THE DAILY NEWS — a ———__—— : — — S.S. Prince, Rupert TALK THROUGH Oe ee? oy | Second avenue and Third street MILES OF ROCK Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. | A ee eae eae SAILS | H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey ON | Sensational Discovery Made by English Inventor—instrument MUNRO & LAILEY } Architects, Value $48 Will Work Miracle Stork Building, Second Avenue. of Telephony. e s FOR - , -— + a / Mathieu’s Syrup varconen, vifoms, SEATME J) nn nngish.insoni, cine a i; Fe 8.8. PRINCE JOHN Matthews, with the aid of a $48 STUART & STEWART ‘ I intains Bi-monthly service to Stewart 3 ; ae ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS and Cod Liver Ot! wr geal tee Re ee atrume eda ol Yar j and Queen Charlotte Islands on tr th es cues aero- Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 s id - Tri-Weekly Tram Service Prince Rupert None, Has just suce ced in pro- Prince Ru c not only stops a cough but cures to'Vau Asiael jecting the sound of his voice pert P.O. Box 351 it Its tonic and restorative For all information apply to through material which the big- ef . res stee P actile or ear La! DC. & 5 properties enable the system to A. E. McMaster, Gen. Agt. G.1.P. Wharf f)£°st Steel project) arth ALFRED OARSG. <0, V. SENNNES, Bits I I si Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines would fail to penetrats United and Manitoba Bars. esas ani are permanently throw off a cold. 2. mmm! States Consul General John L.| berta Bars. Griffiths of London in a consular} CARSS & BENNETT 35c for large bottle. report says that Mr. Matthews | ee —— NoTarigs, Ec, Sold everywhere. was placed in the strong room of| not eee | atic a big London commercia! house! | J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE | WM. 8. HALL, L.D.8., D.D.S. | DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and local aoasthetics administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices : | Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. ii-12 and locked in with nine inches of armor steel, nine inches of fire} brick and six feet of concrete be- tween him and the outer world. By means of his smal! portable apparatus he earried on a con- CTS ’ versation with an operator in ans) f i @) EF TA FR & Princess May éther room on the farther side i f f the build r So dist aL @ 1 : co nd a : M4 2 as e : how Saturday, March 2nd, at 9 a.m. falttittl aa” the ranwatleston CANADIAN aa RAILWAY B.C, Coast service — Famous Princess Alex.M.Manson B.a., W-.E.Williams,B.A., L.u.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle lthat the experts in attendance } L ince . J. G. McNab - General Agent | Were actually able to hear “td Prince Rupert, B.¢ pecsiialanin ltick of his watch, notwithstand- | sovtiaede as jing the almost impenetrable mass 0. PRINCE RUPERT HARRISON Vv. F. G. CAMBLE PAPERHANGINC jbetween the two instruments. | JOHN E. DAVEY ? LIC 3 The inventor contemplates a fur-| ,,,, . nian lan! 4 aah : - fea “al TERIE DESCH, CALIFORNIA'S WOMAN OLYMPIAN GANDIDATE. TEACHER OF SINGING —AND— ther test through five miles o ; : { solid rock. In speaking about San Francisco, Feb. 20.—This)of England. The time is :57 4-5] °°?! OF WM FOXON, ESQ. 4.RA.M., 1@N., ENG ; DaMUe? arrison fy HIGH CLASS |the aerophone, he said that vibra-|city makes a bid for Olympian}|and 1:13 2- 5respectively. 9 tions produced in the air by his 5 ana Mrs. Desc ces eelices ate ’ e | ' ' taka the msec honors, not only with Javelin {rs. De ch has every right to GEORGE LEEK & CO. Oe eee ae ane Thrower Snediger, but with Mrs,|&Xt™aordinary swimming ability. Real Estate and Stock Brok jof Hertzian waves, as in the Mar-|__ ; | Her father, Captain Dickson, was nel gy Ala geen ris ae OUR SPECIALTIES syste f wireless teleg-|Terie Desch, the beautiful water ; / useage COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS a iad detach maces ts pga. Im jconi system of wireless teleg ja South Sea Islands trader and Fire, Life and Accident Insuranc \PPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED ly ‘aphy. In fact, they are not|witch, whose swimming feats en-| Mrs. Desch was born on one of : ve ; |waves at all, in as much as the title her to serious consideration! the Marquesas. The lure of salt a teenie ae eee Prince Rupert J and Stewart SILVERSIDES BROS. disturbances are of such high|by the American Olympic com-|} | water has been in her blood since P.O. BOX 120 PHONE 166 cumen | {"equency that there is no appre-|mitlee. | \abyhood and she paddled at an jciable break between them and Mrs. Desch is by far the best! age when most kiddies are learn- JOHN DYBHAVN Second Avenue, near McBride their action is rather continuous|woman sprint swimmer on the|ing to creep. She swims as nat- Real Estate tnade |than areas separate, as _ the Seer and it certain she|urally as she walks. and Insurance case oO ertzian waves. IS}can hold her own with any woman! . ‘phe yor eis ; oung woman, a goddess |. ipods nga. hong SMITH & MALLETT estimated that a complete set of} water speeder in this country, if a bathing = : ; 80 $19'Grd Avenue Phone 384 is known to be the most “exact” person in the world and : > which | , 7 in a bathing suit, weighs 120 1 still draw the “long bow,” but our customers are so con THIRD AVE instruments by means of which) not in the world. |pounds, is 5 feet 3 inehes in fe it will be possible to carry on a Mrs. Desch has ‘never hs | E » y »E x Steg j yo t S. es as r had t elg é 8 ¢ thar g ’ e THE GREENER !S THE WORLD’S BEST GUN Plumbing, Heating, Steamfittingand || © nversation through walls, Sate phe peers Skeen:z 3 sote vu > aseri aS | e to apply, tor permission to purchase the following | Skeena Land District District of Coas | Rez lustrated catalogue, it describe roe Funeral Director and Embaimer Commencing at a post planted at the con- Take notice that 1, Theodore Nichalis, | our fine stock and instructs you #3} | CHARGES REASONABLE fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | qriver, of Victoria, 5. C., Can., intemd to x 386 | about two miles south from the sixth Dominion | apply ‘for permission to purchase the fol- how to buy. A card with your Z THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. ‘ 2° OPEN DAY AND NIGHT PRS, Telegraph cabin. Post marked C. W. H. S. W. lowing described lands Corner, thenee 80 chains north, thence 80 chains Commencing at a post planted at tne | address will bring it free to you lhe Best Procurable. } east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains | southwest corner of Lot No, 2287, thenee , <4 west to point of commencement, containing 640 | gas; 0 chains, thence south 40 chains, i by return mail. Our lines of ae acres more or less. thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 7 Pes wedding presents command the 2 | ‘eae at eae | SQ) O i TERRACE] - tal 480 acres, more or less. attention of all. Write today. aInIng 450 ACT THEODORE NICHALIS, CHARLES WILLIAM HAM | chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north | “ ailately pace Pare Henpany pee SEs. LaP ke 80 chains 40 point of commencement, con- | $3 22 — —e Fred E. Cowell, Agent SCASCAReAITNeeSemacs son aeaneese ePRePues Dated Oct. 31, 1911. eweneshe ones SSSEHSSESESE SERENE sarshegeheensse \o, PEF = > oO Z ay) (rad op Peay (Cae ce POE || Pub. dec. 9. | ' P | Pye a (The Place With a Future.) >) ODP OOD POPOL JP POS eerwrlw™ } rm Ay . . Fr wha Gh) Bkeena Land | District District of Queen suf one Tet TEN ACRE TRACTS AND ¥| Take notin “inat Alfred. McGregor, of | TOWN LOTS i) Victoria, B. C., occupation broker, yavencs e Choice F ing Lands in the Lakeise ll to ly for permission to lease the fo olce Farming n € aper Si tBe uted ana It Is The Trained Man or Woman cna “itaumnaun Walleys tna by | Commencing at & post planted about and Large Tracts at Prices That ’ three-quarters of a mile southwest from Are Right. ("3 | the southwest corner of Lay See wesaes e er ! Ali Inlet, then east forty chains ence | |} south to the uorth | undary of Lot 1557, 0 t th T p 0 e e for eb | thence west ni hundred chains, more or Ses 0 e€ 0 P. POST & CO. ali jess, thence north ninety chains, thence Terrace, B. C. , (Mell east to the beach, thence along beach to | : {EB} | point of commencement, containing six far eed and forty acres (640), more or} IO fi | less, | pas . he ae THE GRIM REAPER WORKS THROUGH NEGLECTED COLDS A slight cold does not suggest serious danger, but the suddenness with which a slight cold becomes a serious cold leads to apalling consequences. A slight cold demands immediate treatment. Your Home! QUE | Charlotte Islands. i Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of | | rate aa wives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the principal happenings ts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns are clean and whole- The advertising columns of the News bring Saanich, B. ¢ occupation farmer, intends to apply for permission to lease the fol- | lowing described lands; | Commencing at & post planted at the southeast corner, being eighty south of the northwest corner of Lot 1555, Mas- | set Inlet; thence west forty chains, thence north eighty chains, thence east i | To fit your son or daugi.ter for a business career you must give them a business training. The best place to send them to is the : tc ) lt is a paper you need in your home touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money. Ay Nanaimo Business College i l | | l l l | ! l ! aes Se Saez TES 2 SARE / ! e ! ! l | ! chains, thence south eighty chains to the point ‘of commencement, containing three PERE [ican and twenty acres (320), more or | | Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and : AR} ARTHUR ‘TREMAINE, ee . : sf taieate a pie ee: afi ATHUR FABMAINE, | Cod Liver Oil taken at the outse ; i is In ‘Commercial Printing a Dated Nov 15, 1914. removes all possible danger ) we have a large stock of i Pub. Dec, 16, 1001, j It heals the inflamed parts, mf : It is the nearest business Our shorthand course includes tuition in | strengthens the tissue and builds { Bill Heads Letterheads Skeena Land _District—District of Queen coliege to Prince Rupert. The Ben Pitman System of | up the whole system to defy 5 =, Charlotte Islands, It’s fees are within reach Shorthand | furthe ttacks { ; hn take notice that William Moore, of | at a TAMGHnE, Titan aiiitlcnt iin : ariel 11 urther attacks. } Price Lists Steck Certificates |! Saanich. B. C., occupation farmer, intends | poplin ea re ey oo Business Eng ish and Let- | The Tar is the healing agent. lo apply for permission to lease e *rso rf sve s ne ' er writing : ‘ jowing described lands: individuality of the pupil. Commercial Arithmetic The Cod Liver Oil the strength- Articles of Association Commencing at & post planted at the | Room and board is cheap Office Routine ening element ; combined properly ! Memorandum Forms ( | | { ALFRED M’GREGOR, { Geouey Young, Agent. Dated Noy. 15, 191 Pub, Dec. 15 Wott. | Skeena Land District—District of Queen | e l l l } { { | } ) Grose coerce f Lot 1548, Masset In- y } Nha southwest corner 0 Pr Oat, Hie nile J ue : con : { : ‘ . . Ye} jet, thence east one hundred chains, thence e pur Spelling | as in Mathieu’s Syrup they are \ } Commercial Cards ! We handle Blank! edge r Illustrated Pamphlets } anilehtalaty four chains, thence west to the | are away from the distrac Typewriting rg , rik i > 5 - b i y ; j Forms for Loose |} beach, thence along beach to point of} tions of the larger cities: Penmanship invincible, arge bottle 35 cents, hs { Leaf System | commencement, res) moreron Teas." and For sale at all dealers. Secnsieaa tee { TOs Ne ' WILLIAM MOORE. ; ra =a o Saar chethatbiens sete mente te oe + er or i o ——— SS) (a = t lice 7 e e ow’ ir oO f th et Ps et Ps ® RF Ps oree Young, Agent, Re 2 AOS fu PHOEES o REES reduce the fever and allay the pain. J, L i4, 1911 = — BJ Dated Nov eke : Mathieu Co,, Props., Sherbrooke, Que, (C) Distributors for Western Canada. yle and taste in Visiting Cards, Wedding (ah ; ca Sate OA kK “! Society printing, we ensure correctness of st i itio s —r f . . 10 s se ? | : i x ‘tions and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from - humble “dodger’’ | Skeena fivice, taut james. wing Macrae, It May Mean all the Diierence Between Success and Failure to Toe Foley Bros., Larsen & Company, Inc., un Bnest g P i inting \ ; } ¢ : . of V , occupation real estate agen