BcrJasei UacP&ee Hsier Arral TOC2 DIAMONDS Gems of Romance Mounted in Modern Settings Instilled Craftsmen We Have a Larze Asortaeat t the Latest Deiiras is . ENGAGEMENT RINGS WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES. BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. t wI euU im Tier, imj crura that yoa inter, ia rrar or aay Over piere f jewelry. We hare in stock rinrs lira JKil t SUM.ML We Utile Towr Irerti FINE CHINA, DINNER WAR E, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Still Resting After Making His Big Swim -2 2 3 2 a 2 ..2 -1 GLESDIYE. Unt.. Jar : DpBiii SpetialhX 2 2 2 21 1 low Staoe Rirer is -ioeh he brte both the American aad werldlc (ZsUzee rewds. He swast 223 sites asd left the water wtthoaV aod bis lezs were paotf bOt bhacb He lost 11 of bis 22 rxysads. KITSfX.iS CHILD DIES Herbert George, three aod a half-year -ok! aon of llr. aoj Mrs. Baseball Standings Can1 iimi iti Laai I 3 r- 3 iPSttabar? 'New York Biotas Oe-Ktaad ISC Lsaas VT. Todd. NatiMiai Learae .35 a J3 Aaierkaa Lea fie -S3 -XI J5 3 - 13 ANYOX 23 31 32 31 IS 32 34 IT 25 32 32 22 43 O IOCS KiIUm 7n k. i-. fcfa "4 hoar mn doro the Yel- k"d eSesded bokdars to YaaeoereT aad eisewbere in seoth. Oraat HeaderbyB left week-ead tor VaacovTer. TEX. IUZ.T MAS Vxmtixj. July 6 ism ? Whifflets'lp : -J 'f' From The Woterfrcnt IK rlUUKfc MACDONALD BasebaUScores Cathedral Sunday RINK LEADS Ititn; wi Canad.a- Xaaccal Rec-rtaUoo As5Dna'or: i Lath B7tis LeaK Trtfc. three vias asd no ioas-es. Railu of Geor$e HUL B. L Ttealov and D. C. Sxtaad have, also -aaa time matrtew sat tner ksi udamn u aot dear. G pLird tan -svek have IcSerrr. Werr. It: UacFhee. U. Hsksc. 77: HOL IT. MaePtsee. ; Anal. 1L Frrr. . Barlaad. U. The Wave VideaahJ J Ha .. all i I I Yesterday Bi? Leayae Kcrrt nre as foBm: Anericaa Leafae Barton S. PSnladrna 4. ajhiajian 1 Kr Tort derecukd 1. Chfca$o I atiBaI Learae ?e-r York II. Boston 7. Phflaalphia 1. BraoUra Chicago 1. PSttstars SC LoaJs 2. CaoeiDnatt & School Picnic Is cr? Yosaka .251 s s 132 ill the at the 3 T-aJ These criip-curliog, boncj-golden KelJogg's Grn FUkes haTe a tempting flaTonr that m other cereal can match. The formula for blending the rich corn and malt flavours is the original Kellogg reap that has made Kellogg's Corn Hakes Canada's most popular cereal j i j indeed, the biggest-selling readj-to-eat cereal in the world! What's more, there so easy to serre that they're famous as the "30-Second Breakfast. " Order set eral packages today. oy neuogg s in London, Canada. Got a Head Start Every Day with Jr CORN FLAKE! Gak J aad .t55 Girt It Mary Adeock. Biyr M aad .757 Sway Pavtch 3 Girtr 13 amf Girls' J "Xah a coaaparairreij ratal s X aajgessttrs ota,hr lt of v-fcoas twessty-twc ftwf ahirtcrf here C? R. nnmirPi'i i 1 1 m Lsaaae. Cap & K. Graj. xu at pan boat 3 to S o thtt yi auiday aT-eraocc treat Siaorray w Yan- Ttae stMrVy of the pat aboard here for ois loans: re- reached a kick art far the Jraaan at Ketchikan jaaterstay whem e per poaad mi pahL nr red sai-aaoa lie and tr was ham bbM jrsteroay. As ia thai distort, the run of scraaai at HNdhaaalern Ai- asia has beea er aafct flaa aaaa- ser. Enjoyable Outing I St. AadreWi Cathedra; Saadar 'Sflfccqf beat r- aaaaal parziic at iDfehr Istaat; t: Tsedar There jw a lane atvodacee of etuktrea. ' pi nil aad ttstors who .tae oatkar to the taS. Ma at datraeae the cievtz. ' The iiaiui Seawwx: Gwii S aad Ptsry -Davht Arteaw FWc- ceraU. Leva Bait. iUrj Bakor. Bias 12 aad aader Boaert Batt-323 L X DTta. Nfl Skcaanrd. 297 Gai 1 aad aaser iflcat Yaas-277 "uka. Mariw Saaavard. jTTJ fVw H aad aojder-J. Dvtta, Bt-di- tew. Cfekr tkree-liCMd raea UaW Nordaa, Affesar ttwiW; Bttty Therjfa-. Levaa, Bott. Boar thne-iecBed nee J. Bom. Batr Watt Tltcojabe. Beaerhr Bsny. sjLriii2nM hm -.. ,or Stewart were ilra. G. c i"1"' "W5- cracked froca toe sbb and ab v't Here's a 3 -WAY JOB... your breakfast must do! tbrtt tath i this, i w crean. . Corn Btty Boh Un H k 2eadowc Ubm Fdlth BqChweS. Maa Gfc-w. Vfias Rra ChandW. , Mar Jots Baker. Art bar Ctdc. Er-Jaest Udows and Levi FUaeeraM. I BU lor eosneftae the 1"- u esons and eroH the harbor were aaaBed fcy Ea2ilGeflrM.af K-itn. ,K4. tl": bc hare been on a trio tf -- R M-raaa 'Choe Race. Cant eTt!.RTrt tB'IVa- tte city froa eral Hospital and funeral arraare-! the -oath on the Prfeee Rapm re- 77T " un- terday ranrnmr aad rmjeeeded by !LI ehild -h train to Trraee where !f 21 CaribIe CamK7 Mr sea, is -nt for the Can-dorter the sommer. ',iiUa Natt0Qu RaflTVi. Bert Sbeooard 1. P. Cade 'Edacl. Onoaari aad Dr. Ke?p op to dais. Ad?xave Tlv re. an.:; ptaiust Xrsare Piif.r- j ::rd at 'atoceiish: Sonata. -urt: shows tocac: aad FTsaay a: the Capital Theatre Tiw star? m e-specaaEy first appearusee The cax mrlHaea Mane rhar FarreB. Barbara aad &v Orcow Pateraakt stays a. T! 1.. D 'Hnginui Waaaaidy Na. f Cacncs a -PaseaBaae at A Flat Va- Maar.- Oa of the chsMraas cf at pJetare iMtai Snmt- aa a daaaar aal h thiB the Law a grtpplac of a ejtrt -aha itu idi to i-t even .th aaefctty alaer heen aiuufhPj- aeaz to Oesaeral dmoym A saoderav ilili 1 1 aalaai a ccsstred wtat of Van coal waatkir aver Brioaa Coia.r Weat to a thef: ahe dht aot coaaait. fr ad. after aaaae harT eadbat. Stath riaan j. hrC- has the In aim role Ha'ta i aho baaa ihc Sex York theatre, ptaytac appoaae her. Paal Ke9v WUSaat Ganran. Paal Car-aah. Rita Johnmr. "aiaail & Lrcae Carter, "olin i aod Jo Aaa Savers aho have aaportant pans Seanram Since 1857 f9( for eittCct 4 CANADIAN RYE WHISKIES SEAGRAM'S KING'S PLATE RYE WHISKY 7 l ew oU 2S oz. $2.15 SEAGRAM'S SPECIAL OLD RYE WHISKY 5 I ears old 2S oz- S1.S5 LCa 1 iYCUUCa Oar ran Jfiss Tcaapeat ace seta a rautt efh-wsor. the mat arttat UjBH ttw Maaet a taa eJaBareai oaaee FKESH MLVT JELLY I weTatr l : sacked: 4 cap 1 cap water. J1? n, aw nrrar frees coi S battle trait pectin Waaa assearauat. Do aot v froai the dial r Ufa 3 aa irt uaeepan a - 1 aodeo potato mxi.- " Vkt U'aar water - 1 aad airx. Bra to tr fire Wha m.x ar eaadac t a boO. add eicr to five aaared shade. Uie cok'--Maeh trait acids do aot fad A aaaa aa aUatate holla, add bet eetas. atlrrtar i atoUnllj Th- te a fan ill at hail xrA oae-haif aat aote Rem ?T fire aad tkaa. To reaaove al. traee of wHA Wvea. aoar hot ieDr throarh ftae atrre into Paraffin aad eaver a' Maim ahoai 5 ctaates ( fhPd oanra each. Tba ac- - !r.t : r.ot pab aRee. o-r Mr rv LMaor Cortro. Beard or by he Gonmn.eJt Bri'.h Co! irnbta MONEY -. - SAVINGS Breakfast Suites and Bedroom Suites Sia-piece Breakfast Saite-Balfet. drooside UWe set of four chain rtoral brown eotor trimmed in red. on 4 r A HeaTjiar SM M. Saie OOl.DU Faor-piece Bedroom Suite Consirftog of bed. ehiMonter. ranity ucwr aoe apoecKerea oenen. Kezaiar 178. QfiTQ Sale . Vt.tJU WE SLXL ONLY FOR CASH No Love N Acetrant Expense That CItcs You the Lowest Price OTE-Dnrint the Sale Store Keeps Open till pjn. Saturdays 9 p.m. ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Aienae HfWgLrwiij Pbone Green IK SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling al OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leave Prince Itupert every SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Train leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Fridav, 6 p.m. 'aM-'iifrer KxpretiH FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. For fnrr, etc., call or tcritn City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. V.fc. 1 ' BBBBBBBBBBBBB BaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBSaaV ' " ki- . fc., t aBBaBBBvaawaBBm HRs!v9aBBV 'ir bbbv. BBBBBBK-BBBBBlL I faBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaBBBBBBBa Hcth llaiser Fanl Ktllr In EXTRA I At T II and 9 Ml AUDI:!) FEATLKK Ktar. X: Qaeen at New York's tVortd Fair '?-N and 9 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates Sl.M ap M Rooou Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert BC Pbone MI P.O. flat IM THE SEAL f QUALITY (.OLD SKAL Fancy Kttl Suckeyt' TINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon tannine company with an all the year roand payroll In Prince Rupert COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Thones 58 and SSI Phones 18 L 19 P.O. Bos 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars HaTe .More Cents-Have yon tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You re" celve dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for rifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? ' pposuc Canadian Legion MISS YI1KI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Thone GREEN 880 727 Fit AS Lit ST. "Within The Law" At 133 Only ' 5 TONIGHT and FltUlAY Last Complete Show I 32 L DAY and .NIGHT Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAZ.2IE Opp. Post Offke. (tb l Specials THIS WEEK ONLY Satin Finish "61" Quick Drying Floor Varnish $1.29 Q"art Cellutone Wall-Finish 99c Qu'rl "61" Quick Drying Enamel 29c 1int KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block. Phone 234 ii 1 1 "Vimm WatUHMKammmr -r -r inrilaBwaaaaaal in an , , , LffFSfj ;?JaB,BaaaPBaBaaBaaaasaaaaalJBBaaat