men out OF WORK TODAY? The News’ Want Ad. eS Way. Rislative Library Try DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist THE xX i NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m. Princess May..... Saturday, 9 a.m, > PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, F'EBRUARY 29, 1912. —— VOL PROGR Ul, NO. 51 VE ( PRICE Five Cents RVATIVES CALL CONVENTION DICK ON THE STUMP AN INSPECTION OF THE LINE Two-Man Government Opens the Campaign Next Week. Date Is Changed from Twelfth to Fourteenth. | | | Special to Daily News. DIVER WALKED OVER PIPE LINE Special to Daily News. sd Victori eb » ) j ‘ heii ea met u . Feb. a owe ns pork ao , Victoria, Feb. 29. — Premier Pearman artner of the Great r ot oe changes the date of nom- McBride and Attorney General Conditions Under Shawatians Contracting Firm of ri oe W “ . the eying ee oe Buwser open the political cam-| Passage Are Excellent for Lay- Welch & Stewart Going Over Seta ect ron from March 12th paigo at Kamloatye next Wednes- ing Fresh Water Pipes Under Road for the First Time. | to : ar a eee shy a that é day 1ighs and will speak on the| the Salt Water—Cost $100. i f Nedations. 4 ead. desde, kad M b f h C b R P li following evenings at Revelstoke, Se Pp Welch, a powerfu eee ” ae i r 7 Golden and Neison, At a fee of $100 Diver A. B, , an of about fifty, and| peer ee Oe ae oh embers of t e Cabinet epo t to arliament That Their Efforts alist yt aiedb aida Clark has walked across Shawat- reo ae OTIS or ) 2e KE . , s Hoe rng ae ton. |Prior to election. to Settle Differences are Unsuccessful Seen ga eee Hemeewe On see ee ae : his partner, Jack Stew- ERAGE SS OIA . pre posed submarine fresh water , the guest of General | To Dedicate is Chrisie. es tas Aid. Clayton Suggests That Young pipe line and examined the Buy) ndent Mehan erat Dr. Chown, general superin- Street Be Extended. grvind on each side of the line ra the private car Of tangent of the Canadian Metho- for i'fty’ feet. He reports the je iaier to the end of steel. Mol Get Chuneh, will arrive by the) =~ AGH HUNDRED ) THOUSAND MEN INVOLVED |. tues two plank waik ve iia} bottom "ican and sendy, no hak ( aid just before, the train! -1.amer Camosun tonight. He is betweenFourth and Fifth ave-|Jutting ov! to ynterfere with the : peel or cath his accompanied by Dr. W. H. White, ee Gate, nues along the line of Young|laying of the pipes or to cause il visit anc 1a 118} . shail ‘ , 0 . * "eet s access fr »|risk of fracture though u uperintendent of B. C. Metho- . “5 street so that access from the|risk o ur a & neven he first glimpse he had|ai4¢ wissions. Dt. Chown will Also Other Industries May Have to Shut Down for Warit of Fuel—Men Determined populous parts of the city toward| lying of the pipes on, 'he bottom. part of the line. His! Gedicate the new Methodist to Interpret Their Demands in Their Own Way Without Assistance of the hospital and school may be|The report was tied, Payment M Foley, had been! wnurch at the opening service ; | made easier to the Presbyterian|Of the fee is authorized by the fter ‘theif conteaote On|.) sanhath morning. at 44 the Government— Another Conference This Afternoon Ceurch hall was a proposition put| Council. of the Rockies and : ne ' lock. He will also preach at Special to Daily News.) }up at council last night by Al- Senin his side, while hej... ais poe Keates i de ¢ Clayt The > ; The « > 7:30 p. m. Seats are being erman Clayton. The Public The sum of $11 a day is con- arrying on tlie} iooed and the church ‘will be LONDON, FES. 29.—WHAT THREATENS AT THIS MOMENT TO BE ONE OF THE GREAT- | Works depayiment is consider. sidesed by teahadiere acauk tema | f the oordipoters ready for the opening serves) EST AND MOST DIREFUL STRIKES IN HISTORY WILL PROBABLY BE ON TOMORROW. IT IN- | iD¢ it. wowners in the city to be correct ashingto ant re- } 9 ne . . ire > i j ; or ar | me xt Sunday March 3rd, and the VOLVES DIRECTLY EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND COLLIERS, TO SAY NOTHING OF THE IN- | | for the hire of a team in Prince \ Welch VASINE 8!) following Sunday. March 40th. Instead of forty dollars per | Rupert. This is an advance on DUSTRIES THAT MAY HAVE TO CLOSE DOWN FOR WANT OF FUEL. |month as formerly the city audi-| former rates, due, according to lat toe i THE GOVERNMENT MADE THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS '°'s. Messrs. Stewart & Stuart,| (he owners of teams, to increased Ne Dress Gooads and Dor fore the masquerade ‘ are to have fifty, by motion of the} wage bills and other expenses. things at Wa ght McIntyre Hall at 9:30. LAST NIGHT THAT IT HAD BEEN UNABLE TO STAVE OFF THE COAL MINERS’ STRIKE. LLOYD | Finance committee and council | Notification was given the Coun- 2t Gray's erchestra. GEORGE ADDED TO THE GLOOMY ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THE GOVERNMENT WOULD HOLD | last night. cil last night. ANOTHER CONFERENCE WITH, THE STRIKERS AND MINE OWNERS THIS AFTERNOON BUT THAT LITTLE HOPE COULD BE ATTACHED TO IT. IT WAS STATED THAT 60 PER CENT OF THE MINE own-| ERS HAD ACCEPTED THE PRO- POSAL MADE BY THE GOVERN- MENT FOR THE ESTABLISH- SE ONSERVATIVE CONVENTION IS ANNOUNCED hose Progressives are Talkine the Initiative in the Campaign and Will Probably Hand Mr. Manson a Lemon When He Lands From the Camosun_ This Evening BOXING BOUT ARRANGED FOR NEXT MO NTH Joe Bayley Coming Back to to Meet With Paddy Scott for a Good Purse---New Athletic Association Welcomed With Handsome Subscriptions---Looking for Baseball Grounds Manson, member of The annual meeting of the/Dr. Clayton, William Sibbald, MENT OF A MINIMUM WAGE The Prince Rupert Athletic As- could be played here with outside} dispatched to the sporting editor for the Skeen dis-| Progressives is announced for William Angle, all of this Citys!) WHICH WOULD BE A SLIGHT) sociation, a new corporation,| teams during the coming sum-|of the Seattle Times for his ex- ) arrive tonight on some h ct - ae oes ot Seer eects Sc aeeh i: INCREASE, THUS GREATLY FA-/ formed for the purpose of pro- e a a Ringers Boe a - ae ae aes ve is Mr, E, R, to be elected ant 1e@ delegates aC , Le ’ es . ve deeply interested in this step ughes’ reply by wire: m . ‘ N -| moting manly gp eat ; a se var eee o the convention from this city zo Gosan en. Sam Harry MENTS TASK — ton | st a , Lue “ ” moms, Meantime the association has “O’Brien is a pretty good boy, Mit a a f a at _ ee chosen. Smith, Stewart, ¥ u T is starting off with a great deal) aiready arranged for a boxing] but Pat Scott of this city would at tl ae be . —— a 1 The Progressives breathe a een | DEEMED ADVISABLE TO RE- of enthusiasm and it is believed | tournament and yesterday en-{make a fine match for Bayley. Pen — or _ hope that Mr. Manson will not! WOULD GUARD CITY HALL ‘sort TO LEGISLATIVE EN- (that this can be easily main-| gaged by wire two fistic stars.| Couldn’t find a better. If you immediately, as is “pe . pee ee ee | d The firs 28e is » Baviev “ ‘ire terms.” rule st on thel feel too bad about it, as they| 1 FORCEMENT OF THIS MINIMUM (ained. When the promoters! The first of these is Joe Bayley,| want him wire terms. oa ieee : Pag eee | Several Applications in for Posi- WAGE. THE MINERS THEM- ©! the association started out to| Who is already known here. He This was done yesterday and Rae aE Dot the eer vac tion of danitor. SELVES, IT WAS POINTED ouT, °!#i" subscriptions thoy were; Was brought here by the Kaien|the bargain with both boxers re ert remers 12 rm POPRONet) ma } : *|met with the glad hand every-| Island Athletic Club last fall and|}completed yesterday afternoon. to find that dur-|they thought it was up to them \pplications for the position of, ARE PROVING THE GREATEST) 0... In little or no time they|Mmatched against Oscar Nelson.|They are to meet here on the one Progressives to take the parapet mf sop tern: janitor were opened by (he City|}OBSTACLE TO PEACE BEING! had $1,500 subscribed, with in-|This bout was easily won by evening of March 21st for a purse gobbled up or) paigi et oe os aa vitieat | 2lerk at the Council meeting last} ARRIVED AT, AS THEY INSIST) vitations to ‘call again.” Bayley in the second round.|of $750 in a fifteen round contest nt ¢ slence, as y e record, or i Uv BE po st al . . | . aa ‘ 17: be ae . . r . ~¢ > oe : . te 1 - ti th ; 7 ae ise ady| ight. The following were the) ypon THEIR RIGHT TO INTER-| This sum is ample as a starter| Sine then age = won ny vind for poe. ye pps is to get hear when he lands; association, - Rn eee lice lar yeorge . ; {to the rank of champion light-! $450 and the loser $ f : ; one} applicants John Carl, George N j}and its energetic president and| , 2 4 be that the Pro-| made ; ene rare - pre — John Nehring, E, G. Osburn and PRET THEIR DEMANDS IN secretary-treasurer William H,| ¥eight of W estern Canada. Re- _ Seott recently met Pete Mo- S progressing,| more than the ol¢ cONBE es | D. MeNei These are meanwhile THEIR OWN WAY AND AGAINST Wright and Gyril Orme. are now cently W. Naughton, the fight! Veigh at the smoker given by the he may think an|Association ever tried to do. They placed on. file. |THE ADVICE OF THE GOVERNA | ood in invaniiae this initia} |@ditor of the San Francisco Ex-| Seattle Press Club, and a local They have actu-| have had good, clean see aps seeping ee eae le | MENT. cash shane: at te coteniated 2 ns aminer, was endeavoring to ar-| paper gives the following concise ‘Lices for a co ointed to the police ant icense | ‘ s é oO Rs id » ba ‘pe ; sir . . ve nt: th Gor o é i. = a ; 2 | have pealed for the Wants to Be Fireman. 5 iaiaamaMngt se. aga aa 2c the most good. One thing the} ee ad > , ae — y Ce a Oa eae ‘aheno and e Conserve es oO oards, i appealet oO : aL . 3 2 onton / e ny as » ‘ ‘etriot vis ike Alt | ln nf the government lote inwhe | V, Clarke has offered his} The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid| members of the association are | ‘ print cae Bn apices with | tpech-as a datey at the inten lend Icl to be he 1] Sale O ©: BOvery sllbaiatyt : etic Club was negotié z ‘esh as a dais) 2 sh, ive Club rooms on| city, have appealed for and been|services as fireman on the perma-/east of McBride street will hold a/ giving great regard to is the for-| im ‘ bie Third avenue at MeBride/Wiltons. They make nice mats/night, is something like the fam-|Mayor's announcements at the blue sores Testing easier since he removed that deep, byterian Hel! tonight. Don't| street, which has for so long/and sell at half the ordinary|/ous fable of the mountain in|star chamber meeting just con- rBOR SY miss it. hung fire. The government will| price. Wallace's, 2t |labor which after much myster-| cluded,