PAGE FOTJB fill WocoM I jr w J Looked Like Big Warship Was Victim NEW YORK. Not 3: CP-Sir Dtrs-eot HaQ-Caioe. ton of the faaoos aothor, speaking here, told of a letter he had retetwd from a friend describing a recent Ine:-dem when the German eTktratiy J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hank Hid rRYS IS BETTER SEAL HERD LARGE NOW thought they had tank the British JUNEAU November 23 CP' aireraft carrier Ark Royal At first John Upke. United States gererr- rk cm? f.n T.f rr i 1 1 1 i t - du.u t .t. j PLANES TO i BE PUSHED! Novel Means Demised Tent United States Un Ta Omtra- WASHINGTON. DC, Nor. 23:: 'CP As Aaierieaa-inxde airplanes cannot be flora into Canada under the neutrality lavs, arrangements wiH be nude at Tari- oua border points to posh then rrc -. oier the border. Among "push tared back and dropped a bomb orer" points j?t2 be Sweet Grass, with:.-. Mebes of the Ark RoyaL Montana. Houtton, Maine, and Val-The vessel took a sadden tarn and haHa. North Dakota. There Till be svmed over. The pilot of Uw extensive improTemerits to the alr-Geneaa alaae mkht hare easily. Port facihUes at these border at a sUxee thoaht be had hit the Print. Ark Kyai Prince Ritrrt Ratnin ..,i- en. r - - wind, ten mfles per hoar: risibility.: icn nines: narometer. 2959 ris-1b?; teaperatare. 45; sea choppy Triple Island Raining, east southeast wind. 12 miles per hour . Tisibfhty. 15 miles; light chop. Langara isunaOrercast east- dropped bombs aH aro-uid bat tfeer reoarts 60 437 iwabt wnd this sea- .erty wind' raUfS Ir hour"- were aide of thetr mark PiraTr son with the herd nor increased t aimfttr- 29 visibility. 23 ther were -had -ff bu vr- a ouartr h linr r.,t tmperatwe. ; Ugh! swell Dont Say We Didn't Warn You . . . ilaybe you'd better get going if you've even been flirting with the idea of owning a new rug or carpet . . . because here's the situation : rug prices are in a fair way to hit the ceiling almostny day now. Why? Because carpet wools have to come from certain sheep in Asia and Europe. And the Chinese war and the European war, and the French-and English wool embargoes throughout the other hemisphere, have shut down the supply without a trace. Wool prices are soaring, on what little vool is left available. Carpet manufacturers have already been forced to raise prices to the traded We are lucky enough to have good stocks on hand, but with demand as it is, we can't guess how many days our stocks (and thus our prices) will remain. Don't say we didn't warn you. ELIO'S FURNITURE TIIIKD AVENUE PKINCE RUPERT Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAJUY PHONE 57 Dead Tree Pomt Rainln. tooth east wind, 21 miles per boor: Tlsi-bUity. six miles; barometer. 29.33: temperature, &: heary swell. BaH Harbor Orereast. southeast wind. 25 miles per hoar; barometer. 2959 falling: temperature. S3, TisabUtty. ten miles: sea rooh. Alert Bay Part cloudy, south-wind, ten miles per hoar: barometer. 29.71: temperature. 49: TisibHtty. ten miles; sea rou-h. Estcran Cteudy. southeast wino. 2! miles per hour; barometer. 21.-84 Victoria Fair, north rtr wind, ten miles per hour, barometer. 30 -03 VaneouTer Oar, calm; barometer. 30.05. Prince George Cloudy, iwirth-. east wind, fire miles per hour 1 barometer. 2951 I Movie Star In Airplane Crash Ralph RkhardwKi. Sua-Lleatenaat in Had Real Crash Ynterday LONDON. Not. 23: CP The well known British moTine nature In the picture -Clouds Orer Eurooe-T " 1 on McBrlde Street between Eighth ana Ninth, Avenues. By the time the pipe laying pro gram Is compelted, it is hoped r to Jap General Is Killed In War Lieutenant General Abe Loses Ills Ufa In Action Near Pel pint TOKIO, Nov. 23: (CP)The first Japanese officer of sueh hleh rank 'to lose his life In action In the Chinese WU,CSC war. war, Lieutenant xeuienani General ueneraii "TH2 DAILY Today in Sports Another Draw Soccer Match Vancouver Lions Leading League SEATTLE. Nor. 23: CP' coarer Lioas scored two foak ra the third nerind Vsrt tn win as follows: Vaneoarer Portland Seattle Hockey League Club. Margaret is the reunzest of the 10 players beliyr tried out for th foar vacant snots oa the eleht- player roster of the Underwood a1"2 International Trophy ophy holders. holders. The The actor, Ralph Richardson, who is HJb-llentenant in the Rovai Air I?1 ire .&X SSasWtchle and Force, was badly shaken up and bruited in a crash Testerdar. the TTTT I na wn uen, vno played as snares with Orads during the fall. 'Air U-nistry announced. His com- '"'J10 plant' Franc" , pardon sustained more serious ln JGn. Rcna, Frar. victoria Ew-Juries Ralph RJchardson appeared 1 T Dorothy Allan and Hilda here last week. Brothers Neil and Mac may be Weather Forecast land and pressure continues hizh southwest of the Kootenays. The weather remains mild throuxhout able to claim a bit of the credit 11 their kid sister mikes the teau. Last summer they bought her a GeralSrnorA deep dt ores- home they built a hoop standard i ston on is is centred centred off off Vmrmmr VanrmtW Tt Tr .w- ..... . . . . T7 I j ahc couia gei tots oi snooting practice. Backyard hoops are not new to Grad "a piay.ers- players. Similar aimuar on" ones brought ".uni. British Columbia and llfiht shoxe' haye lL" f Noel Mac-- occurred on the coau. Wert Coast of Vancouver UlanH-. re' Strone .ontheaid 7-. lrus u- aQ WUliam cloudy and mild aith oceaSiona!.!:..Ilf.I"., wno lpccvru nXoi. jiucceea woei as centre Pipe Laying Program Two- Thirds Done The $40,000 waUr pipe replacement program being carried out hv the city Is now about two-thirt completed and the whore under. taking it is expected to be finished SPORT CHAT to Hubert Deane. whn cantloned South Africa cricket teams against. Enxtapd la. England in 1927 and lni Africa In 1928, died at Johannes-! burg recently at 44. A'riergyman playing golf at As- . TX..I.-J - I. a l 4 cot, England, tells of a magpie that uj uic enu oi me year. cv com-i ufi - i.j Tnf , tWj'them to Its nest, apparently with morning. Today pipe Is heme lakli,i inw. ai. plerlifeggs.'' f. The Aga Khan, only living racer who has mm won woi the int Derby veiDj three wree times limes h in ,.,,, . . . ll11 10 ? the winning own-, ithe h. new Morse and Havs Creek'.-. u. I . i" fc i scjcn occastona, nas projects. . hi. n K-.i . at. cdiucuif war. Daniel Burke McKenna. once a Jockey trainer but more recently' the author of a successful nlaT "Van Oogh.n was drowned In the sea off Ireland. He was 39. J FEARED WAR EFFECT .BnrpinXJN. Eng Nov. 23: (CP) HPjlver DaHon. Brighton's wealthiest man, who made a fortune from Legion Troop Beats Rupert fond class tests. FoiJowinr the com petition Stoet- ALWAYS IX GOOD TASTE a cask mhtllm tod ATi Jfrnm) sWL I Datning huts and slot machines, Abe Is reported to have been killed ldled here shortly after expressing a! Inear Pelplng on November 7. fear the war would bankrupt him.' The rtfrethlng good net of SUvrr Spring Lager haa aeeurrd for thla HrllUh Columbia mail btitrrngt an unerlns loyally en the part of iIimc who demand the beat. Be ture ll'a SJrer Spring. SILVER SPRING LAGER IlEEIt This aavartlsemast la not abUah4 or dlt playtd by tta Liquor Control Board or ty Ua GoTtran ant of BrtUih eolumbls. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFI Phone Jl For Best Household Coal MBS. a E. BLACK I Excursion To Prince Rupert Oeorre at 2: 15 "s-'" . a o r. t. vnmtrw n. w- . Lraunwu BirnirB .. . ... . . . sereral badges to the members of Tj T.w "1 , , London market aaehanged ,k- . o . j was t iit "V" t"W, dlT 7 at M ITTil cult Scared rire to Three Victory Orer Very Rer J R Gibson present-r Seattle in Parifie Coast Haekey . trophy to the Oanadten Leg- - - lonTrooa The Seents then did fall . Yj. Justice to a heartiy ktden table of IQUU StHHS. The trophy, which win be eoa the Paeifk Coast Leacwe hockeT P1 for foar times yearly con- - ..i. r... silta tt a ealnnan tentr tut Mti B-- iiwa enwt ora miu ay " r . . lion tJ vetlh thr U n kirk att. ewxr n s m j, ra3 gnns to me r - top of the ieagae standing which y,1 Fixed to the coraran ti lore th eelorc nf ik W 2 1 1 D 0 0 0 L 1 1 2 F 4 5 Talk 16-Year-01d Pi' 4' 2. For Grads Cagers harry Tea Players Being Tried Oat Tor Edmonton Girls Basketball Team EDMONTON. Nor 23: CP When Percy Page gets through rr- wtwwif nts Edmonton Grads bas-;ketn9'teaa;-therrt a" cliahceone of the newcomers on It will be Margaret Cohmie. 16-jear old sister of Neil and Mac Coirille of New York Ranters National V red for the First Prince Rupert and rreen and gold for the Canadian Legion troop. The trophy reare- 2ro auuij ann oj DatKHtauog labor on the part of Sestmster Keep op to date Aamuw rem- TVke' r w : be rood for trei tr. coaches c- , and no bacsaae vtt be cheeked Children frr jpaajs or aae and c der 13 trafe lat haT the ada:i fa BAR GOU) LONDON. Not CP- U- A-dtTeiioml drtVfc AKcttcaa You .soda 44 eptced a a,.-Jfn led ft Dm ( Bargain Trla From Inter Ur Points mttt$m$ I ore. Ta This Oty it Again Being Ran bwttof eeaac tar Deaji Qabaaa 4tx Canadian National Railways wlU Otbaaaj arvnd operate a "htraaia fax" esraraion M4 to do wt!.- to Prtaee Repeat lea vine Prtoee rastom La-. Taonday. De-MUn refresha: "Neither TUers o WOd CaU A We ,, , . 'eaber7. Iltatdento of potnU along U Better Gaal U BoHea . - the Ur.e Prtne Oora and rat wtll HtU " Uy Street Lew aaye mm on ttaa.1 cwu by uk- 1 I . . 'inr. adranUie of Us exUeaoelr Urn ser, and WM CaU played to JTZS. another draw A the Borden Street LTZT "Z ' IT7Z7Z ?T Z" f Wp- Retarn UsaH is aite ger. School Football Leat Jterdar . j ?tT tair trlo?1'" " f" "rt or IOmr mir Neither aide -ns able to register a their beaea ttma Prtnee Ruoer snaL The iast U they meV each f00"". w ""ISTZ'. P to and ioctodtag 6 m pm We' i mr niTT ran un run at nuivm kbu mid nn xial Thl 1it " - - nftuv Drr f linn IS a taenia rWt TVa MMStnallHnll vnt TODAY'S WEATHER h: 'rcSe rJTbete .-m soop be oatnued v.-h t-, SJJ . . qaarters darinc the third veek of Janaanr arUl be based on the see- Be a Gay Bird Shed jao daN. n-Mt net ka ear. Bart at a Mm of r UttM irrioh in tie. An erruDf Tim and large eietUw f ttX RIE. rORSlTH AR ROW mratalf art ready far yaar teartUa. They'll petk Ttr istrt frant hy tlr4 wa I Ubt neater knot Ter K U tn er wrinkle aa4 taerr ear. Thee Latet ArrlraU in Tie are Priced at. flaeii 50c S1.00 S1.50 PS Doxed for Olft Parpoaesi S2.00 Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 533, 3rd. Ave. IV. r.O, Bex 2 aaanaaaa aaaBBBaBBBaBBaaBaaaMaBtaaBaaBaaBaaaBBaaBaiaaaaaaBaBBBBaaaaaaaaaH Anticipating A MERRY CHRISTMAS Waterman's FaOilonable Desk Sets $t9-$ M Pencils , .. ;5c to S3.5i Pent 11S to f Pen and Pencil Sets i 51c to SI 5 Kodaks and Itrownies . ...w .-. SL1 W 5 Albums 25c to $ Useful Recipe Boxes-Complete ' 50c, SI M. $1 lA,t Leaf Recipe rtooksOomplete - Playing Cards-Fancy back sets "... - c lo S- Leather Card Case, - . 0e d f- Hourd't Fine Card Tables S3.W. $3.09. Sli. IJJJ Fancy Rosed Stationery 10 y 5 Ka 1 7iS Miir"' jr jU5 or dltrlsyH iy tj tsa Board or by t d Britaa ss.-.x TOYS " BOOKS CARDS CALENDARS X.MAS WRAPI'INOS HO.ME and STORK DECORATIONS Headquarters for Xmas Gifts for Everyone oMlaAs.JM Y It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doinjf the Barn