i i PAOE TOUR Start Th e D ay With 7 Vitalizing Breakfast rnoNi: 9 QUAKER OATS IS RICH IN THIAMIN (VITAMIN Bi) VITAL FOR NERVE NOURISHMENT, GROWTH, DIGESTION. BRIDGE MAY START SOON Plans For New Hays Creek Span Now Before Railway Authorities For Approval Plans and specifications for the new Westview Bridge are ready but have to be approved by the railway authorities as the Bridge passes over the "y" sn'ir up Morse Creek. Light or dark 7 yards .Brocaded or Plain Rayon-range of colors. 4 yds. ... -Full Table Cloths Rayon and Colored borders, 51 inches square. 2 for Pillows Feather pillows, art ticking covers. Each mm Woolcntt nianketc Sateen bound cotton and wool mixture. Each Homespun Bedspreads Assorted colors. Full size. Each Curtain Nets In lace design or figured marquisettes. 5 yds Rubber Crib Sheets With blue or pink borders. 3 for Rubber Bridge Table Covers Blue or rose. 2 for QUAKER OATS LEADS All WHOLE-GRAIN FOODS FOR BODY-BUILDING PROTEINS, PHOSPHORUS AKO IRON, FOR STRENGTH AND RICH RED BLOOD. 81.00 $1.00 cotton mixture. 81.00 75c 81.95 $1.50 $1.00 81.00 $1.00 Sec Our Windows I Customs Revenue Continues Lower Total For This Year to Date is $91,-051.93 As Against $151,452-30 a Year Ago DELICIOUS QUAKER OATS - GIVES LOTS OF LASTING FOOD ENERGY FOR BUSY MORNING HOURS 1 Women's Cotton Hose In fawn or grey. 5 pairs Ladies' Hose Ladies' pure silk crepe hose new shades. 2 pairs Children's White Gowns 2 for . Flannelette Women's Snujgies and Vests-Waffle knit. 3 for Women's Fabric Gloves Assorted colors and weights. 2 pairs $4.50, Each Shios Are Being Held Up Unduly Complaints Heard As To Treatment By British of Neutral Ships AMSTERDAM. November 2: In creasing complaints are bein the port of Prince Rupert for the Great Britain has month of October totalled $9,801.48 neutral ships In their search for as compared with $10,133.45 in the contraband. same month last year. Revenue for 1939 to date has totalled $94,054.93 P1- ana Mrs- "cnara ewion. Friday and Saturday norrockses English Flannelette Splendid quality. 5 yards ... . Fancy Weave Terry Towels-Nice soft quality. 3 for ' Glass ClothsFan:)- checks or stripes. 6 for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Drapery Fabrics Homespun drapery fabrics. wide, assorted stripes. 5 yards Flannelette Sheets Pink or blue. 70x00. Each Pillow Slips Fine linen finish. ' 5 for 30 inches $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Women's Silk and Wool Mix Hose O-f A A 2 pairs Ol.UU Boys' Turn Top All Wool Golf Hose Q-l A A Grey and browns. 2 pairs ?1.UU $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Women's and Children's Winter Underwear-Assorted styles. oi a A 2 for JM.UU Girls' Flannelette Bloomers Pink or peach. 5 for Bloomers and Panties Silk Knit. As3ortd styles, to dear. 3 for Blouses Satin blouses, white or eggshell, varied styles. Ea. 81.00 81.00 $1.25 $1.00 Rayon Knit Gowns and Pajamas Q4 A A Blue or pink. Each JJJL.UU Traveller's Sample Gowns, Pyjamas, Panties, nioomers To Ckar at special prices, Women's Flannelette Gowns Floral design, pink or blue. Each 95c Women's Foundation Garments Oossard and Dominion models. Values to fi-f lC THIRD and FULTON STREET don. TEB DAILT KS'A'8 Thursday, koTte6H jFuneral Yesterday Of Emil Rosang Many Attended Rites For Well Known Lewis Island Man i Irvrment was at Falrvlew Ceme-ery. Th fottowfevi sent floors: ; Vf; nd fa mil v. Can tain and ;r" of th "Banks Wand. Ed-'watd Upsett Ltd.. Eric Ruv.ns and 5 The initiation and installation o( 'the officers of St. Andrew's Angll- Jcan Young, People Association J j took place in St Andrew's Cathed-ral on Wednesday night with about f twenty members present. Dean J B. Gibson performed the ceremony ? The members adjourned to the a Cathedral Hall where a social time Jwas spent In playing games. Refreshments were served. 2 Next week's meeting will take 'the form of a party with Betty ,Borland In charge of the program, ; Surprise Parly jjFor Bride Was l.DelightfuI Event Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert I J' Last evening some thirty-five ladles paid a surprise visit to the home of Mrs. Hugh Smith. Ninth Avenue East, to honor her daugh- ter. Margaret, whose marriage to 'Harold Davey took place recently The evening was spent In playing bridge, prize winners being Mrs, R. Glike. first; Mrs. Lemon, second, and Mrs. Nels Amoth, consolation. , S After caids, refreshments, assum- ing almost banquet proportions, were served, each lady having J brought different dainties. A presentation 0f a beautiful tea set and cut glass cordial set with m mirrored tray, accompanied by a. card autographed by those present, followed. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye . PINK SEAL finest Pink Salmon L. t : ,.. . ...-i.- . Whifflets From The Waterfront Taking up service on lamii). Air. ana .irs. jamrs Charlotte at 6 'na mnnie. Air. ana Mrs. j. u. Shpddon and family. Mr. and Mrs. ;R. B. Morgan, McFadden Brothers Jap Inlet). Peter Wold. Nels Johnsen. J. Molvar. Mrs. B. Nelson. Ivor Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Uneham and family. Jonas Groden, Sivert and Anton. Crew of the "Ilaisun," Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bostrum. C. OrUjuist, J. Sorensen. S. Ortqulst. Eddie and Stanley. J Weather permKUnT. I! l ejected the steamc Prince J:hn. Csvt Nel'. McLean, will reach no" late litnloM vr narlv tOfrvrW mom - In" from Vancouver via the Queen ( Charlotte Islands She bft own o'clock last nlrht. for Mant In' whr she wm making her calls today. Coming north the vessel called at Union Bay. Vancouver Island, to toad coal for Prince Rupert and Port Armour Salvage Ca's .power tug Pachena. Capt Henry Hansen, left last night for Anyox to pkk up and v A... . .. . . . DriiiK iirrr iiirrr scuwa wiuoii ilait Customs and excise collections at heard of the length of time, thai;;'"- ""a purchaed from the ConaoJI- city commissioner w. J. Alder m comDariso n i54.452?o in Salvation Army officers from Kake stated tnis morning that, as soon the first ten months oI m$ Alaska, who have been on a trip to as the railway approval has been Prince Albert on account of. the 1U- granted. tenders will be called for -"" nes of Mrs. Newton's mother, sall- the construction of the bridge, ap-j bridge are also ready and tenders ed this morning by the Princess approaches to which are now com-; for its construction will be called Norah on their return to their Al-Peted- at the same time as the Westview aska post, accompanied by their Plans for the new Hays Creek I span. Infant child. : : WALLACE'S iamuy. tusie sirana. uora Fritz Peterson. R. Nelson Solem. The late Mr. Rosang. born, was well known as Larsen. and E. Swedish a boat- dated Mining Is SmeUtog Go. The Pachena U due back here with her tow. Capt. Sam Hounan Is eontem- builder and fisherman at Lewis piallnS Jnawwuon OI a do Island where he had rexiHerf fnr " P- Caterpillar enjlne In hi well twenty-one years, being previously known Pr,IKe RPt halibat boat in Prince Rupert and on the ramP- Aiwmer ooai u inwai a prairies. Iles survived by hit Caterpillar engine 1 the seiner widow; three sons. Paul. Carl and Anna s- CaPl- 50 SkS- hteb Olof. and three daughters. Thelma. put one ,n durlnf the P41 sum' Vlolet and Alma Eric Rosang of mer this city is a, brother. !Anglican Young j People's Officers Installation Took place Last Nljht At St. Andrew's Cathedral CURTAINS FOR TONY NEW YORK Tony Camoneri reached the end of the putilUtic road lat nieht when he was belted Into oblivion by youthful AI Davis of Brooklyn in the third round of a Mheduled ten-rounder. Tony went down twice before referee AI Donovon declared a technical knock-out In Madlon Square Garden. it EpT MCMiV t MAOtNZf CO. JpFj Outturn UMtifl TOtQNTO, QnV This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty Shop MOBILIZING CANADA (Continued from Page One) 'sary to "rcorfanlzc but not "dls-I off anise" the economic life of Canada. In this the co-operation ot the Alaska provincial th and municipal authorl- IIm ai&H nrim.i rv tirnHiirir Kj. . . k . , .. u i-f npam - : Tne runerai took place yesterday route for tne winici. v ,,, came necMury. afternoon from the B. C. Under- er Princess Norah. Cap. W"1? The urgent neceUy of ft con-j taking Parlors, Ret. Canon W. F.! palmer, arrived In port at 9 ociock supply 0f munitions and Rushbroolc officiating, of the late" this morning from Vancouver ana mUuy mpUsa was emphasized. Emil Rosang of Lewis Island. MLw a oouple of hours later for JIere CBnadat wtn ,u indu,, Lois Judge officiated at the organ, skagway and other northern poinu and agrtcuimjai rMOurcea. was hr hymns suns being "Abide With unence she is due back here nextiln an advanUgeous position. Me and "Rock of Ages." Many'Momiay afternoon southbound. i yxtn BcIwre War friends attended the rite. The yvH had a lfcht Ust of p-j Priayi Mmu.r lold ot prc. Pallbearers were James Walte. engers only twelve being aboard rations that the government had ,C Ortqulst. a. Ortqulst F. Peterson wUh foar disembarking here and a ng tott war broke out. inn musi tjsirom ana j ames tnea- simnar number emoariunc. iThe Defence Purehasing Board had been orfanlwd formir.g cf th XV a? bad been aompletn: today W:dnesdy, over the duties of and now th. Su.ir y Baau and. ai fro., would take the Defen. ur-he:nx Roiid. Siitte Spteni-r 1 rri -h "!v -n:nnt wv ttrchcM.113 commU.on had been in Canada. Now the War Supply Board would be responsible for the mobilisation of Canada's industrial reoorce both for the Dominion and Great Britain. There would be no failure through lack of ade quale organisation Further, th government had authority to se' up a separate Department of Muni tions and Supplies when necessary Continuing the Prime Minister referred to such functions as thaw of the wartime prices and trade board with Its extensive power", the agricultural supplies committee, the shipping licence board and the economic advisory committee Whatever efforts might be made depended upon finance which must be wisely planned. The policy wsi to seeK to meet tne cost as we go" based upon the ability to pa-M indicated by the heavy exce&f profits tax which had been imposed at the special war session of Parliament Control of exchange had been put Into effect to prevent dlsor-, sanitation of Canadian currency; ana credit abroad. Registration of aliens had been made compulsory and steps wcrl taken to protect the country from espionage and sabotage. Censor-' .ship had been organised. The Prime Minister felt that a I creditable lob had been done of ichanglng the nation from a peace-Itime to a wartime basis from military economic and political stand-points. 1 C on nitration of Empire basic a. r xai:ung m the Dominion "may wci, mean final victory will be shaped on Canadian soil." the Prime Minuter said. In the alrl jlra -ig scheme many millions of 'di ,ars and many thousands of men would be concentrated In iCa-ada from Great Britain. Auj- 'rai.a and New Zealand. j Describing inercased reaponsl-j b 'J.WH at Co narl a tnr jfenre the Prime Minister prophesied that Canadian shipyards wuuiu own oc worxing to S"ow, NUhll, ,!Jp U'llAT ic ..... I TALK." m"ng JuntlM J U carried UtTf nd their U.plet., e' Pr0Tlt iround man muI. Lecau ,Hk " pair, effected ht " rry ftTe WHICH FlVt CAME lv SKK Till' Ntvr.pk mi rouooTivx CLIMAX, I (At 7 U sod ) 31i II ADDUl II -RADIO HAMS" II II f.4 Pla Cmltk Cku II III I-eon Krrol In lUm Rf II ii rm ,-ewi rrrrni- is III -fcCE-NES I.N ri)LADtI 1 1 Beauty Parlor Next to W k I Cirf Theoc XI CHIMNEYS Furnace and SUt Tf Cleined Stccn's Limited rhont S Dally adveri r.t News is sure to fcrt. fulU. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth acromx? . TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT From Port Slmnon 139.75 836.00 'Bcduccd Rates Fare and one half also apply to Viewer from Intermediate points . Children (Five years of age and under twelv Hl' fr' Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1939 to febrarv 29th, Hl Good to return up to March 31st 1W Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar Van-cater S.S. CATALA i;Tery Tuesday 1 :30 p.m. Thondsy SS. CARDENA Mondif s Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from u Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Are. rhone If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Fall and Powell River $36 Return Meals and Berth Included Leaving Prince Rupert THURSDAYS Rate Effective Now Until February 28 Return Limit, March 31. 11:15 P"1' Southbound Canadian National Steamship!!