Weather Forecast retard to 'the Western A, 1 Prince Rupert and Queen C 3jv V Jotte Wands Strong east winds . gales, unsettled and mild with rain. e Vol. XXVIII.. No. 273. c: la nix nnnro TURKEY HAS EARTHQUAKE Hundrrdi Dead and Many Vlllatfs Kurd In Violent Shock O.irln, Past Day ANKIIARA. Turkey. Not. 23 (CP) Hundreds of persons are feared dead and many villages a,.a h .v .hocka over a period of twenty-four hcurs throughout western Turkey. At least six villages have been levelled. Conservative Is Elected By Acclamation II CHESTER. Eng. Nov. 23: CP- W Oarfleld Weston of Toronto was returned by Acclamation to the House of Commons as Conservative mcmoer ior wacciesneia m me urt- tLh parliamentary by-electton. urn i Turn m f mA n m m m CLEARED She M Action Is Now Anticipated on 0"" hate against Great Brl-WMltrn Front With Movement u,n and 10 haTe a Pretext to Of Mcchanlied Equipment wlth NalU' lntnI enemies. The British Foreign Office, say- Rer ralnr of several days and nad an knowledge of a German frost was hardening the ground cU,I charged with the bombing, thereby tt Is e xpected It may soon ,tated that It considered the Oer-be possible to move mechanized man Element linking the British equipment again. wtth tne bombing as "quite ln- However. some sections of the comprehensible " country are j.1111 under water and th Oerpians-have been forced to n: ve outof(6ome Wcstwall position. , Ant.. 1.4-...J ..II iiy iieaijr aruurry action was reported yesterday on both sides J'.h po activity. lijfantry Ten Ne Air Fields Will J Be Started I EDMONTON. Nov. (CP) Hon. w. A. Fallow. minister of public works, announced yesterday ih&t ln .Jjill.M.I .1 , 1 .1 ,1 - ... - ..1 .1 be put Irr In this province under Dominion-provincial plan. Bulletins B.C, LUMBER EXPORTS "VICTORIA British Columbia lumber exports to the United Klntdom were down 41,000,000 board feet from September to 71,000,000 board feet In October. The reason was the shortage of ships for export purposes. EXPORTING CHRISTMAS TREES rillNCE GEORGE One carload oi Christmas trees has been shipped from this district to California and another five are to leave shortly with 10,000' young trees. DOUKHOBOR DISPUTE. VICTORIA Legislation will be Introduced at the present session of the Legislature designed to end he land dispute between the boukhobors and the Sun Life Assurance Co. and National Trust Co. PILOT IS KILLED FAIRBANKS Pilot Morris Johnson, veteran commercial pilot, was killed yesterday when his plane crashed into bushes near 'he Fairbanks airport during a tiiowttnrni yesterday. BRITISHERS LINKED UP 'ore le,,nUe Charges Made By '""nan Authorities In Connec- tlon With Munich Beer Cellar Bombing BERLIN, November 23: (CP) " '"T iTt l" " Kcm vice agents, listed as Captain Rich- "J BteJeM and Slglsmund .o., KIIU uc UUC3WU B' the Netherlands frontier on Nov- ember 9. were officially blamed by Oerman authorities yesterday as being direct links In the Munich bomb explosion of November 8 which nearly cost the life of Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Officials .formally claimed that the agenU .cic rcapwuioie ior me oiasi i,nU ;1,th police claim set the time bomb. and Otto 8trasser. leader of ths antl-Nazl Black Front now living In France. Previously Heinrich Himmler. Gestapo chief, had not linked the Britons directly with the bomblru bat had announced that Esler planted the bomb at th-instigation of Strawr with British funds. In a statement at Parts denying complicity in the Munich bombing. Strasser accused Himmler of engineering the whole bombing Incident himself in order to stir uo t"rffa,rmt PARLIAMENT PROROGUES King Pays Tribute to War Effort of Dominions and Confidence at to Outcome of Conflict LONDON, November 23: The 1 British Parliament prorogued 'day with the Speech from the Throne paying tribute to the parti the Dominions are playing in tho , . ' m n I vn'. - 1 ..r-l I I I.. able help Is giving the greatest ;encouragement to me." said the King In his address. "With the aid of our faithful French and Polish allies we cannot doubt our cause will prevail." , All colorful ceremony in connection with the prorogation was abandoned and the King was not: present In person. A new session will open next Tuesday. A proposal of the Labor party that a secret session of Parliament be held In connection with ,war matters is expected to be ac- ceded to by the government. The secret session would discuss supply and munitions. Tried To Help Germany So He Goes To Prison REGINA, Nov. 23: (CP) Max Stepp was sentenced to twelve months here yesterday on a charge of attempting to communicate. with the enemy. It was alleged that Stepp endeavoured to Inform 'Germany of a type of torpedo which would be guided by radio, expressing the hope that It would help the Reich. Tonight's train, due from the Hast at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TItiNCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 23, 1939. Ships Arc Two Subs Are Sunk PARIS. Nov. 23. The French Admiralty reported laet night that two German submarines had been sunk within three days by the same French tor- pedo boat. ' WAR IS COSTLY Cost to Great Britain Nearly Sld,-090.0CO Dally, Chancellor of Exchequer States LONDON. Nov 23 ThU war Is costing Great Britain nearly $30,-000,000 dally. Sir John Simon. Chancellor of the Exchequer, stated yesterday. It U the most expensive war ever fought. TRADE DEAL CALLED OFF Germany Unable To Get Any Conceptions From Roumania Bucharest Cabinet Resigns (Her Issue --MiNwwiTr-A-n I7"AX TT Tlie Roumanian government re. 7MirMiT. nca ioaay alter a Breakdown of trade negotiations jn which Germany had brought' pressure to obtain more oil from Roumania at lower cost. The Oerman pressure reportedly caused a cabinet split. Premier Constantine Argetoln-anua has been asked to form a new government. The Oerman economic delega- tlon has left Roumania for home. All It was able to obtain from Rru- manlan was the lifting em- bargo on oil seeds. Trade Agreement Between Canada And Gt. Britain rYTTATITA XTnt. Ol IPDI n 1 vyana- - dlan aian Irn. iraae aiifhnrlf aumonues lP ihlnV- minic It u wou?be to the advantage of botn Oreat Britain and Canada If a trade agreement greement were were signed signed pro- pro- vldlng for supply of wheat, bacon and cheese by Canada to Great Britain for the war period. Under such an agreement, there could be price stabilization on these com- modules. To Lead New Zealanders i General Bernard Friaberg V. C. Is Given Command of First Expeditionary Force WELLINGTON. New Zealand, Nov. 23: (CP) General Bernard Friaberg V.C., who served with distinction at the Dardanelles in the First Great War, being mentioned In dispatches six times as well as whining the coveted Victoria Cross, has been appointed commander-in-chief of the first New Zealand expeditionary force In the present war. WINNIPEG WHEAT winnu-jiu, rtov. wm-iu nlpeg wheat futures were off c dor to Belgium, has been called to to ?c yesterday with December Washington for consultation In re-closing at 70!bC. In New York yes- gard to trade with European na-terday wheat prices were unchang- Hons. He will be In the United ea to ',4c owcr wnn way ciosuu at 88!c. War News VATICAN CRITICAL ROME Observatore Romano, Vatican newspaper, strikes out at Germany for its violation of international law In laying floating mines. GERMAN WAR AIMS PARIS LeSoir cays it has learned that German war aims include the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, .parts of Holland and Belgium. Roumania and Jugoslavia. FLEES FROM GERMANY THE HAGUE Because the Nazi government threatened to tike over all his patents Wilhelm Mes-sershmldt, designer of the'neil known fighting plane bearing his nam, has fled from Germany to Holland. IK WAR IS NOT WON CAt C-.T?Y Picturinc the nns-hllr f Chancellor Adolf Hitler reaching out to Canada in the evnt of German t winning the war. Hon. Dr. R."j. Manion. Conservative leader, speaklnr here, pointed out that an airplane base In James Bav would place the Germans within CO 6 miles bomb-in; distance of Canada's major centres of population. IN SKIES Allies Have Brought Down Seventy-Nine Planes so Far In Present Conflict . ?LT ... ' uT m.... HHkiui, guua, mic itiaiwuig progress In their campaign to end Oerman reconnaissance flights over France and the British Isles as evidenced In the bringing down of seven enemy planes yesterday. It Is learned that a twenty-year-old Royal Air Force pilot was responsible for the bringing down in the North Sea of a bomber which had flown over London. Another Ger- i,- , u j . . V. t bTh'S . -.11 li S2.:K2? , ... S uomo ratals was Drousnt down in ih. the sea c. near r,., Ostend. Bele n.,.. urn A. Of the seven German plane, brougS down yesterday, .even u,r. . JJ. bat bat with with Allied Allied nursult pursuit nial planes and two fell to anti-aircraft fire. An official communique Issued at Paris said that five Oerman pur- suit planes had been shot down In France yesterday and a German reconnaissance plane fell In Bel-glum after an attack by French chasers. Last nlaht It was unofficially reported that eight German planes had been brought down. a uerman piane circiea over Paris last night and anti-aircraft guns flashed. An hour later the -i i .i . , , i mi cicur ugiiai was given, wo tombs were dropped. The total of German planes brought down so far In the war Is . A . u To. orpicmow, -had been struck by a raiding Ger-ln October and 28 so far In Novem- man bombine alrnlano. ber. United States Ambassador To Belgium : Called . WASHINGTON, Nov. 23: Joseph uavjes, unuca states amoassa- aiaies oniy a snort time, It Is an- nounced. Tomorrow's Tides High .... r 11:29 aa 205 It. Low 5:15 ajn. 12 ft. Lost At Sea POLAND HAS NEW DOMAIN War Time Capital Is Set Up Al , Anger, 160 Miles From Paris, France I PARIS. Nov. 23: (CP) A temporary Polish domain for the war 1 has been established at Anger, 160 miles from Paris. There Premier stkorsky and his cabinet have set themselves up In a chateau 0:1 a large estate half a mile square. Canada To Train Half Of Wed Pilots In War TCROVTO. Nov 23: (CP) Can- ada will train more t-an half the "'lot to be used by the Allies In the war. it was announced In an address here lt nl"ht bv Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of transport. " PREMIER SPEAKER Allied forces Are Ready For Any Eventuality, Declares Mr. Chamberlain LOXDON, Nov. 23: (CP) Tne AlUcd. forces are ready .for any -t-gntuairtjr nita-ary" uunnthmfot u'f-t v'c'nrr !n the war. Prime Minister Chamberlain said in a dnner speech today.' It was essentially a question of rising to meet the challenge to liberty and Independence, lie was satisfied with sfrenth of h f'ghtlng forces. declared the Prime Minister referring to the alliance with France He also expressed satisfaction with the mutual assistance of Turkey. SO. AFRICA ON WATCH - .uoo ui iunj ucs, leiegrapn. Special Precautions Taken to Guard the result of striking a Oer- Great Britain is taking e ergeti-Atalnst German Raider man iplne In the same vicinity action to defend Italian i lipping ! whercnumerous merchant ves- and national diimltv ai?ai ,t thZ CAPEOWN, South Africa, Nov. 23: (CPi In view of the report that a a ieniy-one ieniy-one omcers omcers and men are known to have v. ..... io.uw-ion u-rman u-rman uner uner wmcn wmcn es- es- -ped from Portuguese East Africa; . . .... ""uj uos oeen convenea 10 me . . ,1 . . ut"' Pt'CT "ons. ha!e. ben ordered alonK the "V.1 . coast- m. out oi aii ngninouses ana silencing or radios has been ordered among nth.7f saieguaras Seaplane Destroyed At Shetland Base German Raider Successful in Setting Anchored Ship Afire Yesterday LONDON, Nov. 23: The Royal jAlr last nlght admltted the dMtrnrtinn hi- fir rt ckn. at ja Shetland Islands base. The plane Planes Delivered By Great Britain Roumania Has Obtained Thirty-Six Planes, it is Announced LONDON, Nov. 23: (CP)-Dellv- ery of thlrty-slx planes has been made bv Great Britain to nnnman. la. NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, Nov. 23: Copper closed at 11.46c per pound on the New York metal market yesterday March delivery. Unrestricted Campaign Of Marine Warfare By Nazis Takes Big Toll Three British, Two French and One Greek Are Latest Victims Both Submarnes and Mines Are Active LONDON, November 23: (CP) Six more British, French and neutral vessels were added today to the heavy maritime losses of the past week as a result of indis rimin-ate Nazi warfare at sea. Losses disclosed today ir :Iuded the British steamship Darino which was sunk by a submarine on November 19, sixteen of the crew being ir issing. Other newly reported losses at ..j,1 . ' ; sea lpclnde the following: Greek freighter Lena R., twenty fonr saved. Struck a mine off the southeast coast of England. Was on way Antwerp with cargo of Brain. Brttisn steamer Geraldus, twenty-six saved, 1 British trawler Salby, torpedoed by submarine, seven saved, five m Using. French trawler Saint Clair B-922, eleven feared lost. French trawler Bayles n, sixteen saved. Inner Cabinet In France Is Formed PARIS, Nov. 23 An Inner catinet is being formed to give ev en more expeditious attention 1 war questions. t Destroyer Is Mine Victim LONDON, Nov. 23. The Bri-1 tish Admiralty announced last : nlph the destruction of the 9i.jHM.uw aesiroyer ayosy wttn t , , , t sels dt various nationalities have Been sunk during the past . t. j . " . . . t...i t-i.. , mjurca. , Forty t TZ!' 1 I ?' i1!. .e..flfth casu 1 . lLml ne ",lun Navy" apart Tl iru "ine sweepers, smce tne war began. The Gypsy, a ves- f sel of 1300 tons, was later ' beached. Thp vfiLui m, est close to shore that the explos- Ion attracted large crowds to the beach. PROTEST IS MADE I All Dutch Shipping is Cancelled as Result of Latest Developments In Shipping Lanes BRUSSELS, Nov. 23: Belgium and Holland, as expected, have Joined In a protest to Great Britain against the proposed seizure of German exports from neutral vessels as a measure of retaliation against indiscriminate mine laying. The formal protests will be delivered by the two nations to London as soon as 'official notification has been received from Great Britain of the intention to seize the German exports. Meantime all sailings of Netherlands vessels have been cancelled and Dutch snipping is at a standstill. Dutch ships are believed to have been I .....j...b vuiwiuciauic uerman ex- Ports- 18:08 ajn. 4.9 It. PRICE: S CENTS AIR MINE IS LATEST WARSTUNT Have Been Dropped by Tazis in Thames Estuary, London Hears Everything Being D01 e to Meet Sea Dangers LONDON, Nov; 23: Sh John Simon, Chancellor of ti e Exchequer, charges Oerman with using Illegal magnetic mnes in the war at sea. "All that s ill and science can devise will be ased to meet this new d"anger.v thi cellor declared. A special convoy svst m for protection from mines, sub narlnes and warships is being a ranged. Mine sweepers will accompa iy mer- chant vessels which will ilso be supplied with special mine sweeping equipment. German planes are enc ged In dropping of mines In the sea by paracnute it has been larned, this having been done by a ship flying low over the Thames stuary yesterday. This aerial sc vlng of miniature high explosive n in as by paracnutes by lowflying Jerman nlan? r,rf h p. "- .wAwfc. ui u Uiiaii new German naval warft- th imrinn T.Wr, vv(,uiu oaja 4 i VUUi- mentine mentine uin urn respntmpnt resentment whlcn T tenr exDressed bv It'lv and -aau, japan, the mc former jurmer uermai German allies, agaInSt German plracy" - W . A ' .l f arillllH ilitti lot . " :,Dritting Mmes (Information In Regard To Them Received By United iates Navy Department WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 23: (CP) The United States ":.vy De partment, has been advl: d that there are at least thirty-oi mines adrift in the North Sea. arnlngi have been issued. BISHOPS APPROVE Anglican Church Heads V -coenlze Moral Obligation in Wagi: g War WINNIPEG, Nov. 23: (C ) Formal approval of the Emplrr struggle against Hltlerism was give , by the Council of Bishops of the Jigllcan Church In session here. Weaker nations had been robbed, invaded and left half dead, read t ie Bishops' resolution which recc :nlzed a moral obligation to go to t ie assistance of thMf" nations. (?ihnn n A. Rlx or Prince Rupert U among uiose present at the Winnipeg meeting.