i r . f.t,in,( lluldi Litrs Set? .v., nn Account oi bhusuoh i MfTlMI DEMONSTRATIONS LONDON, July : CP- The ... , I..nvi4 tnnlrlit m M nniii - a . . , . i rt. umargni oi iwimi i . M 111 u uni ib r, to take part In fUstlUe MY fllt" i... - lulv II. The Hiii not ronneci ine n- mffnvnt with the l.uropean ,.tkn but sevrral ouaners l..- nrtlnf ftuch action for i r .u .. I . a . . . irirninr id Binrruvi t sDe the forernment IntrodMred rrliimfntarr bill to t up a l.li. riMiwawM in - - - ' g u. ...411 lr ftrrat Rrltain n. P.. I. ni4 Turtrr Itourrun. a r .... "NDC'N July : CT The, vrrnment to eonsiderirMi r F jrr and Poland In a !i the Danzig Senate Drnnan military aetlvl- Free CHr. It was re t f erday. eonstdered the jL'.ire - dsr eonttdeftag the in-1 i Mtuatloa wtth prteu-( e to rota Ad and Dan- U x-er Nerille Chamber- Houae of Commons f- -' Qbservatien of TirU jtodomU were bekn ucuIUiioa with tAt Tr, frtit" " -- ' H'l-iet. Under SecreUry ' Affairs tottt the H-w ttvA Ortat RriUln .'a'ed to rrstH atgresMrton : powtbk aturopt to -1 tHn1 Btt-' ' - ' a nuton-r to Wm s P'and whlen ; r eerUinlv fulfil ' . t .rtM iat nH?ht that. French warships weiei a point within twelve i r Dansig to be ready for' r e'iry at the Free City. fairly German Question Brr.TN. July :-A Nazi srvikes- as: night that Danzig rr.y a Ocrman Question. 1 j ;. rause for war" which J 2rra Dr tain and France wcrej ' .h fomenting. British 1 Frnh manoeuvre. It was -r,lH -nl Vi.lt ttllp' In. I ' . MM . . I . . .. 1 Reich to prepare for r it ns Lase ud Forest Fires Situation Much Bttter Now as Re nit or Precipitation Fewer This Year Than Last VICTORIA, July 6: (CP) Rm Af pa.rt few days have reduced l.rt hazard in British Columbia. l'p f July 1 this year four hundred '"f? have been reported In the FK "e ThU U only about half -is number for last year up to a rxtt :pondlng date. 1 a. n wiuiesira oy Electricity LPt.ld Stokowskl Eiperts To Mk Tour of Europe With One Before Long PHILADELPHIA, July 6:-Lco-Fow tt Stokowskl, ... celebrated orches- conductor, here yesterday on Ws way to Hollywood, said that "Wrlmcnta with an all-clectrlc orchestra were' nrovlnz successful he expected t0 make a tour w Europe with one eventually, ncteen instrumcnU. Stokowskl -y would sound like a 100-plece orchestra. erridge Is Called Names By Dr.Manion! 4 OTTAWA. July 6: CPi- Hon Dr R J. Manion. Conaer- vatlve leader, last night struck out at Hon. W. D. Ilerrtdge. 4 leader of the New Democracy movement, denouncing the 4- former minister to Washington 4 i ton u i "cticraon slanderer" 4 and a "spreader of falsehood. TO RUN IN PR. ALBERT lion. IV. I). Ilerridce Would On test Federal Seat Now Held By Premier King 1 Damage Done By Winnipeg Gale Sudden BU.w On Tuesday Night Estimated To Have Caused , Loss of $10,000 WINNIPEG. July 8: (CD Damage as a result of a sudden ga' which swept down on Winnipeg Tuesday night has been placed at $10,000. WASHINGTON. D. C. July " (CP The Unltea 8tates Senate, by the narrow margin of four votes, late yesterday approved the administration's monetary bill continuing for two years the $2,000,- 000 stabilization fund, giving the President power to further devaluate the dollar and authorizing .1... .j tt. .1 . t I domestic silver at 71c per ounce. . The United States Treasury yes terday. In a sudden change of pol icy, decided not to Issue any stive prices before the Senate had voted on the monetary bill. Todav the Treasury slashed the I foretell silver price from 18c to 36c per ounce. Co-Operative Act .t r i 1 REOINA. July 6: ICT-Hon V. WQW rTOVlaimea ,D, Herrldge of Ottam-a. sponsor 01, the New Democracy movement, Announcement Made In Retina by announce that he win be a can- dldat at the Dominion election rrt"i .'n..ir. v. UNION BAY. Vancouver Island, Juiy 6: 'CP1 Six Chinese longshoremen wrre Injured yesterday as a result of a dust explosion In a coal bunker here while a ship was being loaded with coal. Production Of Mines Is Down VICTORIA, July 6: CP-Estt-mated mineral production for the i six months ending June 30 shows a reduction of more than $2,000,000 with value of $29,459,634 as compared with $31,699,307 In the same pcr- l lod last year. EMBARGO MEETING when a permanent committee was wtiri and further steps taken with a view to local alnne the desired lines. The following committee was elected: Thomas Elliott. Rev. II O. Funston, Qebrge Lawson, Dr R. E. Coleman, Jack Deane, to ward Chung Kee, H. Harcus and McKenzle. Rev. H. O. Funston was elected secretary treasurer. Ways and means of gaining sen-cral support for embargo activities were discussed. Petitions will be forwarded to both federal and nrnvlnelal Eovenimcnts and every Parliamentary candidate will be asked for his views in rcgara to embargo and boycott. Any organization that desires to cooperate with the embargo council will be welcomed. Members of t!ie council report ing at the meeting were verne Price. F. McKenzle. George Law- . . r son, G. W. Turner, a. mvi. A. It. Iveson, Edwara unung rwee, Jack Deane. Ling Bo Shons, Mrs. A. Gomez, H. Harcus, B. F. Lee. Dr. R. E. Coleman, A. Wallln and Rev H. O. Funston. A. Wallln was In the chair. m m HON DR C. l WEIR 1J-A act Dr. Weir me here on Thursday In- REOINA. Julr : .CP-The ..w.- rabtne. at two iM km? " 'rr'T. .. f P.riu. td or rrtday o ower engage nam L,yon Mcacne rvu, -united Droitresslve groups do me rnent providing for the eo-opera um and nfottUofc .h. oU xht nomln over the proposed - I TODAY'S STOCKS (Oouru B. D Jotxioa Oa.) Vanroaver 21kg Missouri. 10. Bralorne 1130. Oarrborj Quartz. S OS. DentoHia. A3. Fmtmew. jBS. lIMlley MaXK. .77. Minto. Noble Five. XI PaeHk NUkd .IS. Ptnd Oreffle. Pioneer. 2.11. Premier. 1.7. P.-lvateer. 1-M. Ilev McDonald. .18. Reno. .45. Relief ArHngton. UH-Reward. .01 i. Salmon Oold, .08. Sheep Creek, 1.15. Cartb-0 Hudson. .09Vi. Oils AV. Con.. .14. Oalmont, J2. C. & E 10. Freehold. M. Home, 2.10. Royal Canadian, .184-Okalta. 105. Mercury, .09. Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldermac. J2. Beattle. 1.24. CenUal Tat.. 2.45. Con. Smelters, 3955. East Malartlc, 20. Fernland. .02. Francoeur. 20. Oods Lake, 33. Hard Rock, 1.00. Int. Nickel. 46.00. Kerr Addison. 1.87. Little Long Lac. 2.80. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.90. Madsen Red Lake, .37. McKenzle Red Uke, US. Moneta, 1.02. Noranda, 78.00. Pickle Crow. 4.60. Preston E. Dome. 150. San Antonio, 1.70. ' Sherrltt Oordon, 1.00. Stadacona, .45. Uchl Oold, 1.35. Douscadlllac, .04. Mosher, .13. Oklend, .074-Smelters Oold, .03. Dominion Bridge, 28.50. Hon Dr Oeurge M. Weir provincial secretary and miiiwter of education will be here on Friday of next week to conduct the official opening of the new Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital building. Around the same time as the official opening the hospital will be moved from the old to the new building. The honiUl board had Mtight to have .... i,.m - h, m socnange uie oaie w nu '"umt. MIC StSmS SkC MSlSk VS v w 'bfen proclaimed. It was announced here yesterday by Hon. James O. Gardiner, federal minister of agriculture. 1 Six Chinese Hurt In Explosion Of .Union Bay Bunker FALSE AND So Says Moscow of Japanee-CUim Of Victories In Mjtachouiu Iongolian Frontier Conflict ' MOSCOVV. July tiTaUe and boastful is the way a Soiet communique describes Japanese refwr.s ui sictories in the air and on land in the conflict on the Manchoukuan - Mongolian frontier. Not only does the Soviet deny the defeats that the Japanese claim to have inflicted but it is asserted that the Japanese themselves hate suffered heavy losses. Moscow newspapers today reported a victory for Russian-Outer Mongolian forces over the Japanese Manchuokuaon un its in fighting described as the largest jet waged on the Man-chuokuoan - Outer Mongolian frontier. The Russians say that tanks, airplanes, artillery and infantry had been used for four days when the Japanese withdrew across the border with 800 killed. Russian casualties were estimated at three hundred. TOKYO. July 6: (CP) The Japanese Army reported yesterday that no Japatpse planes were lost In a "great battle' along the Man-rhimViian.Rnvirt Outer Moncolian . border In which it was claimed The rrlnce Rupert n Embargo Manchoukuan alrmen had shot! Council .the object oi wn.cn is w mty-three Soviet planer, bring about an embargo on P! encounter is reported to have ment of war materials to and boy-. . h .. . A . frnm in. w war office said C0U.? "Wv!.m "TZr Thp The Jananese Japanese oreanUatlon meeting last nigh. that 4,000 Russian-sponsored Outer-Mongolians were trapped In a bitter fight with Japanese forces nn thp remote aiancnunan inm- acuviuesi , ,,. -..i foreign office saU that retreat for the Outer-Mongolian army was imnosslble and that they must either surrender or be wiped out. Halibut Sales Summary American 17.000 pounds. and 5.5c. Canadian 35,500 pounds, and 5c to 7.2c and 5c. American Wireless, 17,000. Royal, 7.8c 55c. Canadian Viking I. 1400. Cold APPROVED To Open Hospital TROUBLE 1: 7 7 :P0LES ARE DV ccviTOi 1 1M IN CkMV CAMP!: uv?r wer T nunureu : icp Adminltti lion's Monetary Policy Ratified By Upper House Of United States Yesterday , AFRAID OF Straw bow at Koksilah, Vancouver Island, Beaten up by Reliefers and Rendered Unconscious VICTORIA, July 6: (CP) W. C. Yeomans of Vancouver, straw boss in the Koksilah relief camp near Duncan, was attacked and beaten unconscious by six camp workers, Hon. G. S. Pearson, min-lster of labor, said be had been advised today. The attack occurred last night following an attack on another straw boss, IL F. Cook of Vancouver. Camp officials reported that both men had refused to join the Relief Project Workers" Union. . Yeomans was taken to hospital after be had been found in his tent by a nljht watchman. Mr. Pearson said that charges would be laid as soon as sufficient information was available. Bicyclists In Montreal Fined No Less than ISO Mulched $1 Each for Infractions of Traffic Regulations merit made It Iwwalole for blm MONTREAL. July 6: CPt including passing stop signs. BOASTFUL Wof And Cougar Bounty Has Been Set In Alberta EDMONTON, July 6: CP The Alberta government has set a bounty of $10 each on timber wolves and $20 on cougars. Alberta Getting More Hailstorms Area Two Miles Wide and Six Miles Long In Olds District Visited Yesterday wide and six miles long had a sev ere hailstorm. HERE WITH FINE GOLD Frank Boyd, Calgary Prospector Showing Nuggets From Snake Creek Frank Boyd of Calgary, a prospector. Is In the city today show ing fine nuggets of gold recovered from Snake Creek. Atlin, wner he and his partner. Angus Cam eron, have been prospecting 'of the nuggets weighs about two jounces and the others are quite large. He says they run generally I from one to two ounces and are found at bedrock, twenty feet be Storace. sluice and 6.9c and 5c. Cape Spencer. 11500, Atlin, 7.2c and 5c. J, R., 9,500, Pacific, 6.8c and 5c. WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE WINNIPEG. July 6: (CP) Win nlpeg wheat futures were ic to 4c higher yesterday with July closing at 59 7.e low the surface Snake Creek Is a virgin creek, 6 8c 'between Spruce Creek and Otter .Creek, which has hitherto bec.i I overlooked by prospectors. Coarse and gold Is found through the whole ; tnor, fit ff of rravil The mer. operated a trip dam and grounJ LllIW . . . .. , i .v. heavy gold then picked on the creek Boyd says that, with proper mach inery, they estimate that twenty to thirty ounces a day could be taken out of the ground, four miles of which they have staked. Mr. Boyd arrived from the nortn on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon, is i?avlng tomorrow morning for Cateary and will return to Atlin soon. Are Lfrowiieu Mfrn, 4 tiaii MOOREHEAD. Kentucky, 4- July 6: CP Heavy rains to- 4- day hampered rescue workers !4 as they searched through silt 4- debris fur bodies of victims of 4 the mountain floods that left scores dead. Thirty-eight bodies have so far been recovered but one hundred are still missing and are believed to have been drowned by the wall of water which swept through the valley yesterday ' following a cloudburst. Damage is estl- 4- mated at $1,000,000. 444 4 LOOKS EASY FOR YANKS ees. still so far out on top of th ... American League standing Traditional Battle Ground nf Great Tower i Determined to Hold Her Own Br ELMER PETERSON Associated Press Staff Writer WARSAW. Poland. July 6: (API Ta say the Poles believe theyj are right in their attitude towards Dan- tig and the Polish Corridor 1j an understatement. "Anvone who thlnzs we're going to give away Danzig or the corridor I to the Germans Is crazy, a Polish I train worker told me In an early morning discussion of Eastern Eur opean affairs. What the Pole frars today Is mediation rather than war. M edi tion to Poland means giving omethlng away. Poland, It is ar-aued here, has stated time and Nothine Short of Miracle Can Now -tgaln the conditions on which she Deny Them American Pennant is willing to negotiate. Reds Five Ahead In Polish attitude, and this is veri- National fled by observers who have watched '.developments from the very begln- NEW YORK, July 6: CP The nine bw deepened Into a religious world champion New York Yank- cnvietlon. The result Is that Po und Is quietly ready for any em- that reencr. Here in Warsaw you dis- itThwi lit! ncing short of a miracle can -uw the possibility of war without leu than 150 bicycle-riding n- youths vouth .nnther oen- Wnlnt and u-ithout the aliehtest were fined $1 each in MwtresJ , po- vlcU)ry OTpr lice court yesterday for wuln. 7'ter- Washlnn g,. Here, where war would see a city fractions of the traffic regulations !even-and-a- f orer l iTM.000 inhabitants caueht half games ahead of the second n the first savage drive of. war place Boston Bees who continued from the air. you have a populace a winning streak over the Phlla- 'hat simply waits. II war becom-detphia Athletics. The Chicago & necessary. It becomes necessary, White Sox continued a winning fand that's that, according to the streak by defeating Cleveland In-ipoles, . diani again and are now in a tie) At trie moment, Poland and Oer-Iwith Jbj.Iridiansfor fourth place.'many, mobilized aiul eadyare fhalf a game below the Detrotjnow under a nervous strain iKat Tigers. I may last for months. The situa- In the National League, the jjon Is one of peace without peace. Cincinnati Reds won over the St. Louis Cardinals and the New York Germany Knew Giants kept pace In second place Poland began to mobilize secretly five games behind the Reds by 0Q Marcn 21 when Germany pre-winning over Boston Bees. Brook- nled her demands as regards lyn Dodgers continued their win-, Danzig and the Corridor. It was a ning streak over Phillies and as- moblUzatlon whicn brougnt the ad-sumed fourth place ahead of the miration of foreign military ob- Chicago Cubs. , servers. A million men were put TODAY'S WEATHER There have been further hall- ... therly wind, four miles per nour; barometer, 29.94; temperature, 52; sea smooth. under arms, but there was no f an- Ifare. They simply mobilized. j There were no posted mobilization . .h orders. Clerks, factory hands and south- mi Prince Rupert-Overcast, a ffW east wind, eight miles per hour. SLDDeared. ta Warsaw, a successful black-out drill mobilization. With the city storms In Alberta, doing damagf inPie - darkened, with people Indoors, the to crowing wheat crops. Yesterday southeast wind, twelve mUes per Qut Qf dt tQ in this region an area two miles hour; ugnt sweu. their appointed sutlons. The Po- sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast, sou-J But Germany was. German was also aware, it Is pointed out here. that a mobilized Polish army could reach Danzig before the German troops. From the Polish side there Bull Harbor-Overcast, southeast ... . Uln.d m?ll XT' highways leading Into the Free City. eter. 30.02 smooth. lti"H" "'-. " rh. ovorv wacnn to hlieve Alert Bay Overcast, calm; bar ometer, 30.16; temperature, 51; sea smooth. Estevan Cloudy, southwest wind, 1 five miles per hour; barometer, 30.- 05. Victoria Raining, calm; barometer, 30.06. Vancouver Raining, easterly wind, two miles per hour; barom- Ons'tter, 30.06. Prince .George Cloudy, south southwest wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 29.91. PHOTOSTAT MUSEUMS SYDNEY. NJS.W.. July 6: (CP I More than 200.000 original documents relating to history and affairs of Australia and the South Pacific are In European museums and collections and arrangements a hlnr, mnHp frtr nhoto-1 that the Poles meant business. For the first time, as the story Is told In Warsaw, Hitler came up against something hard and solid and unyielding. Having rejected the German demands, Poland moved quietly, swiftly and effectively. There was no mistaking her determination, her purpose. Corrigan To Take Matrimonial Flier Noted Atlantic Aviator to Marry Texas School Teacher on Anniversary of Hop SAN FRANCISCO, July 6. the Golden Gate International Exposition here yesterday, Douglas 1 v & ..-... - - j ' ... ... . . . i .....iHmtl. fllov rtf lac up the graphic iacsimuesoi ineaocumenwjuiMrisa". uum" " " k.n l ho t,ab onri hrnnoht tn Austral-1 vear. admitted his engagement to UULtUUL W WV - - , . ia a Texas school teacner, miss r-uia- beth Marvin of San Antonio. Tne AiK.f tVirrnur ctoamhnat In-. mnrrlapp Trill take Place On July 17, ntnr orrivH in the ritv nn thn'thp annlvprsarv of Corrlzan's cele- 0lVfcV4 U. . . , . ... ' 4 1 " Princess Louise this afternoon from brated flight, and the honeymoon .. . .. . . t 1 . . n, 1 - . 1 I M nl A n. nnnnl.nl the YUKon auer navmg maae m-s win w laen ui an u.u uwhuih annual Inspection of river steamer? which Corrigan has pust purchased. In the north and will proceed by Bth Corrigan and hla bride-elect train tomorrow to rtancois uuw are tnirty-iwo years oi Br. iwj to inspect the ferry there. 'have been friends since childhood. 1 Tomorrow s I ides Weather Forecast be ifcrft 4:21 am. 17.8 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 17:10 pjn. 1BJ0 ft. Inlands Fresh northeast' to 10:47 tin. 12 ft east winds, cloudy and cool with pjn. 1& ft. showers. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BR1TIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER A PRICE: 5 CENTS X2 w -T IS- PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., THURSDAY. JULY 6, 1939. I H iM7ir tc CENTRE OF ATTENTION!