1 PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Weather Forecast Tomorrows Tides Prince Rupert and Queen Charlie High 8:25 ajn. 20.0 ft. Islands fresh jtrong 21:05 pan. 17.6 ft. ruth to southwest . . oioudy Low 1:42 am. 6 J It. u'i'.h occasional ralni 5 A i 14:44 pjn. 6.9 ft 9 NORTHERN. AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V: XXVIII.. No. 282. i'KINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1939. PRICE: - CENTS es-Hssw9He9 r i Undersea FINNS PUT GET READY UP STRONG FOR FIGHT RESISTANCE Sweden and Norway Arming Them-. selves Against Russian Bear Rnttiani Are Having No Easy lime In Spite of Overwhelming Numbers HELSINOFOR8. Finland. Dec. 4: CTtt 411 1 guns continue to thunder !?nr the Karelian front where the nrnt, successful in holding their huge enemy at bay. are still report-tA to be rtandlng firm after in fixing heavy lossct on the invading RuMlan hordes. Defence forces claimed widespread successes over the week-end In bitter land, sea and It" engagements Heavy anow fell throughout Finland yesterday. The Finnish defence ministry, v' : :h hd rlalmed that at least iiiieen and pnpsiblr eighteen Rus-tar planes had .been shot down tlthbut aqy FlnnUh losses, claim farther suereswj although y ester -di:r there was a suspension of air tildi on. Helsipttors presumably. It 0 believed, became a Oerman snip, the Dano, was there at the time pi-king up Oerman refugee, the expectation being they would be re-nwed with lnereajrirw Intensity Iter departure of the vessel today. Women and rhlldren were bring (Taeuaterf to the rockv Interior. British, American and other nationals !re being evacuated and building ere belruc prepared for aiege. The enemr lowe are described awy t Roulsri on the eastern frontier Heavy casualties were alto Inflicted on the Rurlans nonh of tke Ladoga where many of the Invaders mere drowned by eolne through thin Ice Thousands of Russians als were killed In mined ground on the Karelian Peninsula and elsewhere. The Finns denied that plane had set fire to Kron-stadt naval base but accounted for !hl report by expiations caused by the detonation of land mines in the Karelian Peninsula. A second naval battle between Findland and Russia is reported at Hangho at the mouth of the Oulf of Flpland. The Finns have annihilated Russian parachute troops and have wiped out a battalion of tanks on the Karelian front. Soviet warships were driven off by heavy fire of Finnish coastal guns. Russaro fortress had already reported the sinking of a Russian warship which was believed to have btrji destroyed. ' The Russians failed yesterday In another attempt to recapture Pet-sama, Arctic coast port. A Finnish communique, reporting the successes over the Russian Invaders, declared that the soldiers of Finland will "fulfil their duty until death." HE PLEADS FOR UNITY Premier Chamberlain Addresses Message To People In Ily-Uection LONDON, Dec. 4: In a letter to the electors In the Stratford by-election, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appealed to the people to sink their political differences In uniting to meet the hardships and sacrifices entailed by war against "Bad faith, bullying and aggression" and towards the establishment of a new Europe founded on goodwill and mutu al tolerance. Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, In a apcech, described the war as, a "Crusade for Interna tlonal decency." NKVV YORK COl'FER NEW YORK Dec. 4: Copper was .03o higher an the New York metal 'market Saturday with March closing nt ll.30c per pound. STOCKHOLM. Dec. 4: Both 8weden and Norway art calling additional forces to the colors against the possibility of an over flowing of the Russo-Finnish wari Into their countries. Sweden Is Increasing Its army at once to 100,000 men. The total, possible strength Is placed at 500.-1 On. General staff Is conducting the mobilization and King Oustave is keeping in close personal touch' with the Finnish situation. The formation of a national union gov-' emment for Sweden Is being considered as a meausure of protec-, tion and preparation. , Norway t movln tronDS to the' FuinWi frontier on the Arctic coast PACT WITH ! FAKEGOVT Mutual Assistance and -Non. Aggression Treaty Latest Soviet Machination t MOSCOW. Dec 4: -Russia s Soviet government announces the signing of a mutual assistance and non-aggression pact of friendship between Russia and the new "People's Oovernment of the Democratic Finnish Republic,1- the name which the Soviet has attached to what is described as the "Insurgent Finnish regime." This is not to be confused with the new Helslngfors government which hs pledged itself to a fight to the finish against Soviet domination. The pact would provide for the exchange of Karelian Isthmus territory for naval and aerial base sites for the Soviet. NEXT MOVE OF RUSSIA? Not Believed Soviet Will lie Satisfied With Conquest Of Finland j LONDON. Doc 4: There Is spec-1 ulation as to Russia's next movei after Finland. Some predict she will move on to. Sweden and Nor-; way with demands for military concessions In order to complete i her mastery of the Baltic' others, believe she will be satisfied with the security Leningrad will be' given by the conquest of Finland and that Roumanla will be next, on the Soviet list with all the lm-1 plications a move on the Balkans might Involve. I Is Josef Stalin moving to bring realization of what Peter the Great dreamed of domination from Atlantic to Pacific? THROWS OUT BROAD HINT United States Hopes Manufacturers Will Not Supply Planes to Countries Engaging In Civilian Bombing 'WASHINGTON. D.C.Dec 4: (CP) .Without naming the countrfe-. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said In a formal statement that the government hopes United States manufacturers of airplanes, aeor-nautical equipment and materials would bear in mind the government's policy of condemning "unprovoked bombing" of civilians. There was little doubt that the statement was intended to apply to the Russo-Flnnish conflict. Craft Are Losing Bulletins BLOCKADE UNDEU WAY LONDON Wilh the blockade of exports from Gt.-many being ciamped down today In addition to toe blockaue of Imports which has been In operation ever since the war began. Nail trade will be completely obliterated including the Reich's valuable commerce with South America, This will add another blow to Germany's already shaky economic position and Is confidently expected to be an important factor in bringing llitk . to his tntes ana ending the wa.. Henceforth the Allies will seize all German exports be they in Nazi or neutral ships. The blockade has been Imposed as a retaliation for Germany's Indiv crimate mine laying which followed the failure of the Natl submarine rampaign. APPEALING TO LEAGUE GPNEVA rinland has made a formal appeal to the League of Vrns. askln-: the Assembly to take the necessary steps lo end the Rui'itn invasion which is described as an "unprovoked act t a5TCslon," The Lea t tie rounc'I will meet Saturday to eonrldrr what artion is to be taken and the Assembly has been caller1 for Mondar next It is thought posHle that Russia, still a loral member of the Leacie. mjiht yeV accept arbitration. Finland. It is reported, is attempting to reopen netotlatlons with Russia through Sweden. OATS KING OF WORLD CHICAGO Rill Scladen of Andrew, Alberta, was yesterday crowned the world's oats king at the International Livestock and Grain Show here. He won with an exhibit of Victory oats weith-Inx 4S pounds to the bushel. The reserve championship also went to Canada, the winner bring Ales Stewart of Ailsa Craig, Ontario. The winner of the wheat championship will be announced today. HEATH OF TRINCESS DUCHESS LONDON Princess Louise. Duchess of Argyll, eldest urviving child of (fueen Victoria and widow of a former Governor General of Canada, died yesterday at Kensington Palace where she had long lled in seclusion. She was ninety-one, years of ate and her panlng followed lengthy Illness. She was the great aunt of King Georre VI. who today ordered two weeks -of court mourning on account of her passing. Yesterday the King and Queen attended a memorial kervlce In the chapel royal soon after the death of the aged princess was announced. Ground Squirrels With Disease Are Menace To Farms VANCOUVER, Dec. 4: CP Prof. M. Y. Williams of the University of British Columbia warns farmers of the Fraser Valley and the central Interior against disease-carrying ground squirrels with which some farms are be coming; menaced. Germans Fly Over Belgium Further Incursions Above Neutral Territory Reported Yesterday BRUSSELS, Dec 4;iThere were ftuthef illshts of German planes over Belgian territory yesterday. NEW PEACE OFFENSIVE' Germany Talks of Uniting With Allies Jn Order To Fight ; Russia j BERLIN, Dec. 4: Suggestions are heard In some quarters of Oerman anxiety in regard to Russian territorial expansionary ambitions as Indicated by the invasion or Faiand. The press goes so far as to canvass the possibility of a new pe"ee offensive on the basis of a joining 6f the Allies and Germany to resist the Russian menace. SUDEO'lT RAILWAY Term--; Cloudburst Takes line Out at Three Points at Kitsvmkalum H'aw rainfall of almost cloud- bars nrortionj was recorded at line was washed out at three Doln's atwnt two miles wesi of Trrare and a hilf a mile east of th Kal'm Rive- brldfT". Th total lenrth of lln affected Is 2M feet to & depth of 25 feet Railway crews- are putting in tem-"o-anr bridging and 1t Is honed to get a train out tomorrow even n ton'xht'j train ior the East being cancelled: . fy. Telegraph wires 'are down today ovine tn trouble in the Prince Qeorge district. Sabotage Plot-Is Suspected Ur,e Quantity- of Explosive, Found NVar.Plan, New Jer- sey Aircraft Manufacturing Flit! PA1TRSON. NewJ Jersey. Dec. 4: (CPi-Posslblllty of a saboUge i. ..,v. ,i Miww io Tru til Lite uiouvrtr ui a large dump of dynamite and other explosives along the Passlac River near the plant of the Wright Aircraft Manufacturing Co. which has ordr for a lane number of aircraft for Great Britain. Expropriation I Is Upheld MEXICO CITY, Dec. 4: Th. Court of Mexico Supreme . . Saturday unanimously upneia tne action ol the government of former Premier hits by heavy bombs. A German cruiser was badl damaged and other fighting craft were hit. German pursuit - .... . "... .' planes endeavoured unsuccessfully i Russ Women In Bombers v Germany admitted that a daring HELSINOFORS. Dec. 4. In rald had been madefy the British the crew of one of the Russian i nes claimed that .he ves-bombinz Dlanes which have s?x sunk UBs merely a trailer and ben brought down by the Finn- was found a woman. It t believed that there have : b'n women in other of the 4. lare crews as well as In other ! branches of the Soviet fight- ins forces. MORE SHIPS i t Six Ve-stls Sunk Over Week-end i in tiaiers un uruun Coast i LONDON. Dec 4. One French, ..1ODr'TOWm' I- weeK-ena oi uerman mine5 in wa - tPrs the British t coast. ine i-Tcncn snip was the freight - " "?Ide wh!cn was. beachfd at ,Tencn P" alter struung the rnme, two members of the ctpw f nir n o i ea. ine r onae was a seven tnous-l and ton versel. j The British tanker San Caltsto,' 84)10 tons, was blown up by .striking a mine off the southeast coast of England and sank. The crew, reached shore safely. There were thirty-five aboard. The Norwegian freighter Arctur-us. 1277 tons, struck a mine in the North Sea and sank. Nine of the crew are missing. A Swedish shin, which struck a mine oSt the En&lsh coast, was not namea- Tnirty-three members of: the rrpu-vpm cavpH 1 ,is.o c j. u ,,. ue -139 5w5a"hcolller Ru- the remainder are feared lost. Cardenas In expropriation of Brl- rea is reported on the west- . olph , wa? sunk today- KSht mem-tich ttnttArf sat or,rt v,i,.,ern front. Patmls nn hnh bers of the crew were rescued but lands oil company holdings In Mexico. The companies involved were, however, found to bee enUtled to compensation to be paid within the coming ten years. Seventeen British, American and Dutch oil companies appealed against the expropriation order, their appeal being rejected; Finns Deny Use Of Poison Gas Charge of Russians Is Officially Given Lie At Helslngfors HELSINGFORS, Dec. 4: Finnish authorities deny a charge of Soviet Russia that poison gas has been, used by the Finns in the flgfitingjwas made to Interfere. againsi, itussian invasion. WHEAT PRICES Winnipeg, Dec, 4: (CP) Wheat prices were ?ec to Jc lower on the Winnipeg market Saturday with December closing at 75c. On the New York market prices were 'ic to Tic lower today with 'May at 89' c. NAZIS LOSE FOUR SUBS Britons Take Heavy U-boat Toll- Trawler Disposes of Two LONDON, Dee. 4. For the first thre an armed trawler has sank a submarine and it may have heen twn. A British trawler re-Trts"thah aftT it had sank one r.rman u-boat. it dropped depth ehartes in an endeavour to get Royal Air Force plane sank an-1h- !h""rne T4rdav, hav-lns frTr tve T'-Hn-t ivlng on the Tirr wr nt survivors. annhr !,,marlne was rao-,wd )r th mrx. making the -V-- fnnr, FnH--tVrrf members of the r i nnVn German submarine rere 1an1 st a Pettish pri tiday and will be interned. nr a w TfJW lT "XT"1 J L f (V I . lip MOVING OUT Finland Canvasses Possibility Of Setting L'p Government Seat In England LONDON. Dec. 4: Finland minister to England met Viscount Hal!fxvBriasAJFl5rlg. 23"t'y . -.Tiy. Th possIbtinV'rjf'rrne t-wh"w ini fblinhing a seat in- England, mueh as the Polish government has been set up In f - 'n th event of Russia overwhelming Finland Is believed o hvp b-cn discussed. Although Finland, through sheer rouraee and spirit, is holding the Runlan Invasion off meantime. there are few but wishful thinkers who ar delnriri m.n M,.d that the uneoual conVeTt h. t." hnf P Tm T Zl v. TU . 7 .7 ,ti x. ,ndSnT3 EEt cannot hold out such .overuhinz wehrht. . ARTILLERY : OF FRENCH German High Command Admits Harassing Activity Patrols On Both Sides Are Active BERLIN. Dec. 4: The German high command admits harassing French artillery fire of Increased Intensity in shelling German posl- i i . i .. . ' "e aioseue Kiver area. AcUvlty on a minor scale over a nave active. I Fascists Shout "Long Live Finn's" Anti-Russian Demonstration n Thousands In Rome On Saturday i : ROME, Dec. 4: Three thousand Fascists demonstrated against Rus - 1 sla and In sympathy with Finland today the 829-ton British 4f,XT,. . usnment of His Majesty's forces. on Saturday. "Long Live Finland"'5 they shouted outside the Finnish i legation. Today there was apother 1 o f T ! similar demonstration by several ilOIl I It" rrPCinPtlf hundred Italian aiuueuvs wno . Also ir ii e : In le I"""" cr crew- was lanaea on the Scottish coast German Mine Layers Sink Another German mine laver was ,lost by striking a mine In the mine fields near the Danish coast in the ssame vicinity as other mine layers "v.v jvww. Deuevea tnat fUty mfmbers'ol the crew werf lost on,y two laz rescued !by Danis.h sh'PS from the rough - - vuiu.lll, P 1 Iir.l i raSn YYltn AUlO DALLAS. Texas, Dec. 4: Elliott Roosevelt. his wife sustained a sprained ankle as a result of an automobile accl j dent yesterday. The accident did not prevent young Ropscvelt from attending a banquet last night. Tnrkfli iL,uac ncac 1 UUlli riOm marched to the Finnish legation1! and shouted "Down with .Russia I Long Live FfnlandT No attempt! Mrs. E. T. Kenney and young son arrived in the city on Saturday' nlcht's train and are the guests of Mrs. John McRae, Smith Block. OnjUn D. Roosevelt, lost a tooth and' Wednesday they will meet Mr. Ken ney, coming hme from the1 session of th? Legislature at Victoria, and will return home with him Wednes- day evening. Out DARING AIR RAID BY BRITONS UPON NAVAL BASE OF HELIGOLAND One German Warship is Damaged As Many Direct Hits Are Made by Heavy Bombs Not a Single Plane Lost By Royal Air Force LONDON, December 4: (CP) British Royal Air ' force planes made a daring and effective mass attack k? Germany's major naval base of Heligoland Sunday. to drive the British planes off and 1 suffered some losses instrad, one Messerchmldt being brought down. (Despite heavy anti-aircraft fire and the fact that the operation was j hampered by rain, all the British tllat- apart fronUt. no serfc as dam- .agc a cen ao y Uie British waxen were iinauy driven on. :M0RALE IS I VERY POOR Russians tTonld Be No fatch For rj- m J Sick and Poorly Fed KUilE, Dec 4: Reports reach hr. h.,.k correspondents to Italian newspapers of poor morale 'of Russian troops in the war with """ana. . .1:1'' ? .ra MJ ic J l-'u"lcu ne sui- tea Scurvy probabl . due to wu "1U w'e iaci mey 122L "p!' , lne Russians n have b?en no match Individually , with the well: equipped and efficient Firms. There is a general unwi'linenesa on Ine Part 01 the .Russians- to saua- University Man Is Charged With Defence Breach HALIFAX, . . Dec 4: (CP Allan """" Flndlay of the staff of Eilhousie University has been charct i under the Defence of Canada ref ulatlons with communicating to Denmark information regard to the move- I Flndlay has been granted $5000 bail Ontario Having Civic Elections Contests Taking Place Today In Slany Cities Suspendlrg Of Polls During War is Question TORONTO. Dec. 4: (CP) Municipal elections are being hf Id today In many Ontario cities. Several are voting on plebiscites as to whether civic elections should be suspended for two years or for the duration of the war. Mayor Stanley Lewis of Ottawa Is running for re-election against two opponents. Weather Forecast Oeneral SynopsisThe pressure remains very low off Vancouver Island-Misty or. cloudy. Strong south winds with rain.