PAOE FOUR p-'-l -I J. MANY AT for common orCnary sort throat BAZAAR Annual Affair VrUerday Afternoon Of Presbyterian Charrh Ladies Aid W'u CuipUl Succe FJfi tttlirr eoedjiivr.s favored the animal bazaar yesterday af-Urncua of the LadttC Aid of First Presbyterian Cfeufcb and th charrh ball, attractively decorated far the occasion wttt fafl flmn was crowded with eaOerS throttgh-owt the afternoon The affair was opened by the paster. Err. H G. Foo4on. and the es ware re eetved by Mrs K U. Fwte. presi-dmt of the Ladies Aid. Mrs. C G Hanv ara convener of the tea mora beinr attested by Mrs S H Lcsue Jirs J 51 Walk El er. Mrs. James Balrd and Mis 'Molly Oweas. Mrs. J. R. Carrie 'and Mrs. J. 8- McKay poured and serrUenrs were Mrs. Witiiam Laca-be. Mrs. Gordon Daaiels and Mrs. T WJBrown. Mrs. Robert Cam-Mftaryks cashier. lit charge Bf other departments of the bazaar were the faiknring Bow pootiuc Mrs. James Had dan. Mrs A iTarson and Mrs J G. Garrett Caad Mrs. J. UcLeed and Mrs A. Deaean. Plain Sewing and Fancy Work Mrs W L. SaJidson. Mrs. N? .. McDonald and Mrs. William Mc Leod. Christinas Gifts Mrs. E J Saba. Mrs. H. H Broekieby and Mrs JasMS L. Lee. Grab Box -Mrs. Jasaes BJrnpso: and girts of the Jaalor choir Canada At War 25 Years Ago B The Canadian Press K . 17 WH: Princes Pat r :?.as Canadian Light Infar.ry .-ft. SaiiAury Spgtaad, to joy. a E' jir. Division embarking short f r France Wintry weather cbe-k d ?htin- m both East and We? frwiita tr. Europe REAL SAVINGS IN Heavy Grey Work Socks Hanson Socks From 30c A Pair To $1.00 A Pair Bryant Company Limited faene VT, SSZ, Srd. Are. r. VJO. Box C22 MacKenzie's Furniture CLEARANCE ON TKAPE IXS '5 S5-00 ,r"lB"",-S12.50 3 Dressers Qrj ffA 1 Book qase With morrors At 1 Walnut Dining TableExtends to 7 feet Phone 775 S12.50 $22.50 Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. Fpr Lunch sn Toasted Sandwiches or Ilors d'oeuvre ' , is. x v . .... . "' .. . One Package Serves Four People K.-epj for Weeks In Refrigerator , V Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia I Australian Doctor Says Bad Re-salts Will Mark The Future Five thousand i t.zt. Runrt people read the Dally Sews, it pays to let them know what ym. hare to cell NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM liOME" Rates $1.00 op SO Rooms Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert. BE Pbone 281 P.O. Box 19 Bob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q. & 8. Grocery Phone 318 COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 88 and 838 THE DAILY XESTS 'FIRED UPON jjj ro, C.iN.K: mr Officials Promoted p rn 3 , . ntml,nm ' lflj BilljBjj ,1 lCdHkyso 'aflKiPK i3lBss' aaaaaaEte' - JM A jH pgB ft 'JtsssB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV 'jHataaasaBBBBBBBBBW MalPHBBBBBBBBBBBBft .aH '.4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SEVERAL tepcrUct chases in the Western Reeiaa optrsur deBart-o fS11 5LC. Natteju t-re been mn-nirredi ty S J Huaserfjrd Crnui and Prexde:- T a a. IXsa. f jrserly ctlefeaeer of the Western Region U promoied to be Ctlet E&alneer or Operancss of the Cararttin Kauocal Raiinrs. with 1.-, 4t Meoaeal Top riant: W R. Derenish. fonaerty Oeneral Sapertnteobent of TranrportaUon U presaoted to General Manarr Weem ReeJon. Jrer left: W C Orent. formerly General Superintendent of the A2rta Dmriet. is promoted to General Seperi&te&drpt f Transportation. Western Regloa Loxer rtjht J li McKfcnoo. fen&erty Superisundent at Canary, is promoted to be General Spenntedent ABwna DUtrirt vtUt tnAgrnnen at Edmonton Warns 'Flappers' About Cocktails SPORT CHAT To round out the eight teams In the Commerciai Bowling League. entries from the Eelectrtcal Work- H OB ART. Tasmania. Kot. 17: ' era. Moose Lodge, Printers and Im-CP Cocktail drinking amotrc perial Oil are expected. The first '"flappers" yas condenvned by Dr. iraais Angus ApartmenU. 0. R. D. Brothers, piedical super- 0to Club. Canadian N'aUonai Rec-intendent of a Tasmanian mental reation Association and Canadian .qospiui. a Dsmuu--Di uie league away to "It is aH right to haTe a cock- a good start Wednesday night The tail, bat it makes me annoyed next games are to be played M on-Then I see girls of about 18 or 19 day night the final date for league $ears in society -swiping up cock-, entries being set for this Saturday. tails," he said. -I can assure you' of the bad results is a few years."! Although troubles hare been en-; "I also condemn the popularity i countered, hope has not been gir-of flats." he added. "My chief on- n op of getting some activity In jection is the attendant curtail-1 the y of senior basketball In ment of families or the curtail-1 Prince Rupert this winter. The ment of the liberty of the child. ,1rar- of course, responsible for (iory arc jceai ior tne etaerly re-u amicuuies. in me first place. .urea cospte. whose family has many of the boys are In uniforms igrown up. but disastrous to th Secondly, there is the old dlffl- young married couples, beoauv eult of obtaining suitable pre-they tend to do away with famflr mise. Poattbiy before lone there we" nay be some played to benefit the Red Cross. Later on. there will, no doabt. be the Northern British Columbia championship series. The champion of Great Britain's feminine h i. n i Saundersi-Just 13 years old. Shs iwent thrdugh two recent cham- ptonsnip tournaments with nlnt .wins, not a loss and only two draws. Chess experts are enthusiastic at the manner la which little Mlas Saunders keeps Her head in (difficult positions, in winning her title she rallied from a losing 'position to draw with the former j champion Vera Menchik Steyen- son has I ins been Enzland's best 'woman player. She won the world .titi? at the recent Uuenos Aires uurnameni wun a perfect score. War Tn Nursery This Christmas Tpys Will Re Lait Word In Realism -Of Conflict LONDON, Nov 17: (CP) Britain's war against Germany may not seem very real to some people out tne toys she will give her children to play with this Chrlst-mas are the last word In realism. .The big stores are showing play? iriuiis oi oauoon Darrages, outfit for anti-aircraft actlvHy ;"u apafcjuisnis witn reai duids, une an also buy sandbag em- i-wwinu ano armored trucks. A fifty cent ciassinea ad. will often make you many dollars. J2 A I K I IKKK (Stranm rt Ct Tells In Se-I attle of Har She Wa SUppe4 I At rtinre Rapert SCVTTLC Not 17 .CP'- The SonhXind TranjportaUoo Co A steamer North Coast Capt. A. J Borklund. tellj of belnr, stopped by a eannac whlrh fired a shell aeroas her boars as she entered Prince Ru- ) pert Harbor There m as some mls- -dersndlnr aboqt slsnals aad he North Coast faMed to slop rhen railed upon. She qakrkJy izraed around when fired epon by he -aral examiniflt anthortUe at fee er. trance of Prince Rapert Harbor i Borkland, UUnf that Canadian ! ?5cers apparently thought the Un .led States ship had not' Hopped qexkiy eooech ahen ordered to do sc said he iud thosf ht it neeeasary J3 keep hu shtp nyrif to afe-' ird against irwjndlsHt but be st.pped immediatelr at Vhr varnlac I retard to the (Qtsdent referred Commander C D Danalj, oaval 'ffirer m charge at prince Rupert; rated this morning that tkjr cf She North Coast had been' but & routine matter o consetton with the examination serrtee vbieh a r w effec UTe at this port WANDERERS WIN SOCCER The second round of the King Edward School football league was completed yesterday when, after a W 3 3 0 L I 1 4 D 0 0 0 F A 11 3 10 S 2 15 r I? i i J Take N.Y. Fancy Fashioq Adopts Furs, Good Lark Cliarms To Dre-up fiUdr NEW YORK Not. 17: 'CPiNey' inr-bearing fashions taking the. town bf storm are mink-tall neck- Smart New Yorkers are wearing gold Chinese Jewelry hung with good luck charms and prosperity motifs, "Firefly woos" embroidr ered in gold threads or sequins which shimmer In the light hare come to town as a smart cocktail and dinner fashion. Reds are making a noteworthy splash In the evening mode' hoods attached to coats and suits are going to a lot of football i games this fall Wartime hues jnollu blue, trench browp and. aparem s mioseason collection. j Duchess Angry At Rich Women Paying Wartime Jobs Should Re Fpr The Wh0 Need Them, She Says ! LONDON, Nor. 17: ICPi- The Duchess of Westminster, noticing i a considerable nypiber of wealthy women ui paiq i-anpje jobs, has broken out Jlke an angry member of the House of Lords. i "I nnl continually Cnmlnir acrnti cases of wealthy women who too on Jobs In a voluntary capacity and who, now that the war has started, have obtained well-paid 1 B LlOl IfllfllTMMll CRIENDSHIP-S ed . i Ui y( In dt clyb-BOwe, lodft ef pniiu Mctw . . . okoctr mttl union . . . Gt' it oFwtd d tutpiti vith ttaaetiUtinf iiiwiki t'ntfMr mta uVc &nti fo ytrttd Grant' i LIQUEUR SCOTCH TAKE WHISKY 7C FOX G&MATID TImi adxrliurrnt is not pobfijhed or dtatjtj Control Board or by Kt Government of Bnt.h C: t. f ry close game, the Wanderers ' " on from the BeaTers by one goal P Thxhts mid. "They Eric Rlrhatd : -r r. .. (he-to nU. wiht to make way for the hund-lerie inspector r . . The Bearers hare been out of rtdi ef cwapetesu rowen who arelCharMte Island' rr s. -it 'uck through the Inability of some mfnSf tarrtf- There is ptentyjetty an the Prbv u, of the players originally picked to of Tohintw k to be done It tor a brief baai:-.- ,v um turn out A re-arrangement has thzt 'r"tually there wtil He will return . :.:u i-been made and the closeness of yes- P21 icia tor tU who nt them , night He ts ar r u t Vm terdays game showed the wisdom1 .the .meanUroe they should' Doris RJehartK , VUc of the change. The Wanderers' , to UMt bo nfed mot ' DougU Rschar , goal was scored by Joe Darlea whoe , high shot Just eat Main. 1 t - .. . . Teams Wanderers Leland: Teng. Jeraiad: LeaTltt. Q. Prince. L Intermela: a Hemmons, Joe Darles capuin Buddy Pierce. Itsuo Mitrumoto. BeaTers Malrs; C Pilfold. 1L Meruit; p. Wesch, Rupert Holke-! stad 'captain B. Prince: H. Bye. J. Haugan, D. Murray. Leit Husoy. J. Band. E. Pierre. I Referee J S. Wilson: Unesmen Pat WUson. Asle Arntsen. League standing: Maple Leafs 4 Wanderers 4 Beaer 4 Thw diaiixqvt RCA Victor CowoU MoJl A-4 otitn impf :jL,.lmpm4 ClertrU'Ttiniflt: Hnd SpttH (Orfrwt.) Dl male thort-ive tuning 50 timc eiuer; PlJfifl i( aU itudimnt am coavttiirat clntric outlet t bk of KC Play Victor Records through Your Radio 1 Join the Victor Record Socktyl Sot $4.00 1 Vmi CH.- CA Vltlfol. AltKbnt.t mm rOM. ViIm Mo. Ypm etwe U Vkw W aiattMt4 Rwocd, is lb, "l", HO 00. A yttf, Svtn enpeiua to tU Vinut Rkw4 Iiww worth 130.Q0. VIm . . r 0lr (M.M Gives you more In feature and perform- ance than any radio you ever expected to find at this price You've oclj to kk n i-lurrs only to tee it oJ to br its wpcrb fttiotmtot ... to rpfUte tbt ti the kinJ of raJb you rp to ct cmilnp wy l"Tt " actual pfice. Yet tfru T" 'f ova thit cMiUtaikli KC.A Vk-tor Electric Tuninc Hdm thit enremcly llfti' P"4- MCRAE BROS. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bsnk Rldg. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized iMiHt VALENTIN DAIRY K aw'