sday November 2, 38. tub BittT mrwi "-r PAul THREi . . .a. A rih M AAMAlAAjtirAfiMtAltAlAM A M Mi A A .a. t..... I 11 TV n . he Kexall mm More GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST a i aBBB Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November 1st and. Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 1.1th Rules Governing Thin Contest May He Obtained at Our Store Hoys and Girls Make Sure Your Name U on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows Ormes Ltd. 'Jim Pioneer Druqgiats Tbt lUiatl 8Urc Phones: 81 ft B Open Dally from I a-ra. till II pjn. Sunday, and Holidays from II noon till z p-m. 7 p.m. till t p-m. ..HHHMMMMMAiiniuinjvmnniAnnnAAAnAnAiinnii Alarms Fewer In V III I. T.I.I i a T1ii i r . aki a a. iid a - c ' i .hc month of October x t Halloween laise aii (he total of calls turned if )re department this year in mere twentv-flve as Norman L. Freeman of the In ternatlonai Fisheries Commission staff sailed this morning on the Princess Norah for a trip to Ketchikan and other Alaska point on official duties. -J With fifty-five In the first Miss Audrey Wrathall and Mis ::' h of l38- uurt7eartn'snetia uman- win un wiugm- u.i here Were five alarm. Fire me prince uupen lor vanuT in the city so far this year, and 8an Francisco on a vacation n inconsequential. ' trip. Here 5s a letter from a school teichet recently received troong numerous others By one of our branches observing the 30th anniversary of its establishment: pleas to your I an i new "yours Eagles' Lodge Bridge - Dance Another of Successful Series of Affairs Held Last Nlsht The Eagles' Lodge held its fourth bridge party of the winter serle last night and the affair was both successful and enjoyable. There were eighteen tables of bridge and the orlze-wlnner were: ladles' first. Mrs. Mclver; second, Mrs. Peter Solem: third, Mrs. A. Norton; J men's first. M. Karasoslcy; second, O. W. Inch: third. J. K. Murray. (The door prize was won by Mrs. A. I E. Dickens sr. ! After delicious refreshments had been served, dancing was enjoyed from midnight until 2 a,m. with , seventy-five couples on the floor ' enjoying the excellent music of Mrs. J. 8. Black's Orchestra. The committee In charge conslst-! ed of Andrew Ronald, who was mas-Iter of ceremonies: Frank Ellison Henry Smith, who presided at Iand the door, and I. C. Denis. William Hutson and Alex McLeod. who were in charge of the kitchen. Poppies For Peace 11) WINN! FRED O. BRASS Bright Poppy! glowing in this bleak November! Emblem of Life In Death of Sarriflcc! We send thee forth to bid the world remember The living who still pay War's bitter price. When, a of old, brown ranks march firmly, proudly Where popples flame, again, down city ways: Warv rolling thunders echo grim A. A. Mellin arrived In the city on and loudly, the Prince Rupert yesterday after-) And the heart yearns as In dark, noon from Chllllwack to Join the. distant days-local staff of the Bank of Montreal! In place . of R. D. Minion who Li Teach to nray for Peace with - mm a t - I J I now in me naval service ncrr. . uonor oienaeu: WhUoer Their Names, who gave the vears to be. That this Isxlr "JSRA "Of ours mlghf flourish splendid Devond their dreams in glorious Liberty. A MILLION DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS DENOTE CONFIDENCE you, too-, will enjoy, kinhiWj, AT CANADA'S PIONEER BANK 1 , Montreal on the the W .v,- p "bran 5 of it celebration . A. I Mil. II to vdsn LU ml cYl Oi f..' ot ' "As on. for d nP voara;- ... r the staff-, the feeimB mmnt to me. i Vina fti.- v 'be e " - - U5nr:,; iiti4hC Our future i 1 v,nt many ant. w : Hit, friends may qually very sincerely, S up, BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 Prince Rupert Uranclu F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager Stewart nrancht H. V. LITTLER, Manage. I, S A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME' LOCAL NEWS NOTES Olve generously for your poppy For prompt and courteous this vlc Phone- 13 Taxi year. j zell and Doug. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen. Let every citizen wear a poppy and every auto carry a windshield poppy. Sonja's Dance. Friday Nov. 3, Oddfellow's Hall. pjn. Refreshments, drawing of tickets. Admission 50c. soldiers 25c. 2W) First aid classes under compet ent Instructor will commence shortly in St. Peter's Hall, Seal Cove, provided sufficient Interest Is shown by adults over 18. Or- eanlzatlon meetlne In hall Wed. November 1. 8 pjn. (254) WINDOW DRESSING COMPETI TION Merchants are requested to decorate their windows suitably In Remembrance of those who fell In the last Oreat War. The Canadian Legion will credit the three win "ing firms with donations to the local Poppy Day fund amounting to i first prize of five dollars, a second of three dollars and a third of two dollars. Arj interesting display of moving JlCtures, including local and district views, was given at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today by Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. resident mining nglneeij. President Peter Lakle was In the chair and there was a ?ood attendance of members with teveraf guests. REMEMBRANCE DAY CHURCH PARADE Staiday. November 5th to Anglican Cathedral. Members of lsian fall in at clubroom 10:30 un. Berets, medals and decora Ions to be worn. nld Jack McNulty returned to the iUy QnUeJ'rince RupesjCyesterday afternoon" from a two njonths trip to California and the Eastern States. He attended both World's, slrs at San Francisco and New York, also visiting Boston. Chi:agoj ind other cities. Alro he attended the wedding of his brother. James. 1 NOTICE TO SHIPOWNERS SHIPPING AGENTS AND Entrance to the Port of Prince RupertIntimation to Ship Own. ers and Agents Shipowners and Shipping Agents ire advif?d that as a general rule, hey should time the arrival of heir vessel? at the port for day-lght. Delays will be avoided by 'Ivlng immediate notice to the hlef Extmlninp Officer. Prince lupert. of the expected dates of ar- ival of their vessels, with partlcu- irs of appearance and tonnage, tc. The particulars necessary hould be given on Form XT, a sup-'lv of which can be obtained from he Chief Examining Officer, Prince Rupert. B.C. This will facilitate he recognition of vessels by the Examining Officers and allow speedy allocation of berths. Early Intimation of the proposed departure of vessels should likewise be given tq the Collector of Nation- il Revenue (Customs Division). Signed, Lieutenant-Commander J. R. ELFERT, R.CJJJI. Chief Examining Officer, Prince Rupert, B.C. naiiway . I I triaxsHiM I lgVAoH I (1 AVI 111 Additional names supplied ln( poppy TAO DAY, Saturday, No-! connection with those sending flow- j yember 4th ers to the funeral of the late Blanche Harte Include Miss Lola) Collins, Mrs. Annette Woods, Hilda and Sam, Mr. and Mr. Oeorge Frlz- Mrs. John R- Mitchell returned to the cliy on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. LEGION BAZAAR Legion Bazaar, Friday. Tea room, fancy wark, home cooking, Scotch dancing, raffles, grand drawing in evening. Music by. Mrs. Black's orchestra. t.f. City Commissioner and Mrs. W. j. Alder returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a two weeks' trip to Victoria. Mrs. J. D. Fraser returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a visit In, Van couver where she was the guest of her daughter. Miss Jean Ftaser, at Sylvia Court Honor the dead, and help the llv Ing Buy a Poppy. Olof Hanson, MJ. for Skeena, left by last evening's train on his return to Smlthers after spending a few days In the city. He expects to be back In the city shortly. , '.j I,, i i Capt. Sinclair (Red) Pierce and W. B. McCallura are on a hunting trip to Endako and the Burns Lake district. They left on Monday ev ening of this week, and expect to' be back next Tuesday night. Announcements All advertisements la tola col-nmn will be charged for toll month at 25v a word. Canadian ember 3. Legion B-zaar, Nov.- Scotch and Canadian Dance,!1 Metropole Hall, November 8. ; Anglican-Bazaar November 9; Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. j Country Fair November 24 St. Andrew's Dance, Nov. 30. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! PcplcM Many Suffer Low Blod Count And Don't Know It. Tkt UmiiBf tUns Vat lov Wm4 Is lht too waigh about u BMk M r Tr did r.rn lok h.JUr ul Itron. 71 jaa m tttl If you U4 lMt I rn If t. dop7. Urt4 uwl Law blood count mini yoa kT.n t enough rJ Uao4 forpuitlw. It U tkir iui job to turf Uft-eiin oiTtn from rM lunrt tKroughout rur body. Ad Juit M it-Ukrt oxTt to txplodt ruolin la your cat and buVc th potr to turn u vliMJtfa you mutt h plntr of oirr to axploa the tnerfT la four txlr and it't ju going power. . Ct Dr. William Pint Wilt todar-Tatr ra world-funout for U tlp ttT gl.tiB intmuing tb numbw and itntLgth of Td corputrlM. Thn with your, blood fount up, you'll frl like bounding up th italra ai If you wtr floating o air. Ak your dnigsUt for Dr. William, link Pill I today.. R. E. Eyolfson ClIIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 318 210 Eighth Avenue West CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct 8.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th S.S. "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th, 16th, 27th ' Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 00' Final Return Limit March 31st 1040 VUU,W" Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. MLvi Leona Parker left for the! east on last evening's train on a holiday and buying trip. She will rUit In: Saskatoon, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal and will be away a couple of months, Hi W; Birch, managing secretary of the Prince Rupert General Hos pital, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from Victoria where he attended the annual convention of the British Columbia Hospitals-' ,1: McNulty. whom he left In Chicago i Vaudeville. Dance, Moose Hall, with his bride In the course of a ' November 17. honeymoon tour on conclusion of vhlch they will reside In Los An- leles. Eagles' Bridge November 15. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 16. St. Peter's Church bazaar Not. 23." CARD OFTHANKfc Mrs. E. A- Roeang and family and E. Rosing and-family wish to thank all: those who - sent flower or ex-4 tended other courtesie at the time! of their" reefnt 1ereavement. ! Gas Gas All Time Mra. Ju. Hllr ya: 'tlaa o my lm-ath b4 I couldn't cat IT iImp. Ota rtaa Droagat m nairn towl nvw, . CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Beat Honld Coal MRS. C F BLACK Next Time Too Ask For Stove Polish Say "JET1 'jtFOU noT STOVES At AH B.C. Stores B. C. Furniture Co, Musical Instruments 1 Conn Soprano Saxophone 27 50 15"SAtineBT7 $15.00 1 Mandolin Rounded back, good Q4 1.DU "i IZfi condition .............. 1 Kech Accordion 21 treble keys, 8 C 4 A( bass keys and steel reeds jJXl W 2 Ukeleles At low prices. 1 Hohncr Harmonica The Goliath," C-j C A reed . . A.U V Double and caee , 4 Violins of Various Makes 9,50 x Large Shipment of Unpainted Tables And Chairs Nowly Arrived at Very Low Prices Phone BLACK 3 it (Next Door to B. C Clothiers) THIRD AYE. PLIOFILM A New Material Of Many Fascinating Uses. PLIOFILM A miracle of modern chemistry 100 per cent w.aterprodf, non-porous, washable, sewable, fusible and durable as well as beautiful. ' f . Use'lPLIOFJLM to make your own shower curtains, aprons,- raih ;eape5. hat protectors, mothproof and dust proof 'bags, refrigerator dish covers, vegetable bags, Ejr., Etc. (Ask. for plrcular) PUOFTLM' come. in; rolls 20 Inches wide. CO inches' long. Clear' transparent and transparent 2lC ' colors. Roll AW Metalic colors and opaque. 35 C PLIOFILM -Sealing Iron. CI OR (Electric) 7Xt Get Acquainted With This New Exciting Material of n Hundred Household Uses J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bld(. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 981 I