THE DAILY NEWS. SS “Not what we wish but what we want, ”..Merrick. The News Wa ay is a a Good We Wa on WE HAVE A CLIENT : For One or Two Good Lots in Section One. Submit Your Listings. Second Avenue Telephone 83 PATTULLO & RADFORD | OE i) wt es KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.’”’ ome. _—~ eee Bh ete sere le Sip mt eee es eres er LYNCH BROS. La — Stock General | Merchandise FIFTH AVENUE Lot 6—Block 10—Section 6 $1700—$800 Cash ‘Law-Butler Co., 3rd Ave. LARGE CROWD | AT THEATRE (Continued from Page 1.) ; a3 {that it was difficult to get out in | face of the packed crowd pushing | to get in. This was one of those incon- | veniences to be expected on such }an occasion, but that the people |were enthusiastic in their ad- |miration and approval of the new j}opera house there was no room | for doubt. From the pavement in front bearing the roomy chairs pro- name to the |vided’.on, the floor, every little) et ee ee eee ee ere me ee ere BE ee re ers ms ere re BE SNAP } pe tesselated | et — — 2 | “The News” Classified Ads. || “DEAD ONES” Feed. een ae For Rent er et | FoR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th a | Apply Phone 313, well heated! FOR LEASE—MclIntyre Hall; i Phone 116.) and lighted. J. H, ROGERS, Insurance Piscine weno OUR Companies are noted for prompt and set | settlements. We write every known class of | Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co, msrceteermermerms oe { BARBER wanted; 65 per cent. minion Baths, f Apply Do- Wet WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs. | Palmer, cor. 4th ave. and Hays Cove Circle. Telephone 209. uw WANTED—Servant girl; other maids kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Paumore. WANTED—Position by young man in|} grocery or hardware business; 7 years’| = experience; best of references given. Ad- | dress A, Daily News at (ne Cent A Word For Each Insertio THERE ARE NO } | { ~_~— ~_—o { HERE— — i ee | MKEEN & HUNTER Horseshoers Carriage Repairing General Work AND SEVENTH STREET Phone 69 Red —THE Westholme Lumber Co. LIMITED— COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered ~ Lumber and Mouldings | - Avenue All Kinds of Building Supplies {| Phone 186) j;we eks NEW INDUSTRY AT OCEAN FALLS Old Country “ Mewspaper Cutting | Reveals Remarkable New Enter- prise About to Be Launched— Demand Desirable Residences. Wanted, to correspond with owners of haunted houses with view to investi- gation. It will be to the in- terest of owners of such houses to communicate with advertiser. References ex- | changed. Chas. Dendricks, care of Ocean Falls Co., Ltd.,, Ocean Falls, British Colum- } bia. | | “Aha!” quoth our sleuth as he | scissored out the above interest-| from the Overseas Daily Mail. “What meaneth this yer? Aha, and yet again Aha! A new industry methinks! Haunt- | ed houses supplied to order for climbers after social distinction in the rising cities of Northern |B. GC. Family ghosts and ghost- }esses supplied with without rattling chain accompaniment. | Monks, Nuns and Bleeding Cava- liers always on hand. Special varieties must be ordered a few in advance. Haunted | Houses in the Elizabethan, Early |Norman or Renaissance = style {ready now. Several choice non- ing cutting or CE RUS NY A Ca ASK at a O eT INS |} One lot, blo cash, ba One lot, bi cash, bal One lot, bi cash, bal Three lots, t % cash, ba Two lots, bilo % cash, b One lot, t cash, ba One lot, block 98 cash, bal One lot, cash, One lot, k 1 One lot, cash, bal Two lots, bi % cash, t One lot, bloc cash, bal Two lots, bio $50 cash, ba Two Wat 875 Two ey $75 cash, One lot, bl each, bal $1 bal. $15 per m ck 40, sect $16 per un FOR SALE. on Second avenue at Lakelse Restaurant Farm land FOR RENT Store, corner street la FOR SALE SECTION 1. ornare | Lore 23 and 24, Block 8, also bedding and cheap furniture | 0 % cash, balance very easy terms. P. O, box 105. | Lot 31, Block 16, $8,500. §4,000 cash, , 12 and 18 months. House and barn; | rent $100 per month. to introduce House and/| Lots and 10, Block woman's magazine). Make cash, 5, 12 and 18 months. No money required, ts 3 and 4, Block 8, $10,000. Give refer-| 9% and 15 months. Young man for railway train; some restaurant experience | Apply Newstand, wharf, 3t/ deseript styles on hand. Aha, and yet again aha!” thing was-found to te charming. lw ARTED one The decorations are good, the! preferred. scenery 1s Tt and the mov- | ANTED — Restaurant outfit, ing pictures can be seen to much]! range, ng picyy : 3 } for about ten rooms. greater advantage. 9-tf Professor Werner played the curtain raiser, an overture with|~ the ambitious: title “Westholme| gimpie copy on request. Grand March,” which introduced ences. Address Circulation Manager, | SECTION 2. | . ‘ | House and Home, 347 Pender street} a y a special feature war film show- west, Vancouver, B. C. Several good lots in this section cheap ; , : | SECTION 56. and 17, Block 17, $1,000 ing the Italians in Tripoli. This} | Lots 16 and 12 months. followe y a vi ville act | sh, 6 + followed by a vaudeville act| Block 22, $2,600. Want one offer Bell and Dale and topical} uu house and cabin. i or terms 7-0 : t | 26 o 3 00) |songs by Miss Goldie Barnes. A | meee er errr erermereth | 25, with tw 3- room 8, esebo i i $1,000 cash, 12 and FOenes ae Rete + the | TBs el Business Chances | Lo 600. Cents,” followed, played by “The ttre mm F Store, corner street. Jeremiah H. Kugler, lid Phone 317 Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. ‘ a ms eo cle a ss es ee es BE | Section 1, $15,-| ae - ilascathiactal | ISOLATION HOSPITAL * { { { { ! { { { | BS mem Dr. Reddie to Report with Another Plan wereve ADY wanted 11, $15,000, 1-3 Home (the eg te es me ms me me ces ee cle rs es ers rs rs BE $10 to $20 weekly. 1-3 cash, ee Reddie, medical health of- written the Council stating that he has been m- munication with the Provincial Health Officer on the matter of isolation hospital. He men- a suitable building and view asks delay report a definite Dr. ficer, has Phone 150 The Insurance Peopk WANTED $2,100. in ec mornings, Borden st. general servant. J. Lorne MacLaren, Good Mrs. “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Pwices. was Apply Bie 6t by an tions that 1S¢€ 6, 8 months’ 5 9 and i0, Block 45, , 12 and 18 months. 24, Block 28, $900. 2 months, 9, Block 40, , $950 $300 cash, This is @ snap 29, $500, $250 cash, 6 SECTION 6. and 9, Biock 36, $2,800. , 12 and 18 months, and 14, Block 25, $3,000. months. SECTION 7. |Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 21, j cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, | mn é jiock 15. $450 cash, - re + anna , $900. Lost and Found 12 months. Mari Ac late Glass $800. $400 cash, and with 6 and site are in for further proposition, £450 cash, P Employer's | } Contractors’ and | Pe sonal Bonds Policies Wr assort- patterns Mack Realty é hori P.S.— Houses and Rentals Famous Westholme Comedy Trio.” with 3-room house and MARRY—The Ideal Introduction @lub leads | balance 1 and to happiness. Strictly private, high class | and reliable. Best in the West. Addr I. C, Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. uy} f24 J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru- t ..pert. Locator and timber cruiser; govt} land for pre-emption or _ purchase, Nursery stock for sale. Phone 305 P. O Box 993. 4t | J. Jabour Makes an Effort in Council to Have His Building on Third Avenue Raised 20 Inches at City Expense. 7, Block months, mt Saat received, finest $1,400; ment of woolens, latest ‘ in tweeds and fancy worsteds. 000 $4, jwill pay you to look at them. |Sweeder Bros., merchant tailors | Hergerson block, entrance in the 6 and} ‘ lane, 3t - Vancouver, B.C. 3 1142 Pender Street West ; Phone 8500. )MPANY $3,450. 1-4 PHONE 301 rome PONY EXPRESS sama. Lots 18 and 19, Block 37, $1,500. $1,000) cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, | SECTION 8. | Lots 3 and 4, Block 15, $500. LOST—-One diamond sleeve link between | | Lot’ a, Block 10; 9450. corner of 8th ave. and McBride and Cen- 2 years. tral Hotel. Rturn to Peter Black, Cen- corner, lots 19 and 20, Block 16, tral Hotel, and receive reward. ur 750. $378 cash, 6 and 12 ‘months. I ot 6, Block 11, $350. $175, cash, 6 | iz ‘months. FOR RENT. Jos ss orm ere ms serra | l |3-room house, 7th avenue, | | $20 per month. For Sale $-room house, 4th avenue, Se ms te rs eres ere ee $15 per month. | . Cabins jmone a A Apply Drexel usiness Lots in New Hazelton. 4 ot | Lots in Fort George, right at the G townsite Topay’s POLICE NEWS 1 and|)Gamblers Fined—One Case Ad- eneee SYSTEMATIC MERCHANT VER $250 cash, When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the CARLTON HOTEL Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Het and Cold Water in each room. ‘4 Baggage, Storage and Forwa gent. Te 995 cas 5 $225 cash, Kige or Motor Car | Double Seventh Ave. and Fult Phone W. he his signed a pe- claim the aie accruing on Claiming that tition waiving city for any through change Third avenue, J.. ed to the Coun .Grand_ Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in » Connection Phone 178 GEO BRODERII S, Proprietor, LINDSAY'S © G. T. P. Transfer Agents was fur- Magistrate All the evi- however, Sly and R. M. Parte each $18 and this morning. y on Vac hans case > > Joseph Fulton;|ther adjourned Carss this morning. this damage is of grade Jabour last night by letter m to have his build- 20 or 22 inche grade. He wanted this work | one 160-acre farm in Alberta, near Wetas- | on , kiwin; one 160-acre farm in Alberta, done at city expense. The matter TAKE NOTICE. near Cowley To trade both for Prince} referred to the Citys Engineer | outstanding accounts due the! Kupert property. . a olved firm of Ching, Now Co and the Board of Wor near near McBride; dence case is, Charlie fineds gambling in ; in, CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS Vancouver, B.C appea FOR SALE and il Rooms, 3 Collie pups. : pers city. T. P. were llow |, osts for ing raised s to get { on Lots in Masset, We bought a traveler’s samples They make good mats cheap. at That lately are pay le to Yuen Now, kwong PRINTING CITY BALANCE SHEET Tenders Opened in Council Last Night from Four Firms—Re- ferred to Finance Committee. all gi on 1s f Carpet. List your property with us—we have) ‘) oes the buyeta j}and are very Wallace's. C. A. VAUGHAN BACK IN TOWN | Felts of Remarkable Signs of a | Growth and Coming Prosperity | Up River and Along the Bulkley Valley — Big Business Ahead. sale . ARTAGE and STORAGE information Free. Th. COLLART Sole Agent Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. Bcx 805 226 6th 8t. Phone 381 MAY ARBITRATE M’MORDIE CASE Proposal to ‘Have Old Contract Dispute Arbitrated Instead of Going to Appeal—Situation Un- settled—May Have Meeting. is a proposition hanging by which possibly of Mc- settled MR. REAL ESTATE MAN CAN YOU TAKE A HINT? The following is a sample of a kind of letter The Daily News frequently receives. This one is from a man in Alberta Orders promptly fille OFFICE~—H. B. Rochester. Vent? ———_— HOTEL for SALE Lot with 24 furnished room Hotel, good location, Sec. 1, for sale at a hacentn price. JOHN DYBHAYN 319 3rd Ave | We Offer For Sale The Following Property. } tions SONS OF NORWAY Meets Sundays at p. m., Norwegians ar‘ 2nd and 4tl Tenders for print of the il ba the city opened last night, as follows: Empire Publishing city to furnish cuts for specified. Journal Pu exclusive of firm agrees t« supplied. McRae _ everything Daily New $150, excepling The tenders the Finance co sideration - n Ué ing 000 copies in ir} sheet for council annué lance were in Ru- Co., night C. A. Vaughan of pert, representing Sloan Ltd., returned to town last from i trip to the Bulkley Valley and to New Hazelton. He reports business in his line exceptionally good all along the road and men that of really great strides toward prosperity are very om Rlevent | apparent the way up 4 ane Ave. river and into the Bulkley dis- Sixth Ave. | trict. Mr, Vaughan, himself Borden St.) of the “dressy men” about though not the with Hank nevertheless a} great musher regular Jehu oe: behind a dog He holds a Sage | walking record and really does : | eo some nthe ural Prince Rupert Lodge, L005 Continental Trust Co. ° v0 8 5 s in the Hé Second Ave. LIMITED; For sale—Soda fountain and Meet Evening ere : . Every Tuesday nt Insurance| @!! appurtenances, C, H. Orme, tf der in ¥ Rent tbers of U ' ight Prince « There in the balance the settlement of the Mordie vs. City may by arbitration. This, City frankly told night, would for Co., $4132, case two mats mee Dear Mr. Editor: be Me and some friends of mine would like to buy a few city lots in Prince Rupert, but we don't know anyone at present in Prince Rupert, so we have written to ask if you would be kind enough to send me on your daily paper, as I am told it advertises the most city lots and property for sale in Prince Rupert, for which I send you on some stamps. Hoping you will oblige us, and apologizing for the trouble. Yours respectfully, A SPECIALTY Dressmaking and Repairing Cleaning & Pressing Work Done soo HOPE 533 8th Ave! COD blishing Co., $74, two mats, whic h the bind in if they are Peters last per and the Solicitor the Council be costly, $25 arbitrator lawyers’ too, which would be much more because a judge can keep lawyers within bounds, while a rule a trio of arbiters cannot, Signs day each o Rupert Bros., $145, Three lots, Block 6, Section 1, Avenue, Two lots, Two lots, One lot, 2 lot, including fees, now all Block 8, Section First Block 1, Section Block 9, Section 5, Block 13, Section 5, Publishing Co., mats, one referred to as town mmittee for con- and COTS: were : Fourtl class Fifth Ave 5, Section 6, , Section 6, Section 7, Ambrose Section 7, Sixth Section 7, Eighth Ave in is and teain. same THE DAILY NEWS has the biggest circula- tion of any paper in the district. It is all bona fide circulation too. It enters the homes of real estate investors in every leading city in Canada as well as England and the United States. Do You Catch the Hint? | Two lots, One lot, Ohe lot, One lot, Ave Ave Ave, Block 2, Block 21, Block 27, Uniess the city can agree to arbitration the City Solicitor must j enter the city’s defense in the ap- | peal pending. |Seal Cove Residents Want a New|: Peters’ recommendation | | rather toward an effort at mutual Plankway. |agreement between MeMordie and lthe Council at a special meeting, which may be held this week. PETITION FROM FAR OUT 1s B Bloc Estate fety Deposit Boxes for residents have peti- = | tioned for the hundred Seal Cove All men city are request the rebuilding of about feet of connecting the road passing the| B. C. Ti roadway in| ciTy HALL HEATING J. G. Vierick Mends. G. Vierick, the popular timer who has been seriously ill for eight weeks, underwent an operation successfully last night at the general hospital and is making good progress. Drs. Kegert and Reddie carried out the operation, | S1X plankway J. old nv. G. Sec »| Lengthy Discussion of Proposed Plant with Architect. DOUGLAS A G. BARRIE, WwW. ;WANTED: LOTS - IN - PRINCE - RUPERT Anglican, chapel to the «& old order that merchants may deltver | the easier access Referred to and Board of Timber ¢ After a lengthy discussion of | the merits and details of the pro- posed system of heating to be in- |} stalled in the new city hall at | whie h Architect Potter was pres- lent and re plie “dd to many G uestions ly Fresh Eggs Ac. a Dozen’. te STALKER & WELLS. plant, which were as follows: . State best cash price, best prices with 1-3 cash, balance on terms. Be sure and give height above street or below grade and if level, goods and _residents there} Also to City Works. their! En- General House Furnishings THI yee F urniture Store 2nd Ave. and 6th § Entrance 2nd Ave may have homes. grineer | Subscribe For The Daily News Strict STOCK THE WEATHER. Quinton & _ TALBOT Saskatchewan Western Foundry Co., $1,973; Smith & Mallett, $1,960, and Wil- liam Grant, $2,255." The lowest | will be accepted, For twenty-four hours ending 5 a. m., February 29, 1912: Bar., }0,222; max, temp., 40.0; min. 25.0. — IN THE Pantorium Phone 4, ADVERTISE NEWS Pioneer Cleaners. | temp.,