East er Footwe ar We like rreat pleasure in znnuune-ing the arriral of the very latest styles and colors in a multitude of designs and variety Priced To Suit Every Purse Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fttlKCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PottSUhed ETery Aftrryan Except Ssnday. by Prtoe Raprtt Dairy Nrrs UxrJted, Third ATtsee IL I. PVtLEX Manarln-ditor ADVERTISIJiC KATES C3a trifled adTerUatsc per aord, per teseT&on Local readezx, per line, per iosertion . Neva Depizlmtnl Tetepbaae . . . . AdfertUiar ai4 C2reolatia Televbxne . Meaibex af Aadtt Bareaa f Oralatioat DAILY EDmOX U 4 Eatsrday. AprS I, VYi. EASTEIl MESSAGE We suggest as our Easter me?age to the people of Prince Rupert that they refuse to worry or become excited over what they read or hear over tbe radio. Many of the despatches are exaggerations or at any rate are given an It is difficult to get into the proper mood to fully re-j alize the Easter message that good is hound to triumph over evil When we look at Europe and Asia todaylweJ ' . a 1. i il at J 1 mui xeei u oiiicur u reatize icai mere ls a guwing. hand m aH the affairs of man and that what may today eero something terrfbfe is the working out of a definite plan. As we look over our gardens we see the resurrection of the nlant life everywhere apparent Sometimes we see, plant injured by the late frost Again we tee them cut down by injurious insects. In places the garden h choked by weeds. All these things can teach us valuable Eaptefr -.lesions. Because things do not happen the way we would like, we think they are wrong when very often they are right and we are wrong. j Possibly some day there will be a great awakeningl when we shall realize more clearly than we do today thel plan that Is being worked out What seems most clear is that there is a plan and that there is a master hand-ar-j ranging and carrying out this plan. Also we must realize! tnat the same force which is making the lines bloom isi waiuup xne misue grow, xne mseci live ana tnnve on our finest flower and it .also brings the killing frost which sometimes creates havoc. It is all part of the plan. MORE FAITH SAH) THE ELDEKS Our mothers used to tell us that we should have more .faith. It was pointed out to us that all things worked to-, ' gather for good. It was a irreat relief to be able to itt back and eel that they were right Today, however, we feel that it is up to us to help the Creator in his work. Wei have a duty to our neighbors all over the world which iril the old days we did not feel. We have a duty to protect and encourage and help. Faith is not of much value jf w0' do not work, usinif brain and brawn to brin? about ApxirJ ed results. t' INTERNATIONAL IRRITARH.ITY There is a general feeling of irritability over the international situation. While we must admit that in tho present state oi feeling anything may happen, yet we iritifil alwavM remernlxr that most of the nations do not want war and this particularly applies to (Jreat Britain. Some countries are taking advantage of this known reluctance iti plunge the world Into another terrible conflict but of late it has been made clear that tbey may go too . far. Twisting the Hon's tail may become something more thaii a game. MacKenzie's Furniture ? CbeilerfleU Salles All of the latest models and coverings. From Jiffy Studio CouchCan be made Into a double bed with back k See Our Window $98.66 $45.00 lOU Country Soccer Eaffea Lfijtm TirK thrimm Bhekp&tf 1. AflMl t. Brentford 3. I. . ; Orfcai?y Trva J Lnton Town C. ITeara 0. Preston ?mfa mrcl m ' UnnS 2. SfceffteM Wo ' Noctirssfcaa Peres Brocwiefc Albion t. i TDtiwJun Hotapars Insects Art7 0-Transier Rovers 2. .Tewn X IHerpod . Bfrsttaaaaa o. . U.2.i.tyhn- ttaavd t. Ld Pav W I. Psoxsastb 1. Derby Ssderiaad 1. txrtta X Lactith Lane Banker aeinesd United X. ( Wet aJt4 i. Mr- owi: Swansea Town . West Kara United . Bnkdfonfi 2 Thlri DirUon Satbera Srttiha Aldenhot 1. fTatford 1. Brtrhloo XTtA Uie AlMtn I ,&3omQoatn and Borecrtu l. Braloi Rowi 2. WalMQ 0 Hapten OriU. 3, Exeter Otjr 3 Crrstal Palace 3, Bristol CKy 2 UuuTieid Tova 6. Headiac i Newport County i, Torqaay United 0. Port Vale 3. Notts Cmmtf 1 Soathecd United 2. Cardiff Ctr '0- ( Saiodos Torn 1. Korthaaaotm jgj Ttrm 0. 2 -Third Diriiion Sarthm Stttin , Bradford Oty J. Xear BrfgtHoa ,2. ! Cauis United 1. York Oty 1. Chester 1. Barrav. 2. Cxeve Axasdra 4. Eoctedale 1 DwaUr rrrrrri .T. nwiwilwi SUaley 1-mrtinzUm 3. Wrezaw 1. IllltthprjcAs United 3. Oateshid X. Ba3 City 1. HaUax Toon. ! Lincoln Ctty 1. CMdhaa Athlete 0. Bonthport 1. Bother.srr fr.-M raMUth Torn I SSM. IUS.T VTT73 and Huw JiMcfietd Ton 1. leatS. Qseefii Part Raafen t. Ipmrtch tti t Eoverr 1 1. BacaaVy I TATS SCORES 2ttJt Vtm. JhmmI MOm W-r. Baa CK T . ti rwaaa i. 1 Ptaso- - Araja 1. Staement I TlUri Vniu 1 Bay I - S - r i rfiiii d Htffcinw inm : .i WH -rt-r Aswan NMa ; Bar? I. VinttvUtr OKy a. la. Chesterfield 2. naltf Oni TMrd DnWw. Soolhera SttiM ted A. , Iaawv Town 4. 8taai Cfcy A. i PaJbass 2. Bsettora Bover 3 WUu i Torasay Unttrd t . Oty 2. AMrahot City I Mom Qcn' Park 8m I Qnptr Bwdmt 3 Cryrtal PtfMe 1 SwKtkrod Doited 2. Ttac TMrd DtvtMon. N'arthfm SeetiMt AftrincuMt Sttaakr 3, Yorfc Ctlj l HtrcOey 2 XrazJkaa a. Bvtov 5. Ctrl Halted t. Badterd City 2, SoatBfyyt I Cftrr 4. Orm Amandt . KaH! ax Ton 2. Hanlenooia U- HaB Oty . DaoaMrr Borers Linexitn City t, Botherhaa Un-Ikd 1 Xrm Bnahtan 3. naiaarton f. OMham AthJettc 1. Oatesbead 3 JBtsckpart Canty 1. Rochdale 2 FILM LAID IN TJUSCO E4y Krrrm. Ss aad . Hntst Son. THlHt-Ua. 6 V. Oil and Urx ' 3 R Mnrrmy IittmIIi Tim Un Ilmry Raft and Un Ifeaiatr Standard BNM Mkd OUpU. -nTmx rrrir surf.; "i2tr.. , an Aprfl If ant fhe ximmxl tprtr 2 of Sao rraactsooV aly " tnat Bobby Braes aa tfe HOTKL ARRIVALS star aad a caM leatsxlflc lo Or- - 1 Hry ArmeUa. Le Pa trier Zrt Btkr the aao acttoc twt Cinxmi Rock and uxuenta pnaeipai attrac uarr BfloMr. A Tth. Preeater at tfee CaattaC Tteate H Hart. Cteatiaaet. OnC . J H The acts depart the eiero sojayf. Jtaacftan. Qtsv Bradv year aid ysaofiter aa the ao mi Ktt osoa. Xedale.Ua.. F actotr of OarrSte, a San mccfaco jijiaana. U L. Maaehar and D aVflaa crab ftaheraaa. Tbe 2m tredge. sty depontcratea tab otaily U toe rruue Sapert rata as wefl aa Ida rse Tbe P- H P ahrmhora. BiUeacr J U a faat-aotmc oa4 ewoceraa Bab- fd aad J H Staflyrr. Haxettaa bf Jutrtd far a eocHlo aad aast y A TTittnt and H Tbober. Taa-sao atteaspt to break ap the eaa- Ua i H Pee and Ucr aiariihlp that bad dereioped b. H j ortfTw. Anyox; B. A. Lat twen the lat&er aaa toe c rrtn t c Tov. Port id- rarty aO the outdoor seeaea aoa: r Gale ,r . Skidetate are tet asaJ&st the baektroaaa Cratral Ni react fohermaa's vhatf and the San D jkJaefatik Tvlieijttah. linr H Johnson, foraer gnera f-r th Canadian Pub and OaW Storafe Co. at Prtacc Rapert bat now of Victoria t Wrin vWti mocute say eauntry aoC Atextefc. Stevart: Henry Reedt the faaxnu iaadzsarks la be aeen toiihrr Comeftua WeaUey. 3 L i are the Ooldea Gate Bride the rtardMa. J U Dcatardtnt D Stan rraaeUoo-OiUaid -Bridft. Weds- and J Kmtraoff. tty. A. the Ferry BoMdlas. Alcatrax Is!- DaKa Crrefc; Ur and Ma sd and the famous Treascre til- & A C2ienan. Kaysrport; M' nd scene oi the Ooiden Ca la- c cicrfrr. Bt&raor. A. Biwawn teraaUsnal ExpoiitJon and Mr and Ura W Stsonaan. xsA chlidrrn. Dirby vtrt. H V? Committees Of Legion Women eaari f Aaailiary la InUily Boiinra f-rion Tbartday Aflernaoa EsftsslBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW YOU SHOULD KNOW that "B.C.D, SPECIAL' Hye WhisVey is wo-xl-ared 10 years in bond and in made by British Columbia matter jd'ntillers with a lifelime experience: in pwlucing the bet "There li no substitute for age" ASK 1'OK AM) 0 KT Chrtsten. Qeen Charlotte City Knox 1 Uo. Jaaea Kumlak. etty; Ur aad Ufi Efttaa. Pxtnee Oerge. Itr. and Mrs. H Ballhe and daatri- Ur. Jamea Uwlt. and D. lUStnaby ' 'Vaneoaver. U. t. Ctxrk. Oeory- ton. 1 On j Saray B. O. Cn&Btnthaa acd Mr and,' Mra U K Saansan. Port Xaanc- Tbe WcBian-s Auaiiary to tix ,t0n Medrtek .Vflsoo aad WBfrid Canadian lotion hew tts rrtulu lietxm. Kttkatla. 3 Nettleta exty: monthly nsfetCic oo Tborida XA MfKeEar, cttjr; W. Middle- Mil Johnson on Thooday next tor -rtfl Aosn. toeioded the ap I ton and Mr. and Mr. Fxtd Ltod uin cnnTmc 10 tztaana ana -. - the Fropean ror.tinent by the Mo-i1101 ttm0wS j A J Sgeirr and iarors Kcnfyon iyship Canada na the Paaaaa ' Wffliaiaj Car. Robm'1!- tooreser: Mrs. L. Wide of the fecal dry dock staff aalled They expex to retarn by ihe C J"lot tUra. ShmbsaS Thursday aifbt for Vancouw en-geptember. mar roaw abort the and of Vn F Feasby tad Mrs !f route to Ketcnraa in eonnecUan Oder i t 'with the aawmbfint st the Okan- Stele ViiUnt -Mrt D. C Sebab- a tan Lake port f a car ferry which -- i t Mrs P Barber Mrs Jlath KO was fabricated at the yard here DID YOU KNOW THAT... thefjeantifu! Firt Xarniws eotranor to Yaarouw ilarLour n nolnl for two frrrat njaneennjj actuevrnen;a' Vn jlnlr Kit nanned lir the lonfftt 3. up-nUa bndye in tie Brituh KcoiMrr. but four hundred feet Wow the surface i a rB and one-half jv. foot tunnel, thirty-one hundrrd feet in lengtn, wnicn it me ujuj wirh-prrsture LunneL to pa under navigable salt water. Thi tunnel, with a italic preure ol ilf jiound i the only "one f its type ia tbe nrrriir. and. carries Vancouver's unetcellnl water aupnlr. fa w ' rx r "rrriaw Thla adyertlsement U not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board .or by the Government of BrltUh Columbia atWI ii S3 Eider Caa&s a AK trr-z c -i (j taTl . . 1 - mi MiLssalleii f oxrt r.n NEW ROM HOTE 4 r-T r -4 iiovt twtinl ooxr autet n H j) Pbaae 91 ft Office Suppj Typewriter! SuppHes Stationery Printing DIBBl PRINTS Company Besner Block Fs J. H. BULGi Optometrv iujiiM THE SEAL QUALI m GOLD SEAll Fancy Red Sock PINK SEAll Finest Pink Salrl n..k h the 5 rannlnr ttmDSEI ... ..... .. Mini: mi I . r,Lr - M in in wm ,wmW ma. torot TAKE KOTti Mom-. W iMR. A D. AdmtoWrato' Wiiroboc. tof tlttan " txrrjy irqtiin-d rty rrrtft ,ti UT of Ar ' pitrUM In!! ulra1 lo 17 The Dally nr i paper. OS " ' it -