Ladies' Velvet Overshoes In Wine, Blue, Black and Brown with New Heather Lining Have You Seen the New "JIFF Suede Overshoe Protectors? Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Coal Coal Coal Foothills Nanaimo-Wellington Bulkier Valley J -Wf Keen your fuel cost down this Zx?'S0 1 winter by burnIn"C heat tted tAJJiaitVJrwh toal that gives you more heal ouryyrcvcte and less waste. Our special TA A ..... Ff Yfi every coals five you more heat for your money. .Just phone 651 or 653 and we will gladly advise you which coal is best suited for your furnace, range or heater. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL KEDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accomodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURH From PRINCE RUPERT From Port Simpson $39.15 36.00 'Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from intermediate points.) Children FIve years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1939 to Febrary 29th, 1910 Good to return up to March 31st 1940 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S.S. CAR BEN A Every Friday 10:30 p.m. .Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 568 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office I auiwAV I I STtAMSHIPS I I COMMUNICATIONS I ncrci I CANADIAN PACIFIC ' Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct ' -' S.S; "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th BS. "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th, 10th, 27th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 Q9 OA .Final Return Llmlt--March 31st 1940 VOD"" Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. The canned salmon pack of the British Columbia coast for the 1U39 season, according: to figures of the Department of Fisheries up to the end of last week, amounts to Almost 1,500,000 cases, a decrease but other districts are lower. The largest decrease for the coast is in sock-ve. pinks and blue backs showing increases. These figures represent almost the complete pack. Quick Relief from Jndigetion, Sauea and Headache from ex-cett ttomach acidity tUU remark able Phillip' Hay. No need now to be afraid to enjoy the food you like. If you expect acid indigestion after meals, follow this simple routine. Take two teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia a half hour after you leave the table. Or, if you're not at home take two Phillips' Tablets, which have the same neutralizing effect. This gives you a thorough "alkaliza-tion" just at the time excess stomach acids are developing . . . and dots Ike job in a Jew mtnuies. No nausea or embarrassing gas, none of that uncomfortable fullness, or stinging "heartburn". You're surprised at how wonderful you feeL The Phillips' Method may be a revelation and solve your problem once and for alL When you buy, ask for and make sure you get the real Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Note the words "genuine Phillips' "on both bottle and Tablets box. PHILLIPS' MtMMCANASt milk or MAGNESIA CHIMNEYS Furnaces r.nd Stove Pipes Cleaned Steen's Limited Phone S "'"BHflBgSSSllSSSSlH0' CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Pfaone 5i For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty Shop morrow are anxiously scanning the skies this afternoon In the ,hope of more reassuring signs than .tne weather forecast for the day indicates. With naval and militia .n.ts as well as veterans partici pating in the proceedings, here as well as elsewhere throughout the Dominions, plans have been laid jr one of the most Impressive "mi? Day observance eve: teen in Prince Rupert. If weather iS unfavorable, the outdoor proceedings win be curtailed and tht service will be held instead In the apitol Theatre following a parade Weather F orecast i 5Nk PAGf TWO TH OAILt KTH 1 FrWay. Hovnnhr. JL Ml Waterfront Iff! Whiffs Salmon Pack For Coast About Million and Half Cases Police Boat Ihisy Quiet Days For Fishing to aJ4z fio?. M I SUPREME REFRESHMENT 13. oz. as or. oca. sl15 2U $3JS This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. This advertisement Is not published 01 displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tbe Government of British Columbia. RUBBERS & OVERSHOES Now is the Time to Get Your Rubber Requirements for the Winter Ladies' Best Quality QCn 03L Rubbers Men's Ml lasts S1.00 to S1.25 Children's and Misses' Size 5 to 104- i 65c to 75c will leave tomorrow morning for Alice Arm where Paddy Morley. veteran prospector of that camp, has been found dead in his cabin. According to the message received by the oolice, Morley had been deadj for some days when found There are the quietest days of the! 1 A l , 1 . . 1 ' year aiung ine local waierironi. Practically all lines of fishing activity are suspended and few boats are out Although a number of big seineboats and packers are here in readiness, the herring run has not yet developed and some of the ex- no This SO Minutes AfferEatinq ALKALIZE EXCESS STOMACH ACDS FAST pert do not expect much before the . The provincial police boat PJ..M. ! end of the month. 8 Is due back this afternoon from a trip to the head of Gardner Canal J Two coast liners the Princess where two Bella Coola Indians were i Loufce and Cardena-are due in recently drowned. The body of one J port this afternoon or this evening was recovered but that of the other t from the south but neither had re-' was not. despite search operations. I ported arrival time up to early this Unfavorable weather has delayed! afternoon. The Princess Louise Is the return of the police boat which j scheduled to sail at 10 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and waypointsl rd the Cardena at 10:30 pjn. ' Observance Of ! Armistice Day On'y Unfavorable Weather Will Prevent One Of Most ImptesMve Memorials Tor War Dead George W. Cripps. chairman of the committee In charge of the day's observance, and others hav ing to do with the arrangements tor the annual observance of Armistice Day In Prince Rupert to imii Gtmt Johnnie JValker Distilled, nitndtd tod lloaltd in ScwUnd T)il drft'rniciit U nut published or di.n,layea by tiie Liquor Control Uord or uj mr , of British Columbia LADIES ARE SUCCESSFUL The hall was attractively decor ated In streamers and evergreens and presented a very attractive scene for the many visitors who were received by Mrs. Meadows and Mrs. J. B. Gibson, wife of the Dean. The various stalls werr found to present a large and tempting display of article's. The tea room was In charge of Mrs. A. L. Holtby. assisted by Mrs. J. S. Wilson. Pouring wert Mrs. O. A. Rlx. Mrs. R. L. Mcln- tosh, Mrs. Priestley and Miss R. M. . Davies M. B. E. The cashier was Mrs. F. A. MacCallum and the ser-vlteurs Mrs. W. A. McLean. Mrs. C V. Evitt. Mrs. II. F. Pullen, Mrs J. A. Hlnton and Mrs. W. II. Tobey. The various Ubles were in General Synonsls The pressure. rence Lambly Is abnormally low northwest of ." Plain Sewing 'he Queen Charlotte Islands and' htavy rain has been general bnj the British Columbia coast. j West Coast of Vancouver Island -Strong southeast-to south winds J r rrales. unsettled and mild with rain. Tt's the curnuiatht? effect of ad-'ertlslnjr that counts. tm wk nUt tnm UHn of In M - r -1-1 a-. . jf navnl anH mint-,.- ,..,. nA "u,,,c irs. KOOm ete'm:. to Vhe"'for 6 TToSU , t T A" siting of wreaths. If the weather1,. oermlts. of course, the full pro-. r,.. ,, . d n- will take place at Z Jlli'- J' Dea"dthe notaph. r',-"" . "'" urancn oi th Woman's Auxiliary. White Elephant Mrs. Charl'v Ellison. White Needlework Mrs. Ijiw- -Mrs. J. O. Johns. Scnlchinf ftfitrt Itch Fut mm , mtim, wUn ntkm Mb tttoutf W9tum,m wr-itmn. mini. Hh U D.D.D. ttmmftKm. Qtmmitmj lm inttM tUr ( ao.O. rBUCRirTIOH. CHURCH NOTICES SALVATION ARMY Commanding Officers Captain and Mrs. Ivan HaUey' Saturday at 8 p.nw.Meellng led by Mrs. Adjutant Howard FHher Sunday 11 a.m-IIollnes Meeting. Speaker Mrs. Captain Ivan Hahey ":30 p.m. Salvation Meeting, Speaker Captain Ivan Hahey Subject The Biggest Fool In Prince Rupert Who Is He?" Gospel Slng-8ong at 7:30 to 7:45. Music by the String Band if You Have No Other Church Affiliations Make the Armv Vo..r r.h,.rnh Home and Come and Enjoy These Services With Us All Are Welcome ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner th and 9th Ave East "' MVIIWANG, S.T.D. Pastor Res. IOC Borden St. Phone Blue C99 SUNDAY, November 12 11:00 a.m.- Divine Services In EnjIUh 12:15 pm.-Sunday School Junior Choir after Sunday School 7:30 p.m-Servlce In Norwecian THURSDAY, November 18 8:00 p.m. Devotion meeting with prayer and Blbly Study Special Musics-All Are Invited FRIDAY, November 17 8:00 p.m, A special musical literary program will be given at church The Varden Singers and many other groups and individuals will take part. The ladles will serve refreshments after the program. All are cordially invited. SATURDAY, November 18 10:00 a.m. Confirmation Class Meets. Full Attendance Requested Our Sunday School is growing. church attendance Increasing. We teach and preach the old Truths of Christ and Ilia Apostles. Man-made Ideas and opinions change, "The Word of Ood Abldeth Forever," and Is tho only perfect rule for faith and life Come and worship together with us! Mrs William Cruickshank and ary Mrs. C. C. Mills. , Men's Booth- -G Fancy Work Mrs. P M. Rayner R- O HopkJw. and Mrs. C E. CuUln. .T". nrtns of Wools- Mr Mrs. Carr. Fish Pond Mr. t t J. II. Nardan and 1 It ntiWr and Mr- 0rotVMlor- rc ment weather conditions, was the I annual bazaar yesterday afternoon Japan Mt Kathleen Lang of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. and the Japanese Woman's Auxlli- i Andrew s Anglican uamrarai. .Many ladies called throughout the afternoon and the results of the effort were in every way completely gratifying. Mrs. H. S. Meadows, president of the Auxili ary, was general convener. In Bishop, Rt. Rev. a. A. Rlx. opened the affair with brief but ap propriate remarks. iaoiy directed bv a atoUnj of 1' 'I. W. 11 TV, MaftCaHun. After u; ; program Inrl tded . Leonard C'rium. d.iV Mr. DavU with P r l tompentst HEAR THE ECHO- Old Virginia Fine Cut is lK mellowed, mod w tobacco you ever lucked into a cigaiette pop'1 Wilh a ftagfonce you'll lite from h stott, ond v o tenfe iKot satisfies lo the very limit, ywV 1m Virginia it cut eilra fine lo roll a cigarette . t loots and smotes rigKt. Even a beginner eon ro! ; ' smotes with il, particularly if he uses "Cbonte' "Vogue" papen. PactogelOff V4 lb. Tin 75 Poclet Humidor Pouch 1S ;t Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunrh on Toasted Sandwiches or I Tors d'oeuvrc One Package Serves Four People rCops for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert JjJ BrllLih Columbls REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Fall and Powell River $36 Return Meah and Berth Included THURSDAYS Prince Rupert Rate Effective Now Until February 28. Return Limit, March 31. Canadian National Steamships V.2'39.