Friday, November n, 163k. Tea At Its Best "SA1ADA Miscellaneous Shower Is Held mage to Jack Wide ice on November 25. TEA Miss Olive Van Cooten and Mn. William Ilrass Hostesses for Mlis Mildred Kelchum Central C. D. Inman. Dick ladies' Pure Wool Ankle Socks 25 duzt n samples, pure wool and silg and wool, assorted shades. All sizes. 84 to 10 D Ur Day. 3 pair for $1.00 Ladle's Pure Wool Sweaters Pull' vcr style, assorted colors pure bot-:nv wool You should see this line to apprr late value. Reg. Q4 $i 05 Dollar Day. each ?XUU Ijidlcs'.ltosrd llamlkerrhle fs 25 dozen boxes of novelty Xmas gift handkerchiefs 3 handke:hlefs In each hox. exceptional value. Dpllar Day. 4 boxes for S1.00 Itayon Vets, llloomers and Panties Wood's lavender line, plain tailored garments in natural flesh shade. Another bargain worth your attention. All sizes hi stock. Dollar Day, 04 (A 2 garments for t?XUU Dutch Homespun 4$ Inches wide ff-r loose covers and draperies. Fast colors, assorted patterns Dollar Day. Q1 Oft 2 yards for JJ..VU ; Silk and Linen Table Cloths 52, Indies by 52 Inches, assorted color Ings. All fast to washing. Excellent value. Dollar Day. 2 for $1.00 Pure Wool Auto Hugs 100 per cent pure wool auto or steamer rugs. Assorted patterns. CO CQ Dollar Day Price ?AOU KXTIIA SPECIAL Pure Silk Chiffon lloso Substandards, all new season's shades. Sizes 8i to 10. Guaranteed pure thread silk. A bargain you will not get again for a long time so lay In QQp a stock. Dollar Day. pair vv is Hotel Arrivals DAILY NEWS PAGE "THRfet Sons Of-Norway LOCAL NEWS NOTES Lodge Birthday ! Ninth Anniversary Celebrated With I Banquet And Dance Which Drew Large Crowd Wednesday Night filxtv rontons attended thi hnn- 'quet and one hundred were pres-jent at the dance which was held In Oddfellows' Hall Wednesday . night to celebrate the ninth anniversary of the Sons of Norway Lodge In Prince Rupert. Oscar Bather, the president, was I in the chair at the banquet and welcomed all present. There was Armstrong, an address on Lief Erlckson by Archie Robertson and Felix Healy, Rev. J. II. Myrwang, pastor of St. Frederick Point; Gunner O'Brien, Paul's Lutheran Church, and other ! Barrett Point; Roddy Valpy, Myrtle Items on the program Included Valpy and Mrs. Coooer. cltv: R. olos by Oscar Wick and Mrs. An- Cadden. C.N.R.; Thomas Jardine, ton Dybhavn, accordian solos by MIm Olive van ffcoten and Mrs. Amsbury; Ferd Timms and T. Flew- Mike Colussi and violin solos by V, lllam Brass were Joint hostesses ,n' Barrett Rock: E. Wing, Billmor; ave Hadland. Peter Lien was rh.. hnmn nf th. ...Bud Andreds. Barkervllle: a. Jonos- accompanist for the evening. A -atful miscellaneous shor tMln Rums Lake. beautiful birthday cake was dls f ; Mim Mildred KeUhnm vh i I'rlnce Rupert ensed by Mrs Anton Dybhavn will t-u' Miss M. C Inch and William and M- John Murvold. I Colquhoun. .lit,!8"""': iSmlthers; Vancouver; R. Moore, Ti e table was decorated Olof Hanson, city; D. nze chrysanthemums and yellow 1 Edc nihaw- New Massett; E. S. Rlch-ts. Mrs H. Wannaniaker pour-' ardson' TleI,: Mrs- Otorse Leary. Senrlteurs were Mis Olive van'P3rt c,ement: S. J. Jabour, Van-.tmand Mis Mildred Ketchum.!00""- - EUpelh McKenzle wheeled In Ryal prenU Those present were' w- Munn. Charles Point: C. s H Wannamaker. Mrs. James' Mlrr' frcl'rI Point: Mrs. L. L. .Kfvsky. Mrs. Thomas Dahl. Mrs.! Wood and p' icki, 8alvous; E. R. b. 1 1. Mrs. Gardner. Mrs. wide WlnWpr and P' Smaby C.N.R.; B. r r Kctchum. Mrs. H. A. Un-f 1Ilndle F""16 Point " Mrs Dan Healy. Miss Fran- x.kt ana mim Clarabclle Ket- Most pcopie 131 ads. Do you? For the dance which followed music was by Mike Colussl's Orch estra with Oscar Haveroy, as usual, a genial master of ceremonies. A Petterson and A. Hansen presided A. Hansen, H. Halland. N. Vasenz south, and II. Petterson. rtao tnr classified reserved until this afternoon. third charge was dismissed. Ladles' Flannelette Mghtcowns Nice quality flannelette gowns. Blue and Pink, assorted trims, full size. Q-f nn Dollar Day. each OJ..UU ladles' Silk and Wool Hose Oood quality silk and wool hose. Silky finish mock fashioned, assorted hades. Sizes 8x to 10. Dollar Day, 3 pairs for Wool Mufflers S1.00 Oood quality wool mufflers, fringed ends, full size, assorted tartans. Dollar Day. 3 for S1.00 Silk Drapery Damask All silk Drapery Damask. 50 Inches wide. Assorted colors, absolutely fast to sunlight and washing. Reg. Q4 ff $1.75 yd. Dollar Day. yd. VA.UU Watson's Vests Ladles' vests, silk, wool and cotton mixture. Tailored styles. Sizes small, med ium and large. Dollar Day. 2 for $1.00 Hooked Kujs Hand hooked, assorted patterns, splendid (or bed room' and bath Q4 flft room rugs. Dollar Day. each ? VV Kiddies Pyjamas Yama cloth, assorted patterns, fast colors. 2-picce style. Size 2 to 6 Q-f fifi and 8 to 14. Dollar Day, suit 7v V Turkish Towels Run of the mill, assorted patterns, all perfect merchandise, excellent values. Priced at less than cost. Group 1- 21 00 5 towels for Group 2- ,100 4 towels for Group 3- C-i AA 1.VU 3 towels for : For prompt and courteotU ser- Bowling afternoons and evening's vice Phone 13 Taxi. tf.( Max's Alleys. tf Thomas' McMeekln sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. ., John McLeod sailed last night, on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. ITCH immJiffu or Moniyiiek, rr itk rtlitf tnm Ikfckf f mnpii, tiapb. WU IM uum, mum rww M n mu mmti ka tnMm, M mU-fnow, (Mm. K!. Ivrii D.D.D. Pr (. Ortwimt tula Boofedmtaiiot tU l&kit MoplJiMM IKtinu toitf lor D.O.O. rtfKHHOH, I M. P. McCaffery sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver. He will also visit Victoria and plans a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nlckerson sailed last night on the Prince Ru pert for a trip to Vancouver, Se attle and elsewhere in the south. 1 Mrs. C. H. Flnley and daughter, Mis Miss Elsie Elsie Flnley, Flnley, sailed sailed last last night nieht' A Stanford University Green of this city to DOLLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser & Payne's . . .dUKta v?Mt of. Pur Specials on Sale Saturday Dollar Day A See Our Windows Friday Displaying Numerous Other Items for Dollar Day Selling Flannelette Blankets 100 pairs, flannelette sheets, full size. Gold. Green, Blue and Rose checkerboard design, fast colors. Dollar Q-f tifi Day, each blanket ?X.UU Orient Hose The newest season's shades. In semi-service crepe and chiffon. 15 new shades to choose from, no advance in price. There is no better quality . 00 than Orient. Dollar Day. pair 'liUU Luncheon Sets Rayon and cotton mixture, fast colors, assorted cloth 3636 with four napkins. Extra special Dollar Day, (P-f An 2 sets for Bed Throws Heavy weight, dark colors, warm and soft, excellent wearing quality. Size 66 Inches by 80 Inches. fi"l 7Q Dollar Day, each vlWff Silk Curtain Nets 25 pieces assorted patterns, run of the mill, all perfect merchandise. Values up to 69c yard. Dollar Day, 3 yds. for ... $1.00 Ladies Satin Princess Slips And Satin striped taffetas In tea rose and white. Bias cut, Lace trimmed and tailored styles. A big assort- 04 OO mcnt. Dollar Day. each VliUU Hosiery Special Ladies silk stockings, all up to the minute shades In ail sizes. Regular value 50c pair. Dollar Day, 04 in 3 pair for t?X.UU Tea or Glass Towels Large size, very attractive, linen and cotton mixture, ready for use. - aa 6 towels for i?l.UU Dance Moose Hall, November 24. 268 S.O.N. Meeting tomorrow night 268 James Hadden has Joined the staff of the Canadian Pacific Rail way general agent's office here. Don Brown sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Van couver. Ernest Santerbane sailed last night on the Prince Rupert lor a trip to Vancouver. F. M. Crosby sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. All Commercial League entries must be In by Saturday night so that the bowling schedule can be I arranged Monday 'night (26S) This advertisement Is not published ot displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi British Columbia. 'Some Hostesses I Of Happy Ideas In 1914-18 War Names of Jenny Morris, Lady Astor And Others Stand Out For Their Welcome Sign To Canada's Troopers By MURIEL ADAMS Canadian Press Staff Writer L. Mumford returned to the city TORONTO. Nov 17: (CP) Lady Mendl, had started In amateur theatricals before war days, the role she played during wartime was hostess to the gas-burned soldiers In wartorn France. Her ; elaborate villa at Versailles, noted for its bathroom appointments, was a haven to the soldiers as well as acting as a hospital base. Few Canadian soldiers wilt forget the comforts provided for them! at the hostels in charged Evan- !gellne Booth, Salvation Army Read er. More than 15,000 beds In ths 87 Institutions she supervised were .kept clean and comfortable for soldiers nuiuicia on uu leave. icave. In iu the me eariy early war war on the t- Prince . John , . , last . night , w. from - There weren't many private baths .(,., nna ntot an m .h Miss Betty FJllson and Miss M311y a business trip to the Queen Char- for Canadian soldiers overseas dur- campaign to .gather enough-mater-Ellison sailed last night on Islands. tng the First Great War so it's no jai for bandaees for the hosnitala.' ai me aoor ana me committee ln-rnnce uupen ior Vancouver, 'iney wonaer mey recau wim gusio a charge consisted of A. Pettersen, took a car with them and wil motor O. Helder of Massett arrived in few of their special hostesses who : " the city on the Prince John last held out clean bath towels and R. A. Creech, formerly of this night from the Queen Charlotte had the hot water tank on full city, arrived in the city on th Wands. iwhen their "leaves" came due. Prince John last night from Paco- On two charges under the Mini- ' "Home from Home," at 34 Bed- II, Queen Charlotte Islands, where mum Wage Act, M. Hellbroner was I on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver I Dorothy Carmichael, who j0rd Place, "open house" for the he has been storekeeper for the 'found guilty yesterday afternoon enroute to San Francisco where as en Paylng a ylslt to ner home Princess Pats, run by the beloved B. C. Packers, and sailed on -the In city police court, sentence being 1 Miss Flnley Is to be married at ueen Charlotte city, returned Jenny Morris and her mother, en- Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Kenwood ' itwin iask teriainea more man 90,000 sol- - , night. idlers throughout the duration. Th " t latchstrlng was always out for O. Dicks and L. Richardson, who 'the weary soldier who wanted to have been on a hunting trip to Mas- "clean up" or have a bed for the sett, returned to the city from the night. Islands on the Prince John last Lady Aster's London house, 4. St. n'8ht James Square, saw many Cana- dlan soldiers, war relief workers, For being the inmate or a dls- nurses and surgeons within its orderly house, Mary Marmchuk doors. Its upstairs ballrooms wer was fined $50. with option of, thirty filled with cots where dozens of nays imprisonment, in city police soldiers were tucked in cosily of .court today. HIT FOR HANG-ON FCOUGHS W COLDS W ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS J od ttktr Zttpiratory Aim,, rot ft R. M. Wlnslow. assistant general manager of the Canadian Fish i: Cold Storage Co.. returned to the city on the Princess Norah this morning from a business trin to Ketchikan. Col. McLennan, officer commanding the Irish Fusiliers, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver after spending a couple of days visiting the unit here. S.' J. Jabour. who has been spending the past ten days at Stewart on insurance business, arrived In the city from the north on the Prince Rupert last evening and will be here for a few days before proceeding to Vancouver. Announcements Ah advertisements In thl column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Vaudeville, Dance, Moose Hall, November 17. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. Country Fair November 24. Eagles' Bridge November 29. St. Andrew's Dance. Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Hanklnson's November 30. United Bazaar December 7. ' Lutheran Circle Bazaar. De cember 9. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. a E. BLACK a night. More vivid memories recall the Canadian hospital on the Cliveden estate, the Astor's country h"me Chatty conversations with the Cliveden-chatelaine who "osh-ed"-with the boys dally were highlights of the soldier's sick term Some are marked by crosses in ths well-kent cemetery near the narrow ravine running through the centre of the estate. ; Actress Hostess Although Elsie de Wolfe, now Hi Give Till It Hurts . . . We Need A Lift RED CROSS WEEK NOVEMBER 13 IS The quality of mercy Is not strained . . . and In these troublesome times the Red Cross Is called upon for extreme services throughout the world misery Is lessened, suffering Is alleviated, pain Is abated because of Red Cross work: Tn out couhtryahi abroad emergencies hold no terrors, because an organized fighting crew combats the horrors of the Four Horsemen, Famine, Pestilence, ' Hate and Death. You'll want to help, of course. DO YOUR PART WHEN CANVASSERS CAli , This Space Contributed by ' ' The Daily News 'IS