PACJK TWO "Vanity Maid" FOOTWEAR t For real classy styles and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4i45 to $5 50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes It takes Time to make Coal It takes Time to mine Coal Nows the time to buy Bulkley Valley Coal Coal Coal Coal Foothills Nanaimo-Wellington . Bulkley Valley I p ,our cost down thl XfrJ wIn.,fr b' burnI"5 heat tested coaI that ,Tes oa more heat 'wc ir jmr- jvui iiiuiKi, iuL uiiuuta tarn -,wlf.Jf r 652 and we will gladly advise you which coal is best ( suited for your furnace, range of heater. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Men's and Youngs Men's Fancy Worsted TROUSERS Tailored By "Northwestern" Colors Blues, Blacks, Browns Waist Sizes 30 to 44 $C-00 Bryant Company Limited I'lione 297 532, 3rd. Ave; W P.O. Box 622 CO OP IN SESSION The semi-annual general of the Prince Rupert Fisher held Tuesday In the city with J. Saldan chairman and J. Deane. recording secretary. The meeting was tery well attended and. in spite of the experience of the poorest fish year on record in the history of the Association, a strong spirit of optimism prevailed a5 to the present standing of the Association and for the future of co jpe ration. The board of directors submitted a tentative report of the past se n s business on fish and store operations. Comparative words showed production of fish over the last four years as follows: 1935, IJbQQjm pounds. 1937. 1,800.000 pounds. 1038. 3 J! 50.000 pounds, 1939, 1,160,000 pounds. During the last season the Association operated, in addition to its four camps and Prince Rupert stores, the Seven Mile and North Island stores of the North island TrnUers Co-operative Association-The total sales of all stores ag- gregated S122.5C8.00, Apart from the North Island stores, the Association had an increase of $17,000 in salts over 1938 operations. Although the season was a rather , unsatisfactory one for fishing, tl j store operation was considered I quite satisfactory. A resolution was passed voting SI 00 as a donation to aid in the expenses of the fishermen and their representatives In connection with the present sitting of the Sloan Royal Commission on flsh trans. While the meeting was opposed to Hitlerism, a resolution was pass ed opposing the conscription of Canadian manpower to be used in European wars. A resolution was introduced and passed reouesting the provincial government to amend the income tax act with reference to co-operative organizations to harraoniz-with the Federal Act Eeveral motions were passed as recommendations to the new Prince RuDejrt Fishermen's Cooperative Association scheduled to come into being on December 1 CUssiniO FOR SALIC NEW American stamps for sale, ones and threes. Dally News, (tf) FOR SALE Whole chimney sweep ing- outfit, complete. Apply Zum-khr at hospital. t.f. FOR SALE 5-room house, two bedrooms, good location. Price $850. Phone Red 751. (258) BOARD AND ROOM f FIRST class room and board resl-' dence, close in, reasonable rates. Phone Black 965. 258) FOR SALE BY TENDER LOGGING Outfit on Porcher Isl-t and: 1 Seattle Donkey Engine 10; by 12, 73 Horsepower Boiler on! float carrying 160 lb. steam, i Lines and Blocks and other logging equipment, 2 bunk houses 18 by 20 and 18-by 30, accomodate 16 men, Iron beds, l cook houM 26 by 40 1 large heater. 1 cook stove, 1 cordwood heater, 1 meati house 14 by 14, 1 small house, lj blacksmith shop, I Sky Line 1600 feet, in good shape, carriage and guy lines, 1 gasboat 32 feet, 10 horsepower engine. Thomas Mc-Meekln, (259 1 AGENTS WANTED BEST KNOWN LINE SUCCESSFUL. Chritmn Harrl salespeople know they must haye'j the Premlor T.ln nf Ptrtnnili' ' Wf ,lfUMil CJirfcrtmas Card.1?: they know it Is advertised from coast to coast and has been shown continuously at the Canadian National Exhibition for ten years.. They kpow our line sells; they know the public has confidence In our values. L .They know we treat our sales staff courteously and pay liberal commissions, We Invite you to Join this sales staff and earn extra money in your spare time between now and Christmas. Apply for sample book todayi No charge, Experience unnecessary, Premier Art Guild, 576" Seymour St., Van- 4 ll .THX DAXLX KXWI Thursdav. NnvL. . 1939. The new association will rep resent Uvt amalgamation of the North Island Trollers Cy-operatjv? Association and' the Prtne Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assoc U lion. An announcement was made in the effect that the Department o: Fisheries of the federal govern ment had made a arant to the University of Eritteh Columbia to be used by its extension department for educational purposes in an endeavour to further the knowledge and operation of cooperatives, credit unions and stud" clubs among the fishermen of British Columbia. The extension department had secured the services of Norman McKrnzie who has had considerable experience in the organizing and operating of co operatives, credit unions and stud-dubs in Nova Scotia. Mr. MrKen-tie Is scheduled to arrive in Print Rupert on November 8 to begin his work here. All fishermen were asked to give their fullest eo-opera-tion. As Mr. McKenaie has to cover the whole coast he will be In British Columbia fr some time.. After the New Year A. S. Mrlntyre. heed of the credit unions in Nova Scotia, s scheduled t jy a four-month I V tail W in cuo " -wm'- w - The board of tn announced the birth of the "Cooperative Wholesale Society of B. C v.hich had received U charter in October of thU year (Three Boxers And ;Two Promoters In i Wrong In Illinois j j CHICAGO. Nw J CP - Three; 'well known boxers Harry Thomas Tony Oalento and Max Schmelint and two promoters-Nate Lewis ana jti? wcua. ic urtu ( 'pended indefinitely by the Illinois State Boxing Commission. Sports Centre Given Approval NANAIMO. Nov 2 CP Ttot ratepayers of Nanaimo on Saturday approved a bylaw providing for the expenditure of $60,069 for a snorts arena and recreation centre here. BAItKYMOKE CARPETS and HARDING IC Carpets-9xl0tj. From 6 Carpets-9jcl2 18 Carpets 6' 9"x 0. From H Carpets- 4' 6"x T 0" From Carpel Throw Hut From Phone 715 COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEJEJL) CO, Phones 88 and 851 $13.00 $22.50 $15.00 fl.OO 327 Tlllltl) AVENIJK NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKO.U HOME" Ratea 11.00 up 80 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, D.C, Phono 281 P.O. Hot 1D8 MAY DOCK SHIP HERE Hotel Arrivals Cen,rl p i. Mrs. Bowen. Vanr,,:,,. tatneo eomuaeraDie damage around Koy her stem, it u understood, and she A. W. Opmmtij Mr U, B m aiurpny. ouoerwnierr rep rrtnre Kupert ri'cntatlvt from San Francltto, or- F. W. Matthews H u u , rived in the city on the Princess Robert Kennedy p bri Norah thla morning from the south - ClaxUm. Vanrouvc : in connection with the matter of m. Tacnma: a vi the big freighter Mary D. which wattle: C jm4 f tsrs i4ai nlahl In Hran. All ffllftlfV Tvsa - a vttle Channel. The Mary D. sus- Kupert: D. D o,m victorti is leaking quite freely, pumps being K"won, Vancouver j Jatbd i required to keep the water down,MorlBmery. s, Rawiu rven at she lies at dock here. It lsi,tay Pnnce Rupert expected the veael will have to be j T ' dry docked here for repairs In- ' " which ease It will be neccAsary to' l.STAVr sox nm unload at least a portion of a large, -arso she has on board for delly-i Joseph Donald Ulp.j- ery from Seattle to Raster Island In day.old son of Berun' wAv Wettero Alaska. ID. A. Burnett, died toda X(r. CUtf MacUll saUs tonight on the Princa Kupert for Esquimau to iotn Wr- MadHl who li at present ataUoiMd there In the naval ser vice. Kg PflMO Rupert Oenerw HcajST Sympathy will be rxtr-xrahj" A fifty cent eujr .4 - 'often make you man? toUa THE NEW FORD CARS FOR 1940 r ! 22 important improvements, added to fundamental Ford features, represent the most advanced engineering in the low-price field do the Ford cars for 1940 offer to match their brilliant new beauty? New comfort, convenience, quiet, safety-arid the roomiest, richest interiors ever dciFgnrd for a Ford car. They have a hoit of interesting new fnturrs. There ii a finger-tip Gearshift conveniently located on the steering pott. An improved transmission it unusually eaty to shift. New Controlled Ventilation. Improved shock absorbers. Improved spring suspension and a new ride-stabilizer. A combination of new features makes the new cars quieter in operation. They have big, powerful hydraulic brakes. They have new Sealed-Beam Headlamps that are safer, stronger and stay bright longer. They have the famous 8S.hp, Ford V-8 engine which blends 8-cylinder smoothness with economy. You've never seen cars with so much performance, style and comfort at such a low price. Get acquainted. You'll enjoy the experience! mm MacKenzie s Furniture 22 IMPORTANT FORD IMPROVEMENTS FOR COA4FOftr-Mor room laud. Nw GxxroW Vo-tiUiion. Nr lortkm br rvi-liluf . Improrfd prif utfwniioa. SlfMlifg hock Uoflwr. Twf J-'" drivvr's Nw-)p riUM front mI b-rt. N- "noiling-Cdf " tt ruthioru. FOR CONVfNNCf Nw Ficr.Tip GrWrt. Efi trux tcttftbU. To-tpot Mr ring inrtruirMnt pnl, FOR imf-N tiltrrar UJty. Nf initrior lusurr. New int(rumrt panl, FOR mititS ImprovfJ miptoofag. "C.yShi,, IrammiMton. Curved due lwU. FOR SAFETY S. Jd B.m I UlUmp. Dul!U.iU iprrs at Imm of tnJhiU. Larprr talry fJ ftrwraW' 1 1 ajlight Otam Indicator in driver's dirvct viiion. PIUJ THE FUNDAMENTAL FORD FEATURES Smoked "Rupert Brand" I Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serve Four People heps lor Weekt In Refrigerator j Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert fn I fl British Colom" 1 VUl UlUi