MENACE OF BIG FLOOD Several Vancouver Inland Rivers on Rampage as Itcsult of Incessant lUln CAMPBFLL RIVER. Nov 17 tCPi -Inctfaied flood danter continuing to menace communities both on the east and west roost of Van-c.'jver Island a rivers, swollen by rm that still keep up. spread over low lands Campbell River has soread over low land at the western ede of town forcing a dozen families to l?ite their homes. Several famll-to were moved out by Uie police In rot boats. On the West OaU nrov-t of lsr!i!icn for a wek anauwitly f Zeballos as residents took stock ef damage caused by torrential 'wed "fir ne hundred persons to ewrnt hlr home McanUme then? wa a new flood report from the Albcrnl Valley, be-n Klkn and Victoria, where h flomau River overflowed sur-rfndlne home Tire hlh water itonped communication with Oreat Centra Lske whre Irwin eomp-an were forced to shut down operations. lnwhlle the Cnurtenay River report Improved conditions with the flood waters receding ELECTION IN JUNE Dominion Contest to Come Early Ntst Summer, Manion Expects WINNirEQ, November 17: CP Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, Dominion Conservative leader, arriving here jfjterday enroutc west, expressed Lh hlif that n Drnpral election would be held next May or June, keep Vn.l 1- 1 1 . 1 In I tins is inc gcntrui ca-huhuu u. political circles. Dr. Manion said the purpose of his trip was to see friends and supporters and see how preparations for war are going. The Conservative leader will go as tar as the Pacific Coast. Germany Now 4 Feels Pinch BERLIN, Nov. 17: (CP) Germany Is seriously consldcr- 4 IntF niacins it all hlnmnts Of lumber on the contraband list t even If apparently destined for neutral ports authorized sour- ces said, The reason Is nssert- edly the alleged British attempt to prevent neutrals from ship- ping anything whatsoever to Germany regardless of whether or not U Is contraband. Capt. John Anderson and Crew Rerorer Talpeng From West Coast of Princess Itoyal Island The Chinese junk Taipeng, in which Capt. John Anderson, his wife and crew of fire some weeks ago completed a perilous royage across the Pacific Ocean, only to be swept before a fierce southeast storm from the West Coast of Vancouver IMand to Surf Point, Princess Royal ll-and, where they were rast up, has been salvaged by ('apt. Anderson and his ctcw, according to word received In Prince Hup-ert from down the coast. The Talpeng Is, now riding at anchor In Myer's Passage, between Princevs Koyal and Swindell Islands, and, with the assistance of oil drums secured at Klemtu, which will be used to her buoyant, she will be taken ninety miles south to Ocean Falls for repairs. Capt. Anderson then plans to resume his interrupted voyage to Seattle., AL CAP0NE IN DANGERi Condition of Notorious Gang Leader; Said Serious Willi Drain Disorder BALTIMORE. Nov. 17. His con-HiHnn rrcardpd as almost hoDelcss jsjS ' LONDON. Nov. The Supreme 17:: (CP Allied War Council met here today and ! announced Itself to be In ! "complete agreement" on 1 methods of using French and ' British forces for effective conduct of operations of avla- tlbn, armaments, raw matexl- als, petroleum supplies, sea transport and economic war- ' fare. Premier Edouard Delad- ' ler of France was here to take part In the discussions of the council. i i Holland Still In Readiness 1 LIBRAE i Weather Forecast Tomorrows Tides High 6:45 ajn. 17.5 ft,.. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- 185 18:28 pjn. v lotte "Wands Fresh to strong noitheast winds. Cloudy and mild Low 12:31 pm 10.0 it. j with occasional rain. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - . PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 193U. PRICE; 6 CENTS Not JI Harmony In Hitler Camp FRONT MOW. VERY QUIET Never Lew Doing Since War Began Than There I Today PARIS, Nov. 17 Unfavorable weather has reduced military operations on the Western Front to the Vrsrrst point since the war began. There- areinow said to be no Indications whatever of anything In tht way of large scale operations In the Immediate future. Local patrol activities Is all a French communique has tJ report. FINLAND PREPARED TO DEFEND HER. INDEPENDENCE Finland is prepared to r xst any invasion by Soviet troops which are massed on the Finnish border. Well-Corned, wctt-equipped tht, Finnish volunteer, left ts typical of the men' who will oo tae fighting for Finland it Soviet demands cannot b met w.them threat to Finnish Independence, in preparation fo: an expe ted invaslor citizens have been ordered to evacuate llelsiisfors and VI-tpurl. the capital and leading city of the country A sentry is shown on guard at tne emnnce to Vllpurl, tower right Thousands of Uny Islands, making up the Aaland Islands, op right, com mand a strategic position In the Daltlc jinL2lo3CP.w demands concessions affecting them. Sweden .andfforwa); vprrpottcflnnaBaaangiriaiax SALVAGE i: OF JUNK War Council In Session MAY SHIP PIP PROPS Considerable Interest In Possibilities Poles Being Exported in Considerable Quantity A good deal of interest U being taken by interior timber producers in trie possibility of exporting pit props from this district to the United Kingdom whose normal supply from the Baltic States and Scandinavian countries has been Interfered with by the war, states Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, who arrived in the city from Smlthers on last night's train. More Information 4s being sought, particularly In regard to the arrangement of prices and shipping, and the matter is i being taken up with the H. R, Mc- Millan shipping Interests, the provincial Industrial board, the forestry department and the freight department of the railways. As it would .. ,, be a new Industry, there are many Preparation, For Evacuation and j Flooding Continue There b penty flf ,n i ..rwm,n. k, , district such, as the required pine, AMoiruwrt,. SpruCe and hemlock and the oper- I he.dani" ? V "Vaf " ,C: ators would be in a position, pro-! W DC wm, huimuiu ,d, lub,e arrangements could making active P"Pa be made to deliver part or full car-' evacuation of her people from the goes for shipment. Tha pieces of; iow isn a..u 'Umber run from 3? to nine feet uoauuVw..Yu7;u ,. .'long and Irom three to seven In- An easing In he s uatlon was; dlameter he Nether ands r'XZZ advising nXinm Belgium that thrt1 Mr- , 1Ianson f rfPrt , that large the belligerent channel was belngi , . , I . , . . nlJ UHVW 4,v krvt. IIIUUC AlVflil bill ill L'niS5?5f S2f Itertor this sean and are contlnu- Port Clements Man Passes In with a brain disorder, Al Capone,! AmLLn,a Horn former Chicago gang leader, was lIIUUimil.c aav.iv admitted to a Baltimore hospital Thursday a few hours after his release from Philadelphia penitentiary. His mother and brother, Ralph, are taking turns beside him and there Is a constant police guard. Capone may be removed to another mental v institution. i States and Eastern Canada. A few small operators have already started cutting for next spring's Weather Forecast Conflict Of Opinion Between - m m m m .k. Saa Dr Fuehrer And His (jenera Is Becoming Ever More Apparent Bulletins $20,000 TO RED CROSS MONTREAL The Bank of .Montreal has contributed $20,000 to the Canadian Red Cross Society drive to cover head office and various branches of the bank in Canada. CZECHS IN REVOLT PRAGUE Czech High Schools and Karlovy University Technical Institute were occupied by German Schutzstaffel detachments and 109 student hauled away in hnes. Reasons for the action are vaue. On Wednesday students demonstrated against the German protectorate government. WEST ENGLAND AIR ALARMS LONDON Anti-aircraft guns went into action in Cheshire as Wett England and North Wales experienced first air raid warn-in of the war today. An unl-dentitleA. aircraft, being sighted caused the alarms. A few minutes later there was the all clear sienaL A German plane also flew over the Shetland Islands today but dropped no bombs. ITALY ASSAILS RUSSIA HOME Fascist newspapers to-dar charred that Russia threaten the freedom of the Balkans and the Black Sea and, conse-on-nUT. thp Mediterranean itself. "Fascists of Italy remain fiercely anti-Contnunlst." said Tribuna. DISAGREE ON POLAND PARIS Havas News Agency reports disagreement between Germany and Russia over the division of the spoils in Poland. Germany is not satisfied over Russian control of the German-Roumanian railroad which passes through Russian -controlled VANCOUVER FLIER KILLED LONDON Flying Officer D. F. Elliott of Vancouver and Hying Officer F. W. Allenson of Brant-ford are listed as killed In action in a Royal Air Force casualty list. Pilot Officer Corte of Calgary has been taken prisoner. TENSION IS EASED IIELS1NGFORS English residents are returning to Ilelslngfors as the tension beiween Russia and Finland eases despite continued . , Russian anti-Finnish publicity. GERMANS OVER BELGIUM LEIGE German aircraft flew on the Prince John last night irom j Islands from the westward. Un- Port Clements to enter the Prince settled rainy and mild weather pre-1 1 Rupert General Hospital but he! vails on the coast. B. Croft, owner of the Juneau died in the ambulance between the steamer and the hospital. He was (accompanied by his son, W Mll lerd. ; west Coast of Vancouver Island radio station kiny, was a passen- Strong southeast wind, probably ger aboard the Princess Norah thU Military Leaders, Disappointed Over Heavy Losses in Poland, Convinced That Assault on Maginot Line Would Be Bad Business LONDON, November 17: (CP) British military circles claim there is great dissension between Chancellor Adoii Hitler and the German high command (ner the conduct of the war. "Military inactivity is evidence of .nat, a high military authority declared. "The Germans simulv don't know what to do. The Nazi leaders c emarid Germany Not . Interested E EH LIN, Kov. 17: Authorized general a i today that any (CP) LONDON. Nov. 17 Oreat Britain and France, it Is reported, may pool some of their most formidable naval vessels to track down the pocket battleshio Deutschland which Is believed, to be at present In the Indian Ocean east of Africa. Speedy and heavily armed, the Deutschland, it Is conceded, would be more than a mptch for the ordinary warship ruch as a cruiser. i It 1$ thought the Deutschland1 may have been responsible for the sinking yesterday of the British tanker Seala Shell In the Indian Ocean. The sinking Is believed to have occurred in Portuguese territorial waters off Mozambique. The captain was captured and the crew made Portuguese soil In lifeboats. JAPAN AND RUSSTALK Ambassador and Wife to be Receiv ed by .Emperor and Empress at Tokyo TOKYO, Nov. 17. Negotiations are reported to be proceeding! smoouiiy 111 iuu uciwccu nui. and Japan. The Soviet ambassador and his wife will have an audience on Monday next with Emperor Hlrohlto and the Empress. The possibility of a non-aggression pacti Is foreseen in some quarters. over Liege today but were driven -. , fC oft by Belgium anti-aircraft fire. VlOlatlOn Ul MACNICOL APPOINTED VANACOUVER Robert Mac-nlcol of Vancouver has been appointed to superintend welfare work of the Canadian Legion in British Columbia for the active service forces. This takes In per- Oeneral Synopsis A denression sonal services, canteens, recrea- F. H. Mlllerd arrived In the city Is approaching the Queen Charlotte tlon and entertainment. Trust Laws Convictions Registered Against General Motors and Affiliated i Companies r reaching gale force before night. morning going through from thei General. Motors Corporation of In Unsettled and mild with rain Alaska capital to Seattle. SOUTH AFRICA, Nov. 17 General Motors and three affiliated corporations were convicted last night bn charges of conspiracy under Sherman anti-trust law. The subsidiary companies are General Motors Sales Corporation, General Motors Acceptance Corporation and dlana. action and Army generals ef use to sacrifice men." The attec are believed, to be dissatisfied It view of the assurances of Chancellor Hitler and Foreign Minister von Rlbben-trop that the campaign ii Poland would involve no loss of German men which turned out be far from the case. The militi ry leaders of Oermany believe tiat the sources Minot Line could not be cracked eneral 'ithout tne loss ot hun .reds of " " . U n t - , J M. . I A mediation offer by President bi not wilUn to to- are aree Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States at this time from evidence gathered from all would be "uninteresting' so far sources, not only in Frarce and as Germany Is concerned. " V PURSUIT OF DEUTSCHLAND Great Britain and France to Co operate in Running Her Dawn neuirai countries out in uermany I itself. conflict of opliion j tween HiUer arid his geriends U becoming' more apparent. It '. i stated, j Le Journal of Paris, in a dispatch Jrpin. Zurich. Switzerland, pys that Germaa militarists have tome to the conclusion that Nazisr.1 Is outmoded and they are demnnding a reconstruction of the go anment and action by conference rather than by battle. CANADIAN IN LONE ON General Headquarters Staff of First Canadian Division Lans in England LONDON, Nov. 17: (CP) The advance guard of the C rnadian-First Division arrived In London yesterday to establish head uarters, lay groundwork for medic d, paymasters, supply and quartet naster's departments and make i rrange-ments for the bringing ovi:- of thit main body of the first expei tloniy force. The advance party, n command of Col. P. J. Montag ;e, consists of nine officers and onrteen veteran non-commissioned )f fleers. Soon after arrival, Col. A ntague was in conference with I rigadler General Crerar who has b en here from Canada for the pcit few weeks. Big Wolf i i i Laid Low After performing the nntlcs of a peeping Tom and a aieak thief, a big black wol was. ' laid low by the trusty gv i and sure arm of ChlM .Edwata Gamble of Kltkatla. Th wolf, a lone raider, peered U "ough the window of the hot se of the fisheries inspectoral Lowe Inlet and caused som recite- ment for the Inspector's wife. .. Then the hungry canine maurauder went down o the float and helped hlmsif to a Joint of meat. One Chief Gamble got on the trail, the wolf's time was fioon up. '".' . ..