If It Is Slippers You Need. We Have Thera DAILY EDITION Q PAGE TWO . ? THE DAILY NEWS k. i ' " ' 1 i - - - -1 - - PARIS MAID SLIPPERS The very latest "styles in Zeider Zee, Russian Boot Tops and Mules, in leathered Fabric, with heels from Flat to . Spool j- Priced to Suit i Every Purse Agents for Hartt Shoes for Men Family shoistore ltD. The Home of Good Shoe THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every .Afternoon, 'Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance,, per week , t , Paid in advance, per month ----- ." - . ' . . By mail to ai part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance ., , ., - , By mail to ail other countries, per year - , , Classified adverUstog , per word, par Insertion , . , Local readers, per line, per insertion Member of Audit BareaL ot Circulations AilveTtlwue and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone 98 S6 EDITORIALS THE MUNICH PLOT Whe n Herr Hitler had that narrow escape from be but there are very few 'German ships outside their har- Dors ;viany are-inferneo ior.xne uuravun m uie var ano others are afraid to PUt their noses outside, their j)orts fo' fear of -being oaptured. "British merchant ships are carry- j ing cargoes as usual except xnai mey iare careiui xo 30m corjvoys or take jother 'means1 protecting themselves. A few are.ia'wp.guch su $e Quen Jdatgr, 3becaue they are particularly Valuable pm ar worth too much to rhk losing. Anyway, there is iittle passenger traffic. -Cargoes of war material and food Supplies and other goods are be-in e carried to Britain and coal and various kinds of mer chandise are being exported to other countries regularly and yet the losses are small. J2' are WoMACIIS POILUS MOVf&P Qs THEIR Fiat -on their stomach and using their kna sacks as shields, French infantrymen are pktared new the Ijene o action iomewhere oa the vY em Front This picture was passed by the t-rwacai censor. Outlawed I.R.A. Is Under Trial One Prisoner Given Three Months For Sedition la Eire Court DUBLIN'. Nov. 23: CP The up to try members of the outlawed Irish Republican Army has begun its sittings. The first prisoner was sent to Arbour Hill Military De- j$q tenUon barracks for three months on charges or membership In the no L R. A. and having treasonable 8 0 land seditious documents. Suug suia me ifjoa uiitrro is the same as that of the soldiers jof the defence forces. Prisoners are t.i ,a. 9a... t... . 1. i 'Sf. it. ... . i rnr I rjermitted tn smnV and attpnrl MARQUESS i FORSAKES i GERMANS) Special Criminal Court recently set Londonderry Says They Are Veryj 02 ine composea oi live trienAshlp between this country officers who sit in .army private ,and Na2l Oermany. Urd London-but in the presence of the press. 'w. t,.,. . ..i Names of the officers are not dis closed at trials and reports of the proceedings are. of course snblert to the ordinary wartime censor- Thursday. November 23, 1939. ship. Meanwhile more than 100 sus- TWtAn twnenns ir In mitnrfv Nice In Subordinate Position But Most Be Kept Dowu By FRED BACKHOUSE Canadian Press Staff Writer :ersault and now thinks that Oer- dma oIAnto-Oerman atlotis Some of them are reported to be refuini, tr 3nH in , nce the rise to power of the Nazi relme.- e l old Mar" Drisoner who was unemectedlv re- v . - . rttioca ha. ... i ... . V. . V. I . . Ing home. Conditions In the prison mil. It. a a t m a lag Dion into eternity uy jwuusu. iu.uiuuii at uw. -rr " T " 7ett"7:. masterj'.he said to an audience ,.s.a iu- s, h.ml, ,,.,,1,1 Yin -..l tn PmficrVi nr-irr classes, receive as many letters as ' i . - . UUIUUIiU.U Uldk UJC UUIIIU IK ItaviU IU uitr- in. After several v.eeki5, a man has been arrested who ? said by the Germans to have been in the employ of tr - British secret service. Just what the Ge-mans hone . i gain by trying to prove this does not fem -clear. T r , mans have Jbeen laying mines alonf? the front linn for thf purpose of bloving up the British and French. They hav been laying mines in the open ea yjthout notice n hope of blonn "" 1Bf't!?h Jho5 i-r-rxH'tirp nf hr ' j is kflleci A? a result, women and children and young babies have been slaujrhtered. Even if the British wwe rr , ponsible f gr a j4ot toJrill Hitler and his confreres it be nothinc: like as bad as this in2iirimjnate kiHinij of ri- . trals, We do not baUeve ibe British hail anvthiji? n (' f wth it because that methotleems foreign to their natu-If they did do it, we see no objection. Prince Rupert nennV seem to have been aimpst a unit in wishing Hifler had ber r j a Mciiin oi ine explosion SPEEDING UP -OF WAR There has Iwen a noticeable speeding up of the during the ast few days 'both in the air and on the sea Unhappily, the neutral nations suffered most from the depredations but Britain also -lost some vessels s a result of the. indiscriminate Joining tecause the British could not realize that the Germans would be guilty of such acts In the air it has .been a different sloiy. The Germans have suffered much greater losses than the British and French, proving beyound shadow of doubt that the British and French airmen are mora skilful or better equipped than the enemy, Everything points to greater activity, possibly a mass attack-ori the British Jsles in the neai future. MUCIt confusion iPeople wlw) find it 3iffictflt to discriminate between the falseai)d 'the true must find it hard at times to jud-of the progress of the war. Whe multitude of 'voices with their conflicting stories heard $n the radio every day has a confusing effect on gme people. Some say that the German? seen o lose &jwer hips than our own people. That is because the seas are covered with British ships Ithev wish and ieach week. WTite two letters Advertising is ai investment KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! PcdUm Many Suffer Low Blood Count-And Don't Know lU Tk ImJCMnt tkluc abot lv blood tout U that yea coa vtlcb about a mock aa oa r ad nu look aalUr ao4 atrasc jt ttm cu Snl aa If 70a ka4 Wad La tow Ufa, tovrr. Vnd aad ptfiltaa, Low Mood const ncaaa 70s bat oS aaooch rd. fclond corpoatlra. It la tbdr vital fob to earry lifltac ozta f rata roar lout Uroazaoat roar kodr. And Sttat aa It take oxyr.a to piod caaollna la yoar car aad Biako tk power to tora tha k4a. ao T Kaat ha pltaty ot orra to azpioda Uw tvtn la aoor bod aad job solas Ori Dr. WQliaaM Sht PDx Trr aro vorld-faaioaa lot too bdp tfcrr (Wc la lamaainr th aomW and tttrngtk of rtd rorpuarlta. 7 bra wit your bioraTcouat p. you'll fti liVc boandiss op taa rUirt aa If roa wcro floadnc oa air. Ak yw dniritat for Dr. WQIiama Wak fWt today. CUssiFitO FOR SALE FOR SALE Trolling boat Viola. 32 feet. Complete with radio and FOR SALE Wood turning lathe, turning tools, motor. Phone Red 253. 4223) FOR SALE-EngUsh jjrarn. good condition, reasonable. "Phone Black 232. (274) BOAKIJ AND KOOM WANTED for two News. WANTED PiirnUherl Qnnrt.mpnt ouesnasuA.curtala un on. the final aCWTbeen forced to ad- gurdies. Apply Co-op Store, Cow Member J938 Bay. 273; "They the Oermans ar very nice. people when they are ir. a subordinate position " -Once you allow Uiem to get the .ij .we wniie oi mai cnar acter -darapi?ears and they berom what Is inherent in them a very ariosant and domineering disposition." They are like that now h added. bltetalh . His nook Little over a year ajo. after nteadinr mr? than fivp years for an utraerstandlng of Germany and her , problems. Londond?rry wrote hij!bo6k "Ourselves anJ Germanv." It was. he wrote ' ... an ef fort to convince the oeopl" of thi. country .'ft the value and im "ortance of a friendly understanding "between Britain and Oermany" He deolored the "unsatisfactory and uncertain stite" of Anrl"-0rin8n ' rlaMin- HUI r conciliatory vestures an'l offers hrl ben brushed aside by the British, he averred. On frequent trip a to Germany Lord Londonderry had interviews with Hlfier. conversations with Ooerlng and Rlbbentrop and had been feted and banquetted In Berlin. Back in London h said tha his attitude towards the Germans had been misinterpreted and his motives misunderstood. During the golden days of "World Appeasement" he was often closs to Mr. .Chamberlain. They were old friends and had vacationed together. When he Prime Minister made his -flylnir trio to Munich in S-o the former Minister for Air was also thre to observe the situation at first hand. Turn of the Tide But a few weeks later the change was Already eyidoiif In the House of Lords on December J. 1938. he made outspoken chin-menls on Oexmohy during a debate on the Leanie of Nations. H flaved the Nazi for the "dnfest- FURNISHED room with or without able perscutl'm f,1 n''noHlon of Iward. Address 133 7th Ave. East, hlr n"lp" but rtlll honed hev phone Red 921. (275) m'ht be converted "'to our way of thinking." This year In "London: on June 19, he ald "The wnrW hoild be adulU. Phone Dally ,oM thPt wc nrf tr", of hrm' (275) btfUn" wc eettln? from Oer- WORK WAWTOD When he -wps reeonMv rftld nn. - on to cotrh nimor thnt. he bol RELIABLE Girl wants work, store b-on lnrned a snv t was r-or housework. Phone Blue 801. VealM that Irrt Londonderry was 217 engaged on war work In County Down. County Durham. London and Luton Now he is providing pottUeal observers with an in t retting afcte-light on the war: WTO he completely reverse hts role and eme-rjie as one of the most formidable op- xments of the friends who disillusioned him?" ZOO FATALITIES LONDON. Nov. 23: CP- The London zoo hat lost two of Its favorite animals the lUUe ubr, who was born last year and B&feo. lr elderly chimpanzee who both died the same week. Bobo, aboet 30 LONDON. Nov 23: CP- Onr?j years oW. had been at the aoo 11 Jhe foremost booster of closer . years. EASING THE BARS SOUTHAMPTON. En, Nov. 23: CP The regulation which com ma ns are, all right so long as youjpelled travellers leaving England keep them down. He Is saying so 'to obtain a permit to take with In speeches here. !them periodicals and books has One of the most remarkable ac- bcfn "laxed but Uteratur mus tors in the crowded and tens- tnsperted by u.stom-s r7 aaa paaaaLBM aV 'fiaBKwBM,afe&. an :aBt 1 aaWlaaV aJB HloYr9rLaaT!r!iXnBVBl rj? I I'X AaalaiiBraWWBBM Double your money back II you don't a.ree that Quaker Corn flake are the Most Delicioui Corn Flakes you've ever eaten, just return the partly used package to The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon, 5ask. A chetiue for Jouhle ibt price you paid will be promptly mailed to -you. ttm Dm. SI, If 3 Ovoliar Com lok ! y o wtrn oowralma ... Ik tmly cora ftokot lrro4wlo 'for h.orS-tltnt 1homlo "D" wrT?- x y than participate In thr war. Richard ; numiX - u R Condon a ori&'ifi'lou- 'bjf on a a nv.i , I 40 ol. 5C60 t-mm hra. , asssssssMkii Stone's SPECIAL -1 I aa ar an ra w v qaaa imr- r jw , Scotland produces no finer whisky and in its original bottle it comes to Canada with the flavor, bouquet and strength which has established Old Parr si "supreme among fine Scotch Whiskies, Old Parr SCOTCH WHISKY MACOONALO CAttNlCtt LTD, ttHM. SCOTUN9 This advertisement la not puoluutec oi dttp Control UoarO or OV fh- f k..ernmfnt m Ht -n " Waterproof Coats S only "Arlstrocraf Ennltgh Waterproof Coals (Guaranteed) In all value 36.0B. Sfiecial with Q97 50 ctaeoflmt Tweed Trousers 1 10 Pairs Tweed Trouscn?--In all sizes and ahad(.mc5io'i(s8rif1nit- 3.95 tod jMiort shirt Special . . v Crepe Soled Brogues 25 I'airn CrcpcSolcd Hrogues-ln black and brown. Heg. $5.)5. With 4.95 pair of sox, special v No Charter, No C.OJla William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIV Strnmer leave Prluce Kupcrt every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Tralna leave Prlnc Hupcrt for the East Morula. Vlnr..lnV. Friday, 6 p.n. , , , Steamer for Ketchlka" Stewart every WFnN'r.SDAY. 2 p.m. For fare,, etc., call or ifji 3rd Ax City Ticket Office , 528