Tomorrows Tides Che ill 141 Capitol 3:00 ajn. 22.0 ft. TAXI 15:45 p.m. 10.2 ft. -v 0:36 sun. 2.5 It. ! 21:43 p.m. 0.2 ft. Maccy's Coffee House NOItTHKRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v XXVUI No. 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS Italian Naval Vessels In Albania Bri ..Or. - Mutual fe',$tance In Case Of Provided Ilritish Parliament Informed Secret Police and Nazi Organizations Arc Reing Deported LONDON. April G: (CP) 11 t . i. 1 Wit '.I!' Will 111 lv ne jmi,va niHceti vi on 1 i nurinanuni vi lit via v ircaiy vi v u wj uusis uuoin wmi eucn ii.try pledging military assistance to the otl , .(!'. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain a r House of Commons today. He also declared that i' Uritain was maintaining a close waich on the Al- uuatton. Albanian auth- .tk.iretf Or et Britain that v uUi not accept conditions , .. .ib.e with their sovereign- 1 Sir Samuel lloare announced that the government was taking tp to deport members of Hie (,rn in secret police and other Sui organizations. Traditional Policy 1 v: WW. Annl 8 'CI Poland her traditional policy of 1 mid good neighborly re-, 'r influential KurlerCw- '1 the London agreement nathenln rolUh-Brttish which, without a doubt. an infiuence over the I' situation by cementing ' "astng peace NEW STRIKE 11 THREATENED ruab hhment of Hiring Halls At Seattle .May Lead To Further Shipping Tle-Tps si TTLE. April fl: CP- The ! Union of the Pacific pre-' another shipping strike on -asl If the United States M. Commission goes Ahead ' it plan for the eatnbhahment halls. M'antime. It Is reported from f Francisco that a settlement Vr dtamitft fvlM-ern the Mart- Workers Union and Alaska t. ,n cahners U Impending and ' " j)trket lines may be with-1 to permit of the loading ot A. sa cannery supply slilps. Industry Urged j To Get Behind Defence Program j KEW YOnK, April 6: -Sl)cakligi fcf re the National Industrial cor.-' vrn'mn here last night. Assistant, kC'Tc-tary 0f War Lewis Johnson; industry to get behind Presl-tJfiit nooseyeU's rearmament and defence program. Snowbirds Flock In Eastern Townships' w,ler Will l-ist Some Time In Southern Quebec, Old Timers Say PUERnnoOKE, Quebec, April 0: C'P Flocks of snowbirds arc fly- over the Eastern Townships, "id timers say this means winter "l last for jome time longer. Polish Pact Negotiated Attack Is By Treaty That Members of German The Anglo-Polish agree- .. 1 1 1.. t :.. t other if at- announced IMPORTANT CROP PLAN Far-Reaching Scheme of Acrrage Insurance Is Introduced U) .Minister of Agriculture OTTAWA, April C: CP; Legislation providing for a far- reaching crop acreage Insurance. pun was inirouurea in rariu-menl yesterday by lion. J. O. Gardiner, minister of agriculture. It Mill be tried first in the Western Canada spring wheat areas and may he later extended to the rest of Canada. Under the plan there would be bonus of $W0 per acre where the yield goes below fire bushels. There would be a one percent levy on all grain going to terminals to provide a crop insurance fund. The year 19J9 would be declared an emergency year. Companion Measure This acreage bonus ssstem of farmers' assistance, as outlined by Gardiner, will be companion j to the 60c minimum price guarantee at Ukehead announced earlier by the .Minister of TraJe i and Commerce, lion. W. I). Eulcr. j It is expected it will cost about $15,000,000 annually. Under the bonus scheme the farmer with the smallest crop In emergency sears get the greatest assistance on a scale graduating from $1 an acre to $W0 according to crop yield averages up to a maximum of 400 acres in cultivation. The deduction fund will be built up by one per cent of all the grain delivered at terminal elevators being taken over by the gov- , ernment and sold. This fund will be augmented by government contributions. The bonus will apply to acreage cultivated regardless of what crop Is son. It supplies for the present ohly on the prairies and In Ilrltlsh Columbia although, as said, the principles may later be applied ehewherc. C. C. F.'er Pleased M. J. Coldwell, C. C. F. mem-ber for Rosetown-Rigltar, Sas-katchewan, and one of the leaders of that parly, approved ot the plan which he described as "one of the most lar-reacmm which had ever hi.rn nmnosen . 11.. Interests OI Hgn" l" culture. " UlCl LOUntry JOLLCI Scottish League. First Division Celtic 3, Motherwell 2. Aberdeen 3. Kilmarnock 0. ALTA. BILL MEMBER OF RULED OUT ALTA. HOUSE Provincial Securities Interest Act It Declared Ultra Vires EDMONTON. April : CP-The Supreme Court of Alberta yester-day ruled ultra vires 5! the provln- cial Legislature the Provincial Se- eV"t ohaVflh" ereat rate on provincial bonds. The aet was chillenaed by an Onta-1- corporation holding Albsrta bonds. Bulletins MM VII.I.K AT VANCOUVER. VANCOUVER Capt. John Iv-arson arrived In port this morning after his first trip to the fishing i grounds with the .Melville which brought in 20,000 pounds The catch sold lor more than $2000 on the Fish Exchange. j I PREMIER C.RAVELY ILL SYDNEY. Australia The condition of Prime Minister J. A. Lyons, suffering from a complication of ailments after a serious heart attack, is described as desperate. Army Day Being Observed Today In United States FORT LEWIS, Washington. Apri, 6: Three thousand troops an taking part in a demostratlon ci mllltarv manoeuvres in observant' of Army Day here today HAZELT0N ROUTE IS UNQUESTIONABLY BEST Any FOR ALASKA HIGHWAY Other Than That Would be Disastrous, Declares Frank Dockrill in Speaking Before Gyro Club "Those who took routes other than Hazelton for the Yukon in the Gold Rush days usually met with disaster and I predict that there will also be disaster if any other route than that north of Hazelton is taken for the Alaska Highway" was the flat and unqualified declaration made by F. M. Dockrill, prominent pioneer frontiersman, rancher and Industrialist of Telkwa, In - . addressing the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday. "No-one who knows and Is honest can j advocate any other route." Mr. Dockrill referred to the dlf- Ificultles of the Omineca route. one: ;of the principal of which was the I fact that watersheds had t0 bj 'continuously crossed one to thei other, some of the watercourses being half a mile deep. The problems of the Omineca route would bo "terrible," he asserted. 1 Mr Dockrill was inclined to j think that snow conditions on the. Eskimos to be Indians. The dispute .Hazelton route about which one I had arisen between the Dominion herad were over-estimated. Inany.and the Province of Quebec as to case, it was not necessary to fol-'who should be responsible for re- inw the telegraph line but certain lllcf of Eskimos. As a result of the DOinta tnuiu uc (uire uiuuuu. The. difficulties . on the Hazelton route ,!, ic .u other and the advantages were ;ways 0( stacking both the Stlklne and Atlln areas Mr, Dockrill was speaking on the (Conliminf on Pngo Five) rremier Abeihart and All Soe'al Crcdittrs Turn Out at Funeral Or William Edgar Haves EDMONTJN. April 6: CP -Premier William- Abcrhart and fif-y Social Credit members of the Alberta Legislature attend ttu funerel yesterdaV of William Ed-far Hay?n. member for Stony Plain, who died earlier in thr Seek. Mr Hayes, who was a druggist at Stony Plain, was born at Vnr-Albert. Ontario. .April 14. 1870. of r.nlu-li and Sebjttoh descent. H-was educated at .Port Parry High School and Ontario College of Phaimacy. He then came t, A' t-'tta -r.d set up-ra bustneai as . pharmacist. He "was married In If -i it DM'tah Ia':e of Ho'don Alberta, and Is survived by two daughters. Deceased served! as a membei 'f th tnwri enuhell and achooi board of Stony Plain and was also active in agricultural socieuer tit was elected to the Legislature r. JlM5 He was a foember of tht United Church of" Canada and a Ehrtner. rur wheals wow Passing Coast On Way North SEATTLE. April 6: The annual migration of fur seals paTst the Wpsh'ngton. Vancouver Island and Brif'sh Columbia Coast to the Prlblloff Islands in Alaska Is now under way. United States coast- guard and Canadian naval and fisheries patrol vessels are CO- operating in convoying the herds Court Decides Eskimo Indian Supreme Court of Canada Renders Judgment, Ending Four Year Controversy OTTAWA, April 6: (CP)- The Supreme Court of Canada, In a decision yesterday ending a four : year controversy, aeciarea the Judgment the Dominion must take care of the Eskimos, WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE WINNIPEG, April 6: (CP) Win- nlpeg wheat futures were Uc to S lower yesterday with May clos- lng at 594c per bushel. Cruiser And Destroyers Arrive As II Duce Holds ; At D urazzo R eview AROUND EUROPE TODAY so LONDON Interest in the unset-l'.tj condition of international affairs "till centred today on Italy and Albama ssitli the general exportation that the Italian oce'jnation ml'ht commence at anv moment despite the statement on behalf of Al-han's that it wntld fitht for Its inervrdenee at alt costs. Italian Iroons are reported concen- tn f-';5l radv to cro the Adriatic Sea and enter Al-V.snia. 4 The Albanian foreign 4 !,.)- ade an airplane flight to Kime yesterdav to confer with the Italian rovern-jrent. The Albanian 'elation here said todav "the? Is n trtith in reports of an'tm-pendlng:r Italian protectorate VverAthamir- -T "t. INNtSBRt'K Hih ranking mlli-fa-v offi rx of fJermnv and flair ire eonferrinr at this Trv-the ' frontier. Thr 'HVf of staff lead the respective delegations. Manoeuvres are etne'ted to be held with the Hea "f Imnresine Fvr"'e wh the strength of the Rome-Rerlin axis. LONDON Polish quarters here took the view last night that the Rrith-Potih mutual defence alliance against aggression wen in- effect as it result of the third British-Polish conference. It amounts to a visual mili'rv alliance. Pr'tre .Minister Neville Chamberlain is expected to make an announcement in the House of Commons today. Foreign Secretary Col. Joseph Beck of Poland is conferring in London on behalf of his country. Yesterday Col. Beck had luncheon at Windsor Castle as the guest of the King and Queen. Princess Eliiabeth was present, BERLIN The "Man the dun" speech" of Lord Stanhope, First 1 Lord of the British Admiralty. is ( described cicscrioea as as propaganda j"""""- a gainst the Reich, designed al- so o to to Impress Impress Poland. LONDON Lord Stanhope, First Lord of the Admiralty, expressed regret yesterday that his I "Man the Guns" speech should have caused general alarm. In the House of Commons, Rt. Hon. Arthur Greenwood, Labor leader, demanded the resignation of Stanhone but U Prime . . . .... Minister . Neville Chamberlain refused to mil fnr it LONDON London County Council school teachers have been required to register their Easter vacation addresses so as to be available for Immediate call in the event ot evacuation measures during the vacation period. LONDON GOLD PRICE tftNnoN Anrll 6- (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was down lc yes- terday at $34.83. Of PI anes On Adriatic Some Sources Say That Formula May Be Found To Make Occupation Acceptable May Be Just Gesture to Other Balkan Nations TIRANA, April 6: (CP) An Italian cruiser and two destroyers arrived at Durazzo, Albania, today as the 'ountry feverishly discussed reports of imminent Italian occupation. Many reservists have been mobilized. Some irecs expect that Albania will resist any Italian aggression but there is a possibility a formula may be found to . . 1 make the Itallin occupation ac- Stimson Non-Isolationist WASHINGTON. D.C., Henry L Stimscn. time Republican Secretary 4- State, yesterday urged April 6: tary airport near the Adriatic sea-CP one board where he reviewed planes and of new recruits as rumors of military Con- gres to throw taolatton of the United State overboard and give President Franklin D. 4- Roosevelt greater power to dls- 4- criminate between aggressors 4 4- and vicUaw In war by amend- 4- tag the, United States neutral- Turin which, as It now stands. 4 terlals to'tft warrirls natidhs. 4- Stimwi declared that Ger- ( miny. Italy and Japan had broken promises and torn up t-eaties. NO PEACE IN SIGHT British automobile manufacturer, Negotiations Between A. F. L. and is presenting to Canadian hosplt-C. I. O. Are Suspended "'als. One steamship line has already 'offered to deliver the Iron luns3 WASHINGTON. D. C. April 6. free of charge t0 Canada. Peace negotiations between the : American Federation of Labor and SSSSS2: Lebrun TO Is becond 1 yesterday, John L. Lewis, president P L P-ncifUnt of C.I.O.. announced following aTreilCn rreSlUeill telephone conversation with Mat thew Wold, vice-president of the Federation. Unless an agreement is reached, I President Roosevelt has threatened' to take direct steps to force a settle - ment. 1 i 1 HP! 1 HirDiane 1 IlHOer r T 1 rp I q JJn XDOrtetl r Ontario To Facilitate Speedy I)e livery of Timber To United Kingdom . TORONTO. April 6: (CP) Tha Ontario government Is doing its bit toward speeding up British armaments. A measure Is being Introduced In the Lecislature. Pre- 'mler mier Mitchell Miicneu Hepburn nepouru announced uimuunuui yesterday, and will be rushed I vlW4"" IftaWa T 1 OtlaV 1 through tnrougn permitted permitted the me export export of J certain hardwood logs used In airplane parts. Unemployed Camp On Seattle Lawn 1 SEATTLE, April 6: One thous- ceptable to the country. Jugoslav sources Interpret the rumors as a warning to Jugoslavia and Greece to stay out of the "Halt Hitler" bloc. Mussolini on Adriatic ROME, April 6: (CP) Premier Benito Mussolini flew to Jesi mili- occupation 01 AiDania were neara. Newspapers proclaimed tnai uaiy was ready for anything although. silent concerning Albania. . .... TT TTniT AAlVr i II 1 1 Y ..11 -TVl T Ll U J Z. 1 UP0N-IR0N LUNG GIFTS Federal Government Assisting Ho?- pitals To Take Advantage Of Lord Xufield's Generosity i I OTTAWA, April 6: tCP It was announced yesterday that the government 'would waive collection of customs duties and sales tax ou the iron lungs which Lord Nuficld, To Get Two Terms . PARIo Anrn rjp) in belne (re,elected yesterday Albert Lebrun became the second president in the history of the French Republic to be re-elected. The only other two-term president was Julius Grevy who was re-elected In 1835. There was uproar in the French Chamber as the vote was being taken. After he had been chosen on the first ballot. Socialists and Com munists, who had stiffly opposed him, shouted "Resign! Resign!" Tweedsmuirs Leave For Governor General Returns East Following Three Weeks' Visit To Coast VANCOUVER. April 6: (CP -Following a three weeks' visit tt the coast, the most of the time having been spent at Victoria as guests of Lieutenant Governor land unemdoved were encamped and Mrs. Eric W. Hamber at Gov- last nl?ht In tents oh the lawn o'.ernment House, Lord Tweedsmulr, the county-clly building They are Governor General 0 v Canada, and demanding more satisfactory relief 'Lady Tweedsmulr left today on arrangements. 'their return .to Ottawa.