A a Mr Hotel Arrivals e r Wick. cKj. Hi no Utirrt M - 'on A Bsrrw and C VnrTnr Dr, and AigartMNM, Mr N-s , Donald ritrti, ran Central Mrs W Farley. Edson You'll find Your Mode! Her THE urge to complete (hit snap. hot record of your i will be all the ttronger when you ee the new Kodaks here. Fssier to cirry about, atyled for the tlmei, more capable than er, they're a delight to iny one who wantt good snspshotn There's a model in eery price range that will make the picture you want. See them here aoorw ' M Ywh. who his re-' (mn fee tcvcMnc uff r Bi MfMorM school here I M I M up tofctcaj ttudlnl "'' Oae in TwvNtta. wUi Jji B-T on th Mw Oorw tor Viinanutn- . ' . r n4 Data Lata. Ter (kvhta idMl MJ rtr tr Barret Pwt; J. B,. Cal-ry J Harte. CNJt MANUFACTURER'S OFFER TUDOR PLATE BV ONUDA COMMUNITY SILVERSMITHS Madelon SPOONS Ta FORKS: KNIVES liwrt Sotip Dinner or Dessert Salad I'mK Dinner or Deat. II. II. Dinner or D. Ikrttrr SpreaJers Design M 1 OPEN Vo stock rv Hs7 complete sets V AS LOW AS INCLUDING CHEST Th Madelon Drslgn li rrgu-Ir TlkIut Hate quality and Is hacked by a full KtltA CEMENT GUARANTEE. Cet tout today Open Stock and Sets. RI.Gt'l AR PRICE 2.00 Mt 6 4.00 art 4 00 Ml 4.00 Ml 6 S.S0 Mt 6 8 00 art 4.00 art SUE PRICE I 00 Mt6 2.00 art 6 2.00 art 6 2.00 art 6 2.00 art 6 275 art 6 4 .00 art 6 2.00 art 6 JULY 6th to JULY 15th ONLY PAY ON CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS John Bulger Ltd. PHlaf laaaaK GlTV THERE'S A NEW THRILL SNAPSHOOTING WITH A mw KODAK llaby Brownie 1HX2', Inches picture size . $1.10 C?0 IlroNtile 2bxS,.4 Inches picture sire $o KO Hull's Kye Kodak -2'4X34 Inch picture $3.00 V.P, Jiffy Kodak-Folding type SIM 628 Sire Jiffy Kodak-Folding type $8.25 16 Sire Jiffy Kodak-Folding type $3.00 C20 aire Kodak Junior With lens, and time adjustments. $8.50 CIS sire Kodak Junior With Irna and time adjustments $10.25 620 sire Kodak Junior f.8.8 lens, Kodax shutter $13.25 C16 sire Kodak Junior- f.8.3 lens. Kodex shutter $17.50 620 sire Kodak Senior ( 4 5 lens, Kodamatlc shutter $27.50 New Model 35 Kodak MiniaturesThe latest type quality kodaks f.5.6 lens $16.00 f4.5 lens $27-00 f3.5 lens $37.00 'tt a KODAK llooklet lleautlfully Illustrated with all the Latest Models and Priors Its Free "HOW TO MAKE GOOD PICTURES" The Indispensable Kodak band book. Price - &0c J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal llank lllog. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 day afternoon to Ketchikan tarfalr Ika aaanWr aa4 trnftfc T r4 wpuartr. Tara vita your kloodraaat aa. iraa'U frri lik. aoaadiaa p tk atalrt at If ma ar lloatincoa air. ttarrajidl tar Or. WOlarax riak rata lnT. aid IXale are mjuimi to rurnian tue mit in -rttiiur. omwrlT veritled. ta IN THE HITREME COrRT OF nRITISfl COLVMniX In the Mailer of lYedrrltk William Heard, lereeit And In the Matirr or the "AdinhiMratlon Art- TAKE NOTICE tl t by Order of Honour Judge W. E, Flaher dated tht oand dor of June 1939 X wti appointed AdmliuKtratar vt U Estaie of rYeder-J Ick William Beont, deceiuied, late of the Village of Trrrace; nrttlah Oolum- bta , and. all peruana having claims TBI nAiLT JsTWl LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mm. Jack mm will rail on tlit Tonight traib, out from the .Prince George tomorrow a ft moon uu at 11 o'clock, was reportea tar a vim In Stewart. uiu -fterntxwi t be on time. Mrs. V. Suddaby returned to th Mm. II Kai iinel hUri rriwt iB city on the Princess Louise yester- the oil y n tbe Price Rupert y- from a oriel trip terday morning from Vancouver. - John Clausen runw4 to the city Women Canadian Club Din- on the Princes Louise yesterday mr. Boston Cafe, Friday 6:45. As tornoon after pndlng a trw days outatanding speaker: John A vlsltln in K4chikan Mann. M. v. lot Hamilton Tost. ,15Ck Mrs. A. O. Mfrw;. who has been , , , on a orJf trip to Kir3iilun. re- Karl Thlele, well known Wrangell turned o the city from the north '7.1'' a tten8V i the mnoPMiOouise yesterday af-aboard the Princes Louise yester- tmioon. day afternoon going through on a ' trip to Seattle. H. F. YoJec arrived In the cfy Mr and MrsT Dert Morgan and Jt he Pri,ncPSS daughter. Mis, Connie Morgan, will lZT f'T ' leave tomorrow for Frlzzell's Hot !"d fA .?.h' nlll tra,n tot Spring on the Skeena Rifer to " Anrinsas-spend a two or tbrre weeks' holiday., . Mr. n w m!W Mr and Mrs. C. 11 Fitzgerald, ... ... . . -vsaaaa-- J Vtl HU aUlJ OJV urday evening ion the Prince George for Vancouver to pay a lst with Robgrt "--past Africa and hare been spending the'" veek here visiting with their . , ,v. . ntn Zmml -arrived ,n the city Friday morning- train Jor Peter- ZlfJ ST h"e oN a-ugh. OnUrlo. where they will yj a unci i nit ikiwik cmoarung r,a July 18 from Quebec aboard the Ftnnreat- of Australia for England. After visiting another son In London they will sail from Southamp- n for Capetown KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Peplea Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. TU WiSllna tklae iW low io4 wat U tkat raa a abant mntk aa mi it m lak Waltar aad itrn. ri r rmn (rH at it m ka4 Ira4 la sw Wg. doc7. tifvd aa4 aaf . Iw Mn4 eoaal mran J 09 unit avrfc n4 Uno4 rarpMrit. It U tkrtr vMal laa la carry ur4rliac otrm inm tout laac tkratuaaut last bod f. Aa4 )uX u It lakta y la wtiAvmt luoaH la raur car a4 aiafc Ta pamtr to tara ska vtvtU. aa ytm awl Va tanUr of Sa aiUada UW rnrrsT ta yaar k4r an4 tr ya (orac pmt. fct tr. WUIiaaM rma tiWIay. TW ara vafM-taaMMU for Ik krla IWr mtm ta Mrs. Harold Oennlson, the Mbs KeUle Ourvkh of this city. arrived In the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from Whltehorse to pay a visit with her sister. Mrs. Ed Olsen. I Miss Clara Phlllrpson, who has been here since the death of her father, the late A J. Phlllipson will n Saturday rvenlng by the Prince George on her return to Vanoourer. Can you Imagine it? Vou hear the world'? greatest pianist at the Capital Theatre tonight and Friday . . . Paderewskl In "Moonn?ht Sonata" A feature length pictnre everybody! will enoy. John Allmond Marsh, M P. of. Hamilton West, Ontario, will arrive in the city on the Prince George; Friday momln? from the south and that evening will address a dinner meeting of the Women's Canadian Club. Mr. Marsh, who h an execu- . tlve ot a large porcelain manufac- iv tiii: M TKtMt: ttii KT HKiiioiil turing company, has a world-wide 1 n pkoi I 't e j reputation as an astronomer and rotate H be the of astron-.vhiebig. in the Matirr of the ot LouW on subject iterae4 lomv that he gives an illustrated TAKE NOTICK Slat by Oroff of Hit Suprrme Court at BrtU&h OoluxnVt trttrra Protavi u! thr Erftale of Lours BctiMblf. orvnuwl. tat? of Pr'nc Ruo- ert, B. C .. J JVM at Prince 'RupertJ aiorila n or about tlw 3rd oay cT February 1939 granted to Aloa Ohnrnorg aal Norm K. Arnold of Prinr Ruprrt aiornaUd, trie Executors nameH in the win of the aald decemflrd Ail prnana harlng claim againat tliH ue undersigned wiuiin one month I The funeral of the- late Martha O. ,cnom the daie or tbu woute, Larson wDl take ulace tomorrow .auant to ue wui vUhout pegardifdaT. at 2 ojn. from the B. C. (to any aueh eiafcna. Ail persona tnorot- Undertaker's Chapel. ked to the aald TSt are neretry re-1 joutrrd to pay the amount X teieir In- ' Idefttednem to in tuwmgnra rarin- ivith. DATED at Prtftf Rupert, B. C, this TJnd tiay ot Jioi li3 ALOIS OILXESORCJ and NORA E. ARNOLD Dos S9S. Prmo Rupert. B. C i the st "preme rm'RT or intTin COItMUIt j in ritoimE In the Matter of the AdmlnMratlon July ily 20, 20. Art And In the Mailer of the Etate of Jahanne Mlen llundl.aminrr, Othetwle Know As John Mlwn Hammer, Ieerases1, Intrstale , TAKE NOTICE tit by order of His Honor, W C. Flaher, the TSttt day 0:1 June. A, D. 1S39. I we ajgwtntad Aa-mlnlatrator it the eatale ot Johtaatf NUrn lliknutoa rner, oUierWlae know aa John Nllnon Hammer, deceauied. o4 all parties hating claims against tn aald eatate are hereby required to fur-nlah asm e, prrqwrly verified to me on or beiore the Slat Uy of July. A. D, 1939, and all partlra Indebted to th rwtt are required to pay the amount of their IndetatedneM to me forthwith. DATED June 19th, A. t. 1939. NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, BC. lecture. He is also wWl known as an organist and. choir leader. Mr. Marsh will be here until Saturday evening when he will return to Vancouver. Funeral Notice Announcements All advrrUaeinenta in thU column will be cbaritu tor taQ month t 29c a 'worfl. oulml to Xurnlah aam to me properly, py ana comfortable comiortable. muled on or oerure vna siat oay w July 1939 and all persona tndftitej to the aald EvUitie avm required to pay the amount of their Indebtednem to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT, Official rUlmlnUtra,tor, Prince Rupert, B O DATED the 9&th day of J una 1939. Prince Rupert Regatta and Dahce Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Catholic Baraar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian. Shows Big ger and Better. Dance every Thursday, East End Hall. Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar November 3. ACID FEET? Feet That Sweat, Burn nd Give Off Offensive Odors TonlRht do this Rive your tired aching, feet a good hot foot bath ustnjc a Rood soap; rinse and dry thoroughly. Next pour about a teaspoonful of Moone's Emerald Oil Into the palm of your hand and rub thoroughly over each foot, rubbing wen mio uie sojcs repeat the rubbing In the morning. This brings relief and quickly, too. That tired aching burning soreness goes and you go about your work again hap Unpleasant root odors from excessive foot per spiration gone for good. Moone's Emerald Oil does not stain Is economical and sold satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Any progressive drug -store will be glad to supply you. W. J. McCUTCIIKON DRUG for breakfast and 'rwreo meal aoacks kat delicious, oouritb. lag Quaker Corn Flakes. Always criper, toaiuet, fresher, because each package is waa- wrapped ad triple-scaled. Every tasty flake has all the rich, sweet, out-like flavour and nourishing, goodness of sun-ripened corn. Oaahar Cam rlafeas to r Um wiak mnt kacaaaa trrm4i4 I ar kaaHhtal Vitamin "D. c Mrs. J. R Mcllralth and little daughter, Patricia Jean, who hi.ve been vtttlng here for the past six week a' the guests of Mrs. Mcll-raith's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. McD. Hooter, will leave by Friday morning's train on their return to their home at Cobourg, Ontario. Mrs. O. D. McLean and daughter. Mist Shirley McLean, have arrived in the city from Vancouver for a month's visit with Mrs. McLeans son and dau?hter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke McLean. Mr. McLean Sr. will be arriving later for a visit Mr and Mrs. Oeorei RnWmn of Vancouver arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from the south and will proceed by tomorrow morning's train to Jasper Park enroute back to Vancouver. While here they are th guests of Mrs. Robertson s brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. E E. Yaer. Mr Robertson Is credit manager for Woodwards Limited of Vancouver. Fhone 62 Phone 63 Eggs "Rrookfield" 'A' urnde iarjre. rff 2 flozpn QO .Park Hutts- Itollc'd list. Veal 2gp ShoN'enl- Jgc Rolled Lb. Pot Rst. Jg PICNIC SUGGESTIONS Garlic Rings Li I Liver LI). Saus 30C Head Cheese 2C Chicken Loaf QQq Swift's Oittage Rolls Awrage 2 IQ lbs. each. Lb-'" Diamond 4A' 9Qp liaeon -Lb. Ayrshire Ha- OOn con-Lb. Butter 3 " 79c Fryinj: Chickens A Each 'tib?'-" 25c Sausajrc Meat 25C Fruit Mince-meat 2 lbs. K-9 Dos Food 25C 2 tins Fresh Cottage Cheese Whipping Cream FISH FOR FRIDAY Remember! You Can Get It at The Sterling Quaker Mrs. John Leach and daughters Doris and May, are leartng on tomorrow morning's train to spend the summer vacation in Victoria and elsewhere In the south. Jack Hanson, superintendent tot the T. A. Kelley Logging Co., arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday following a trip to Vancouver. He will proceed from here to Tanoo. Queen Charlotte Islands, aboard the company service boat Nora Jane. PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay and daughter, Mrs. Don Ritchie, and son. Jack Lindsay, will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Haz-eltcn. Having already shipped their car to the interior, they will make a motor trip as far south as the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Francisco. At Princeton they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay's daughter. It's the cumulative effect of advertising that counts. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Used Furniture 2 only Camp Cots A A Special ?O.UU 1 Remington Typewriter $3 50 1 Connor Copper Washing Machine 35 00 1 Northern Electric Green Enamel QAA tZ( Washing Machine tjrlt.tlV 1 3-piece Chesterfield Just like $57 50 1 Oak Vanity and 12 50 1 Vacuum Cleaner GO J A Special ?O.DU Just Received Large Shipment of UNPAINTED FURNITURE Consisting of Ruffets, Tables, Chests, Nite Tables, Medicine Chests at Very Reasonable Prices Phone BLACK 321 (Next Door to B.C. Clothiers) 3rd AVE. Enjoy the Advantages of Modern Kitchen Equipment . Bl aH - i With a McCLARY RANGE OR OIL Drop In and see the new FOR COAL, WOOD MlClary Ranges Inspect for yourself their many features of superiority. 19 Beautifal Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Baking Oven Fully Enamelled Inside Highly Polished Top Economical Fuel Consumption A McClary Range with oilburner installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service. It can be changed back for use with coal or wood In a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE McUUlDE STREET Phone 311