THE DAILY NEWS. WIE D DREAM OF MISS TROY Laird of Skibo to Be Made Duke for Promise That British Flag Shall Fly Over United States) From Sea to Sea. J SS. Prince Rupert DEATH OF DAVID G. STEWART; =” caaze™ Second avenue and Third street AN APPRECIATION OF HIM ov vee ss ons | 3 aE H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey IMPLE WORTH OF ONE OF THESPLENDID TRIBUTE TO THE § MUNRO & LAILEY SKEENA VALLEY’s EARLIEST FRUIT FARMING PIONEERS BY ONE WHO KNEW HIM. Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. | Sd | . 9 -__ : While February's | swept | growins; fruit, in: the valleya. of] ee Mathieu S Syrup Not to know Lillian Seott Troy} VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE down the Skeena a Copper! Northern British Columbia. Mayet — may be to argue ourselves un- | . + PRINCE JOHN Rivers and giant old } s that|/hap some day, when the valleys! scooortanie gets Maintains Bi-mont} Stew : : ; ’ . ) NTS -:- AUDITORS ei Tar and Cod Liver on known, but nevertheless we do "ad Queen Char ands fjhad withstood the gales of scoresjof the Skeena River ari peopled | Law-Butler Building | Phone No. 280 i nol know the lady. Never heard} ‘ of winters crashed down with alby ¢ r rt ‘ 1 7 ; ; aa Tet Wesllld Tels Borvice Prince Rusa ith ¢ a prosperous population of| Prince Rupert .0. not only stops a cough but cures a | of her before, declares the Van-| Van Andi A Peer that rose above th gale,| farmers, some honor will be paid Be P.O. Box a6t it. Its tonic and _ restorative . 7 oe ae by ites bak Herel information apply t aaal passed ee at Stewart's|to the resting place of the man| ‘ er card, which lies before us, AEM sanding on Sunday morning one who, with single minded purpose| ALFRED CARss, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. nertie . ‘mt ; : . E. McMaster, Gen. Ay. 6. T.P, pury ee . ' properties enable the system to gives her habitat as the ‘Waldorf Ree RAN Avanti ous, P. Wharf }of the bravest”spirits that have and simple faith, made a garden Sol enter ieee Retctewen and at permanently throw off a cold. Hotel, London, England,” and she en eee. ||)! 12 fhe frail for thousands to|spot among the tall pines of the en further runs to a cable address. | follow. north. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. l(a mee of eighty-eight, inj <= | Office—Exchange block, corner Third avenue and x Accompanying the card is a : his old log cabin on the banks of Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. four column article in which Miss 35c for large bottle. Sold everywhere. Troy warms up the “Benedict a ithe turbulent northern river J - OKE in es tii Rk ast? ‘. | ‘ . ‘ ‘| | J. lL. MATHIEU CO., Prop, SHERBROOKE : Arnold Peace Socie ty on wee CANADIAN | David G. Stewart, one time of-|| PROSPECTORS’ RIGHTS. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. : side and then turns it over and PACIFIC | fieer of the Ancient Company -Of]<=- DENTIST. : 7 -) wee it - on the other. Ce | Gentlemen Adventurers into Hud-| We, the undersigned, men of| Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ie purport of the whole is to son's Bay, and for the last twenty} tl Ail dental operations stkiituliy tented. Gas and show that the said peace society years rancher on the Skeena, died! a : cate oe. toe union Sree ites t , , . {| B.C. Coast service — Famous Princess |°*‘ . eyo, jJust to show that we're on the| feigersun Block: Prince Rupert. ; is not formed for the purpose o ae on Sunday morning of heart fail-| turf i ’ | y ’ WiiLLIAMS & MANSON doing away with war among na- ure iD ¥; ‘ | . . y her? } » for rsely : © ¥ y-N% 7 & tions by means of arbitration, but Princess May The funeral services were co iDo he ee orate ourselves | Alex.M.Manson 8.a., W.E.Williams,B.A., t.t.D of @) oe} | = A © | = With the one And Seueemreoy Ot lucted by the Rev. Mr. Dean ; : i i rye ( 1 . Mr. an ond hundred feet radius ; ici i i 4 securing a dukedom for Andrew Saturday, March 2nd, at 9 a.m. |were largely attended by the ses- Barristers, Solicitors, etc. a a =? 4 | around this stene; Box 285 Tieanee ori oe ee Sn went |tlers on both banks of the river) Together with mineral and water Prince Rupert, B.C Proof? Any amount of it. The! y @ wena - General Agent |for many miles. Hard by the| rights: late King Edward visited Car- grave of his wife, who has slept! All placer lands and townsites, P50, BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT oF a Tine khan eel oe ee |for many years among the sigh-| All veins and ledges within our yar mrt et oo ee tween them Whioh of theen told PAPERHANGING «= Aas 3 og gab ona el lines, JOHN E. DAVEY her, however, she daés not étate |Sturdy pioneer, who had reached /Of brass or gold or other mines | TEACHER OF SINGING i oie ‘ ‘ jthe end of the Long Trail, were} We claim all coal or oil as well, ‘arnegie pr Aino MAweEr —AND— Carnegie promised King Edward laid to rest. From the top of the sagebrush ; e | Samuel Harrison & Co rn the Cates tate’ tro io HIGH: CLASS Twenty-five yeurs ago va down to hell; ae E o 7 a rare pat "1 |Stewart quit the Hudson Bay/All the air and sunshine, too, GEORGE LEEK & CO. : ® Atlantic to the Pacific. SIGN WORK started | Up to where the air shines blue. TOPE OF WM. POKON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., [0N., ENG , . (ks F |Company’s employ and MERO 7 N King Edward promised Carnegi : P . SROANTIL.. AGENCY Real Estate and Stock Brokers ( ak od : ae a <_< ; : ty mo . down the Skeena.for the joys of| diane ita bcidjtcie ni COLLECTIONS AD REPORTS F< ee at ee wn OUR SPECIALTIES civilization offered by the capital Fire, Life and Accidun' Insurances APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED enough considering. city and the railroad villaze off .- "9'® Tax in Washington. oe ; et ee So the peace society was got up oe : ne ‘ Congressman Henry George Jr. wae = ps ue a | ee l¢ rr seeing e possibil- Prince Rupert ~ and - Stewart by Carnegie to bring about ar-| SILVERSIDES BROS. idee ar ie vate fant then {has introduced a bill “to provide Ya bitration and an entente cordiale| ; Mra Pee ee 1 | p.o. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN | Seemed so desolate and inhospit-|for a complete method for the Se ae bt : Poe are lable, Mr. Stewart, with the pert-|annual assessment and taxation JOHN DYBHAVN\ a ritain, ane expectet war . > . : : | Gerinany cot which M iad Tank Second Avenue, near McBride inacity of his race, decided to|of real property in the District} Real Estate — Loans 4 ; t tt i id iat tin =— settle and carve a niche in the|of Columbia. It provides for} and Insurance [ represents ie latter as being : ee ‘ ; | “ i derness for s own ‘our|the gradual introduction of the! THIS MAN TAKES HIS OATH very much afraid, was thus to be wildern for hi wn. Four ; ; | 819 8rd Avenue Phone 384 herman is known to be the most “exact” person in the world and headed off SMITH & MALLETT years age last spring, when his|land in the district will be ae] can still draw the “long bow,” but our customers are so con ; THIRD AVE apple trees were white with blos-|sessed for taxation in the year Exactly how the assimilatiorz = y . | : som, he was approached by the,/1913 at 11-15 of its true vaiue! , oO e United States b - ‘itis Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and 2 : | THE GREENER IS THE WORLD’S BEST GUN f the United States by the British Sheet Metal Work agents of a transcontinental! rail-}and improvements at 9.15. Each| THE IROQUOIS Empire would be accomplished are ed B ; TabpOhane rat Fake Casto Pa iehicay, in x we are not informed, but a hint Office: 3rd Ave. : Workshop way who opened negotiations for oie thereafter the assessment nd He MAS SetorO te tk Ga oe Mra tee ai wan ieee erie Br itish Fete 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts tithe purchase of right-of-way|of land values will be inereased POOL new gin will be a “Far Killing” Greener, no other can give flag flies from the Rio Grande to} pats pear ae wien ; A Gaels wee t ee 947 English and American Billiards ume consistent shooting combined with bard hitting and lasting the North Pole the Japanese flag Mr. Stewart did not live to see|creased until by the year 1947 ne y atalog P 8 describing 38 grades will be mailed free on receipt will fly over the Philippines | © | the completion of the® mational eet phi enypely aie) Selva Daley SaconD re posta oS z ’ 1a ; for| - Church Services - transcontinental, his name will|empt and land assessed at its full| W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. Che, Sheet even tS ee z eae) be ever remembered as the man value, — American Economic | 1915, so that it will synchronize who demonstrated the future of|League Bulletin. er eee Ce ee eee nicely with the opening of the} FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hotel Central Coy; Fir: Ave. Services every Sunday in the Panama Canal, and enable us to Empress Theatre, 11 a.m. and a salehrate ‘ A 730 p.m. Sunday School and BASE SSASTASSRESER CAS CPSC PC esRs Puc srmcmucsacracsmcpacmucmaceucpacmucmaccues ice : celebrate both at once. Bible Class at °.80 p. m SeSsee3 sessesseS: SESSESSESESHEHSES ESS: Sheshesbecbssuvchssuveersnrvenses puropesn and American plan, Sane: A. PASTOR aes aes i. conveniences, . $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 2 $ Of course it does not take all|{ REV. F. W. KERR, M 33 vee Scie aide ws of Miss Troy’s four columns to a S34 U 0 M il Ord 5 ° ee) Pcter Black i say just this. The rest consists THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH a Use Ulr Ma raer service & . : f yr ! MCINTYRE HALL, 38RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. s . na ee cla Me dda + of caustic criticism o nglish Services every Sunday at 11 sf CBE RE Wie a BSR se | — society and court circles and dis- am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday zt Save Money and Enjoy Quality Goods ° f School 2.3 >» m araca . een plays a knowledge of the subject nev vible, Claes 290 pam ey Each mail and express that Z ’ REV. W.H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor which proves conclusively that , a leaves Vancouver carries ship- i HAYNER BROS. the author must have been at the THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH we? ent € goods from our big FA UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS lWaldorf Hotel, London, England, BETWEEN CENTRE ST. AND 2nd AVE S32 ments goods C Se anew Disses for at least six weeks. | 3 store to all points in British Co- Henry Birks & Sons Bes | 8rd Ave, near 6th St. Phone No. 86 ‘m. se jumbia. No regrets follow pur- re Gg 5% ae REV. C. R. SING, B.D, PASTOR ose 6 tt h thi pal —Limited— <3 | ion Juroan e ho Is chases made 1rougn lis serv . . * _— me ts clases Henry J. Byron, Wneny De: ee ste. is Jewellers and Silversmiths $3 | = dying, was interviewed by his old gs We handle all our British Colum- 3 ’ : . eee s ; a : . We Geo. E. Trorey zt coachman I think, sir, said LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. q3 bia Mail Orders through our Van- Mighiink Ditecker a2 E L FISHER the faithful servant, as 1 mad &33 couver store. Write for our il- Wancouver «- B.C c rt, better give the brown mare a ey WR ae ae ps3 LSet A” notalogua aati aeandiihe z By Funeral Director and Embalmer ‘e ; stratec satalogue, 28C 38 eae ba \ right, John, replied Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar 386 , se CHARGES REASONABLE » *humar “hut don’t! y2ake, notice that Charles William Ham of / £83 our fine stock and instructs you 522 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356, the dying “humorist, yu don Vancouver, B. C., occupation inspector, intends ?¢ ose . 4 Wi eC B oF ask t many.” | to apply for permission to purchase the following #¢ how to buy. A ecard with your q33 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT fi fat ee eet described lands: e , : re es ——___—— |, Commencing at a post planted at the con-/€93 address will bring it free to you ks Digit e | fluence of Blackwater river with ce taae river | ose . ¢ ' $33 | h , . lar | A » bout t le: uth fromthe sixth Dominion , re ” ‘ . ines > on | se Procurable North Kenfrew electors decided Raeeant cabin. yg ead, arte oP ig 8. W. i by return mail. Our lines c¢ Fy E 4 o “le orge , ns Cc . thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains oa e resents com . iz 4 5 : let George do it. ear, ibenes 60 sol 8 “south, thence 80 chains iG we dding presents con mand the see C) O attention of all. Write today. west to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less ; is yy cli CHARLES WILLIAM HAM on . ° FRO BE0SL6 PRO DROPE 6 BROPLOBROBLOP IRC BLO PEE ¥ ~~ £ 2) pee i (Cee SD) iS Ppa) CSDE pecne Peptarber 23, 1911. XD ‘coe 33033 eesesse Dh . eT ni (The Place With a Future.) vA Gusene Land District—Distict. of Const, | (Eee Nn ee aan TEN ACRE TRACTS AND F y tange 5. | r IN Q ; h Take 1 © that I, Theodore Nichalis, ¢ j l TOWN LOTS X driver, of \ &, B, C., Can,, intend 40)" 3 ° Choice Farming Lands in the Lakelse [he Pa er ead cna 2 Tt Ts The Trained Man or Woman {3 |) see"sitmatin saya na iy lowing desgrit | lend ae aa re tai / / and Large Tracts at Prices That southwest i f Lot No, 2287, thence j i Are Right. it east 8 thence south 40 chains, { Wh . h T f th dd ! pee ae \ thence we ‘ hains, thence south 40 Ris | a 5 ahs ne tne west 40 chains, thence north 0 eS to t e op 0 e er e { P. POST & CO. Ny r SIRE EBD ueren oOte TET eT ae Terrace, B. C. . . THEODORE NICHALIS, j uF tee T red E, Cowell, Agent { s Dated Oct. 31, 1944. j | A f Pub. Dec. 9 t Se eee at ho I Your Home ° skeen Land, pistiet—pusrit ot Queen 3] (> THE GRIM REAPER WORKS tle Islands. ; 1 notice that Alfred McGregor, of | )} ii 13 | Vict 7 :pation broker, intends { { a QB) toc anpty ssion to Tease the tol- |) ‘> THROUGH NEGLECTED COLDS “ ° Z . Me] | lowing described lands | i) It gives you ¢ > news ‘our own city an istrict as well as the principal happenings ‘Sy Commencing at & post planted about | (@ >) = ives you all the news of your own city and d s I I DI gs bY) three-quarters of a mle southwest from ] To fit your son or daughter for a business career you must give ] ‘(I all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns are clean and whole- ine Pu soutnwest cornet OF I ara mans. them a business training. The best place to send them to is the : ek slight asia wot seen VY t men a ee y B57 3 : ie 2s me a . : Thea s srtisi ., s of 2 aw ing (3% | south to the north boundary of Lot 1557, ' serious danger, but the suddenness i It is a paper you need in your home. The advertising Soa es (ak fat aueans “no ho minety chats mtnence | § { *, ” with which a slight cold becomes 4 In touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money, : : : : iw east to the beat i the m06 arene eeece i } anaimo usimess 0 e e / a serious cold leads to apalling : . FE 0 " nmencement, 0) ‘ t Ae Ai f ah u and fol y acres (640), more or ] consequences. A. slight cold IY} | less. \LFRED M’GREGOR j i demands immediate treatment. BP George Young, Agent. ( Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and ¥ 15 Ak Dated Nov. 15, 1911. cate wn 5 Se 5 a Cod Liver Oil taken at the outset \ . " | \\ Pub. Dec. 15. 1944 * Pe.) Se ) Sa EE pe pED / | od Liver O11 té a § t ee nes In’Commercial Printing Treen, eee “y [i Pu. De { wae Es Sa CCE es, ROE ES Cs AAS ] | removes all possible danger. ) t . i f ; we have a large stock of iy | Ps oe ee se It heals the inflamed parts, h Q Skeena Land Dis t—-District of Queen ‘ ‘ { ' / os DA / a] Seeene Charlotte Islands, rt It is the nearest business Our shorthand course includes tuition in { strengthens the tissue and builds a s INP | Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, o nalinea Prince : 1. ae 2 " an Bill Heads i { Letterheads M3 sade h, B.C. occupation farmer, intends | 5} college e Frince Sapets, The Ben Pitman System of ! | up the whole system to defy Wi i i ; (&G to apply for permission to lease the fol- se fees are re tte ace : Shorane : i] @?) further attacks. i i ifi ving ‘described lands of everyone. s tuition is jusiness English and Let- j 7 ss Ay } Price Lists Stock Certificates / liv 7% mme neing at a post planted at the personal, and develops the ter writing { | The Tar As the healing agent. S ) M Articl fA sas S| | Souci tiwesl corner OF Lot 188¢, Mas: | 2, individuality of the pupil. Commercial Arithmetic 13| The Cod Liver Oil the strength- nN emorandum Forms j rticles o ssoctation j Ks set Inlet; thence west forty chains, thence i Room and board is cnnep Office Routine | ening element; combined properly 4 (Me) | no elg ains, ‘nee east forty in Nanaimo. The pupils Spelling 2 ae : ‘ « Ledger (4h) | north ghty chain the nce east y in anaim pur Spelling ieu’s Syr th r ap Commercial ands / We handle Blank Ledg Illustrated Pamphlets j Am | chains, theni e SOUND algiay -enalns 20, Se j are away from the distrac- Typewriting i as @ ea - mr 4 ey ni NY } Forms for Loose it | point ‘of commencement, containing | three j tions of the larger cities aoe once j( | invincible. Large bottle 35 cents. MN Leaf System { 1! | less | For sale at all dealers, ry 4 + Ps i! less. ARTHUR TREMAINE, i ee ee / | When headache and fever are present with + 709 grten coms thtadomnsemesemnennnn se + + A George Young, Agent. — ei =e j Py gold take, Mathieu's Nervine Pensa to | atec ° 5, 19414. Coo >= = ces redu the fever and allay the pain. Jj, . - Note C j Ww i Is par Be , ‘3, i944, l ba / Mathieu Co., Props., Sherbrooke, ‘oue.” (c) b Nop 3 4 hes" ee a asta rC = | a For soc iety printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Cards, Wedding an / te cameiearnpigghwonee } Distributors for Western Canada. ene SPE iy : a2 - } ial Bas el : - | ‘ \ Invitations and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from the humble ‘‘dodger’’ —£§}| skeens Land, District—pistriot of Queen} 5{ May Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You 12. Foley Bros., Larsen & Company, Inc., | (othe highest grades of multi-color printing consult the ‘‘NewsJob’’ =: —: oo: os Br = Me agar ry ed ha { - WINNIPEG VANCOUVER SASKATOOON i) r ane ie OF OTe 40 tenes: 3h0 Cul Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand ee 5 : 5 ; "11: : 0 OE Pc ee j | te B yl) Sor est corne of Lo 4 € | ; f et, thence east one hundred chains, thence Ad « Dal ~ Ir VE ia ice Saat one use cians, tens THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE vertise in IXY beach, thence along beach re point of / : is iy commencement, containing six hundred an 4 | = j 0 34 ac , nore or 1e88, .. 2 ; PHONE 98 PHONE 98 BE) iors" Sii sires art gu Mbone, /¢) CE. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C. 53) 1G) George Young, Agent, a i= < 2 pes n. Gap e pea be) Caren pews; Dated Nov, 14, 1044, crear tpnan taint artetentetnsetateael : MO) LPN Z a "aA a = : eee 2 la RR OES SS ALS et PM aD) | Pub Doc. 18. i041. BO}