imely Recipes TAFFY APPLES A Hallowe'en Idea ider vinegar n v. :t a . . Ut i salt. mi HE SAYS "BECAUSE" Become ihil fragrant Old Virginia Fine Cot is cut extra ie to roll a trimmer, tidier cigarette with a flavour your ' iste wifl love to linger on . . . and become this cigarelle tscco has something on them all when it comes. to vidness and fragrance It has firit-puff satisfaction that j yes real quality. It will really pay you to try Old Virginia Fine Cutthe m rlloweA, most satisfying tobacco you ever tucked into garetle paper. Particularly if you use the best papers, f hantecler" or "Vogue." A. jiU Packoge lO lb. Tin 75(! Pocle t Humidor Pouch JSf. - her until It craks when 1 cold water Remove ' - i rid set over a pan of v. r Add a lew drops, o: Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert H. M. Coure. D. W. Souter. R Telkwa; H. O. Roesch. Pacofl. ULSTERMF-S' READY I HOCKEY SKF.DS UP iJUt FOOTBALLER KILLED ; BRIOHTO.V. Eng.. 0 27: 'CP) N Oct. 27 CP Among The British Ice Hockey s earliest casualties was Hon will have a schedule this wln-,n n action of Flight ter. despite early decisions to canst. W M. Penman, full- eel all games. Brighton. Hturin-Hthe United Services and gay Wembley and Sttcalham will K Force football teams. be among trams In the loop. t)l(eMAC0ONlD GNCCNICtS LTO LtlTH, SCOTUNO jRcauty Rest Mattress Slumber Kills Knrln I'lione 1 5 IS! I .;jit 1 I , ITUMSKlM I I- 40 ois. 1-26'joM. - i T advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor -3ntrol Board or by lue Government of British goiumoia. MacKenzie's Furniture $1330 $11.23 Pring rnitd Matlrres , $.00 ('Me Spring With steel slat edges. $9.50 This Is Bedding Time Get Ihe Best It Costs I-ess 3x7 THIRD AVENUE CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-l'acific To Vnncnni.r in ncpnn Falls and Way Potts 8.8. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 8.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th 8.8. "PRINCESS NORAH" November Oth, 10th, 37th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Iletu"1 T''kM - on sale Nqv. 1st, 1930 to Feb. 28th 1040 $Xf),00 Final Return r.lm!h.Miirh Mst 1040 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian pacific Bervlces Tickets and Reservations from V U COATK8. General Atent. Vtnc e Rupert, n.C. MARRIED THURSDAY Miss Mildred OUon Becomes Bride Of William McLean A marriage took place quletlv yesterday afternoon at the Priest Residence of the Church of the Annunciation, Rev. Father Lan-tagne officiating, when Miss Mild red Dixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Dixon of this city, became Miss Jean Dalzell. There was a large gathering of friends at a reception m the eve BELFAST. Northern Ireland. Oct. nlns to tender congratulations and ile ' lorlng Wash and M- 'r-sne enure organization gooa wunes to we n&vvt '""i"1 irH nnniot injtrt'of the Ulster branch of the Over-'.who later sailed on the Prince .-.kewer Jn bloswm end s14 League has been placed at Rupert for a honeymoon trip to "a t i .m,n the dlsDOsal of the government. Vancouver and Seattle, many wen coated Place One of Its actlvluea will be the paper unUl cool. 1 provision of canteens. friends gathering to give them hearty send-off. Numerous beautiful and useful After having spent three weeks !or so engaged in freighting mining niDDlles from Burroughs Bay in .nhm Channel to MacKay Lake I for the mining operation which Is .At-riaH mil under the dlrec- Hon of Thomas MacKay on me upper Unuk River, a Olnser Coote Airways Norseman seaplane, pilot, ed by William Holland, made a brief call here oh Tuesday morning of this week for fuel and continued its Illgnt to Vancouver. On board as passen'gers were H. GUUn and H. L. Batten, mining en gineers, who have been Inspecting the property. Two Canadian Pacific steamers are due In port this afternoon the Princess Louise at 3:45 from SKag way and the Princess Norah at 3 o'clock from Vancouver Most people rcao the classified ads. Do you? THE SEAL of QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert LOCAL NEWS NOTES Gingham October 31. Dance, Moose mim Helen Walker arrived in I the city this week from Victoria and will spend a toree montna vUU here with her parents, Mr. land-Wells may receive a commls slon. WAS TOO HELPFUL MALVERN. Australia. October 27- Rob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q. tt S. Grocery Phone 348 CHIMNEYS Furnaces and Stove Pipes Cleaned Stcen's Limited Phone 5 COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 858 Hall,. For prompt and courteous sef-232 vice Phone 13 Taxt tt. Lutheran Circle, tea and sale for, Casey's Dance, Eagles Han. Ad-Red Cross, Metropole Hall, Oct. 28. mission 20c, Saturday 8-12 pjn. from2-p.m. 251j 251) th hHis nf wniiam itrtan gem .nA f i Waltlnz for fish shloments. to' J. i u M. WtAkn- Walker mm Miss Anne Walker RJ. . gradu-; ate of the Prince Rupert General Hospital training school for nurses Duncan P. Miller is leaving on this evening's train for a vacation trip to Boston. of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McLean of -- jnlght's train for the East will not, 8eal Cove. Only Immediate frlendi Dr. Fred Kergln of Toronto has-be leaving until 11 o'clock. I and relatives of the contracting . recently joined the medical corps jounle were present. ( in Toronto for service overseas and : HU1 60 Hallowe'en Tea and Home The bride was beauurul in a his cousin. Miss Edith Kergln, is Cooking. Canadian Legion rooms, sheer gown of pale chlfron wlth'ai! a member of the same corps tomorrow afternoon. (251F matching oullted bolero-and pink'. nnr-. ! Oiiuuiuii shoulder lenath s ugi.ii veil, mi, carrylns v"ijMe a "i i SPECIAL EXTRAORDDiARYl . shower bouquet of pale pink rcv-sj mim Marjorie Whellams of Van-1 Fish and Chips "Ye Olde Country land yellow chrysanthemums. couver. who has been paying a'style" 30c at Cookie's Coffee I Miss Florence Dixon, sister of tw0 visit here with Mr. andjShoppe. Saturday, all day, any tthe brltie, was a lovely bridesmaid n j a. Barry, is sailing by the time. 251 i In a gown of pale peach silk taf- princess Louise this afternoon on, (feta and with bolero to match and her return to her home In Van- Thomas McKay, who has been 'a corent of rosebuds, carrying a COUTer 'bouquet of yellow and white chrys-t anthemums. The bride was given ' - in marriage by her father, C. u. r Dixon and Wilfrid McLean, brother lfa (SthitCOSe PL Following the marriage cere- tlOlit ClGltCOldi, mnnv a rwerMi"rl W9t h1rl nt the I V . home of the bride's parents, Sixtn (Acuiahu Avenue East The guests were received by the bride's mother, wearing a gown of wine silk crepe with a corsage of red roJebuds and Mrs. N. M. McLean, who wore a smart brown j ensemble with a corsage of rosebuds. ' The table was beautifully decor ated and centred with a three-tier Burgess. Vancouver; Dan OTlourke.J wedding cake which was duly cut Calgary: D. McN. Lowe. pease by the bride. Lake; Hugh McDonald. Stewart; j During the afternoon and eve-Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lukow, Ket- ning serviteurs were Mrs. W. chlkan; O. C. Sessions. Terrace; Smith. Mrs. W. Inch. Mrs. Wilfrid Mrs. A. Faure and James Bradley. McLean. Miss Ceclle Cavenalle and tftstoaU. 1 Ted Kergln went south on the Prince George last night from-Premier with the object of enlisting"' in the flying corps. Another Prem ier man going south to enlist, only i in another branch of the service, was Ernie Smith of the mine office! staff. J-'t VALUABLE INDUSTRY and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.;B Gam(j untInr r,,,, of thU after hav-. M. Walker city, Min5oo Dolars A Year Ing spent some time at Montreal T.. Br. ColbmhU taking a nursing post-graduate course, is now iocaiea ai fnncei Albert, Saskatchewan, where she; The organization, history and is engaged In Victorian Order of -functions of the provincial gov- Nurslng work. emment's game department form EPSOM JOCKEY- RAISER EPSOM, England. Oct. 27: (CPi A. S. Boxall. amateur racehorse ... -. j u,inaer ana owner was iouna ucau irlfts tesUfv to the popularity ofhn his office here recently. Apart ed the subject of an Interesting talk delivered before the Prince' Rupert Rotary Club at it weekl? luncheon yesterday by J. C. Cun ningham of Vancouver, chairman of the Board of Oame Commis-j stoners of British Columbia. Last, the couple who. on their return. from his racing activities,- Boxall. JW Mr. Cunningham stated will reside at Seal Cove. Whifflets From The Waterfront 'was an estate agent. CRICKETERS TOGETHER was estimated that 505 big game; hunters from outside of the prov-' ince visited British Columbia, the average spending of each being LONDON. October 27: (CP) about $1,000. The speaker said Tuo Surrev cricketers. F. R. Brown i that efforts were being made to and H. M. Oarland-Wells, enlisted induce as many as I.D0O big game on the same dav. with W. H. Web- hunters to visit the province which ster. Corinthian footballer. Gar-, would bring in a total of $1,000,000 of new spendings here. reier UiKie. president of the Rotary Club, was In the chair and expressed appreciation to the speaker for his talk. Guests were Don Crerar. past president of thei (CP)-James Blease. 23, has a very: Prince Rupert Rod & Gun Club; helpful younger brother, who held and Oame Warden Ed,. Martin, i a candle to help James repair his motorcycle in the dark. But the candle came too close to the petrol) It's the cumu!atlt effect of && and James had a leg badly burtied.jvertlsinit that counts. ORAM'S NEW COSLMAND I I PORTSMOUTH. Eng., Oct. 27' j (CP) Captain H. P. K. Oram.1 first or four survivors to escape! the sunken submarine Thetis in' Liverpool Bay in June, Is again In-charge of a British ship whose' name Is not disclosed. A fifty cent classified ad. often make you many dollars. will Announcements All adtertlsenenu in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Plays, Presbyterian Hall, Oct. 27. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, Oct. 28.-Eagles Bridge November''! Canadian ember 3. Legion Baaaar, Nov- Anglican Bazaar November 9. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov. 14. Vaudeville. November 17. Dance. Moose Hall. St Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. Country Fair November 34: Hair Treatment Are you suffering with 6caly Dandruff, Itching 8calp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless flair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty Shop Brahms Music Ladies' Subject Mm. R. G. Large in Charge of Program at Gathering on Wednesday Afternoon i opening up a new mining property In the Unuk country, arrived at; Stewart this week by plane and Is spending a few day at Premier. It of the program and read an Interesting program tin the life of Jo-hann Brahms, a program of Brahms' music following. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl played as a piano solo "Hungarian Dance Na. 5" and Mrs. 8. D. Johnston sang -Lullaby." There were recordings of; "Requiems Part 1 and 2 from "Sonata in F Minor. The second meeting of the season At the conclusion of the meetlhg, of the Ladles' Music Club was held delicious refreshments were served at the home of Mrs. R. O. Large, by the hostess. Wednesday afternoon with the president, Mrs, Shelford Darton, In; the chair. Mrs. Large had charge Advertising is ai .irvesvinent. Thij advertisement (s not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board dr. by the Government of British Columbia B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Rebuilt Chesterfield In tapes try and velour . . . 1 Rebuilt Chasterfield All $6 69.00 1 3-piece Chesterfields $36.00 t0 f Cfiesterfield Couch At 1 Imperial Oil Burner With new sleeves and pump 1 Reconditioned Kitchen Range At 3 Mil iar Vanity and Stool At 4 Reconditioned Radios Of various makes, from 1 Singer Sewing Machine; At $65.00 $39.00 $16.00 Phone BLACK 321 INext Door to B. C. Clothiers) $23.50 $25.50 $10.50 $16.00 $16.50 THIRD AVE. KEEP THIS LIST New Rooks Let Us Reserve Your Xmas Books Now The Following Titles Are Already in Stock THE HAPPY HARVEST FarnOl S2.00 CHILDREN OF GOD-Fisher $3.00 . XT' TAKES ALL KINDS BramHeld $3.50 PAPER; PRISON Wren $2-23 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY-i-Maugham $2.00 and $2.75 HISTORICAL NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT-Sabattlnl $2.50 GRAPES OF VvTUTH-Stelnbeck - $3.00 SONDRA OrOOREWllloughby - $2.25 ANNE OF INOLESIDE rMontgomery $125 WIND, SAND AND STARS Exupery $3 JO THE THIBAULTS Du Oard . v .i- $30 NORTH TO ADVENTURE Montague $2-25 .NORTH TO THE ORIENT Morrow ! NINE POUNDS OF LUGGAGE Parrlsh $3J$0 THRU EMBASSY EYES Dodd - $3.00 THE ARTS Van Loon $3 00 QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN Hackett - ..00 European Jungle YeataBrown " r- ,.."$3i For Special' Notice NORTHLAND TRAILS Ells. An Ideal gift book fromB.C - -r.$!W DISPUTED PASSAGE Lloyd Douglass' outstanding novel (limited edition) . $l-50 SHAKESPEAR Complete In one volume. Only 93c We Can Procure any Book from" Current Lists at" Publisher' Price: Make Your Selections Early to Avoid Disappointment at XekS. J. H. BULGER .Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. Fresh Local Raw: and Pasteurized MiHc VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE t57 7t o 1 M , ' i p y f i .f lj pi1 . in 1 m 1 V. i- t ! ii I I I