PAGE FOUR Direct Importers of: FINE CHINA, D1NNERWARE Hotel and Restaurant White and Green Band Vitrified Ware Various Sizes of Glasses for Beer Parlors BASEMENT STORE Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Hotel Arrivals Central S; Johnson and E. F. Nosbiit, Stewart. Knox William Aidhe, Ben Eriekson and O. Anderson, city; James Hart, E- slngton. Trince Rupert H. F. Sllverthorne, Billmor; M. H. McLean, Port Edward; N. D. Lambert, C. R. Dobbin, H. Thomas and W O- Holland. Vancouver; G. H. Tycho, Smithers; D. Pitts, Port Simpson; Mrs. J. Larsen, Alice Arm. Royal N. Jensen. Terrace; Claus Holland, city. CONSTIPATIONAMAES PEOPlf HATE YOU Nobody love a grouch. But if your bowels aren't "regular" you're bound to .feel mean. Common con ttipatkm is often caused by a diet that lacks "bulk. Many common foods don't leave enough residue for the bowels' to Veep them working rhythmically. Crisp, crunchy Kellogg's ALL-BRAN helps to form a soft bulky mass 'that encourages bowel movements. And ALL-BRAN is a rich source tof Nature's intestinal tonic. Vitamin Bj. Adopt this sensible routine: Eat ALL-BRAN every day; drink plenty of water. With "regular" habits youll be a new person. fWtoDATtYOu AU-BRAH g MUalt Kiflitili Liifu, ChiIl At f irtcw's. I KING'S CRUISER WILL HOLD c..u.u. w,c DOWN ITS HIGH POWER nn Prlesslon; The latest examination paper set (Continued From Page One) there will be no change In the nor mal routine aboard the Court is at sea. Th The Kin King will J be addressed as "Sir" like any other I naval officer and there wiJJ be no unnecessary saluting or curtseying as Their Majesties move about their "floating castle." I A naval rating, selected with a 'group of instrumentalists to augment the band aboard H.M.S. Repulse, will have the honor of crooning the latest song hits for the King and Queen during their voyage to Canada. Several candidates have been considered but the Identity of the lucky one has not yet been disclosed. The band has already gone Into rehearsal, with a repertoire ranging from popular dance tunes, light opera to the classics. The King Is particularly fond of light music like Strauss and Sullivan, while the Queen's taste inclines to the more classical works, especially Chopin. .Sibelius and Stravinsky. The Queen will have an opportunity of playing !her favorite pieces during the voy-jage, as Instructions have been glv-j en to move the piano from the Royal yacht, "Victoria and Albert," to i her Majesty's lounge on the OOCKJDOOOOOOCHJOOOOiJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO&O o . 5 s COMMODORE CAFE Newly Renovated. New Staff. Improved Services. J. N. Klllas, manager, has just returned from Vancouver with the best staff obtainable. New Cooks, New Everything, Up to the Minute Special Hlue Ribbon Beef, Especially Imported for This Cafe Nothing Here But the Best. Try Our Special Sunday Dinners THE CABARET lias been converted Into an up to date dining room with special provision for afternoon teas. Cards provided free. Ladies may meet their friends in this room without obligation. Make it Downtown Headquarters oooooeoaooaadnQOoooooa . s SCARCITY ; OFNURSES j Girls Decline to EntUt in Britain's ' Hospital Services Despite Effort to Raise Standard I By .MOLL1E McGEE i Canadian Press Correspondent LONDON, March 28: CP-Shortage of recruits for the nursling profession in England continues. Meetings have been held attended by Royalty. Queen Mary made an appeal read at one by the ' Archbishop of Canterbury and headmistresses of girls' schools are endeavoring to arouse enthusiasm i :for nursing work among their pu-' pils, but there has been little result Many among the medical profession blame the shortage on the type of menial work still given to nurses. others on the small pay. There has also been an outcry about the ex- ( by. the General Nursing Council for' England and Wales has questions steam at full speed and on the voy- on It that seem to have strangely age with Their Majesties across the little to do with nursing. For in-' Atlantic and up the broad St. Law- i stance, the applicant Is asked to say j ranee to Quebec, the Repulse is ex- j who wrote the following lines: pectcd to cruise somewhere between ; Be angry with your little boy J 18 and 21 knots. And beat him when he sneezes , irur ne can penecuy enjoy Slower for Comfort . pper wnen ne pleascs With their fine lines, low free-' And she must know too. who boird and enormous engine power. I rald: "Am I my brother's keeper?" the tendency of battle-cruisers Is to' Patriotism Is not enough.'! "sit down" aft when travelling at "Friends, Romans. Countrymen." top speed. Thus even in a moderate! future nurses must also know sea the ship's quarter deck would where, in the British Isles, the fol-be awash if an attempt were made (lowing are produced: buttons fn stMm "full nut ThprA iM I mustard, cheese, blsruitx iat J also be a noticeable increase of vl-'lace curtains, and name correctly , bration. I the authors of "The Citadel." "Hia- . A record run by a British war-lwatna" "The Good Companions." ship carrying royalty is not without i 5Ua Marner precedent, however. In 1908, when' compound fractions and other King George V.. as Prince of Wales, seemingly irrelevent matters fin-visited Canada. HMS. Indomitable lsn K e P&Tr. publicly showed her paces on the LadT Now. acting as spokesman North Atlantic route. .Ior a number of critics, said: On the homeward run with the Prince, the cruiser's average" speed compared favorably "with the Atlantic express liners, except the .ocean greyhounds of the day. the IMUuretania and Lusltania. 1 On that voyage the future King of Britain, father of the present King, gave an early indication of ihls democratic leanings by going ( into the stokehold and doing a full trick at coal-heaving. "Sir" to Ship's Company At the special request of the King Proficiency In arithmetic or know ledge of who wrote Hiawatha and Silas Marner and In what part of the British Isles buttons and mus tard are made is scarcely proof that the candidate possesses those iana was broueht ud bv franir Toman te n. 1 . I .-. w cinciiiig uie piui en-slon because It U filled at present with girls of the domestic servant class. These girls are willing to do th-drudgery given to pupil nurses In the hospitals at present and because of their lack of knowledge cannot aspire to any high degree of nurses' training. Their presence In the profession deters their more fortunate sisters from entering and being classed as the same. Matrons who have worked with Canadians and Americans are quite the Atlantic Is superior In education, training and outlook t0 the English nurse. It was with the Idea of cleaning out the profession so Bridge Party At Alice Arm Was Much Enjoyed ALICE ARM, March 28: Und?r the auspices of the Alice Arm branch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines another most enjoyable bridge party was held in the community club house on Saturday. Ladles' first prize was won by Mrs- E. Peterson and ladles con solation prize by Mrs. Barney Tur- bltt. men's first prize was won by E. Peterson and consolation prlz? by O. Flva. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ole Evindson and Mrs. F. Falck. I It Is proposed to hold one more bridge party In April which will be the last one of the season as, with the advent of fine weather, the people's thoughts turn towards gar dening and other out of door pastimes. Try a Dally News classified ad-vertlsemenf- for beat resulta. vms DAILY NEWS Tuesday u. lOLLlSON WITH MRS. DAHL sss y 1 James Mollison. famed British aviator pictured h re with beau-Uful Mra Harolti Xahl. wife of a United S'a' . ariator Mrs. Dahl and Mollison are pictured at Cannes France Aussies Talk Pro Cricket Subsidies In South Australia Seen As Challente Por All SYDNEY. Australia, ( CP-Reuters ) An "shamateur" cricket to be faced, and better." Mareh 2- TURKS AIR-MINDED ANKARA. ' Turkey. March 28: 'CP A new two-year course involving air-raid precautions and principles of national defence has been introduced In Turkish schools. THE SEAL t QUALITY riiM in GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert , OWNED OLD LANDMARK M. and N. Bar Building at Dawson, , Drtrojed by Fire, Onre Proper-j ty of .Mrs. Peter Black attack on. The M. and N. Bar building, fa-has been mous three-storey landmark of vocational qualities so necessarv irilmade bv K- - E- Johnson, mem- Dawson. hlch as destroyed b I a nurse." jber of the executive committee of 1 fire a few days ago. was for ten. Main Cause of Shortage the New Wal Cricket As-'j-ears owned by Mrs Peter Black. I Yet those examination papers i,soc,auon and aUo a member of now of this city. Mrs. Black pur-; were set with a very definite Dur-luie usirauan ra or Control, chased It in 1W4 for J18.000 from pose In view. Though the fact has not been reported the main cause of the shortage of nurses in Eng- ii air w iace iroieMionai- .mi, r . waoe aua auposed of It urn in cricicet in Australia, let us In 1914 after coming to Prince Ru-come out in the open and say so." pert. said Mr. Johnson. "I know there: One of Mrs. Black's tenants in the shin while Peake at the Congress last year are many mPPotten of the game 'the building was Alexander Pan-' -iii;Tne ri8ht type of edcuated younrwho do not be,,eve 11 u desirable tage. later a famous theatrical mat professionalism should have nroducer. who tumd it a a rir-. ' a pace m our cricket; while there i hall, calling it the Savoy are others who do not see anyi The building derived Its .later reason why a player should not belname "M and N" Bar through hav-paid for hU services." 'tng been operated by two men. Mr. Johnson was commenting MacDonald and Nelson, who leased on recent disclosures that South It from Mrs. Black, paying $860 per Australian players were being sub- month In the palmy davi of the sldlzed by their association. He old gold camp. Many of the color-added he thought the system was ful figures of the Klondyke fre-bound to lead to discontent. quented the place. "What most be the thoughts of The firm of Pattullo & Radford some of the prominent players In of which Premier T. D. Pattullo was South Australia who do not receive the senior member, eventually ne-subsldies?" he asked "I certainly aotlated the sale of th huttri willing to concede that as a rule'thlnk that what South' Au" building on Mrs. Black's behalf the nurse on the American side of'does U the concern New South, waies. i oeueve mat anythln; ' that affecU the whole fabric of NAZI BEER COMES BACK Australian cricket, as professional-1 BERLIN. March 38: (CP) The Ism undoubtedly does, is a matter. I National Health office has come to that It would appeal to the better not only for New Soutn Wal- but'the conclusion Oermans must have type of girl that the much-critlzedi examinations were drawn up. It does not seem that they will accomplish their object. lurauswies. ine mauer win nave their beer A national policy of the sooner the abstinence has been modified to apply only to the youth of the country. George Hills I'AINTINO and DECORATINd Sign Work of all Description Estimates Furnished Free Phone BLUE 731 "(Jovrrnmrnt nor AH" (Section 37) .Votlre of Application (or To TraiWrr Hfrr l.ltrncc NoUc. U hrrebr given tht on th 10th Uy of April next, the under-klgned tnlAnCU o apply to th Liquor Oontrol Board for canmnt to trnrrr or rwr Licence fto, U23, lued In rt--pec, ol pretnbm 'being part of t building known M Bavoy Halrl, tttuat at PraMT Btrrot, upon tht laruU da-crlbed aa IU No. 13 and 11, Block 33, Section 1, Map 923, Prtnoe lUtpcrt lnd IWlntratkon District, In th Province of DrltlAh OolumbU, from Alexander Jamni rrudhomma to Oarl William Zarrtll of Prliu rtlipert. Drltlali Columbia, the tnuufrrM. Dutrd at Prince nuprrt, D. O. thla Sth day of March 1039. CARL WILLIAM ZARCLU Apjiltonnt and TYwiAff rra. Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Caiala f . V Tip f Icq tf&l tale urtM, J CNJl. steamer Prtnce George, dock work in connection with her annual overhaul having been completed, was taken off the pontoons this morning and work will be continued on the vessel alongside the ! pier The Prtnce Charles was taken on to ine pontoons uua aiteniwm. There were only 38 passengers aboard the atatnr Princess Louise which was In port yesterday al-ternoon southbound from Skagway ! to Vancouver. Ther was but one disembarking from the veasel here. Two passenger boarded the ship at this port for Vancouver. Indian Agent W. S. CoUiaon and Dominion Constable A. J Watktn-.-on are on a tr!n Ut Port Simpson today aboard the departmental cruiser Naekeeaa. They left thU morning and are expected back tonight APPLES IOR GER.MANV CRB8TON. B.C . Mareh M: (CP Germaru are eUng more Canadian apples IlrttUh Columbia exports of apples to Germany this year total 115 cars an Increase of 15 over 1938. I? IN HIT L wi Gary C In -OLMI ooper Patsy Kelly. Wu!tr? tet i i and J 3?' ADDED "The Cowboy And The Lady" A haopv rin . from the El - a man from ti v, With MERLE OBLKnv "JllltAlI.ES () FPCRT Cartoon: "DOU t AT( Hl.e-Novelty: "The r promising ruYWRiniin WINNIPEG M. Opl Winn! pet iuu n Jama Ftedlay. arrived la txxt At "lrwnght tn.i 8 o'clock this morning from Stew- "W art, Ahvox and other norihem r3" ' Ott polnU and nlled at t:M thto af- drmX th" ' ternoon for Vancouver gad way- Corporaii points. The vessel was at the ytarit of the Canadian Flab tt OoM Stor age Co. this morning to load fros 'en fteh for Vancouver. LIKE UATJR CAMHFRKA M Thia city of In.' oialm t a world ernur nUon D'- recent heat w.U' were corwumrd each penon hn- Try i Daiiv N- , hnjoy Hie AdvanlaRCi ti Modern Kitchen r.; With a McClary Range For COAU WOOD or OIL Drop In and see :i Ranges--Inspect u tare of superiority BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL ElMSH EASILY KITT CltW SPLENDID HKIN(i OVEN I L'I.LY ENAMEI.M f I.V5IM HIGHLY POLISHED TOP ECONOMICAL ilil CONSUMPTION ' A McClary Range with ollotimer Insulted wil . and economlcsl baking, cooking and hegtinu V changed back for use with coal or wood in a m' , 1'or Satisfactory Service Gel a McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 Crystal Dun But they light MclUllDC strut on i King Coal DUn flotit For they spark Black Diamonds? A Ton Will Come to Vnu If Vo Phone up C32 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVER TUES- T.S.S. CARPrNA f K'"AT' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10; JO p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Mndiy If Convenient, Please Purchase TUkels at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ti r-ets A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Atent. Third Ave. Phone rid.. thp Daii) r. that the people of the whole district are doinfj trie84