TODAY? ouT OF WORK NEXT MAILS rry The News’ Want Ad. For South Way. go Che!oisin . .. Wednesday, 11 p.m. >. Prince Rupert eeoeees Friday 8 a.m, Ad ive PAC se Ve _ — VOL. Ill, NO. 49 PRICE Five CENTg aie — IWAYOR NEWTON SMASHES HIS OWN PLAT MONTGOMERY DEMANDS LONG-KEPT SECRET "MAY SUFFER’ Charged With Czar-Like Dictathauie Maver Demolishes Plank | by Plank the Structure by Which He Mounted the Throne WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES. “The bank is kicking like ULY BOYS | | Principal Hunter Hints at Coming Corporal Punishment for Bad Boys—Schoo! Library Prospers —Miss Manning Resigns. RM | PROROGATION TODAY. (CANADIAN PRESS DESPATCH.) Victoria, Feb. 27.—The Legislature has _ business now about cleared up and prorogation will take place early this afternoon. The government has stated that a commission is to be ap- SMALL BLAZE LAST NIGHT | Fulton Bakery Fire | Fire Visited—Con- siderable Internal Damage— Several Tons of Flour Ruined —Brigade Smartly on the Job. Smart work was done by the fire brigade in extinguishing a small outbreak of fire which took place last night in the Fulton |Bakery on Fulton street. Al- | though the brigade got on ihe job in a few seconds after the call came in, the flames had a grip on the interior of the premises when they arrived and consider- able damage was done to stock. A quantity of flour, about three tons in all, was destroyed by fire and water, but the blaze was ef- fectually prevented from spread- ing and was speedily quelled. Damage amounting to $150 was covered by insurance. An over- heated oven started the fire. Settlement in Twelve Hours. The stock and fixtures of the Fulton Bakery were insured under a policy issued by the Property Insurance Company of London, England, now represented by Mr. Harry W. Birch, and forrmerly by the Mack Realty & Insurance Co. A satisfactory adjustment and settlement was made this morn- ing by Mr. Frank A. Ellis (acting for the company), who holds cheque signature of the assured to proof of loss. This is, how- ever, in accordance with the en- viable record held by this com- pany for for. promot settlement. 4t NEW ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION asia Bout Between Bayley and O’Brien Likely to Come Off Under Prince Rupert Auspices Next Month. Following are the office beavers of the newly organized Prince Rupert Athletic Association: President, W. Wright; secre- tary-treasurer, Cyril Orme; com- mittee, J. R. Beatty, J. Roerig, 8. A. Corley. A boxing contest between Joe Bayley of Victoria and Mickey O’Brien of Vancouver is sched- uled for a date early next month, arrangements being almost com- pleted. | blazes against these indi- 3 aS | inted eithéuk Galay We in NOW SUMMONS STAR CHAMBER METHOD _ § visust debentures. | They At a mecting of \the school } Vestigate, labor. ‘conditions say: ‘For goodness sake jboard yesterday afternoon the| : th throughout the province. a tes | cond ant hi jresignation of Miss Manning was| s ‘ e an e n one fund. ffe At Hastily Held Special Meeting Yesterday, Ald. Montgomery Demands Light on{$ That is Sa trouble.”—Mayor $11.) _ Aa iaat Huntie aecet ‘that Sia A ei iene tr ce Dark Business Which Took the Mayor South- -Deprecates Idea of Private | Newton to the hospital board 3 jhe other ladies of the staff bee Meetings, But is Denied Admission for Press to Kill Star Chamber Stes onns atmcsh ene a ei wil Sreapee ‘ WORK STARTING ° ‘ make an effort te ainte . Charge—-Secret Meeting Will be Held Tomorrow | with the whole §10,000 $. work of the Wohoel Ton inthe What amounts to a declaration) lieve it will be in the interests of;at stake in this. Alderman Mor-| promised. without the assistance of another| AT DEPOT SITE of war between Mayor Newton | the city for me to do so.” |rissey referred to the alarming) | oun. lady teacher to replace | nd Alderman Montgomery on| Here Alderman Morrissey made|umors running around in the} <= - | Miss Manning, but the board de-| Si n of star chamber or}a motion to respect the Mayor's|St™eets on the Mayor's visit be-| cided that this would be placing) Gang of Men Busy This Morning en and above board meetings aie low, its purpose, its alleged fail-| DIRECT BOATS }a considerable burden upon pet Clearing the Path of the Q. the City Couneil took ataco|ene Alderman Bullock-Web- ure and the attitude of the bank | )and arranged to advertise for an-| T. P. Hotel to Its New Site— afternoon at a special|*'°" seconded, desiring that the|toward the city. other teacher. | Forerunners of a Throng. f the Council called|information be made known as That he was willing to take the FROM EUROPE. Good progress has been made} ey ae 1 the midst of the re-|soon as possible. He did not like|Council into his confidence and by the efforts of the lady teachers Some twelve or so of grubbers business of the old city|the position of having informa-|tell them the situation, but that and pupils toward founding aland axemen were engaged this the new fire hall, The|tion which was denied other|the meeting must be a private) Fingt two Cargo Steamers Are | °°!00! library. The dramatic so-|morning in clearing the ground f the meeting was to|members of the Council. one, was the Mayor’s decisive! Coming from British Ports to! ciety contributed $200 and the between the old city hall and the \ tion transferring the Aiderman Douglas backed up|Statement. He claimed that he Prince Rupert This Spring with °°!0" girls nearly $20 toward the/G. T. P. Inn in order to smooth ness to the new prem-|Alderman Montgomery, who con-|- “ Ey REIN DE eS Direct Shipped Freight. fund. A list of books has been|the path of the large building to during the meeting Al-|tended that there is a principle Continued on Page 4. etal prepared and has to be sent to|its new location, Montgomery took occa-| Direct shipments of goods in| Victoria for approval. The books} The probability is that the site the Mayor for infor-| — bulk from Europe to Prince Ru-| Wl! then be purchased, probably | selected for the hotel will be the rarding his recent visit| Ipert are to commence this spring by tender through local firms, and|/ area occupied by Pat Burns’ mar- Th is information the !Already Messrs, Balfour, Guthrie the board will assist in the for-| ket. This site will be sufficiently { is been guarding jeal-| 2 : & Co. are collecting business in mation of a library by furnishing} far out of the way in the mean- Son of Dab sEueIbane p intere all S In jthis city for direct shipment by| ?0okshelves. time for the purpose of the G, T. he n of the members of} }two steamers which they have an= Principal Hunter mentioned] P. Co Finance committee, who have} 9 jnounced to leave British and) that the growing boys were show-}| Fe ae aoe pacha Pl the ‘a | European ports in the months of ite tendency toward unruly be-| gteel has been laid into Atha- red informatign vouch-| @ on S a orm |March and April to come with havior which might before long | pasea Landing by the Canadian afed by the Mayor before! | direct cargo for Prince Rupert,| Necessitate a renewal of recourse ‘Northern Railway, opening a le W ow. b after having discharged any Van-|t0 corporal punishment. The | large territory for settlement. Ald Montgomery sought | Plank 15—-Open methods and full and free jcouver stuff they may have. peers SDOEE NET ae Judgement ial for direct from the} di : he°C 3] Board so lon as This news marks an important| the matter arious accoun 1% ’ i claimed that as al iscussion at the ouncl oa s jera in the history of Prince Ru-} were passed, and the matter of a} CHELOHSIN’ | IS ‘ember of coutidil: die cwae, enol parliamentary language is used. |pert’s sea trade, Steamships have| flag pole for the school was} tled | called bere with freight, but it} broached but not settled. | The Mayor announced that he| Plank 2—The carrying out of the Hydro- /has been transhipped freight, or eR SOME CRAFT ould give out the Fike seeae| Electric undertaking by the whole council, ee oe mat 2 hig See Leap Year Social. | tay iweting of the coun- : : : [DISBSSy OSPeOSs Mae Ten s.,.P LO!’ phe (adept Aid of eho: prea - ield Wednesday at 7 = the peereenc of press representatives andin | the Orient direct came a big cargo byterian Church, east of McBride, ..New Steamer, to ar, to Run Mid-Week the regular messi accordance with the promise made to the Re pation i bi i street, have postponed their Leap, Alternately with Old Camosun, a method which found} . e eee kth Pe Baie bedi”, ht achat Year social until Thursday, the) Arrives This Morning and ith Mayor Manson's} electors prior to the passage of the by law... pRune pe, 29th, on aecount of the opening Proves Luxurious and Speedy. may be remembered. | eas . Cae Mar An of the new estholme Theatre. — To Alderman: MEAN Renae dt Plank 14—Every citizen to receive an ab- door @inahail. of, she ame ss ou on vir ig fh Rn ae chamber methods|$ — solutely square deal, regardless of his political 3) Gppanenas Xs. Pabpie, ab Ang ie ae Lioht, ap: HauTeeeer ad neatat ane steac ‘ » press} jtorium, Feb. 27th. Game calle rents . : pear Te ae atte to creed. tf pale at 8:15 sharp Admission 25e. For sale—Soda fountain and aoe ata at ens substantiation of any|¢¢ - ree gafter the game. 2t (all appurtenances. ©. H. Orme, tf aa ont in ni a re i in bright oe the Council held star == |sunshine so that everybody could . hole oun Peet FRANK STUBBS KILLED j}have a look at her. The Cheloh- He expressed confi- + teat |sin is a very compact and sea- he integrity of the pre 85 | wis Auto Skidded, Hurling .» DECISION TO G0 AHEAD WITH worthy passenger boat and speedy mm publishing what | Against Phone Pole. as well. She develops nearly 15 ew S nsidere dunripe for | knots an hour and on her trip ition at this stage. Canadian Pr eS8 ‘De spatch. UP TO DATE WING FOR HOSPITAL north in spite of delays at Van- no Mayor Sereane 8 oe | Victoria, Feb. 27. Fré ank | couver and Nanaimo covered the hat hg eee make the |Stubbs, awhar and driver of at whole of the Venture’s calls, get- nent his own way. de ; 8 | g good time. ; Monteorankn : automobile here, was instantly ting in in soot Hes eae tthe Coueell aid cat ike| killed perwoen 10 and lst Board of Directors Hetiavday Decides to Call for Competitive Lururiously supigped through: } wail a oe g | bight a few miles fro I i 0 0 fo e bes lass passeni , (and reveal nothing | ale ‘or was a oe ven Plans---Mayor and City’ S Position Regarding $10,000 braflo,: tbe. CRAG Manne eae e of speed. skidded ¢ ° a favorite, & ov f Alderman Montgomery strongly |°Tashed_ into a telephone pole. Grant---Whole Sum May Not be Available commodation ineludes modern oe Lg Four other occupants of the car rooms with baths and toilet fix ed the Mayor's right to were injured At a special meeting of thejthat the City Solicitor had ad-|work for the erection of a sub-j| tures of the best. Her saloons iny such position if the, , : hospital board yesterday after-| vised him that the city was em-|stantial building will be rushed) and corridors are richly furnished red that the matter | CANADA'S WEAPON }noon it was decided that a new) powered to levy a tax rate of one/along,. and there is*plenty of deck space ide public Mayor Newton} wing shall be proceeded with and| mill “for sanitary purposes” prt —————__—_—— for promenading, The Chelohsin | ' his determination 10 | putes Aimed Against Ross Rifle| (that the initial stages—the get-|that under this all the hospital} EASY SEAT PRICES is a worthy addition to Rupert’s| vn way with it, | Resented. lting of blue prints of the present | could hope for would be the a fleet. If we are to have a dictator| }building’s plans and the calling/amount left over after the needs|New Westholme Opera House See oemeaseieaeatain of this Couneil,” re~| Ottawa, Feb, 27,—‘Unless. the | for SOMD NCE Oinee for the ex-|of the city for sae oe been| Makes Known Inviting Terms. DE A [ T WITH AP KEL A} de ' . spy | Natio tifle Association of|tension—shall be gone on with./attended to ‘he cost of a new ne vi ne ORAECE ON cite uegppcid its attitude to-| As a committee to look after the | rock crusher ordered by the, rhe management wishes to an- Woy Dk OF are i the Ross rifle, the arm of|business were appointed the} Council his absence, said the|/nounce as a special inducement en altogether and let Or Tailed militia, Canada will not | president, J, A. Kirkpatrick; P. I.|Mayor, would have to be met.|/to Prince Rupert theatregoers LONG DOCKET c Pics the city? aa a team to Bisley this year,”’| Palmer and O, H, Nelson. That was $5,000, |that they have decided to fix their Bvish« pies Montgomery Ss) said Sam Hughes, minister of| Mayor Newton was present at President Stewart was inelined|prices during the vaudeville en- ; re the wish of the C JOUN =| vitia, in the House today, Cer- | the meeting and President D. G.} 4, think that the board might | agement commencing Wednes-|Many Cases Before Magistrate | r ated: She APOE oanan tain rules aimed at the Ross rifle} Stewart took the opportunity of nevertheless go ahead with the [oars Feb, 28th, at 25 and 35 cents, Carss Yesterday Were Ad-| mouth on the matter. lwill not be tolerated, he conte nds. las king him directly whether in| jew wing and obtain credit from The entire lower floor and the journed—Liquor Charges Will J my intention to allow! }view of certain disquieting rum-|jhe pank on the strength of the | first four rows in the baleony will Take Long Hearing. } be stampeded into aie | Joseph Andrew Clark, once a/ors around the streets he thought) eity’s pledge. Phey had $10,000|be sold at 35 cents; gallery 25 a Ei i a : 4 J I will reveal all to aera il known character In Yukon/the city could fulfil its pledge to ready to go ahead with bate the jcents, Only box seats will be re- There was a long docket to Dei ( mbers as I have stated,|labor politics and always a can-| grant $10,000 to the hospital} government. served, There wil! be two per-|qdealt with by Magistrate Caras} but ssed too far on the pub-|didate for some oflice or other, | fund, Like the tiny drop of chemical|formances each evening, the first) yesterday morning. Most of the lie ar ement of the business|is now hunting for aldermanic | “In reply to Mr, Stewart,” said|/that precipitates crystalization | commencing al 7:45 and the sec-| eases, however, were adjourned, I \ ntain silence, and I be-|honors in Edmonton. ithe Mayor, “you know that I,tookjthe magic word “bank” acted on ond at 9 p.m, Box seats may be} Charlie Sly and Jean Partileau, )—~... }you into my confidence after our|the mayoral mind, reserved at the theatre every | charged with playing a game of| er jrecent meeting here and explained “The bank,” he said, ‘“The}afternoon from 1 to 5, commen¢-|ehance, will appeared again to-| \to you some of the diffieulties in| bank is kicking like blazes against| ing W ednesday. iday. D, Zarelli, accused of run- PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO /the way, and all I can say to you|these individual debentures. They ar ean ning a blind piglet and defended Inow is that matters are still say: ‘For goodness sake get a} Is aaaie. ‘hatsaiied, |by Mr. Patmore, APDOaTS on Fri- : "he Mayor and twWo of the engineering staff seen squint- |pending . While I would like to|sum of money raised, and keep it} The case of Joe Vaccher,| day, Joe Vasher tenant of the ‘Ong that bandstand sidewalk, |see you get every dollar thet youjin one fund.’ That is the trouble.”|charged with having liquor on| Italian boarding house on Fulton , Fire departrent decides to occupy the new ecily hi ill when lhave asked for, and which the \ suggestion by the president|unlicensed premises for sale, was} street, which the police irrever- V8 ready, Council has pledged itself to give|that the board might like to con-|again up this morning at the po-jently term “a booze joint,” has Nditor Newton just stated that he stands pat with the |you, still there may be a possi-|sider a smaller building met with/lice court and again adjourned, |his case further heard today, He Urgent Progressives. |bility that the full $10,000 may]very decided dissent from P, I.|this time that a stenographer) has a little wife of sixteen who is * \Iderman Montgomery suggests stars as a suitable decor not possibly be available. While|]Palmer, who said that for his|might be ealled in, It will be | alleged to have pow weve BOOK®, Psy ” the new council chamber ceiling. I have every possible good will part only a decent sized building| heard tomorrow. Mr. Peters ap-| Joe Reddic 8 . ehmenset of ; planks for sale, Apply to the Mayor. ‘ jtoward the hospital, there may be/such as was proposed looked at|pears for the proseciition and Me. | gambling, = ey ee 2 an et andidate of the Progressives to succeed Manson is pack- ja necessity for reduction of thel/all practicable. After further|Patmore for the defense, he ars are 14 As am ‘a ORI VIO M * "18 grip for Victoria, }$10,000 grant for this reason.’’|discussion the board came to the —————_ —__— charged with forgery, will appear beperoasel Mayor Newton went on to say}conclusion stated, and the initial Best room in town at Savoy. again on February 28th, Toddles Home. There is in the heart of a certain noteworthy indoor base- | ball player of Prince Rupert. That | which he mourned as lost has re- \turned to him. The long lost “Toodles,” wee curly collie pup, ihas been located and got home Hall right last night. | “Toodies” Joy ESTHOLM OPERA HOUS | 0—_—_ —_————-0 Grand Opening Wednesday Evening Feb. 28 Engagement Extraordinary Of the Famous Bell, Barnes & Dale Trio Direct from the Pantages reuit Admission - 25c, 35¢ Box Seats T5e DOORS OPEN AT 7.30 o-——---—_—_—-6