DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET Twenty -Five Years Ago .lira. Pi" .per .;vfr ' ""Ttf ' ;tr April C, 1311 H, C Brewster and John OHvei Dtra; Naders, were heard d!fr, which packed the Wesi-:x.c Tlsi aire to the doors. Th. :: of Ute meeting was T .1" president of the. Prlne? Liberal Association Mr vribed the McUrlde gov us a gang of pollltca H ? Hiutoi) general traffic u 25 1 British America Paint Co., Ltd. Victoria Vancouver Calgary Edmonton Kcglna .iriirih.rfTnin imiiiid manager of the Orand Trunk Pa ciflc Railway, and O. A. McNicholl The Letter Box four vesr debonttm beHne flv. the Piee Rupert Fishermen's Co- percent Inttraat at-. operative Association any time . they so desired and at n rices com- , . - .," narlrvg favoraty wltlh that paid The Prince Rupert Rotary club for nn oth-r butter of slmllat PHruo rsirffn hnttr rnnllnimnH Quick-Dryinc Enarr.el in colors of brilliant lustre and ij.tinff heautv Dries extremely hard and is unsur passed for furniture, woodwork, floors, Itriuur Prlr Half Gallons... .: $3.25 Quarts - -70 Pint. 95 Half Pints SATIN-GLO DEALERS AS De Luxe Wall Tint tup SANITARY KALSOMINE that dne. w th . quality Kalsomine Superior Made witn haJ finhh and won't rub off. " anti.ept.c Ingred.ent.j . weet-imelling newiydecorated room clean, freih and inviting, 5-lb. package. Thompson Hardware PRINCE RUPERT linoleum, 1.20 .70 Half Pints -5S IW .sr .50 .30 etc. . . . . 1 . . It.- !. Ouick Dryint Varnish ol the mgnesi quamy. use n on floors and linoleum and it stands the hardest wear. Its rich lustre makes it ideal for furniture or woodwork. Not affected by hot dishes or boiling water. HeiuUrrriff SalrPrlr Half Gallons $2.95 $1.9r 1 Qua -lH g5 pints - r; Half Pints 50 cloth and walls are fresh and clean with damp A wipe a whTn painted with this semi-gloss finish. they are Homes In beautiful pastel tints specially selected for wall decoration. nur rrU Sale Prlee Half Gallons $2.50 Quarts - u" -a X 1 1 1 1 a SALC PS1CC Ltd. m nearly every week over our rail-.false "Isms" and forces which seek way, generally known as the Ca-to destroy our democratic sys-nadlan National It would not be. tem demands that Immediate stepi necessary for any grocer In, thii be taken to nip the sprouting Nazi city to store any quantity o(buds and stop their development CO-OPEIIATION WITH INTEItlOlt Prince Oeorge butter for they can, Into blossoms of hate and lntoler- Editor, Dally News: i In your editorial Wednesday re-ardmg co-operation with the Interior of British Columbia follow- pound oozes of. this but-'anee. Utr almost any day by applying to! Aliens can wander throughout us- Canada at wllL They can possess We might also point out to Mr jthe freehold and leasehold of ln-Scckrlll that the Prince rtupert dustrial, mineral, agricultural and Fishermen's Association" u ahnnl! XToXl'S ,hC a,y bUSinCS5 y thn'anrcarrVTn any undeg and of Telkwa before the Prince Rup- nuV rmilarlv rrtiiiriv nnrrhuM nurehaxri M poor fm (mm i .v. ert Chamber of Commerce, we con- TeIkwa and nas done w nxitliHi- ously for the past year. In fact, pditorial are not quite In hirmony PornetImw wc have not been able u.c to 0Dtaln iurricient to meet progressive newspapers, not belna nMd. from that amm in a portion to comprehend all It u rather curi0Uj' that he things at all times, convey mis cny institution that was endeav- t!ii iniormauuii wj mc Bm- flIW tn natron ze lniM-inr nu puonc. ,uct, w not In four ieond paragraph of th 'he meetlns elcttorlal referred to there appear Commerce even of the our Industrial commissioner, arriveo to be a mteunderstand'ng regard- Tiusting that the above lhfqr- In the city from Vancouver on th Prince Oeorge. Mr. Illoton saw that an announcement might b-expected In about a month's tim-concerning the projected hoi 4 at Prlnee RuperU The eltv by an decided to flntnee committee ba.v accept an offer of Toledo firm for $50,000 worth or your memory by drawing your attention to a good-sized advertisement that appeared lost, summer In the Dally News of this city advertising Prince George butter and pointing out to the business men of this city that thev could ob-; tain Prince Oeorge butter from Per A. Sinclair, Mgr! COMMENDATION colorful letter was which most appealed to this lessor Norman Rogers, in a mem-: orandum preoared for the Rovall Commission Economic Inquiry of Nova Scotia, estimated the en .haneement of. prices In the three .prairie provinces owtnr to tai t tariff In lOsi. as follows;, aslioba. S2.i(u.74o; BMUttuma, ijs,-rSSS; Alerta. Stf.M JM; a total of $38,333,421, 0f which the major part must have fallen upon the farm population, The Cost of the tariff to Western Canada in the I last thirty years is certainly not Mess than SLOOOWCOOO." 1 In the light of the foregoing, I (agree with Mr. Greene's desire Ior . enlightenment as "to the sudden case of shivers, creeps and horrors just as soon as the most i down-trodden section of the nar tlcn start to get a small break." Offhand It looks as though our pralri brethren have paid in advance for any assistance the rest of the Canadian people may feel Inclined to re ler now. B. FAIR Toronto. ASKING REGISTRATION Editor, Dally News: The whole English -. speaking 'world was shocked, by the audacity .of the recent Nari demonstration i in New York. Of course. New York1 is not In Canada but lesser Nazi j outbursts have happened In Cana da (for .Instance, the recent Oer-J-man Consul versus Catholic Arch-J bishop Incident in Winnipeg) and these Is no reason to believe NarU Inclined residents in Canada are. lacking In boldness or In plain everyday "cheek." j Recent press dispatches contain ed the boast that minorities In out Dominion were being brought together. By whom?,For what purpose? The German, dictator has declared to the world that Ger man minorities in all lands are under the protection of the Ger ' man forces. Two and, two still make four. The defence of Canada against Reduce Varicose or Swollen Veins mis r.asv uav At uome Swollen veins mav beroroe dangerous and .ometlmes break. Sufferers should tret an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil at any pharmacist and start to reduce the veins and bunches at once with Is this healing oil. A small bottle will g last a long time because it Is very 1 9 concentrated and a little goes j a very long way. Apply night audio morning with a soft brush or flng-lg er tips as directed until the swell S lng is reduced. So effective and, 9 safe Is Emerald Oil that failure is H rarp lnriH .at r1rnpoUt; vrrv.lri and British-bom citizens wlthou: assuming any of the responsibilities of Canadian citizenship. Needless to say, those behind the foreign doctrines are not Anglo-Saxons and, in the main they are of foreign birth It Is Uv pro-1 opinion of this Defence of Canada lurawwitu mi League inar. tne Canadian tmr. Chamber ofiemment should take lmmdlati step! to ascertain who they ar? and keen them under a watrhfu Ing the sale of Prince Oeorge but- matfon may be of service to you, eye- To do this the League believe? tr in this city. May we refresh we are. that our mwernment hniri im'. PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S mediately begin a national regls- CO-OP. ASSN. tration of all those of foreign birth who reside In Canada. W realize that all foreign-born art not disloyal but loyal foreign-bom Editor. Dally News: cl"fe,ps ?hd not ,resent Mm I would appreciate being allow-.f!6 should k.upon ed to send this commending word. 'J" to D. T. Greene Quick whoss . nc.c fMltv In tha, onnlml f nlUn. U I , i 'J t j. audita nuu run in tne '.. v. . j lit times of national danger i! I m turilnant 1 O rn in K.oinu - - . . , le&dtr at the nthpr in nf Pans.' .... 'uu' ... HU .m. -t. iW irsu- praar May wc pomv ouv ax uiai " . .T neighbor than Just his name ar wrewy luncneon looay wiui this assoc ation has nurchasd ,u" "ua- i'wUmncr,' tw. n.f,.. ....j. Pcesldrnt chair and members. W. M. Coatea In Ur al- rvjived protection from is reaucsiin me Canadian eov od .atUdne. ot for the" oart Iwo Vrs and"u "f' frme,- geS HrtnM h.t h,.upr mm th .v has had to purchase In a highly L Jr..,. V!' 'ff510 - -t - , ... . . iciUAuauuii wiliiuul inss i nm Tliis is the only time during the entire year when Satin-Glo dealers are authorized by the manufacturer to reduce the price of these popular finishes. So plan ALL your Spring decorating and buy all you require during Satin-Glo Sale Week. 'rR'ecica marcei ana u compete; , " with the world In-his sales . '. A111 PacUJc Coast Canadiar How true that U. Mr. Editor ff lhe Dktrlct Council of dimes through the following f-'thc CaOttdlan Legion has endorsed ertlon In a subml$lon presented ? Jon and passed it to its to the Turgeon Grain Commission Pr0T?nclaL Command for consider-by atIon- the Monltcba rn - nnerative r"onffrere dwUns. with this saml ln,f Natlv "n- of Canada iVIc- hme: 'rT& ' Assembly No. 1 have also For more than thirty years the, . "1 ond nassed it organized farmers of Western Ca- to their National Council for con-narta haw. maininlned that they s'deratlon. were placed under a heavy handl-j Patriotic organizations and pri- cap oy naving 10 proauee wunin vaie citizens m. your locality are a prot'cUve system and to markettreque&ed to get behind this move-n a world competitive systtm. Pro-1 ment. and roll it along to Ottawa- ROBT D, MacLACHLAK, National Secretary, Victoria, B.C. IIAZELTON , ROUTE tIS , UNQUESTIONABLY BEST (Continued Iran Page One) subject of "lhe Romance ol Tronsportation of Centra) British Columbia," a subject which through experience since the tun. of the century, he was well qualified to discuss. He illustrated hi talk with many colorful descriptions and anecdotes of the early days. Since 1870 the Skeena Volley had been the main artery of travel into the interior, having first been employed as the shortest route into the Omlneca mlnlr , district. First It had been navigated with large native . canoes from Port Esslngton to Hazelton xrhen the trip, took from two weeks to a month. Then had come the river steamers which took any where from two or three days to 'en to make the trip up. river. However, the real romance ol ranjportatlon In the central fn-erior Mr. Dockrill associated with '.he pack train and of this he re-raled his interested listeners with number of tales from bis -own personal experience. Then had Mmt the wagon roads and 'the trucks and cars and, finally, with, the airplane, the pack train "had; practically disappeared. j Urges Immigration Speaking of the railway prob lem in this district, Mr. Dock rill reiterated a previous declara tion that the only way to get jrat-' f ic for the railway was to Increase i the population. Therein, he felt; lay : the solution of the whole railway jroblem, one to which Justice had' not been done. Immigration, the I speaker declared, would not ag- j ravate unemployment but, properly directed, would have the op ! ooslte effect There had always een prosperity in Canada when ! there was a westward movement of Immigration. It was all very well to talk about getting Indus tries and roads but the whole thing hinged first on population i Agriculture was the basic Industry Having that, the other things- would follow. "It behooves us. all! JSM Rill ZED" I 000OOOXOCOOWOOOCHCKH1KTOOOOXCK00H0 t-1 I lo gei Demna any movement wiucn t will bring a healthy flow of people J to the land, Mr. Dockrill declared 1 In -conclusion. President W. M. Watts was in the chair and guests were B. A. Lat- tt too wih to swv something j ta of Edmonton and C. K. Onne of Ttr i OsltlfJed. 1 Victoria. COMMODORE CAFE 1 0 Newly Renovated. New Staff. I Improved Services. J. N. Killas, manarrr, has Just returned from Vancouver with: the best staff obtainable. New Cooks, New Everything. Up to; tbe Minnt Special Blue Ribbon ' Beef, Especially Imported for This Cafe Nothing Here But the Best. Try Our Special ; Sunday Dinners THE CABxVREi: Has been converted into an up to date dininr room with special provision for afternoon teas. Cards provided free. Ladles may meet their friends In this room without obligation. Make It Downtown Headquarters where. orCHM6oHoo A PAOE FIVS -1-J ! J BREWED TO A" RARE PERFECTION ; IN ONE OF THE, MOST MODERN' BREWERIES I ON THE PACIFIC COAST ORDER A DOZEN TODAY RAINIER PALE EXPORT by name Ao tt Jor'Jamou M'UTON type ALE SILVER SPRING STOUT Vr.Imin.lrr lireyrcry Ltd, Thli sdTertiaement Is not publlaae4 or diplard by toe Liquor Controj Board or by the Government, ol British Columbia. DRESSMAKING Tailoring and Remodelling. KIMI UYEDE Phone Blue 916 203 3rd Ave. LWaIker's Music Store Large Stock Slusk Delntzman, Nordhelmer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Fhone 281 P.O. Box 19C We Have a Complete Stock of Easter Candies & Noyeties Now on Display Your Inspection is invited We will hold any goods 'till called for Also EAST Ert BOX CHOCOLATES In all slies and prices Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Ml "Ootrrnment Llqnor Act" (Section 27) Net Ire of Application for Consent T Transfer Ucct Licence Notice la hereto? fit en th&t on the lOUl day of AprU next, the under, aigned Intend o applj to the Uquor Oontrol Board for consent to tramafec ,tt Beer Licence No. 4423. Iseued In r-. epect of prcmlsea being pert of I building known m Savoy Hotel, altuate it Frauer Street, upon the Und d- acrtrxd aa Lota No. 13 and 14, Block .33. Beotlon 1, Map 023. Prtnoe Rupert I Land Registration District, tn the Prov I lace of BrttUh Ootumbla, from Alei-I aruler James Prudhorntne to Oirl wn-' Ham ZarelU of rrlnce Rupert, Brtttah Columbia, the transferee. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. O. thU Bin d7 of March 1039. CARL WILLIAM "ZARILLI , Appllcaat aad Trasfrt.