Men's broken lines in-calf Oxfords, high grades. Clearance Misses and Childs' calf Oxfords Real values F The flome of Good Shoe the former - jar. Already there are natire troops In serrice at a number of -points inclnding Egypt and Aden. He says that Ihe whole country has denonneed Hitlerism. One-third of theeoun- minster; N. Langham. city. 34.45 AMILY SHOE STORE LT 1.95 D. 3 - -! r THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RCPEST - .BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ,11 Daily News. Limited. Third. Atenue J I Hi T. FULLEN Managing-Editor Paid in adranc;. per week . Paid in adyanie, per month i By mail to all parU of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance , By mail to all other countries, per year .. Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion , Advertising and Circulation -Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Borcau ot Circulations I S8 J2 .50 3.00 9JD0 02 25 Monday. December 4, 1939. EDITORIALS GEPMA.VTS DANGER Germany's danger today is not so much from Great Britain and France as from her dangerous ally, Russia. The history of the past few-dajrs shows clearly that treaties mean no more to Russia than they do to Germany. Promises are -made umplj to be broken. So we may look for'the treaty with Germany to be broken any time h sails the convenience of either party to It SCmUO'.FROM INDIA prwent iii London sars that the try is ruled by Indian princes, all of whom haTe giren support of some kind to the Empire including natire forces. Indian na-ral Tessels are aiding in the patrol of the Indian Ocean. In riew of some of the stories heard tin regard to 4he stand of India in-the;present conniet, this Js reassuring. THE COMING SEASON Jn soite of the war news .that is .worrying niost jxople, .the ea-on U, well draneing toward the time when we shall xeJebrate an eld - fashioned Christmas In support gWen to the Empire by j Prinee .Rupert Jn the meantime his coon try is already mueh i there tm to J no let-np in the greater than it was at the time of rreparationi that are Wine made lo remember .friends -and rela--ie as jMuaL Prince Rupert stores are Tilled with holiday goods -f -a most 4empUng nature and, Jn spite of the -war, people seem in the Jiamor to bay. Hotel Arrivals : U.S. Football ; University pf Southern Callforn- Prince Rupert 9; .UnlTersity of "Washington. 7. : Navy. 10: Army, 0. M. H. McLean. Port Edward; J. Fordham, 18; New "York TJnlver-Milne. Edmonton: Mrs. C. D. Poole, slty, 7. Ketchikan: J. Martin, Smithers; Stanford. J4: Dartmouth, 3. P. Kelsbury. Terrace; J. "Huzio, Georgia Teih, 13; .Georgia State" Tyee; W. F. Robertson, Company 0. oergeani Twajor ana "Mrs. o. H. Southern Methodist, 14- Burke and J. R. Townsend. Van- Christian, ' 1. couvef; W. iC. tBray. New West- - to Vancouver. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ullifig at IGEAR FALLS mJ:p6WELl tlVEH S teamer. leave Erl ncelRupcrt every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince .Hurt ior the at Monday, Wdneday, ' Friday a ' Steamer Jot , Ketchikan nd SteVart -every EpNESDAyp.m. : Far rfarcs, .etc., call or itrite City Ticket Office, 528 3rd At. ww?.miiii-ii Texas Airs. H.. JJaveqport, whose-hus-band is engaged Jn commercial av- " mc Mw-oa.jW'astpassen Daily advertising m the Da.l, 1 'Npws is sure to bring dailv -re- terday ta returning suits. tnorth after a trin VMM l Saturday of this week. Move Closer To Rose Bowl Jame Cnitersity o FUJI SALii FOR 'SALE Seven-room house with lurnaee. Two lots on corner. 703 FWtoVStreet. (287 FOR SALE 1 1625 2-3-ton Nash with -6x9 dump .body and powerful hoist, good condition. 1 1937 V2-Un jaatl delivery .International. ,a-i shape, price very reasonable. fApply '.Natiorutl :Motors. . (287) i TOR RENT FDR RENT Large rooming house, mostly furnished, .central location. Apply Hfilgerson's Ltd. i282) FQUNn :new centjiaij hotel awnex SecondrAvehue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water HeaUd) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) I . page two. TKR DAILY XFW9 Batmday t i i Clearance SALE Broken Lines 1o be Cleared Out at Greatlylieduced Prices In "Every Department of the Store. Now is 'Your Opportunity for a Real -Bargain Ladies' broken lines in pumps and straps, in leather and suedes. QO A-tZ Clearance QAttO TO MEET BOMBERS Ottawa Rough Riders Defeat Sar nta Imperials In Eastern Canada" Final SPORT CHAT Tians are understood to be way for me promotion of tn-tertown basketball games this sea son Tor the purpose of raising CP CP-Ottawa J --Ottawa lunas -nds for lor -Ule the Red Cross. uras4- The lae t Sonlhem California "? tel",'s- ? a Win Orer I'niTerelty Washington of Sonthwesern Bristol City 3. Swansea 1. Cardiff 2, Torquay 2. Plymouth 2. Newport 0. Swindon 3. Bristol Palace 3. Northeastern Bradford City 2. York 1. Darlington 4. Hartlepool 0. Hull 3."Mlddlerbro 0. Leeds 0. Hoddenfield 0. 1 Scottish East I Aberdeen 6. Stenhousetnulr 1- , Alloa 5. St. Bernards 0. Cowdenbeath 5. Kin Park 2. D"ndee United 5. Dunfermline i. Falkirk 3. Hibernians 3. Heart- 6. East Fife 3. Raith 8. Arbroath 0. St. Johnton 2. Dundee 2. Scottish 1Vest" - Airdrie 3. Ptimbarton 2. ' A?r7. Partick 0. . - Celtic f.t Mlrren l. Morton Z Clvde l. Mntherw!l 6.vThlrd Lanark 2. Ot'een o fViuth 4. Albion 2. Queens f'K Hamilton 2. Rangsn 4.jciLT.arnsc): I. BeH Cro Matches FTnd 2. Scotland l. At New-eanlci DcneaTW mvrs 2. PfwthaTl As-sociation 2 at Doncaster r" sitrh as wan experienced io--T7 xrhn Prine- Rnnrt n he Nn-thern B c Cup after hald-lnng It m lon2 JBuild B.C. Payrolls' Government Tested Gows It .means something that Pa- )Ame 1 f PAm 4 rv fin highly appresiated, the time is f& stantly pure "J aeep raciiic con 4on JtaB nurUi iia .of Porch?r feland .. . .... . . ' IlUm th beLT S1 Ik- .(Ur. fll-.a tu-l ?moaern. -atate -reht '.etc. .Daily Dirion.-,ZoZ Sjf rNews. r82) . take .Nance ua iWuj you dj M .7 i ran vie jiera- ,j vi mum of or I1B.17M 1537.50 hln bii- nrour :r ftropurtldn rof th expenditure eequtrrt fr Ute year JB37, 1038 -ud 1B38 by -n cr tte VUiktbI 'Act. JI. S. J UUI cU xitf ,mu notice, to the under- -) !gr.el. the resUUernl owner of mid . MUieral CtaJtna. voor imt nn ,ai.i "f I Mineral CkUnw hii ;orfltl atiri .3? K. B. BER.VEY High School Hoop Winner Defeated Con rent 'By 40 to Score Saturday .Evening being used by many juniors son- Coo rent Knutsen 6. Clausen 4 uirwai mi me ifikts oui il is feared that unless wecther is idtal th- fans Bld jut as sow stay home and Hsten to the broad-Li UniTersitT of Snhern CaUfomhi n th.- Imoired closer tn the New Year' DayJJose Bowl football ctese at Pasadena bt defeaUn Un(rirsttv of Washington in a ckvly con tested and thrilling game. Old Country Soccer hBI o se- the scene of triumph for the nw- H tmqmwi W nr OT' f"n f those In th.M'l!ti nd i -- that posslbiii-ks cf fame b-i" held thee thH yr -etT a rtm-nfne If not a d"idrf vt-h- ""h- 4,itti It U nd r- Mnod hr- alratv b-en aonroach-ed with th offT of the ban. to do their part in raising funds. Whether or not there is any ac- tlvitjr on the basketball front this Sj stsin it eertinW cannot be said if the players didnt trr. With a last-er. more exnerienced and smarter ft team than last year Prince Rupert ? should aire no ground to any out- S fit to the north. Prastlees are still bein dilteentlv carried out three times a week und bv January the bt ihrWM h. fn t4n.trn Vin - " W 4 ffw and ready for action. fnieh 4 Brown 2. Ebr. Smiih D Montesan at referee. rift rni etaMReo ad. wll 'ttm make you many dollars. JK" 3 v - eft t if if ?f Has beddinir S? comnnrtmpnt i IS i .iZ Studio' Ixunj( douhle bed. gj Bai-tjavn pcice 4 . Wrestling .Challenge. Accepted 4 A member of the 18th Carta- din iScot t Uh. Stanley ,Ntls3n. weisht 170 -nounflj hai chal-4 leneed Frank .Fmihrer. weight 16 190 poundt. tcra wrestling rwut to take place next Saturday night. December 9. at th- Last Saturday evening another Moose Hall. Four iboxlne nre- " TORONTO. Dec. 4: off the record hiAkMhall me win w- .., w-i. Rough Aiders orenrhelmed Sarnta Standard jOH tbasxeiball :team. jjj ta Exhibition Hall the Booth Memorial High Imperials bv a score of .23 to 1 on through Jts manager. Croft Brook. .1th lilrh tvh nMhin- tr,..i n.i- 4 . (Saturday to capture the eastern JtTtd Its aerneei and net convent 40 to 16. The nigh 'School out the evening entertain- ruanaca -senior rooioau mie ana " ' " "w liplayed a nice -brand of pacing ment Rlimlle seat are the right to meet Winnipeg Blue - r "rT" and hard chcktng. keeping the ing at $100 and can be Bombers, western champions. !or'd- y -i partially completed Convent swreleas In the m ouar- h-ht ( ... ,, .. the Dominion title at Ottawa on for the-meeting-of New Mettekatte w. S:herlc. Holkertad and Me- 4- r Rnrf Mm . ana ine uum ai me mon con- RMir fnnK eMk..t Tenient date. Ketchikan has also whH ctausen and Knutsen were exprrssfd ,tt wUMnne te sur the mainstay for the Content the annual international series as usual this year. . The ExhlhiUen Baildins. now Trams were as follows- Htih School-Mortn. Scherk 12. MeCoerer 10. Hoikestad 10. Kmara Ul. 50c and others at 25c. Hockey .Scores Saturdar Chkacn 3 Tnroni- 3 lwei New York Amertearlf 1, New York Rangers 1 toTertimet Snndar Coon , New York Amerieans 2 XMAS J 3.piece Tapestry Chesterfield Suite Anyone with the thomht In cushions bulfoDU tf cusn,n!' V t v mind of buildine a hall bir enough for basketball should get in touch f ' ' with the ball olavers and thry3 M ni...,.f. . 'l-rsly enough free labor to build ?g , r. 31 0pcns ,nl larsiC l)cd another grand coulee There has nyer been more enthusiasm for th game than this ver followln las .season's fine schedule ind it wnuld he regrettable to let thlns rtrw b?rk to a ter"od nf In $45.00 VestinKhouse ll-tubc Radio In splendid (condition. Qfi Q CA eat iGovernment-tested cows 2? iarpin price Government tests.are thorough f yjrlnr Itntforv r: ana :uovernment .innrnva! ii ki " " '"" JMtkins CroKHcut Sa w 'G "feet in length am guardedly given. iBut reard M model. A Teal 9 lZ(i less of these tests, and .they are hi Snap tyA.MOV Rird Cae- Three .perches, swing and two opal seed CO AA CUpR EUO'S beocnie veeUd In the undenlgned who Off T1ITRI) AVPNTT hm made the required expenditure, li AVIViUrj DATED at Prince Rupert, B C tUti I' .For the Hat Mondaya. Wedm daa from the T1 Tttftdayt. Thurv Sttordan Caaadteru 3 ! Toronto 3; Chi. 2 piece Pakrite Set 5 roomy Pakrite with re: pi.u. Uargain jirice Hardwtre 85.50 V vy .Coleman Table iLant sComiilete a'Mth shade . Stanley Ixvcl Metal. 18-inch size XTar.pct 'Sweeper Bissel APPLES They Vo GOOD .ontf GOOD for ww. i . enwar r hut, "ML1""iitiftiiitiliCi TIUlxs rsmt&&&t2l3id2ldl, rf-o7- . ,. r"T? Bring Joy To Your Home. rir, I 18.50 rsl M n i Buy FurniLure for Christmas.! K - ft ere and smart vanity Qi A flH ' t)lUUU m case. 2-piece set Gladstone lintrK Cowhiu. . l that any man would be CI 9 Aft 5 proud to have g Btffet Tab,e 356.50 fi Used Furniture At Harjtain J'riccs for Quick Selling Plllls out to form Chfnn rnhinef Lnrire iRadi 10S 18.50 8 I Stoves Slichtly Used -Oil lhirnine ( alnnct g or A AA A Bargain price Good Cheer Circulator Heater 1 ii burning coal or wood. 29z50 A Bargain price y jj PACIFIC MILK ! Bargain pruce ..v;1...... iV, Ji Irradiated and Vacuum Packed FOUND Two .keys -on -ring, one -a , Mt vi:iui, Vict Yale. Owner may have ame by ' v,fr To iwiii(,uent co-wnr "2? ;payingior4hlsiadvertb?mroUt. ' " tirlX?frnrt- J ,.UE3A8 hrre re owner othr - ; 'ri imsrest m each aim WANTED Two or three tunilshed l '1 j8'" . a. .b-.m- rooms, central :if, .pqssjWe. Av-T&fX&?ZHl ply Dally News, (283) i"8 ' n- to iuni .caim uut U $5.00 1 .$2.00 1 $2.00 1 FUtMIME I'lllNCE ltl'I'KUT 3