cz 0 o fl K I ! II HAS WHAT YOU WANT! A growj tobacco, this Old Virginia fine Cull It snwogUt neatly down on th paper, rolling smooth, evenly filled cigoieMM whhowl a bit of waite-and they taste belter. The seal-fignt pouch it pfoclically a "pocket humidor" h a i ' iv" ngni ror rouing yoir own. And you con luck a double automatic boot of or re ...I . i.. . Ti . vjianircier papers rignr into the pouch. OLD VIRGINIA Fine Cut coAft turns sod Crystal Diamonds are alright. Hut they only glitter in the light King Coal Diamonds win the fight Fw they sparkle In the night Mark. Diamond? A Ton Will Come to You If You Phone up Cii Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. ;ccooooooooooooooaooooovoopoooooocooooocoooooooo Now Available APHEX LIQUID Tor the Eradication of Moths, Bed-Bugs, Roaches, Etc. An ordorless, nun inflammable liquid. It will not .stahi clolhcs or wallpaper. Used in the NEiJEL Electric Sprayer it enable) you to spray thoroughly every rcwtin in a few hours. No ad-' vancc preparations necessary. Prices and Particulars on Request Ormes Ltd. yjj Pioneer Drut&ists The Itcxall Store Phones: 1 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday from IS noon Oil t pm. 1 till P-tn. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATAI.A E'EKY TUE T.S.S. CAUDKNA FRIDAY, DAY, l'.SB p.m. I"!'0 P m One Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver. Monday jun. If Convenient, Tlease Purchase Tltets at Office further intormaUon Regarding Reservations and Ticfceta From A. W. NEWMAN. Trlnce Rupert Agent. Third Ate, Tbone 56f It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New mat the people of the whole, district, are doing me t on Easter Monday the Post Office wickets will be open f;om 8 a.m. . to 12 noon. The public lobby will be open from 6 ajn. to 6 pm. i Miss Eileen Patmore left on last evening's train lor Terrace to; spend the Easter yacatlon season visiting with friends. Pat O'Brien, who Is attending school here, left on last evening's train for his home at Usk to spend the Easter vacation. ' Peter Krook, who has been visiting at his home .here for the past week or so. jufled Thursday after- -noon on the Princes Korah for Vancouver. Miss Phyllis Mercer and M1m Kathleen How of Port Simpson left on last evening's train for Edmon ton to spend the Easter holloa, .season, ' Jrv p, ..MiKeJlar of Ketchikan arrived In the city on lhe Princess Nntah Thursday jilternoon from the north And left -on last evening's train lor a .trip to Ont-masan, Michigan. ' Miss K. Yamanaxa arrived In the city on -the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon Irom Vancouver, where ahe Is attending school, to spend lhe Easter .holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Yam anaka. School. Halt Gallons 50c Quarts off w. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Legion. KEEL. Month y Meeting postponed till further ' notice. Stores will be open all day MondayRetail Merchants Association. (82 A change has been made in the Japan and Manchoukuo. Special Sale on All This Week at 25c PinU THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. We Can Supply YouWith Coupons off Half Tints ' Canada RECRUITS SKILLED TRADESMEN FOR it.CA.Fi Vacancies exist in the Royal Canadian Air Force for skilled men In the 'following trades: Acetylene Welder, Armament Artificer, Air Uiffer, Clerk. Aero Entitle Fitter, Machinist, Motor Boat Crewman Metor Mechanic, Pliototrapher, Sheet Metal Worker, Storekeeper, Tailor, Instrument Maker and Wireless Operator, Applicants must be British Subjects, between the aee of 18 and 31 years, unmarried, medically fit (subject to examination!, and willing to enlist for a period of five years. Good prospects pay dependent upon proficiency. Quarters, food and uniform pjto-vldod. Any expenses incurred before enlistment must be borne by kappJicant. For complete information apply to: OFFICER COMMANDING, Western Air Command, R.OA.F. 715 Hastings St., Vancouver-U.C, Ottawa. Ont. L, R, LaFLECHE . U.Q. 1019-1-2 Deputy Mln Ister of Nntlonal Defence Anglican Spring Sale Anrll 13. Tonight's train, due from the -art at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Mrs. R. -C. Parsons sailed Thurs- !day night on the Prince Ruoert Make a hit with your wife and J for Vancouver. give her a nice snappy purse Irom reunion rrnwear iw iww-j. tf. WiHiam Bchriaberg returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. . v Iter. L. C. Foss arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Seattle being here to supply the pulpit -of St. Paul'e Lutheran Church. Miss Laura Bragg, who has been demonstrating products at local groceries, returned south Thursday night after a stay In lhe city of a month. While here she was enter-i tained extensively. Canadian 'Legion Rooms, Royal Visit Bridge and iDance, Monday 8:30 sharp, popular prices. (82) Miss B. Post sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to TranqulLe Sanitarium. J. S. Wilson sailed Thursday afternoon on the Princess Nor ah for Vancouver to Attend the , annual convention of the British Columbia Teachers' Federations Capt. E. Morrison, who'Ihas been engaged in' clearing the Yukon River of obstructions to navigation, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah Thursday afternoon going through to Vancouver. Edgar Anderson, agent for the picture bookings of the Capitol Canadian "Pacific Rallwav at Xet Theatre for April where the picture .crilkan, and Mrs. Anderson were "Marie Antoinette' with Norma naentrer ahnarrf thp ph-pm. Shearer and Tyrone Power, will he,Norah Thursday afternoon going Mlss'E. D. Priestley R. tf.. local I shown Instead of "If I Were King.'! through m a trip to Seattle and jjuuiic neann nurse, sauea Tnurs-j elsewhere in the south day night .on the Prince Rupert . Suzuki, principal of the Ja- 2f V-Trr 8PCni Wse school at Ocean Talis, ar-Miss Priestley announced befoni , .... ,. .. . rlved ln the elt' on Prtnce" learlng that the Well Baby Clinic which continue to toe well attend-1 Adelaide yesterday afternoon trom Richard E. Hardcastle of Ketchikan was a visitor in the city on Thursday. Mr. Hardcastle led the f yld nf candidate for the council ed, will be resumed on April 25 a, jUie paper town to spend Easter' In Ketchikan's civic election this King Edward School -with another week here. Last year Mr. SuzuklJweet JJe i!0m me north oo May 2 at Booth Memorial made a tour of the Orient visltlns on t)e Fxmcess Narah Thursday afternoon md mailed the same evening on the Prince RuDert for '.Seattle. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Peter Thompson will lake place Monday , from the chapel 0f the B. C. un- ' dertakers at -2 pjn. Announcements All adrertlaeinentt to tola column will be charged for a full month at c a word. -Queen Mary" Easter Monday. Legion Royal visit .dance April 10. Tea Mrs. Parkin's bridge and 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ; Anglican Easter Sale April 13. COMMODORE CAFE Newly Renovated. New Staff. Improved Services. J. N. KlUav manater, has Jut returned from Vancouver with the lest staff obtainable. New Cooks, New Everj'tMng, Up to, the Minute Special HUie Kiblwn Reef, Especially Impnrtod for This Cafe Xbllunff. Here But Uie Rest Try Our Special Sunday Dinners THE CARARET Has been converted Into an up to date dining room with special provision for afternoon teas. Cards provided free. Ladles may meet, (heir friends in this room without obligation. Make it vj ' : Downtown Headquarters ooonoodooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooocvoooo o Prince Rupert Operatic BocletyJ S presents "The Mikado" AprU 12, 13 I' Capitol Theatre. o: o a a p a g BAjitlst Supper April 18. ' " Eagle's Bridge April 19. & -. InAMt Cnvlniv C-lo women ji fliww p t-uwv. i AprU 19. Presbyterian Easter' Sale. April l r. k R A. Annual . BalL Moos: Hall. April 21 f , V ' : ' Boys' Bnd Tea, Mrs. Jack Joy's, April 28. ,: . 27. Scout Tea, Mrs. Houganta Aprll-- Hodgson School, Dancing Reclt-1 al, Capitol Theatre. April 27, 28. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 1. United Spring Sale May 3. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 4. Milk Fund Tea May. 6. ORANGE Spring Sate, Metropole Hall, May H. PRINCE RUPERT TO .VICTORIA CHILDREN'S FUND EVENTS April 10, Bridge, Canadian Legion and Women's Auxiliary. - AprU 14, Dance. The Eaglfp, Eagle-' Ilall. April 20, Amateur Night. Moose! Hall. I May 5. Grand Dance. Moose Han IWalker's Mifsic 'Store Large Stock. Mus,lc .' . Helntiman, Nordhehner ani Lesage rtanoc Piano Tuning with -Rcsonoscope" fhone Blue 389 213 4th 8t Miss Zdlth Johnstone fe ft on las', evening's train for a holiday visit to Edmonton. Miss Frances Watts" and Miss Irene Hodgson of the Booth Mem ' Mrs. J. W. Eastwood returned home on Wednesday from Victoria where she was called recently on account of the llrriess df her mother who has recovered. orial mgn tocnooi icacning stailt Provincial Constable -Walter Mid sailed Thursday night on tt,fltttt& of mvedln the J" ,yantoum city on the Prince John last Wen-attend -UP the teachers-convention. 1,2 from the Quten Chariotu u. lands and sailed later on the princess I Adelaide for Vancouver, 'having in his custody a prisoner, Louis Hilder of who has ia:i. uu wugiiici awiiru in Gregory Massett, the city from the interior on j been sentenced to six months Im-Thursday night's train and sailed prtsonment at Oakalla for havlhs the same night on the Prtnce Rup-istolen property lumber, galvanlz-ert for Vancouver. ed iron and toolsin his possession. imuimi y IVrmlsftlon -t he Rupert D OYLY CARTE CO. The rrliwe Jtupert Operatic Society ' PRESENTS Gilbert and Sullivan's Popular Operetta The Mikado At The Capitol Theatre April 12th and 13th at 8 p.m. Tickets $1.00 Each These may be obtained from any member of the Rotary Club, members of the cast, or at the Capitol Theatre Box Office Reserved jSeat Sale Now On at Ormes Ltd. (Under Auspices of Rotary Club of Prince Rupert) Guarantee of SERVICE "Canada 'Cycle Motor Co. .lakers of C.C.M. BICYCLES Guarantee Without Reservation the Workmanship and Materials in Every C.C.M. .Bicycle We Sell Standard C.CM. Prices CLC.M. Crescent S-W C.aM. Standard $U.5Q C.CM. Baloon Tires Model $11.50 C.CM. Girls' Model $31.73 Easy Monthly Payments at Sllsht Additional Cost SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Gfllwr -t OCEAN FALLS and POWELL R1VEI Steamer leares Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leare Prince Rupert for the Eaat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. rilONE GREEN 390 AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc- call or write City Ticket Office, C16 Srd Ave. V-17-J9 ii". i i !! Onenine of New Number for Service and Dependability - wvw Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAZZIE Opp. Post Office, 4th St. I