— The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVa&axlisiINa on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dainy, 50c per raonth, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. Other Countries—-Daily, $8.00 per year; in advance. —50 cents per inch. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorkK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., SBEaATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. Lonpon, ENGLAND— The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Puilding, Trafalgar Square. Telephone 98. New York City Supscrisers will greatiy oblige by promptly calling uj, Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. ait Epo, “Tusspay, Fes. ea All| Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly) RESNER & BESNER . | The New Knox Hotel is runon the Bur | plan | improvements. FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER! } | Cor. Fraser and 5th. Contract rates PROPRIETORS First-class service. All the Latest M r BEDS Sec UI —_ Hote Choice Wines and ¢ | RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT igars WHAT IS HANGING OVER US UNTIL WEDNESDAY NIGHT? ‘Servian Labor Benefit Society No. 195, S.S.S.S. The city is all agog over the special meeting of the ane Meetings held every Ist and 3rd Sunday of the by putting his ear to the ground, might| “Bad news yesterday and the Mayor, collect a number of interesting street rumors. keep” is an old maxim, end kick up a stink. thinks it his public duty to keep secret from us, they speculate the gloomier must their thoughts be. That the bank has shut down on that the city’s credit is busted, already a foregone conclusion. But if that were all the Mayor would doubtless have frankly said it, and have taken counsel} with the aldermen how this temporary financial embarrassment could be remedied. Gloomier and gloomier become the fore- bodings and the general belief that the worst is yet to come. All because the Mayor, in his supreme wisdom, deems it) politic to smash a few of the leading planks of the platform upon | which he secured public oolailtionsé and to shut out the public| from his confidence. Why he should have gone Victoria at| the public expense and then refuse to tell the public why he| went and what he did there is a matter nobody can puzzle out. The hydro-electric scheme the biggest subject, financially and otherwise, the city has on hand at present. Was that the object! of his trip to the seat of provincial government? If so, how does} he reconcile his silence with Plank No. 2 of his platform, which | “The carrying out the hydro-electric undertaking by} the whole council, in the presence of press representatives. Why he should have refused to Alderman Montgomery the} information that gentleman had a perfect right to ask splinters| another plank which reads: ‘Every citizen to receive an abso- and Mr. Montgomery did not invalidate his becoming an alderman. “Open methods| and free the board” is another plank the mayor is reducing to pulpwood by his silence. But none of the foregoing is intended a criticism of action of the Mayor in maintaining this awful silence. It simply stated as being the first duty of a newspaper to tell the news and the public impression this news creates. We have no desire to add another cloud of gloom, especially on so bright and glorious a day as this. We would wish to dissipate it as much as possible, and will make the endeavor. It is probably a small trouble after all. In fact, the Mayor has not kept his secret well, not he thinks he has. For he let it slip yesterday afternoon in his explanation to the hospital board why the could not come through with the $10,000 for the extension of the hospital. He said in a burst of confidence such as he has not been guilty of in the city council: “The bank is kicking like blazes against these individual de- bentures. They ‘For goodness sake get a sum of money raised, and keep it in one fund.’ That is the trouble.” So there is probably little nothing to worry about. It may turn out that the Mayor has discovered another mare’s nest, and that is about all. and the longer! | us; is to reads: ol lutely square deal,” rights as a citizen by discussion at council the is as as well as city sav: or WITH REVOLUTIONS EVERY OTHER DAY. The Winnipeg, Central America, titles are rather Canadian Securities and Sales Company, Limited, of is doing considerable advertising of banana lands in where there are continual revolutions and land unsettled. that $20 would purchase lt not to determine what the average investor could do with, say, ten acres of banana lands He probably knows as much about banana cultivation America as construction in Mars. The adver- It appears acre of iand. is an Canadian for $200. in Central easy canal will} +42 o-4-0-e— | but if bottled up it is liable to ferment) Everybody is speculating on what the Mayor ° month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM, Secretary P.O. Box 991 President — + #4 +40 FRED. STORK —General Hardware— a Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware _* — @—ei-— ¢-—_@- o-— | * SECOND - AVENUE 4 | —e—¢_@—@ — ¢ -¢ 6 #0 ¢ Little’s NEWS Agency agazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers TOBACCOS FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF CIGARS tisements of the company contain extracts from various news- | 1911 The Bank of British North America 75 Years in Business. 1836 Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Business Men’s Banking Money advanced to finance your business. Local and foreign Drafts bought and sold. Notes discounted. promptly made. Letters of Credit, Money Orders and Telegraph Transfers issued, payable in all the leading Cities of the world. Collections | 30 ¢ Prince Rupert Branch— F. S. LONG, Manager. ™' Royal Hotel Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St. r | The Finest Rooms | The best equir and stearr Hot and cold | Dining room restaurant Corley & Burgess, Props papers stating that fortunes are being paid for banana producing | a oe plantations. There are also learned discourses printed on the comparative food values of the banana and nineteen | Altogether it stfikes one os UNION §S, COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd: and fruits, bananas winning easily. very like the rubber plant bubble. This port will grow fast from now on, Not only is the Union Steamship Company increasing its service and other lines build-}| ing new boats for the traffie, but a great shipping firm like Bal- four, Guthrie & Co., coast, doing the largest business in chartering vessels, ing circulars to Prince Rupert in the endeavor to obtain freight | from Europe to this port, are send- Convention of Liberals! A convention of British Columbia Liberals will be held at O'Brien's Hall, Hastings Vancouver, on February 29th, 1912. Upon purchasing a first-class ticket to Vanevuver via C, P. R. and obtaining at the of purchase from. the ticket agent a standard certificate, and upon the signing of this certificate by the Secretary of the Convention, the holder will be entitled to a return ticket at one-third the:usual fare. street, time _ Read The Daily Newis And Get All the News the greatest grain exporters of the Pacific | | The new steel Passenger Steamer Prince Rupert e every Sunday at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, arriving Tuesday morning. For Stewart City on arrival from Vancouver Friday night, | Northbound, leaves Vancou- |Steerage Fare - ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m. $6.00 | The ‘*Camosun ’’ is the only steame on the run having water- tight bulk- heads and double bottom, thus en suring safety of passengers in case of collision or wreck. i H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. } } | i AT DAVIS’ F. M. DAVIS BOAT HOUSE General Machine Shop and Ship’s Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline | Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. Launches and Boats for Hire Sele iia | | $10,000,000, Trade, istruction and there were | 400 jlo THE DAILY NEWS. Lela to the Editor | REPLY TO MR. MR. ‘WORAMS. Editor Daily News: In answer editorial to to your statement in page on the 23-2 i State, that your unjust ittack on Canadiens, i-can easly this means not only Canad- but the white Race en gen- being able to understand vile curses some of you stavedrivers endulge en order ring more profit out them, let me state that a order given en a kindly way, not sented by any white man further- mor you get your work done quicker, as yqu would address- ing workman like you had a bunch of cattle bevore jou! jou also state jou are helping to build up the B. Empire it looks more like jou want to build a new Chines Republice to jou in- tentlion of emploing Orientals jou are welcom to do so. for it is a discrase for aney white man} to work for a man whith jour} idease. i would also like to state that i am not a Canadien but i} certenly resent of being put be-| the wish iens, those en of but es re- as PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. ‘a $l to $335 50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. low the Orientals. | Expecting a more just Answer} regarding the White Race i remain jours truly JOE BERGEN. Victoria Hotel. Feb. 24, 1942. High Interest aw Ear! Grey has become chair- |man of the British Bank of North- ern Commerce. rhe capital is of which $5,500,000 subscribed. The bank tablished in eo-operation leading banking institutions Denmark, Norway, Sweden ta One expected result of Earl Grey's with the concern investors’ these high is es- with in and is connection is the flow of into Canada from countries attracted by the of Canadian interest. Transcontinental Speaking at the quet of the Brantford Major Leonard Transcontinental Commission, said the being built in the most durable known. With reference} construction work in pro-| on the Winnipeg-Moneton |} section, Major Leonard announced} thal. a turther expenditure of} $112,000,000 would be unavoid-| With few exceptions all of {1.804 were under between | still money rates Railway. annual ban- Board of| of the Na-| Railway | was | tional road manner to the gress able. the miles con- and 500 miles of track laid. be District—District of Coast, | Hange 5. | that 1, Michas Beganis, cook, | C., intend to apply for per- | the following de- | Skeena Land Take notice of Victoria, B. mission to purchase scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted on the | north side of Williams Creek, where the | Kitimat branch of the G, T. P. Ry. crosses Williams Creek, and about ten (10) chains | from the creek shore, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north hains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 120 acres, more or less, MICHAS BEGANIS. Fred E. Coweil, Agent Dated Oct, 31, 1911. Pub. Dec, 9. District—District of Rapge 5. notice that !. John Argiraclis, car- penter, of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for permission to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one | and one-half miles northeast from the intake of Trout River, om the west sid¢ of Lakelse Lake, and about five (5) chains back from the waterfront, thence south | chains, thence west 80 Chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains Ww point of commencement, containing 640 acres, more or less. JOHN ARGIRACI Fred E, Cowell, 1914. Skeena Land Coast, Take Dated Oct. 31, Pub. Dec. 9. ent. | } Sskeena Land District—District of Coast, Khange 6. that I, Samuel Victoria, intend to purchase the fake notice wardener, of permission to scribed lan is LCommencing at a north side for! de- apply following post planted on the} Williams Creek, about ten) chains back from the creek bank, and) it fifty chains southeast from where} Kitimat branch of the G. T. P. right. | way Wiliams Creek, thence} thence east 40 Chains, chains, thence west 40 of commencement, con- more or less. SAMUEL BEILTEES. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. 1911. crosses chains, the nee rth 40 chains t point laining 160 acres, Date P ub 1 Oct Dec 31, District—District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that J, Louis Caleris, driver, of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- mission to purchase the following de- 8 lands: mmencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 1729, thence south chains, thence west 40 éhains thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 320 acres, more or less, LOUIS CALERIS. Fred E, Cowell, Agent. 1941, Skeena Land Dated Oct. Dec, 31, Ub. District—District of Coast, Range Take notice that I, Nanaimo, B. C., occu to apply for permission following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 4484, thence south {0 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160 acres, more or les DAGOBERT AURIOL, red E, Cowell, Agent. 1911. Skeena Land 5. Dagobert Auriol, of ation miner, intend to purehase the Nov. Dec Date WT te Pub. 9. Land District--District of Coast, Take notice that I, Freer, of Vancouver, B oceupation broker, in-| tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on shore in a northerly direction from Port} Nelson Cannery, marked L, F,’s 8,E. corner, | thence 20 cha'ns north, thence 20 chains) west, thence 20 chains south t shore line thence east along the shore to point of | commencement, contaiaing 40 acres, more | LEMUEL FREER. 1011, 5, 10114, Prince Rupert Lemuel the | }or less, Dated Dec, 7, Pub. Jan | to purchase Belltees, | * } seven miles north of Aiyansh, Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on_ hand, Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLOG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. NOTICE LAND PURCHASE District—District Charlotte Islands Take notice that Ellen Marion Young, of Victoria, B. C,, occupation spinster, to apply for permission Ww purchase following described lands; Commencing at @ pust southeast corner of Lot 1552, Skeena Land of Queen the the Wwesl planted at thence wo the northeast corner of Lot 1554, thence | along beach lw collins acres, more soul blo point of nundred less. beach, thence commumencement, and four (104) ELLEN MARION YOUNG. George Young, Agent. 15, 1911. 15, 1911. or Nov. Dec. Dated Pub. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. | that J, James T. Fullerton, of Vancouver, Bb. U., Occupation engineer ng student, intend to apply [ur periuission the following described iands Coluumencing 4t a post planted $2 Chaius east of Naas Hiver and 40 chains south oO! pre-emption 1.0, 397 (BEL), thence 40 chails borth, Wbence 24 Chaius Wes, lbenve 40 chains south, following the Naas Hiver; thence chains east to point of com tuencement; collsiming 100 acres, More r less, a3 RK. H. Stewart, Rupert, Dec. 11, fake nolice 2 52 FULLERTON. Agent Dated Prince ivi. Pub. Dec, 13. District of Queen isiands scott Young, intends Lae District Charlotte fake notice that John Saanich, B. c., occupauion farmer, to apply for permission to purchase following described jands; Commencing at @ pust northeast corner of Lot 1550, thence soul to the north boundary of Lot 1551, thence east along We said bouDdary lo le sea shure, thence following aioug the shore ie pot of Cotlumiencemenl, containing inree hundred and sixty-one (361) acres, iuore OF 158, Skeena Land Planted at the SCOTT YOUNG Young, Agent JOHN George Noy. Dec. Dated Pub, 15, 1911, 15, 1011. Skeena Land District- Take mulice tat Frank Furey, of Seatue, Wash, occupation Chainman, intends Ww apply for permission to purchase the fol swing described iands,; vVlumebcing 4t & post planted about 41a east of the Naas Hiver aud about thence borib eighty chains, east eighty Chains, south eigily Cha@itie, West eiguly chains to puint of commencement, FRANK FUREY. . PB. Kutter, Agent. 11. Milies Dated Oct, 31, Pub. Dec. 14. Skeena Land Distric District of hal fake notice that 1, 7Ue CAROLINE JOHNSON, Vancouver, B. L., eeccupalion married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at & pos planted at the southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 60 chains to the southeast corner of 3062, thence west 40 chains along line of Lot 3062, thence north 2u along west line of Lot $062, Lhenve av hains along south line of Lot to point of commencement, contain 560 acres, more or less. CAROLINE JOHNSON KR. Carr, Agent. of chains west $065 ing Dated Dec, Pub, Jan, 48, 23, 1911 1912. Land District——-District Range 5. Take notice that 1, Abraham H. of Prince Kupert, B. C,, occupation miner, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of @ small island about twenty-five (25) Chains north and two (2 chains: east of the northwest corner of Lot 1323, HKange 5, Coast District, Porcher island, thence following the shore line in 4 hortheasterly direction about twenty (20) chains to the north end of the island, thence ip 4 southwesterly direction al og the shore line about twenty (20) chains to the point of commencement, being an island Containing about forty (40) acres, more or less ABRAHAM H. AY paca vit. 3. Skeena of Coast Barber, Sf ER. Dated Dec BARBER Pub. Dec, Skeena Land Take not of Victoria, to purchas¢ Comumen east b from District-—-Distriet that I, Paul of Coast, Curtiss, clerk intend to apply for permission the following described lands: ‘ng @t @ post planted on the -idary and about five (5) chains the southeast corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, thence east 306 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west 30 chains to point of cotmmencement, con taining 180 acres, or less, . CURTISS, Le ei, -owell, Agent, Si, 19414. Pub. Dec. 9 intends | one of! -District of Cassiar. Coast | a ap ~- BNDPLP P* 90% ppm» ae Pee ar len en we (oe we ao CASS HCA Be TC 4 Pee NZDe ed é bed od ¢ 4°24 y 9 PR Ory fe Pet (ee Jl oo). ee vod we é bos 4 Le 8 We ad é be’ The Time For Action Is the Time When The Daily News Appears each day The Statement have a legitimate, clea If any you of kind to make to the int the use O! judicious THE DAILY NEW returns consistent, ing columns of you money much great expenditure. The Reasons The Af 2S a e C458 Ee DAILY NEWS read THE is minds of pe there! evening when the from business cares and to good selling arguments THE DAILY NEWS appears the business afternoon of the day to notify everyone of wha to offer. for for THE DAILY NEWS is best possible medium as it immediately at for dealers, the lookout “snaps or pt ments, THE DAILY NEWS is ce is read by practica point. It gent and prosperous perso! and the northern part of this | men and women haye mone) regularly where they rece! the merchal Their patronage is Proof THE and is being DAILY NEWS more merchants and oth as an advertising mediun in this Many their advertisements ins them handsomely. cited, Results follow advel DAILY NEWS pen ( eeVenl pws ra eS “fs