inu-ie King. tr-J4n linn and Otof Hanson. OUHCll WOUM ' w O Fulton. - President. O. W I Y.f -President, Oeorte Arthur Bnwksbank. Dr J H. Carson. Robtrt Gordon. J J A. Lindsay. O Bacon. 3. L : nd O. Anderaon. nased a resolution ayment of a higher government em-.1 work and Instruct-ve committee to dls- c h Premier Pattullo he city next week.1 " -utlve will ao J. M. t .uaht the matter upj-pni, I " ' ;m nubile life hut he was 1, t',v n1iauv4 In u IhA tin r " hown In the choosing of S"5 for the Association. He llf ' Rome matters of policy f uld likely be followed. He PS1" ncd the change that had II it c!ani In thi United Rtatts iW- J-J lh T1.III.U IIP Prime Minister Mckenzie W1" ""edit for doing a great deal Harj bring it about. Rv M. nrown was glad to see a Xipr'.-nt committee chasen for i election year So Olof Hanson Jsm DO nut hnok fnr nnnlhpr Jthcr SDeakerx urer Preslrtent 0 Fulton, Robert Frlzzell. J Dunn, 8. E. Parker and Jack Ire Ninary Colds P'nty-SIx Persons Have Died of i' rlppe in Montreal Since First of Year IMontreal." c has been warned by the Eb '"lh department to take prccau-with what appear to be com- .uias. S nee th flr rf hi PJf twenty-six persons have died KPPe in Montreal. Sell Gasoline TOO OLD Young Woman Dies In Fire FOR JOB Is What Murdoch About Hungerford As C. President president lonfldenee Expresel veslerdav bv Hon. Clarence D counting of the bal- Ilowei minister of transport wrhi were made by Mr Murdoch had charged that f 'Hibrrs all of .wtwm were tnPre U11S 0f sound business '.il-'i.t as to the outcome judRment n the administration x? election but urged of tne Canadian National w.. drurable to work hard v. nresldencv was too bis be a big majority for their a U4k Mr Murdoch felt, for a man as old as S. J. Hungerford dhomroc mentioned thn d his prfS.nt state of health. work done by the Lib- He antd K j-oungcr man with Hon &aia ne leu sure mis mnrA iniuaUve. appreciated by the el- M. ifunccrford. whose re- le he feared he would -, ih hoard of dlrec- b? nrrc to take part In the on Rgrecd UIK)n atu?r Mr. Mur-t. was keenly Interested AocWa resignation, Is sixty-six -id be here If possible. ,.-. nt H P MeCaffi.rv ulri hi hnrf rp- ' Perished When Her Home at Issou-dun, Quebec, Was Destroyed During Night ISSOUDUN, Quebec, Feb. 22. A twenty-year old woman died of asphyxiation when her home was des troyed by fire during the nigni. tier husband, aroused by the crackling of the flames, escaped. Evading Payment For Out Of Town School Children MOOSE JAW, Saskatchewan, Feb. school terms. RUPTURE IN RELATIONS IMMINENT TOKYO. Feb. 22: iCP'-Janan- we relations with Great Britain WINNIPEO. Feb. 22- CP"-Th and possibly other powers are be- city council of Wlnnlpe has de- "Vf(3 to be cUm to rupture as a The Japanese cabinet wa? in two lions In recent months. ed James Houston Spence K.C. Of Toronto Passes At Age Of Seventy-One TORONTO. Feb. 22: (CP) Weather Forecast irurnUhwt tluwwh th courty of the rnln.Wn Weuorologlct Bureau t VlcUl ud Prince miprrt. T1U fcr-pct is compiled from observations ta- hour rrod dUg P-m. tomorrow General Synopsis Pressure remains high over British Columbia and relatively low on the Queen Charlotte Islands, Tne wcaincr continues fair with moderate tem- nerature. ! . . ... rmjhnni trustees of Moose' Prince Rupert nna wuecn vnar- Jaw aro taking steps to prevent the j lotto Islands - Moderate fresh evasion of payment of school lecsjsouincasi wmus. ". by out of town students. In at change in temperature, probably least four cases It has been found jshowcry at night. .hnt fho nnvment of these fees was! West Coast of Vancouver Island circumvented by residents of thej- Moderate southeast Mtw nri,Hnn. rhiMrKti for the 1 winds, partly ciouaj Misty at night. to south and mltd Italian casualties at eighty and French at four, were denied at the French Foreign Office. The" reports! were received In Paris diplomatic! circles and also in private channels. They were also denied in Rome. Situation In Far East Tense as Re- ClHHberlaild Coal suit or Latest incidents More Terrorism In Shanghai Miners To Meet U.M.W.A. Official i Cirunrni vn Vahmnvrr T- clded to ask the provincial tovern- nnt of latest Incidents at Hont Und 2,; .ctrlklnjiCum- ment for permUMon to enter the Kn ana Diwngnai. gasoline retail buslnw. The pre- ceslve. i berland coal miners. 600 in num ber, will have a mass meeting to- T"Uln,f nri ' 32c to 37c for e,.n. !rr STw 1th n otnctal ot United nu.n mn- line In U considered checking of twortom in Sharal Winnipeg ex-' Mme Worker, of Amerlca l5Pm Cal. Today two policemen were reporv- I' ,.t I killed In the International setUe- V ailCOUVer w 1 T OUl ment at Shanghai In a fresh outbreak of terrorUm. More than one hundred casual-; tie. Including nine deaths, occurr- Hatchery Burns j of Hong " T Hundred Thousand Fin-( Thinks ed In a native quarter N. R. Kong as a result of the bombing or : cif giving closer ai- a railway station there yesterday.! he needs of smaller. The point of attack was. fifteen! Mai Introduced by. v pinn t-.w irm rv,r. mil f mm th rntre of the citv. ' vigorous protest on behalf Of his government. ! SENATOR IS DEAD gerlings Were Saved In Stanley Park Yesterday VANCOUVER. Feb. 22: (CP' declared htm-'mpon(lfnce destrue- Fire destroyed a trout hatchery In, who ,n connection with A train narrowly escaped firstlast and all lhe mLgnatlon of Hon. James tion. A British military post was Stanley Park yestertay with dam-1 estimated at $2000. Two hun- he wanted to see a age Murdoch as a director of the Ca- demolished. tun of the federal nadlan NaUonal Railways was Sir Robert Cralglc. British am- area tnousana nngemng iroui oe tabled In the House of Commons ba-ador to Japan, nas aenverea a h Corporation Tax Is Being Amended Teeth Being Inserted in Saskatchewan Act in Order to Provide For. Collection Communities to be Given Authority To Operate Them In Saskatchewan REGINA, Feb. 22: (CP) Legls latlon to provide for the establish-1 ment of community health plans ls! being Introduced In the Saskatche-1 wan Legislature. Such plans would Tomorrows Tides 141 S 3:25 Jn. 20 ft. '40 pjn. 19X ft. &3 5.7 ft. a m. L w 5.0 ft. Alacey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER s. XV. XXV1H NO. 41. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1939. TRICE: 5 CENTS IN ANNUAL I UN LAND MEETING "x ' i it What U Thouglll I.irciiiii , Year o Fulton chosen by tie - Rujicrt Liberal AssocJatkrn nual meeting last night - vr iU deallnlcs during. " year poslbly the elec-' . r There was ho opposl-r , andidature so he was j bv acclamation. Vlce-. or-'ige W Johniton wa successor to T. M. "ut, resigned recently to po;iMon of returning of-; 1- " j resided at the opening. -. -n-tmg last evening but fha he was not open hr presidency so he was . more a first vlce-following is the President. Right Hoi Area Northwest of I'rince George Heine Held Presumably , I for Settlement Scheme 1 ritl.NCE (JtOKGI Feb. 21: (CI') The provincial Depart ment of Land jesterday notified land rerordlng division official here that all government land In an area of approtlmatelv five hundred square mile north and rt of I'rince George were being reserved from pre-emption and tale under the land and settle-ment act. This It one of the fineit agricultural arras In the central interior and speculation here is that the reserve move is the first step in a lind settlement scheme similar to that proposed last jear by Sir Henry Page Croft who proposed the migration to Canada of financially assisted Itritish families. " Winnipeg City n .1 n in Doth raris and Kome Deny Arms Passage In North Africa Area rrwvxvwv INBERLIN British Trade Emissary And For eign Secretary In Conference Yesterday BERLIN, Feb. 22: CP Fran i Atkins Watklns, British trade emU- . , . sary. was In conversation yesterday rrench Troops r. Said i to w Be w. Held 1 1 in Barracks i and Heady to tne German foreign secret-March on Moment's Notice Some Confusion ary. Joachim von Ribbentrop, As To Authenticity Umlnary to more important con- ferences on trade between Great PARIS, Febuary 22: (CP)-Tunis dispatches said to-SSTiS day tnatall V rench troops throughout Tunisia were ord- CUS5ed included the economic ei ed to remain in barracks as reports persisted of a clash status of the Balkan countries, the between Franch and Italian troops last Friday on the Tun-.c0t of rearmament and the Medi-isia-Libya frontier. French officers said that the troops terranean situation. ' were trauy iu maitii ti a iuiwikho notice. n i xm fiflin ReporU of the clash, which put A . N HIK TORPEDOED Report Received From Mid-Atlantic Near Azores Considered Somewhat Fantastic CHATHAM, Mass Feb. 22: ; (CP) Somewhat fantastic is considered the report of the tor-pedcin; of a vessel believed to be of Dutch registry about twn thousand miles east of New York near the Aiores today. The message was received by the Radio Matine Corporation here from the American freighter Tulsa. It said that h? had picked CKea up up an an ICRmCAL WINNIPEG. Feb. 22: (CP R. S Law, president and general manager of the United Grain Growers, speaking here, criticized the federal government's new grain policy as announced last week by Hon. James G. Gardiner, minister of r. Law declared that the gov i oemg ameuueu ai p.i.ii, wneat conference which naa rec-sesslon of the Saskatchewan Legis- ommpnriP1 the continuation of the Senator James Houston Spence K.,lature with a view to putting new wneat board and the retention of C. died here early today. He was teeth Into the measure tnrougn the f wheat prlce pgy a Uberal and had been In the provision ol collection macntnery. . Senate since 1928. He was ions . l fMl.r.,nl prOIUIIlCIll. Ill H.T,I anu iiuicinai circles and was a former president of the Ontario Bar Association. He was born in Bruce County seventy-one years ago and is survived by his widow and four sons. He had been ailing for some months. The -death of Senator Spence leaves thirty-three Liberals and fifty-four Conservatives In the Upper House. There are now nine vacancies In the Senate. TWO MINERS ARE KILLED Sudbury Men Lose Their Lives In Collapse of Ore at Freud Mine Farmers Claim Discrimination Are Aroused by Freight Rates Which Are Being Charged on Their Wheat and Corn COPPER CLIFF, Ont.. Feb. 22: (CP) Two miners H. Koskl and! E. Lorllla, both of Sudbury were j TORONTO. Feb. 22: (CP) The killed and three were partially Board of Transport Commissioners, buried in a collapse of ore In a j conducting a hearing here yester-chute In the Freud mine which 'day, were told that prairie farm-they were cleaning out last night. ers were aroused by discriminatory I freight rates against their wheat QnUiAl.n..rn and corn. UddltcUlllCYYaii Health Plans Winnipeg Sitdown Strike Is Ended Demonstration of Young Unemployed .Men at Fort Garry Municipal Hall Did Not Last Long WINNIPEG, Feb. 22: (CP) After be financed by direct taxation, no a night and a day, sixteen young family to be required to pay more unemployed men enaea a suaown Bulletins BOOSTING AIK FORCE LONDON The Air Ministry has issued supplementary estimates showing that an additional 18,000,000 is necessary to meet Royal Air Force expenditures for the lurrent fiscal year. Recruiting- has increased the personnel of the air force to 103,000, six thousand over original plans. TO STAY LV SPAIN ROME Premier Mussolini today confirmed to General Francisco Franco that Italian troops would remain at the Spanish I'ader's disposal until "final CONCLAVE MARCH 1 ROME The opening of the conclave which elects the Pope has been delayed until March 1 when it is expected that all the cardinals will be present to take part. ADEQUATELY DEFENDED LONDON Answering questions in the House of Commons yesterday the minister for war stated that Gibraltar was adequately defended at the time of the Munich crisis except in antiaircraft guns. These had since been supplied. Attempted Murder rp . 1 rp t -i -S. O. S- from a ship giving I J, fjal 1 0 1 rOCeCU ran icucrs i .ct, siaiius uu i she was sinking after the tor- I pedoing. " Naval headquarters at Boston j said they were unable to identify the vessel from the call let ters.. A hoax is suspected. About Next Week Nick SulikoskL charged with at- raHJray engineer, in Sf gfa and Vnlfp affrav last week, was further 1 remanded for eight days on appear-'lng before Magistrate MbClymont in nolice court today. By next CARRY ON OLD LAND REARMING No Hope For Disarmament Now, Says Chamberlain British and French Co-operate LONDON. Feb. 22: CP Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain told Parliament last night that1 he did not see any chance of a successful world disarmament conference under present conditions. Immediately there did appear to be such a chance, he would not hesitate In taking the lead In calling it. Unless halted soon, the current armament race would lead to bankruptcy of every nation In Europe the Premier said. Britain had no alternative under existing conditions but to contlnue're-armlng. British and French general staffs are drafting a comprehensive plan for Joint and effective (use of man power, munitions and .war potential In the event of be-'ing forced "to fight, Rt. Hon. W. S. Morrison, Chancellor of the Ouchy of Lancaster, told Parliament. There could be no "limited liabil-'y for Great Britain in the j event of France being attacked, said Morrison, Indicating that a British continental army would at once take the field. The only Issue with the French appears to be how laree that continental army would be. The House, by a vote of 310 to 127. rejected a Labor amendment to reduce the appropriation for armaments. Then the House approved of a doubling of the government's borrowing powers t")r defence to $800jOOO.DOO. CONCEDING TO FRANCO , ween it is exoected that Rutter will lip I IV I be .afflclently recovered from his JL JJ l 1 Injuries to go Into police court and France Is Dropping Conditions In jpive evidence at the preliminary Connection With Recognition I hearing. His eyes are still in ban- of Spanish Insurgents Head of United Grain Growers Does daaes at the Prince Rupert General Not Like Government's New Hosoltal and it is not known def- Wheat Policy 1 lnitely yet whether or not his vis- PARIS. Feb. 22: (CP) The Hon. will be permanently lmpared government was reported as a result of the slashing he re- nlgnt to be ready to make celved. concessions t0 General Francisco Franco in connection with the re HOSPITAL IS BURNED Institution Terrace Cloudy ture 24. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 3fc Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 31. Anyox Light snow, calm, 29, Stewart Cloudy, calm, 29. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 22. Smlthers Clear, calm, 16. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 11. iTransCanada Air - Lines Extending cognition of insurgent Spain. It is understood that Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet is prepared to drop all conditions In connection with such recognition lnr I IU UVXUlIJU rlnriinir thp prantini? of amnestv to loyalist leaders and the wlth- nrovin rVo nrat naxa ion a Z"T 1 Some Patients Carried Out Whi.e,. of forelgn troops, . lucllU4UUlu U1 laol, others Walk From .Montreal The Burgos conference between French and Insurgent representa- tlves. which was to have been held MONTREAL. Feb. .22: CP -Fire today( ls postponed until Thurs-destroyed the rambling three-story day Sisters of Providence Hospital In the east end of Montreal yesterday i with damage estimated at $100,000. p' 1 fi M.-j Nuns and police carried out some of i lUUC Vl llCttil the 72 patients. All were safe. 4 . . . w . Some being able to get out them- ACUVltieS IS selves. Ropes and ladders were us- ed In some cases. AQKPfi Rv Vpf'? . A high wind rendered deltlcuit j the task of the fire fighters as the, flames, starting on the top floor, j VANCOUVER, Feb. 22: (CP) worked downward. !The BrltLsn Columbia command of . . ," T77ZT-.1 , 'the Canadian Legion ls asking th? I UUAY b WtA I MtK I federal government for an Invest!- gatlon of Nazi activities In British calm, tempera- Columbia. Robert Macnlcol, secre tary of the command, announced yesterday. Conservatives lAre Confident National Organizer of Party in Calgary In Course of Western Tour WINNIPEG, Feb. 22: (CP) Dr. J. OTTAWA, Feb. 22: (CP) A feed- M. Robb, national Conservative or-er service from Victoria to Vancou-j ganlzer. was In Winnipeg yesterday ver for TransCanada Air Lines wllljln the course of a tour of the West, be Inaugurated March 1, It was an-. He left for Calgary where a con-nounced here yesterday. The Van- ventlon ls to be held tonight. Dr. than $50, and would be subject to 'strike at the Fort Garry municipal! couver- Victoria service will be car- Robb said the Conservative party anoroval bv the ratena vers and the hall. They had been Insisting on! ried 611 meantime by Canadian Air-' faced the prospect of a general provincial board of health. being allowed to work together, 'ways. election this fall with confidence.