. These main estimates include 4425 000 fnr thr vlfAt tn Canada The personnel oi me v,-,thls summer of the Klng and adlan Navy is Increased by twenty-1 QueeDi $350000 belng for transpor- one onicers ana joo rauuss n n aH011 and 1.823 respecuveiy a CT The estimates do not provide for serve win oe esiapumt-u Canadian National Railways defl naval personnel. 'cits, grants In aid to provinces or An Atlantic unit of the fisher- unempioyment relteI pubnc Worksi men's reserve, similar to that ai-lproJects wnlch wiu be taken carej teady esUbllshed in British Colum- Un supplementarles. bla. will be formed. The total f main estimates com- 4 t, "...u - k . r- . ..win t M tQ $430,32851O ARE DEAD IN 'QUAKE Further Particulars of Catastrophe In Chili Many Also Injured SANTIAGO, Chili, Jan. 26: (CP) Ten to fifteen thousand and other thousands injured was the semi-official estimate placed last night on Chili's earthquake disaster of midnight Tuesday. This takes into account four thousand or more persons said to ' be dead in Chilian, an ancient city of forty thousand people under the shadow of the Andes in the interior, which is reported to have been completely destroyed. First government reports today listed more than four thousand dead and indicated that t list might go above twelve thousand. Report of the destruction of Chilian, which is 220 miles south of Santiago, was made.by one of. -three army planes which had been sent out to survey the disastrous earthquake scene. The city, destruction of which was later confirmed, was said to be in flames. Another city, Ca-quenes, noted for its mineral springs, is said to be in ruins as well. Centering some 250 miles south of Santiago, the 'quake affected some four hundred and fifty miles of coastline south from Valparaiso, the disturbance area .also extending into the interior. Sixty per cent of Concepcion was destroyed and Taica suffered heavy damages. The government has ordered the military to take over all available airplanes and radio station,? in order to speed up rescue operations. Special trains, destroyers, planes, trucks and merchant vessels are speeding to the stricken region with doctors, nurses, food and medicine. Fruit Growers Would Cut Out All Middle Men VERNON, Jan. 26: (CP) The British Columbia Fruit Orowers Association, at Its annual meeting here ' yesterday, approved of, the setUng up of a central sales agency under tne natural products Marketing Act to handle fruit crops of the Okanagan. There would be no sub-agencies. English Channel - l Tunnel . Project Again Proposed LONDON. Jan. 26: (CP) Tha Two new divisions of the Royal; lth $418 963 456 iast year ea of alssing a tunnel under the r-onoHInn Naval Volunteer Reserve , i " v- !r uv. rv, tn oon tv, tmubstLa, uKuooLLo, Jan. jan, zo: J6. lut'j li ) neaa- iieaa- ... , . be added 0mhpH jjj w hut but the the ho lrvale locales locales are are are .. . . , t rr j v k nno 000 francs ZZ: r. ($1,700). "i Klne Leooold ' r not designated. , ubHc works ta $12,457,532 by France but Is not meeting with opened a national subscription to Army Vole buy coal for needy people In Bel-' The total mllltla vote Is $20,775.- glum. 000, an Increase of $4,048,580, mostly which It is expected will be con-' much response In this country-slderably Increased by the suppIe-'Such a project was first mooted raentarlcs. in 1802 in the days of Napoleon.