Thursday. November 23. 1939. Hotel Arrivals Royal J Jeffries. II. B. areeniill and J Altken, city. 1'rlnce Itupert J D. Barclay. Drllraor. Central A OTJrlen and T. Flewhi. Bar- Kitchen Shower Is Given Bride .Elect Last Eve I I V-M-X 1 ond and Mrs. W. J. Llneham consolation. Alter the serving ol refreshments the bride-elect waa pre sented with a complete kitchen set In cream and green enamel. Those present, besides the hostess and the bride-elect, were Mesdame W. Oeddea. C Mlchaloff. 8. Currle.i A. Horn. W Oladner. W. Roberts. It, AMM r, n n rt A a 1 1 w. Rotn- Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. Bond Jr.. A. Dickens Jr., A. Gomez. W. , Llneham. J. Preece. C. Vlnk. N. Hfbb. J Laurie and the Misses Betty Barber. Alice Oomez and Edith Oandy 1 SSk '- i Bttttrr Flow DUTCH AITLE CVKE 1 cake ia ut 3 x 5 15 urnringi ... 2 oh. Baling Vowtkt.... 3H bp. 1l(OM. ftdt Mirft. 1 Apple 15 IK cup Cinnamon.. 1 Up. t . .llji ou. Fruit Sugar 1 rup MFTIIOl); apfaW, cut in l.diU, and ltm for 5 minute, or until toft. Crrtra lut'--r,ml wuw, tU 1X Add milk and ttiled dry ItiRmlirnU alurnately. F. "J in tmm. IW aptitM on top with rut M twtwd Into batter. Mix .upon antl ru&v and prink k uver top. IUka at 400 drfn (or SOreimitw h..m.., fi I) -.Numiwr u pm drrcno on ue. MacKenzie s Furniture CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT LAST BnAVTYKEST MATTRESS All sizes $2.5o' DEr.P SLEEP MATTRESS Covered in green Tweed $30.00 SLUMBER KINO SI'RINO JH-25 No Advance In Price Known Every riare Rullt for Sleep Call and See Them Phone 775 SHINGLES Wc have just received a shipment of exceptionally fine shingles manufactured on the Queen Charlotte Islands which is the home of the finest cedar on the Pacific Coast Also In Stock a Complete Line of Ucal and Fir Finishing Lumber SAM) GRAVEL CEMKNT Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. vhon C3J Phono U51 Wagner Music Club Subject airs. T. A. Yesterday McWalers Afternoon In or Charge Fort- nightly Meeting At Her Home , wm evening Mrs. Anoy uonaiai A mcctIng of the Muslc was ikotcm at aaengnuui anowerclub WM nfld WednC8day after- , in hnnnr nf Mi nirkens r tt Rock; Mr. and Mra. C. Lewie, exander. A. Dickens sr Mctlakatla: M. Clarkiton. Walcntt- well, H. J. Oden, H. Dlckeni, J E Merrill, city. Us the curnu.atit eflict ot ad v.-rtlslng that counts. marriage to takes place shortly. The evening war spent In playing cards, prize winners being Mrs. William Roth-well, lirst. Mrs. William Oeddes sec noon at tnc nome 01 Mrs. i. a, McWaters. A paper on the "Life and Works of Richard Wagner" was read by Mrs. McWaters and was illustrated by recordings from the opera Lohengrin and then from operas of the Nibelungen Ring. At the conclusion of the meeting tea was served by the hostess. Letter Box RUSSIA NO DEMOCRACY Editor, Dally News: Your editorial In the bally News of November 6 on the British Em-1 the president, Dire would be excellent reading chair. but for one slip. You say: "... under the British flag there U far greater amount of freedom for the individual than under any other. not even excepting the United States or Holland or Russia." The reading of this sentence provides the same pleasant sensation that one cets travelling along a nice well-paved highway, only to find; at the end of a. smooth stretch that the pavement had suddenly heaved, giving the traveller a severe Jolt. The plumb In your "highway" Is Russia. I cannot Imagine an editor uniting up Kussia wun any of the democracies. Was It a case of Homer nodding? About the only freedom that Is unrestricted In Russia Is the freedom to persecute religion. Link Russia up with Germany If you like but not with the United States land Holland. . PRO VERITATE. B. Jones, who arrived in the city a couple of weeks ago from Stewart, left on last evening's train for a trip to Wadena, Bask atchewan. SHAKESPEARE FOR MILAN LONDON, November 23: (CP Signor Basllanini, Italian dor. visited a London studio to In spect Cecil Brown's life-size statue fof a youthful Shakespeare to be , presented to the Ambrosian Library 1 at Milan, "I have used BOVRIL "CUBES for a long time and "find nothing better. They "are excellent for soups, "stews, and gravy "BOVRIL CUBES come first "with me." St. Andrew's Dance, Nov 37 Announcements All advertisements tn thl coi amn will be charged tor a full month at 2& a word. St. Peter's Church txuaar Nov. Country Fair November 21 Eagles' Bridge November 29. 30. 23. Cathbflc ,TeH, Mrs. Hanklnson's November 30. Varden's Entertainment Dec. 1. United Bazaar December 7. Lutheran ccmber 9. Circle bazaar Dc- Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Dec. 14. Mooso Christmas Tree. Dec. 21. FRESH SHRIMPS Boat W.S.L. Daily at lp.m. TROTIER'S DOCK THX DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous ser vice Phone 13 TaxL tf. WANTED 1 Five hundred tg Join Annettes stocking f women b' M. T. Lee, ' after having been laid Interesting Impressions from a man from Fort William, who was here with Mr. Hetherlngton, left on Monday evening's train for Vancouver. Major Moses Jaynes, who years ago was divisional commander of the Salvation Army for Northern British Columbia and the Yukon and who Is now living In retire ment In Vancouver, was here aboard the Princess Norah this morning going through to Ketchl kan enroute to Kake, Alaska. where he will conduct a native congress of trie Army. Southbound, Major Jaynes will stop off In Prince Rupert early In December to con duct a series of meetings. Rt. Rev. H. L. Foss, Bishop the Pacific Coast district ot the Norwegian Lutheran Church, was here aboard the Princess Norah this morning going through from Seattle to Ketchikan where he will preside at a church conference. Rev. J. H. Myrwang. local Lutheran Church pastor, left on the same boat to attend the conference. Mr. Myrwang will return here next Monday afternoon jn the Princess Norah while Dr; Foss will be back Thursday night of next week on the Prince Rupert and will spend the week-end here. Shower For Miss .Venetia Feero Is 1 Delightful -Event Miss Clssle Armstrong and Mrs T. S. ChriJtoff were joint hostesses at the home of the former on Wed nesday evening at a miscellaneous shower In honor of Miss Venetia Feero whose marriage to Sergeant George Madlll will take place on December 2. The rooms were tastefully decor ated In pink and white for the oc casion. The evening was spent In playing Chinese Checkers at which prize winners were Venetia Feero and Mrs. John MacLeod. After refreshments were served later In the evening, the bride-elect was presented with , many beautiful gifts. Miss Feero opened her gifts under a white wedding bell. Those present, besides the hostesses and the guest of honor were: Mrs. J. MacLeod, Mrs. J. C. ailker, Mrs. Alex Duncan, Miss Isobelie Connery. Miss Isobel Duffus, Miss Emma Whlffen, Miss Eileen Ham- blln, Miss Phyllis Hamblln, Miss Nancy Bremner. Miss Edith Johnson, Miss Margaret McMeekln, Miss Amy Armstrong and Miss Kay IT MIGHT HELP LONDON, Nov. 23: (CP) The antique business has been hard hit by the war. A Knlghtsbrldge shop Is respalrlngly displaying a 17th century ornate Italian breastplate. On It Is chalked: "AJI.P., 10s 6d." FISHEATER FINED HOLMFTRTH, England. Nov. 23: (CP) For eating fish and chips at; 11 p.m. with a flashlight In his hand, Frank Turner, a mlllhand, wa fined 10s ($2.22. Every time he lifted a chip to his mouth the light I 1 1 A it.. - 1 Bowling afternoons and evening's Max'a Alleys. tf. Your Christmas cards for Over- .seas are trrr Dollar Store Moose Gingham Dance W.J ager o le Canadian risu - walling for ynu at- th tf. Knvomhpr 24. Dancing starts . iu. """. " ' p. m. 1278) :crt or a trlP to Vancouver. L.O.B.A. tea Friday, 3-6 p.m. Ev- . . an nor 1 r m Ralfles. White Ele- business activity. , t . lncident on Borden Street, Jack Smith and Donald Montgomery were each SrTS .1 Representative Anthony Dimona regular weekly luncheon today with 1" " , Peter Lakle, in the R. Hetherlngton, genera of Canadian go verhmenU ele vators, after spending a few" days here In connection with thfl- " sumption of operations at tM 16cal elvator. left by last evening's -train for Edmonton enroute back to Fort William. 8. M. Capon, chief weight- morning on his way back to Alaska after having attended the recent session of Congress In Washington D. C. W. V. MacDonald of Vancouver, eneineer of the Dominion Water Power Branch, Vancouver, after spending several days at Port Simpson In connection with the In stallation of a new water system there, arrived from the north on the Catala on Tuesday and left on last evening's train for A Tim JOHN BULGER LTD. THE SEAL QUALITY mm Nyi1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert I riivlclmie riinof In Public Wards PAGE YRRtZ ing of the Women's Auxiliary held on Tuesday.evenlng with the vice president, Mrs. F. 8. Walton, in the chair in the absence ot the president, Mrs. J. R. Mortson. A tea and 1 raffle of Christmai turkey and cike Chrtstnm fheer tn the publle-will be. held at Xhe Nurses'. Home on wards' December 14. Report were read of the Prince Rupert Oener- al Hospital will be looked after by and adopted at the meeting which the Women's Auxiliary. It was de-'also transacted other routine bus-clded at the regular monthly meet- lnes. Quality Counts Most SALADS TEA B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used FURNITURE VALUES SINGER SEWING MACHINE In A-l condition $15.50 PRECONDITIONED KITCHEN $20 $25 50 1 3-MIRROR VANITY AND STOOL $10 50 - DARK MAHOGANY VANITY AND MIRROR gQ 1 CONNOR WASHING MACHINE S2Q vwIV 50 Special 6 RECONDITIONED RADIOS-Cablnet models of C.4 A A various makes. From, up 'VAtMIV 13.50 3 NEW CAST-IRON CABIN" COOK STOVES flfQ AC Special - vlO.0 2 3-PIECE REBUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITES to ()5 ()Q - 2 4-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITES-Consisting of dresser with large round mirror, chiffonier,, 679 CA to GQfij stool and bed of fine quality J IUU J)OU Phone BLACK 321 THIRD AVE (Next Door loRC. Clothiers) I 'STIAMSMlM I I COMMUNICATIONS I HOTU I ,T 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacift: To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta , S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct S.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th SJS. "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th, 16th, 27th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 $36-00 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolllc Services W. Tickets and Reservations from L. COATES. General Agent Prince Rupert. B I'. Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches oi Hors d'ocuvrc T One Package Serves Four People ' Keps for Weeks In Refrigerator J Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia