3' jt: PA QB TWO THE UfiILT NWi Fild- WARSAW BOY SAVES HIS PET "Vanity Maid" FOOTWEAR For real classy styles and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4.45TO$5.50 Family shoestore ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY. EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week .12 Paid In advance, per month .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.0Q By maU to all other countries, per year o.oo Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion , 02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion, . I J5 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Friday, October 27, 1939. EDITORIALS IS THIS PRINCE .RUPERT? That old busybody, Dame Rumor, has been having the time of her life for the past few weeks, says the Oshawa Times. She is far from idle in peacetime but then he stories have to compete with published news which if more accurate if less imaginative. In wartime, when some small portion of the news is suppressed in the public interest, the dear old lady does her best to satisfy a new? hungry populace. She1 has a feminine scorn of technical details. Discov-erine the Bremen in everv harbor from Cane Horn U cheaner sources of carbon, which is the commonest ele menr in nahire. Such flaws do not worry Dame Rumor. She can ac count for the sugar shortage in other ways. She knows lor a fact that such and such a firm is hoarding a secre reserve, that another firm is fined thousands of dollars for the same offence. Point out that the managers of th1 lirms m question have been spending sleepless nights try ins to cope witn an abnormal demand for sugar and to de vise means of limiting individual purchases so that nn rim: tomer will suffer and Dame Rumor waves the facts aside bJie nerseJf has stored a.way as much as her oantry wil ho'd. but it nev-pr occurs to her that this might have 'some thinn- to do with the situation. The dame is a super-patriot. She has a earbled knowl edge of current events and not many weeks ago was loud in her denunciations of Mr. Chamberlain. Now she de light? in clamoring for the internment of anvone who re peats her own remarks. Particularly is she delighted when her victim has a Germanic name. It is quite irrelevant that most German-Canadians were here Ion before HiHer was heard of. Many, in fact, are descendants of U.E.L. families. Dame' Rumor would intern them all: if sue uiu noi nave mem snot Sometimes kindly, oftens malicious, always untrust worthy. Dame Rumor will continue to thrive for the dur ation of the war. Her tongue will clack with the sneed of her own knitting needles, producing tales as grotesque as some oi tne socks tnat sne will send to the unfortunate troops, Ior both tales and socks, laughter is the only ah tidote. The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Dailv Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west. of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. r av5BBfci P" - . . 7y a.AP BV m Among the pitiful sights attending the bombing cf Warsaw by Oerman planes was that of this lltle boy with hU pet canary, the 6nly thing he managed to save from the rums of his home, in which 10 persons were killed. Photo was taken Just before Natl occupation of Warsaw. NEW TYPE Gets Pack-Sack OF FREEZER His Fath" Had Overhead Icing and Undenting Heating Are Features pleted and tested. Ihls new car a equipped with overhead icing, underslung heater using charcoal as fuel and liquldo-meters. This method of refrigeration not only results In cooler cars but consistently maintains an sven temperature. Also apart from superior refrigeration, there i. more loading space due to elimination of end bunkers and bracing In doorway, permitting cars to b loading solid; The principle ot overhead Icing ves better circulation as the cold air must follow a downward course and much more even temperature can be obtained. On a recent check from Winnipeg to Montreal a distance of 1,360 miles It was found there was less than one degree differ ence In the meat temperature over the entire Journey. The car Is also equipped with llquldometers show ing the temperature "at floor and celling, which enables the checking of temperatures enroute. These cars will take practically twice the lading of the conventional refrigerator cars and will use only about 50 percent of the Ice ordinarily used In an end bunker refrigerator car, with no re-Icing enroute. FIRST SHOT FIRED PORT PHILIP, Australia, Oct 27: (CP)-Flrst shot fired by Aus tralia m the Second Oreat War was 4ieard here when a coastal steamer, not understanding slg- to" and was fired upon. CEREMONY ABANDONED LONDON, October 27: (CP) The full ceremony of changing ths guard at Buckingham Palace is now carried out only two days a Odd War Coincidence Is Recorded, From the F.at In Regina REGINA. Oct. 27: CP As a I result of ah amazing coincidence MONTREAL, October 27: A i Allan Edwardson. 18-year old re- refrfgerator car which affords new, ult, will use the same pack-sack possibilities In the shipment of, his father carried throughout the perishable goods, Just completed in first Oreat War. the Transcona shops of the Cana-1 when the lather. Morclle Ed-dlan National Railways, made its;Wardson, handed In his pack-sack test run, reaching Montreal todav with a shipment of more than 59.-000 pounds of bacon. "This car Is a radical departure from previously i constructed refrigerator cars and represents the most revolutionary development along tnis line eve' built," stated John Roberts, chief of motive power and car equip ment, fnr thp rnmnnnv In 1918 he did not think he would rvcr hear of it again. He was astonished when he received a letter from his son saying the pack had been Issued to him with other qulpment ?.i Rc$lna Armories. Football For Among those Interested In the'Rpfl fynQ? Iq new car were several officials of I American railways who travelled ID,.! fcL Dion to Winnipeg to Inspect it. Accom-.OllllSfl riali panylng the car on Its trip eastward were representatives of the National Research council and the Canadian National Railways. I Several important Innovations are features of this equipment. Including more economical operations, uniform temperature, considerably Increased loading space and the avoidance of re-lclng en-route. This car Is the first of 100 Spitzberpren, she overlooks the fact that many of the?' i10 the shops. The remainder i.i t. i t tu r .i some jiuu semce a soon as com i;wiia iumii nut xiihiu a snip ui uie ni emeu ui aumn Latelv the discovered that the reason for the sugar short age was that the available supplies were being cowman-deere'l bv munitions manufacturers for makiner explosives. This is a plausible story, since the skill of organiV chemists is no doubt sufficient to convert the carbon of sup-ar into almost anv other carbon compound, the fla in the story lies in the fact that there are thousands of LONDON. Oct. 27: CPI Hie English Football Association Is con slderinq; a special wartime knock out comoetltlon for Red Cross funds. The standard of olay which has been put up in the special schedule? which have been operated since the war started Is said to be better than that of before the war. Mail Schedule For tne Eayt Monday. Wednesday, and Friday 5 p.m Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 11.00 p.m For Vancouver Tuesdaj 12:30 noon Thursday 10.15 p.m Friday 9:30 p.m October 6, 17 and 27 '.. 4 p.m. rrom Vancouver-Sunday . . 4 pja Wednesday 10 a.m, Friday 4 p.m October 12 and 23 .. For Stewart and Premier ounaay 7 p.m. Wednesday 1 p.m From Stewart and Premier Tuesday 11:30 4 Thursday 9 p.m. tor Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday 7 pa From Alice Arm, Naa River and Port Simpson Tuesday u:jrj ma. t or Queen Charlotte Islands-October 6 and 20 9:30 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands October 4 and 18 am For Alaska- October 12 and 22 from Alaska- a.m. October 6, 17 and 27 p.m. IlIDLirs NEW TONGUES LONDON. October 27: (CP nals, slipped past a sign to "heave -in its annual report the Drltlsh and Foreign Bible Society report the Bible has been printed In nine new languages, making a total of 732. Sales are increasing in Spain. WALES BENEFITS ROME, Italy. October 27: (CP) Italy, hard hit bv the crlnnllncr of week. Frequently the khaki-clad jcoal exports from Germany has guards arrive andvdepart In motor 'turned to Wales to supply her fuel ' tnjeks. - V , needs. Big Missouri, .1 Bralorne. 10.25. Dentonia. .01 Falrvlcw. .02. Oold Belt, .27. Hedley Mascot. Mlnto. .01 14. Noble Five, .02. Pacific Nickel. M Pend Orlelle, 2,70. Premier, 1.42. Privateer, .sn. Reeves McDonald, M. Reno, .51 Relief Arlington. .12',. Salmon Oold, .03. blitu.-.. wiee. l.U. OIU A. P. Con- .20. Cilmont, C. & E 2.42. Freehold. .02. Home, - to; I; ' i wd an. .asfe. Oknlta, Mercury, .W. Prairie Royalties, J22. . Tnfnnlu Aldermac. .40. Beattle. 1.12. Central Pat., 2J5. Cons. Smelters. 500. East Malartlc. 2i0. Fernland. .02 Vi. Francoeur. J7. Oods Lake. .55. Hardrock. 1.22. Int. Nickel, 40.75. Kerr Addison, 1.91. Utile Long Lac. 'OS McLeoa Cocsh".. "7 Madsen Red Lake. .42. McKenzle Red Lake. Ill Xfonta, .05. Noranda. 79.25. Pickl Crow. 4 30. Preston East Dome. 1.71 San Antonio. 1.70. Sherrltt Oordoii, U0. Stadacona. .43. Uchl. JW. Bouscadlllac. .04. Mosher. .07. Okiend. .10VV Smelters Oold. .01. Dominion Bridge. .44. New York Allli Chalmers. 434. Amer. Car and Foundry Halibut Boats Plead Guilty 38a, American Locomotive. 27 tfr. American SmelUng. 554. American Tel. and Tel- 16(5. Baldwin Locomotive. 19J. Bethlehem StceL 80'. Boyd-Warner. 27. Catplllar Tractor. 584. Dupont. 181 Oeneral Motors. 55 4. Ooodyear Tire and Rubber Inland 8teel. 02U. 28V International Nickel. 40 . Kennecott Copper. 41. National Biscuit. 23?i. New York Central. 22 i. North America Aviation. 27. Pennsylvania. 26V Pub. Service of New Jersey. 40 Radio Corporation, flt.. Republic Steel, 27. Scars-Roebuck. 84,. Socony Vacuum Oil. 13. 8tandard Oil of Calif., 28. Standard Oil of New Jersey. 47 United Fruit. 87 United States Rubber. 43 4. Yesterday- afternoon Capt. Peter Wold of the local halibut h,.n (Toodle pleaded guilty before Stln- cuuiary Magmraie Andrew Thomp son in provincial police court on a charge of fishing for halibut In Area No. 2 on an Area No. 3 licence in contravention of the International Fisheries Commission regulations and was flnM inn This morning Capt. Bert Sheppard or the Unomp nlpaHrf r...m.. r. v m huiiij UJIU was similarly fined, this afternoon the case of the Oslo. Cnnf a.i Olsen, in which there is a nlca of not guilty, is being proceeded with Nest Time You Ask For Stove Polish Say IFT" HOT IC-1 STOVES At All B.C. Stores CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 81 For Best Household Coal MRS. O. E. BLACK R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 318 210 F.l.hth Avenue West Sim wllL KCtpUd GfMi "Ba ProcmUt- .Kh Th -. a.-verfiisemenl i not published Of displayed t Htflr On'0l Board or by the Government of Brut ih v.cuntg) SPORT CHAT E i a a macr ranking year' u , u itot eonMd' tHl pment-da) mainly due v :c dom eompet. Some day Able Yanofsky will be menu a chesk wain but the 15-year old Wlnrttoci Btodtcv is a tear or s n. M ..... " "w - viae v ww t I' away from that exalted poitUon. ner ya, Abie vt a, sensation in the Inter- mcctarL: t inaUooal team championship at youUiful hkiri I Buenos Aires and was acclaimed jJaTC to mrf( I by wen masters as World Cham- nl2rd prewn --u .pipn Alexander Alekhlne and Sav-' eJiallenne er ' - an i-notower- as a remarkable ne mus, u Plyer. eentage of vir: " " feat a matn Bernard Freeiiman. secretary of uwrnament .. .he Canadian Chess FederaUor. nament with a : explained what Yanofsky has to tj,e defeated -eccmpllsh to become a master, nltlon, Reo in rremman jusi returned rrom Nev can b- granted yoric aner welcoming the Canadian team whose captain, John Morrison of Toronto. Is the only Canadian wn.j ever has Wen officially recognized by the International Chess Federation F. I D, national fedrr. -------- tt ml ... J." T. -.it m Five thouwm W people read thf DiUr 5J hav to sell. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTP. SPECIAL KEDUCED WINTER EXCURSION T.WtS Including all meals and berth accorn xJ TO VANCOUVER AND KRTUUV From PRINCE RUPERT CQA 00 From Port Simpson S3175 ?uuv 'Reduced Rate-Fare and one half also apply V from Intermediate points Clllluren--Flve tiiiiuren-Five years var nf of iim and n1 under imr t.wflY? iwrw age n Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1919 to l brary Slh- aood to return up to March 3lst lBf Steamers S.S. CATAI- Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. ThundU S.S. CAItDENA i-verv VwUmv 10:30 n.m. Mondif r-M 1 a h 1 . iicRciJi ana itcservauons irom ui 1C k-icr ieni tr KA.NK J, SKI.NNr.llI Iinrn If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Offlre ......... mnra nrmTrvmr -- Smoked "Rupert Brand" S Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. I For Lunrh on Toasted Sandwiches or J Hors d'ocuvrc f One Package Serves Four People J Keps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British