.,'1 PAGl'fSK TOT DAILY NsTWS o ? D o o a a 0 a P o o o o o a o o o Men This Christmas . . . Step Out g ... In a Suit Made To g Your Individual Measure- o e ments. o a a o g o o o o a o o o g 0 g p a Our Clothes Have t SMART STYLING FINE TAILORING GUARANTEED FIT And There is Choice in a Wide Range of Fabrics at S27.00 $31.50 S35.00 And Higher Kitwanga Church Concert Enjoyed & 82 p.m Order Now to Ensure Delivery Before Christmas Watts & Nickerson IJSFFItt. niFT rnn xirv . q KITWANGA. Not. 23-An en- SALISBURY, Eng.. Not. 23- (CP) JcyaNe concert, stased br St. Paul's A cockerel that knocked down Churfh rhoir In the Church Army two-year-old Julia Jeffrey and Hall ast Saturday, was one of th? recked her forehead was response haopiest events ever staged in the tie for her death, a jury ruled here, nail. The choir rendered special The child died nf ttan. o ; o Keep your fuel cost down to minimum this Winter by using heat tested coal that gives you more heat and less waste. We're specialists in picking coal that gives the most heat for the money. We'll gladly help you pick a grade that will burn efficiently In your furnace, kitchen range or heater, give you more heat, and savo you money. ..Just phone 116 or 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd o o s o o 8 o o o a o a o o o o D a o o o o o o 0 o o a o a i o 0 o o o D O O o o g o o o a o o o o o s o selections under the leadership of fcjicaion Bryant and there were solos, duets stories and several other interesting Items on the program ! which was conducted by Thomas Wezet Delicious rpfNthm Army Hall at Interior Native Village"' served Is Scene of Happy Affair Fine Program j ROOSTER'S BITE FATAL ASSEMBLY LINE IX BRITISH GUN PLANT A view of one of the floor, one of Bri'atns armament plants, showier xme a the aat.-aircraft gus that will be used hi tiu dcLux of Br;ain in orocess ol a-jembly Throughout England, fa tories l:ke this one are working night and day to complete the defensive ruig of sieel and high explosives around the -tight little island." ' - " -' Japanese To Stay With It In China UrtAAtiAnAn . Until W Mn4ist fn v Irelv t ' --VVVVWWUWWOTOWOOOOO v .-v.-.. maa.avij a w et a SPECIAL..; Free - 39c Forlians Gum Massager With Large Tube of Forhan Tooth Paste 78c Value For Only 39c CHRISTMAS CARDS A Large and Varied Assortment Sec Our Selection Now Ormes Ltd, Ttfui Pioneer Drtu&iaU The KexaU Store Phones; 81 Open Daily Iruni 8 a.m. till 10 a.m. Sunday and Iii4ida frum 1Z nouu tlU Z 7 p.m. till a p.ru. WOULD END COMMUNISM TOKYO. November 23: CP 1 Premier .Nobuyuki Abeanneunccd J today tnat Japan would keep tiwin !n China until "Phlna 1 i entirely free from the Communist menace." ' In a statement published by the Japanese press, the Premier said that garrisons would operate under an anU-comlntern pact which Japan would conclude shortly with the new Chinese government. Victoria Vet : Passes Away Dr. Henry Jtrors Cullin, For More Than Fify Years Resident of j Capital. Dies VICTORIA. Nov. 23: (CP) Dr j Henry James Cullin. well known pioneer veterinary surgeon, is dead herr.. He was born In Ontario andi had lived for fifty-two years. j Co-Eds Denounce Corset Comeback No Waist-Pinched Co-Edj Around Hunter College for While NEW YORK. Nov. 23: (CP j There won't be any walst-pin:hed co-eds wearing bustles around the, campus of Hunter College for a while. Eighty-four oer cent of the co-eds answering a questionnaire termed wasD-waiit corsets as "un natural unhealthy and Instruments ! of torture." Others recommended i them "only for their enemies." The average waistline of the eirls meas- - ures 25 or 26 inches. Bustles, they i say. are "clumsy, uncomfortable and hideous." I- - Most ads. Dance Again To.'Muslc As You Like If With JiOHBY KEID'S ORCHESTRA Oddfellow's Hall Friday Nile people Do you? rcsu tnt TODAY'S STOCKS (Cuurwjr 8, D. JoiUkttou Co.) Mines Big Missouri. .12. Bralorne. U.00. Cariboo- Quartz. 2.15. Dentonla. .01. ' Falrriew. .02 Vi. i Gold Belt. 2k. Hedley .Mascot, .42. Pacific Nickel. .13. Pend Orielle. 2.35. Pioneer. 220. Premier 1.45. Privateer. SI. Reno. .53. Relief Arlington. .11 Hi-Salmon ' Oold, .03. Sheep Creek. 120. Cailboo Hudson. .04, Oils A, P. Coni. .17. Calmont, .35. Cp& E.. 2.10. Horse, 2.35. Royal Canadian, .18. Qkalta. 1.05. Mercury, ,M. Prairie Royalties. .19. Toronto Aldermac, .35. Beat tic. 1D5. Central Pat. 2J3. am. Smelters, 4750. Bast Milartlc. 3.00. Fernland, J02. FranWur .42. Oods Lake, 58. Hudrock Ul. Int. Nickel. 47.00. Kerr Addison, 2.06. LHtle Lonj? Uc. 3.15. McLeod Cockshutt, 2. Mfis-n Red Lake, .44. XWCenri Red Lake, U0. Moneta .90. Noanda. 7550. Pickle Crow. 4.25. Preston East Dome, 250. San Antonio. 1.88. 8hrriU Gordon. 1.13. Ptdona. 2ZV2. Uchl. 0. BMC3dIllac. .0374. Mpsher, .10. Oklend, .14. ' ' . Smelters Oold,-jOI. ifeu.'''' Dominion Bridge, 37.25. Whifflets From The Waterfront J Northbound on. a? regular voyage from Vancouver to Skagway, C. P. H. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning and sailed at 10:15 a.'m. for Skagway. Tha vessel is due here "southbound nex', Tuesday afternoon. Aboard the i Princess Norah were 32 .passengers. None disembarked here and classified only two sall?dTMm Prince- Hup-,crt for the north, IDRAMA OF MEDICINE Calling Dr. Klldare." second In th crr! that started with "Youni Dr Klldak. starring Lionel Barry -'more and Lew Ayres, brings another medical detective story to the screen jof the Capitol Theatre tonight and The picture deals with a (Friday. murder which Ayres solves to clear an Innocent youth after rtklng his standing as a physician to shield the latter from the police. In the course of events he falls in love with the boy's sister, glamorous Lana Turner, who vamos him lno fresh trouble from which the wliy old Barrvmore. playing the part of jhl mentor, extricate him. I Dramatic hUhlhchU Include a blood transfusion In the cellar hide-jout of the wounded susoect. a grio-pine. scene where Bsrrvmore en-i ables Bobs Watson, olavtne. a rrlo-Ipled bov to walk: the situation with the Dolice. and the boy's disillusionment when h finds the woman he j loves to be falte. I Players include Laralne Da Wat Pendleton. Samuel S. Hinds. Lynne Carver. Emma Dunn. Walter Klnes-' ford. Alma ftruser. Marie Blake.' Reed lUdlev And Nell Crate. Complete hoDltAl and labor trv sets, fashionable nenthouie. nieht1 club and underground hideout of ,crini'nh are among the New York locales. Datlv MverttsJna rn Nw u sure to bring suits, YULETIDE tnc Dail) dally re FOR NAVY Bags For Canada's Sailors On Seas and in Harbors for Christmas nv.MUKIRLADA.MA Canadian Press 8taff Writer the! TORONTO Knv 1 AiPti. n.n. . nnn m r ..,;,V " I! ' lwr : rri ""i,n ttif name and w wi r iMII MN Ulliy bag will ,wlng from htmrnocks on Canadian nayal shlos on two seas or Canadian harbors on Christmas mornm. These lunlor-siie hoW- ed with knitted things and interest In? oddments for the sailors' i Chrfctma cheer by women across j the Dominion. i Packlm the bs. dlitrlbuted by! the Ontario Division of the Navv League of Canada to memberi and Individuals, will be supervised bv the women's committee of the! j league. Individual trinkets may be jsent to headqusrtera here to be In-j elude- in he Christmas "boxes'" ' and the rommlUee arks that all donor add a' cheery note to their metilv-wraDoed parcelj. j There nrv be some socks, a muf-fler. cao, sweater, or a Dalr of nv- jjama for he bulk of the big. 8ug-' BMted rirtiUonI "surprises." in- I clude such things as a mouth organ, i nack of cards, oad' of notepaper. i pencil. Duzzle. game, dominoes, nuts. chewing gum, hard candy, choco "My Skin Was Full 01 Pimples and Blemishes COAL dram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer 1 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 81 and 5Js NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor "A IIO.MK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates fl.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prinea Rupert, B.C. ' Phone 281 P.OBotl98 it says Verna 8,: "Since using Adler-lka the pimoles are gone. My skin Is smooth and glows with health." Adlerlka helDS wash BOTH bowel and relieves temporary constipation! uai ouen aggravates bad complex Ion. Sold at All Drug Stores PUHH. pEQUEL TO late, raisins, towel, wmah cloth, sender, toxh paste tooth brush, handler- "apecia; emeu. pipe, citirettea. tohaeeo. ik. book of fiction and "MnUill- -r. OUNG BWKILDJIIM V7SVi.lv ass-. America clamond: "Morel" Well, hot he is in NEW adventures .that lead him to an underworld mystery . a dangerous romance . . and the grandest. most exciting enter tainment that evei won your heart I (At 7:36 and 9:11) EXI.vA FiUpatrirk't "Java Journey" rcte Smith's "Take a Cue" Fos News Present "Flashes From the Front" and Empire News Bra IE 111 3 iw lunula ' imn J Mil z hhot Xijihtf' ?mi i i " HnT"nw,,-" 'Docket nibt rainr mna mv..,. Feminine Tnurh 'Vi " WWW 0 t, if fJ. I ie vnetr s swneuung aoout as oonstmr. , J l callnr " lh ... . "' ""'I has applied to the fair sex to take niters afloi: : bag and makinf thcflj as atlraeUve r weU mw. w-ite and appealing as possible atories ntf M ma' Ehch bag la marked with Miter's or per.f 'j name on we mtuuie and aUaahcd oment Be-1. t w wit uiw u a iatei Klv- snotUd he r: a,h-A where coast uie recipient can send a letter of Alred w 4txt tnaniu Through this added per- nad mwr :u.i ;v nai coniaci. it W hoped thai fceetj vr , r A. Ma,H 'nroucnoui ine year the "ditiv" Leaeu : - . 'wl i . .... - - - - . i lPaWLJrH Jx kent Hjurd and the with the M (Tm fkxittr BAKED to Petledim or in APPLE SAUCE Canadian. APPLES tk Veii&itjot YOU! er.wfrwWniHs CiuiJUn .n-l- - APRHIlXm.Y of frr.li or r.nncl ,VlA- Mi.rr, full of lcmpin J( I trrat ln.lcnll Yet Ullill--.ll.l.r -sod """f'1.' lrliriuii lire your, to enjoy NOW, ni tl'' 'f' like that jou ran ra I plenty of . . . licrauM- afl'l" "f " f for jou, and rnioinirl, to.l Onl-r ",(jn V JJj to-lay for ratlnic, routing imI mnlnt Grade, xllli ronCtlrnrc. Government of Canadian Sir1'""" 1 . W . TZ f amct Mt run; '""IS; Mk.. I.I.. TUm .MlM f " tM WIW IKJMIMON DCTliniKNTIr :jlll:Ilrj:F.lJll.lJUI-i-)JI' HsvHiilflUriMiUy tXTWA FANCY ImMf (wl'raUa t tW ttl. I"" 11. .u r. jlmm in" ... .mJlu la WW" urn UNION STEAMSfllPSiB Steamers Leave Prince Hupef iox VnPOttTer' 4fi , fiARDENA T.S.S. C ATA LA EVERY TUES- DAY, 1:30 p.m, Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. MonW e Vancouver. If Convenient, Please Purchc Tlckels offke ? i 3 . triM Ti,kcu n0: iervatlons ana FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince RupcAgenl. Ti"f" f