rat i PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Extra ice cube$ for hotels, . rtttourtntt, Kotpitalu Quitt, automatic motor i and comprrtiort that require little attention. 95 jpjj Correct, dependable Electric Refrigeration means just as much to the store as to the home. So let us check your needs for meat and perishable food refrigeration and recommend the proper Kelvinator Equipment to end spoilage loss and keep your customers satisfied. - 10 lbs. Turnips 3 lbs. Parsnips 3 lbs. Onions EGGS Rijht from the Farm, strictly fresh. Dozen .. . bmoked Rupert Brand" 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator 25c Copeland's Fruit Market FREE DELIVERY Phone 87Z I Mild Cured Salmon I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 5 n 1.1 i. Prim Rupert Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY c , rnoNE 7 10. Ltd. 5 British Columbia Q J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. Installed in Your Present Box at Reasonable Cost If the box is properly Insulated. All types of walk-In refrigerators, counter display cases, reach-in refrigerators etc also available. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited GUARANTEED QUALITY 10 lbs. Potatoes 10 lbs. Carrots 3 lbs. Beets THE LOT WINNIPEG WHEAT TRICES WINNIPEG, WINNU Feb. 22: CP Wln- rfeg iVj 'ic at 63 'ie. wh iheat futures were off 'c ye yesterday with May closing Insist Jr CUBES for delicious gravy, soups and stews. Ride With Service and Comfort In a 7-Passenger Heated Car Phone 35 TAXI best Ajrta. 0coa7. eyerminea. Whifflets From The Waterfront l CNJt . steamer Prince George. Capt H. E. Nedden, arrived in port on time at 10:30 this morning Irom Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and i!l mU at 4 c'clock this aftrrnoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return lure tomorrow evening southbound. Ihr ve&'el brought in a falr-siaed list of passenger. Thr Indian- Department eruVsei Naskrena made a trip to Port Es- :n-t'-n on Monday having on beard Indian Agent W E. CoUlson c; d Dominion Constable A. T. Watkjjrson wh0 were making the trip on official business CONFIDENT OF MINING Smithers Chamber Urges .l&ayers At Local Sampler Stewart Campbell President SMITHERS, Feb. 22. CPl The annual general meeting of the Omlncca branch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines was held in the Municipal Hall at Smithers on Saturday evening. There rwt a good attendance and many topics of Interest to those interested la mining came up for dls-"iwion. Prevalllm was a general feeling of optimism and confidence In the prospects of some early activity on several of the better known gold properties of the district, some of these having made very satisfactory shipments of ore to the sampling plant at Prince Rupert during last year It wns hoped by those present that there would shortly be Instal-Irl at this plant an assayer to take care of the northern districts which cover a very large territory.' such an institution being very much desired by the prospectors, property owners and small shippers of the north. Election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: j . Honorary President. Hon. W. J. lAsselstlne. Minister of Mines. I Honorary Vice-Presidents, Olof Hanson M. P.. E. T. Kenney M. L. A. and Mark Connelly M. L. A. President. Stewart P. Campbell Vice-President. R. C. Mutch. Secretary-Treasurer, L. H. Kenney. Executive committee Angus McLean. O H. Oazely. A. S. Miller. J S. Kelley, C. P. Busslnger. Jock Wilson, R. C. Bamford, A. C Fowler and T W. Brown. Hotel Arrivals Central David Bennett. Edinburg: W. A. nanpertnn Tucks Inlet; Art Hedln. Eddv Pass: J Graham. 8. Jackson and L. Marsh, city; Pat Berry, Lethbridge. Trince Rupert Vlr Garnham. R. Moore. P. H. Dawson. H. VL Sf.-venson and J Wick. Vancouver: Mrs. C. H. Fawle. New Hazelton: William Davidson, Smithers; A F. Cottrell. Seattle. i Royal Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Martin PtcwPrt: L. AUthorne. Prince Ruo-rrt James Nelson. Terrace; F. W Schlotthauer, Vancouver. Savoy J Olson and P. Rosang, city: . Mrs. D. A. Jphnson. Port Simpson; T. B. McDormand, Edmonton. BAR GOLD j LONDON. Feb. 22: (CP) The j Montreal price jof bar gold was unr changed at $34.94 per fine ounce Old King Coal Is a clever old gink He works pure magic in a wink Hell Cheer yur moping," drooping soul With a ton of Phllpott Evltt Coal. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. The Hcst Coal in Town SMITHERS LIBERALS .Hanson M. P. and E. T. Kenney M. U A. Prwident, J. R. Melntyre Plrat Vice - Proildent. J P Downey. SmwuI View President, wn Brans. J. R. Melntyre Elected President Secretary - Treasurer. Ralph j At Annual Meeting Monday j Smith. Executive committee Mfl Ray ! sutthfrj? rb 22 -The Kmi. mond. S. F. Campbell. J L Mc- Ithers Liberal Association held its Wilfrid WaUon and T A.I (annual meeting on Mondfty night. iMcMartta. ;A tarte gathering turned oat for' E. T. Kenney M. L. A. addressed .this meeUng. Much discussion the meeting and gave an Intcrest-itook plate regarding items affect- ing talk on many Items of Interest jtng the district and the Aasoeta-ito those of the district and exit km election of officers resulted, "tamed some of' the recent legU-as follows: ! tattoo at Victoria. Honorary President Hon. W. L.I Mackenzie King and Hon. T. D. Pattullo. ' The Dally Nr t i A H C Honorary Vtce-Preetdents Olof wixt CittbliiKtd 1817 ... 121 Ytt of Saeetiitul Optrttletr. (..ExptrUnetd, ConitiTttlve, Modtm Mtntgimtnt .. i 1, (A. m m Ovr IXXJJXXJ dpo.it accaaoli R.mutcm UlLliiJttUt THE STRENGTH of A BANK i$ dctcrmmcd by its histor)-, its policy, its manage- mcnt, and the extent of its resources. For over 121 years the Dank of Montreal has been to the fore front of Canadian finance. BANK OF MONTREAL Prince Rupert Uranrh: l A. MacCALLl'M, Manager Stenarx Branch: 11 V. LITTLER. Manner PIIONLS IS and HI l O. ItOX 5T5 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" SAFE for babies' Thooilk th QnlBlnpUti fera rald on IRRADIATED CARNATION MILK Per CI 4P 10c doz vw Pase VllUtl The milk that is usM by more people throughout the world than any other brand. PURE LARD- Car tons 2 lbs CHRISTIE'S CHEERIO and RITZ WAFERS Per package 25c AYLMER SWEET AUl' 1 Op CORN 2s, per tin LIHBY'S FAMOUS JUICBS PINEAPPLE JUICE OQA ORAPEFRUIT JUICE OQ 2 tins 2 tins ORANOE JUICE-- nn TOMATO JUICE- OCn 2 "n Large. 14 oz 3 tins DK' DUNDAS CLAMS -Local product Excellent on- PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES quality 2 tlni tJL Large 19 C . BORDEN'S CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK QQ0 GIBS0Jf8 FACE , 1()C Per tin w"C TISSUES -Per pkg. xu, 17c Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Your Convenience Boat and Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention OOOOOOOOCHJOOOOODOOOrOOOOOOoaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' I MacKenzie's Furniture February Special 20 foot STOOLS-Assorted covers in tapestry and mohair 81.95 Phone 775 . , , 327 THIRD AVENUE D 5 j DOOOflOOOOfrOOOOO OOO 0000600000 000000 000 00O00000000OO00O Wednesday, February 22 i9;j V t'l I 111 a. T 7 ;t 1 1 " ;h-:R-. (At 7:31 and 9 ;g Ai)iu:i Leon Errol HU Iel Irltnd' Walt Dlsnev'i "Farm- rd Svmphonv " COMlNTi Tlll'RS. nrt Shlrlc TemHe In -little nss nuotmvu rU'S Jnne Famll m "DOWN ON THE FAItM" JW.W.W.W.V.VM'W.VA Opening f New Number for il Service and Drpendsbllil; Phone 13 Taxi PAT MA7.IK Opp. Pint Office, tth St IVAW.VAWWA'.VAVMvi I A Hot Time l What Vou Want Thli Utntrr Vu ran set It by utlnr ar fsnwu Edion, flulkler tVty or Nanslmo-Welllnctou tail PK1NTK nKUT FKEI) CO, rhiine 5 or S'l Music Kuth Nelson A.T.CiL Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. rilONR GREEN 1 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Kcd Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only itlraoo can 11) n 1 company with an sU the year round payroll la Prince Rupert Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music lleliitiman, Nordhelmer nd Lesace rianos Tlano Tuning with "Reionoscope' Thone Hlue 389 tl 4th ' n"'11" is tiii: M i'ici:ii: roi nr I'UM'Mllll i ritoni: In thr Ullrr f the -.l"l"t,r",l" Alt' In thr Mallrr nf' Ihr i:tti if ""f" M. A.liun., l-rl TAKE NOTICE tht or". J v,i Honour JiMm W. K . Pin) XT rid''' 3nl clay of mury A. D. W-'- ,j of Hnh M. Attorn. ! , irrm. n. c., Hftfl Jl purw" hrrrby rrqulrrd to furnfc nuiw F Mhr rlfll Ia nv OIL Ot t"1' Ui 10Ui day uf March 1839. n i pftrtlr UuU-blt Ho h Bt jqulrwl io jmy th mjihuiw of tnir idfbUvlnrMi o in furttiwlUi. ' NORMAN A WATT. OffloUl AUmlnntiTAWc Princ nmwrt. r)wij tle fluh dwr of rbrury. " 193B. Try a Dally Nc' anl-ftd.