MEN'S BOOTS & SHOES With our large range in Iwth dress and work lwots comprising of Ilartts, Kitchies, Scott McIIalcs, Tebbets, Valentine, (irel)b and Hamilton makes. We cover a wonderful range in style and quality Let Us Show You Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . ...... $5.00 1 Paid in advance, per week a - 12 Paid in advance, per month - .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and , United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.0i 1 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.0; ADVERTISING RATES j Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 02 1 Local readers, per line, per insertion - 25 ' , .News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION DEPENDS UPON HITLER Thursday, July 6. 1939. tain, Prime Minister Chamberlain intimated that the date; of the British elections would depend very mucn upon Adolf Hitler. While the situation was tense no election would take place. Should the international situation settle down, an election would likely be held this yean BRITISH ARMY Britain has always been looked upon as a great naval power but her army has been more or less insignificant compared with the armies of other European countries. However, a change has come over the face of Europe and one of the changes is the emergence of Britain as a military power with close to three quarters of a million men in arms. This will provide a very effective force. One of the inportant features of the new army is that the young men are nhvsicallv fit. We are told that very few have BACK FROM lARRANGING 'GIRLSAT KETCHIKAN FOR RACE SOFTBALL Loral Rail Team Home DerMing Moitri Yarlit Event Sunday After-5ame At "First City" On j noon Ten Roats Entered Labor Day Planned was In the chair and there was a good attendance. mmmammmammmammBmmm FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 6:45 Pioneer Laundry vs. Velvets tiftsirTEll i I , Asked when the election "would be held in Great Bri- - CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African importers and -exporters seek connections -with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benyiwah House, Wm-neba, Gold Coast, British West Africa. If. HOARD AND ROOM BOARD, Good home cooking, 814 2nd. Avenue West. tf. FOR RRNT been been rejected because of unfitness. This is an excel-: clean, -weii-fumished modern ap-lent record and speaks well for the future of the country.! artment. phone Red 444. axi BANKS ARE THREATENED ', Three of Canada's largest banks have refused any . further credit to the city of Montreal and a letter, written on behalf of the banks to the mayor and published by him, is alleged to have ruined the credit of the city with the result that the city has threatened to enter suit against the banks, claiming two million dollars damages. 'This is a new attitude for a client to take in regard to the banks. If the city were solvent the banks would be only too glad to give it credit because they have millions of dollars more than they need. While with most of us shortage of cash is our trouble, with the banks too much mone.y and no demand for its use is their trouble. We do not think the mayor of Montreal can make out a case against the banks but this case draws attention to the peculiar position in which the banks of Canada and United States find themselves today. TAKING HOLIDAYS When Prince Rupert people take a holiday they seem to know only one way to go. They usually drive south to California. That may be all right in the winter but, in the summer, California is no place for British Columbia people. It is too hot and uncomfortably, "See Canada First" is a very good slogan for summer holidays. ARE NOW . IN FINAL have reached the final In the Can hdian National Recreation Assoc! FOR SALE Modern House, like new. good terms, dhesterfield, library table, dresser, book-case, etc. Phone Green 284. (158) FOR SALE House on Thompson Street, 5 rooms and bath. $609 cash. Small taxes. H. O. Helger- son Ltd. (158) FOR SALE Dominion piano and bench, lovely tone, cheap for cash," Phone Green 213. FOR SALE 8-10 h.p. Petter dlesel' engine suitable for gillnet boat. Complete $200. Phone Black 767 or 1203 7th East. (157) IX THE MTKEMK t'OI'ItT W IfKITIMI (lU MM III tlir Mxllrr of Vrnzl lin'rarit. .tint In tlii Mttrr of Hi ".VIinlnlMriitkin .Ut" TAKE NOTICE tluut by Ord-r of HU Honour Judge FUImt datrd the 28th day of June 1939 I woa tippoinbea Ac!-mirUtCrator of the Estate of Venzl Ellas, late oX the City of Prtiic Rupert j deoebMd, and 11 penora hawing claim I 4$a)twt th EnUute are requlml to flV; I the un wlUi tne In writing properly verified on or before the 15th day of August 1939, and pernm Indebted to I the -Kud Ewuue are required t puy the competition. If weather permits, anaunt of ttir tndebtedn to me . i mm it mi 1 a I V. 1 iu. iney yviu piay on me imai Luingin, (rniwwi. The semi-finals were played' i-.j " Tuesday night, proving close and: Interesting. McPhee defeated Ben iDalgamo 21 to 19 and Jack Preece ; Pen Sinsle-Ilandefl Championship Rests r ' Between Dave MacPhee and Jack Preece Dave MacPhe and Jack Preece score. BAR COLD LONDON, July 6: (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged atlon's single-handed lawn bowling (yesterday at $34.87 per fine ounce. UAttu t mnce mtpera, u.u NOIIMAN A. WATT thU Official AdmlnMratrr Prlnoe Kupert, B O. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK At a meeting of the Prince Rup- I HAJLWAV I I aTiAMSxirt I I COWMUMICAJIOMS I naA wfli '- ' ladies' league fiels tinder Way With Victories For Orotto And Velvet Over Annette's And Nurses Reportlng a very enjoyable trip ert Model Yacht Club last eve- with Orotto winning 0 to H due to the hospitality extended ivlng arrangements for the race over Annette1! and Vrtvet defc-at-them at the 'First City." the for the Prince George cup wer? m Nurses 15 to the 1-adles Prince Rupert baseball team re-1 completed. The race will be run goltball League got Into action last turned home on the Princess tn Sunday afternoon Immediately uight for the Xirst scheduled fix-Louise yesterday fternoon from, following the arrival of the stam- tures. There was a good-slml Ketchikan where they partclpated er Prince Robert The course will cl0wd of fans In attendance. With In the Independence Day celebra- be the same as last year with the nraellce. the girls give promise of Hon. Of the series of three ames, boats starting from opposite vuml developing considerable prowess at the locals "won the first two and hadquartfrs and finishing at the lr)t game. The Orotto-Annetto's lost the third by a score of 5 to same point. game was of particular interest 3. Jack Lindsay was -driven out of Ten boats axe entered and draw - tne former snatching victory ut the box hi the final game, Sonny ing for the starting positions re- ff .feat by making four runs in Stiles replacing him. The inter- rutted at follows the first boat tne fifth and last Inning. Rett town series of six games sa far beginning nearest the wharf: Dicferas hurled for the Grotto and being deadlocked with three vie-' 1. "Mary Annie" wwc S. Mickey Skattebol for Annette's tories each. It Is now planned that Illngstou, registry No. 2. Edna Dickens pitched for VelvH the lorals should go north on La- 2. 'Saucy Lass." owiw, Davlrt an(j A,uly Andrews for the Nurses bor Day to play a seventh and Todd, skipper, M MaeKwizJe, re?- Andrew Letourneau was umpire of deedln pame at Ketchikan. Istry No. 3. The home-coming team consist- 3. "Saxaoon," owner and skip-ed of Dido Gurvich, Sonny Stlle3, per. W. L, Sandlson, registry No. 2. Johnny Comadina, Oeorge Howe, 4 "Sheila," owner and skipper Harley Lewis, Andre Letourneau, J. A. MacRae, registry No. S. John Schroeder, Al Simonsen, Jack 5. "Annie l" ovrwr, S. Hlnfr jCamnbell, Don Arney and Jack ston, registry No. 9. Lindsay. 6. "Rupertla," owner, A. J. Croxford, registry No. 23. 7. "Ivanhoe, owner and skin- An Illustrated lecture on North- per, M. M. Lamb, registry No. 6. em British Columbia by Rt. Rev. 8. "Vagrant." owner and skip- O. A. Rlx, Bishop of Caledonia, per. J Gibson, registry No. 1. proved Interesting to members and 9. "Invader." owner and sklp- guestf at the regular weekly lunch- per. H. Oawthorn, registry No 7. eon of the Prince Rupert Rotary JO. 'Tyee," owner and skip-Club today. Dr. C. II. Hanklnson per. A. J. Croxford, registry No. 4 balls and strikes H w 1 ami Sverlno Dominate, bases. The line-ups: Annette's Davis, SkatteboL Graham, FrlU. Ellison, Btaln Basso-Bert, Johnson, Yager. Grotto Harvey. Dickens, Smith Birds, Ritchie. Ratchford, Thomaj Beale. Glass. Velvet Flewin, Dickens, Hall-berg. Rowe, J. Dickens, Blake. R Gomez. A. Gomez. Vlnk. Nurses Morrison. Fallant. Andrews MacDonald, Betty. Oerow. Hlbbard, Hunt. L. Morrison. Scores by innings: 1 2 3 4 5--T Officers Elected ' Angle's 5 0 3 0 18 Officers for the year were elect- orotto 2 0 2 2 410 ed as follows: j ' 1 2 3 4 5 T President, Captain J. R. Elfert. v4vet . 3 5 2 5 015 Secretary-treasurer. J. 8. Wilson. Nurse 0 2 J 0 2 7 Executive J. Gibson and A. J. Croxford. ' Mrs. Robert Murray! wlw had the A considerable amount of detail misfortune to break her shoulder Including arrangements for mark- iB a raj on Third Avenue Monday Ing out the course, selecting offl- njght, had arrVed in the city only clals for the race, conditions of a pie 0f days previously from racing and marking of boats waa Ottawa with her husband, a baker, disposed of. For those watching who ls jomin? the staff of a local the race it is pointed out that the bakerv Mrs Murray is resting as boats may be identified by tha comfortably as can be expected at numbers on the sails, shown in the Prlnce RupPrt General Hospital, the list as registry numbers. In attendance at the meeting were M. M. Lamb, W L. Sandi- son, M. MacKenzie in addition to son, J. Mcftae. S. Hlngston, II. Captain J R. Elfert who presided Gawthorn, A. J. Croxford, J. Gib- and J. S. Wilson. "And you piomii nvf to lt m down?" "Till fh andi oF lU dewrt and my lojt S Cop grow cold I SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The fxtrtil form in hUh tobacco can hi imohtd." CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Oiean Falls and Way Port BS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 8.8. PRINCESS LOUISE S3. PRINCESS ALICE July 5th, 15th, 26th July 8th, 19th, 29th SJ5. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE July 72nd Aug. 2nd DlrectrCormecttons at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W, L. COATES. General Aent. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave i-rlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8. CATALA EVER? TUKS T.SA CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 11:39 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Mvnflay ajn. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. CKINNI'.R, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone SG8 SERVED ON THE ROYAL TRAIN P SALADA TEA BAGS IN BOXES OF SO -41-100 .... nu. nn mi onlv dauihtc ' P I inC BlKTIiHr w i - - - - ivm.. at rhrut church Cath- BarUelt ef Asnoroft t J ir . . . . ll,Junn tlrJutrt lUrtletl fjf T .fii in vnnmuvpr L.v.iiu.avu.. swv.v Sir Francis HeathcoW offWaUng. Alfred Stanley Kew.y T of Miss Heather Whitehead Bar' rouver MacKenzie's Furniture BEDROOM SUITI'.S- Cons-ttntt of lid. Birh x ai Drcaaer with Round Mirror or ottiaratoe and gC Aj Chlftonter. Utast models. From. pr Our fiioU are lllfh in tjuillty but Ui in Prlre Termt f b Arranxed Phone 775 Remember the Day 8 with a SNAPSHOT Complete Developing, Printing and Knlarc inj; Service Agents for Kodak and Voigtlandcr Cameras Special While They I-ast Warwick box Cameras Taking Pictures Size 2 1-1 x 3 1-4 $1.95 Ormes Ltd. TTJtA Pioneer Druqgists The Retail Store Phones; tl & " Oprn Daily from t a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundavs and llolidnyi from 12 noon till 2 P--7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ooooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofl M V AND BETTER COLD CURED ICE For the llallhut mnA 6..n. I.-t..a i Following the Investigations of the FUherles Research SUt ( the Company has lust rrmni(i and topr menu in ice storage and Ice delivery methods. . - I. (. . mf ,ur ais will all be old Ice, thoroughly 'ur T 5 Bed "t new low temneratiires. It will be delivered lnl j; the hold, even In the hottest weather, as fold 1M storagi room. P . V .. . t, are UlvUed 10 "wpect .tha new system, ? 1 ever beforc- m's c . . u l at n0 increase In cost, me boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert fn I f fl BrltUn