75 RICHMOND How Are Your Feet? 532, 3rd. Ave. W. A good shoe is not a luxury ... It is sound common sense to purchase the extra comfort and style and quality and genuine worth that is part of the cost of a good shoe. $7.50 FOR MEN ASTORIA SHOES fjfj and $1Q QQ Bryant Company Limited Phont 397 P.O. Box 622 Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used FURNITURE At The Lowest Prices in Town 2 Kitchen Ranges In the best Q9I CA condition JAtteV .1 Imperial Qil Burner New sleeves C-i Q ff A and pump tpJL7t)v 1 Washing iMachine Perfect COQ condition 9?AoD 13-Piece Rebuilt Chesterfield-Just CCC AA like new 3OD.UU "" 2 3-Piccc Chesterfields Good condition $36.00 and $39.00 2JVjogti-adivariijmlat very low jrices. 1 Conn Soprano Saxaphonc Just like 07 CA I new ADU 6 RecoiuliHoncd Radios Of various makes from $16.00 t0 $24.50 Phone IILACK 331 XRD Ay& (Next poor to n. C. Clothiers) Ift'i?tHV'nc know whcn reading the Daily New? that 4, the people of ihe whole district are doinjf the same Are Flying Down To Rio; Squadron Of U.S. Planes , LANOLEY HELD, Virginia. November 10: (CD Seven United States Army planes left today on a goodwill flight to Rio de Janeiro 'where they will take part In the (celebration of the Brazilian anniversary on November 15. The nrst 'stop of ithe squadron will be' at Miami. Flying Party Now At Atlin rilot C. O. Galbralth and Two Com-pa'nions Mush Ninety Miles From Teslin LaVe ATLIN, Nov. 10: CP Pilot C. O. Oalbralth, Richard Kins; and Herbert OUrher rearhed here after -nowhoeln? ninety miles from Teslin Lak? where their plane was rorccd down on October 8 on a 1 flight from Belllngham to Fair banks. May Be Legal But President Is Not In Favor Of Move WASHINGTON. D. C . November 10: (CP) The transfer of registry) ;of United SMes ships from Amerl-' ran to Panama registry to clrcum-' vent the new neutrality laws and ; permit them to carry cargo to the war zones may be legal, says President Roosevelt, but he Ls feeklng some other way of meeting i the situation. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS M0 TOUCH, HAN0-ON COUGHS SCOLDS vYflD FASTER TO CUssiFitD b'till SALIi NEW American stamps for sale, ones and threes. Daily News, (tf) FOR SALE Two-storey house. 510 7th Avenue West, conerete foundations, hot water furnace, fully modern, 4 bedrooms, going very cheap. H. O. Helgerson, Ltd. (261) PERSONAL CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks announced. Open to all. Applications to reach Ottawa by November 30th, 1939. Our advice has helped hundreds obtain Civil Service positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free Booklet on request. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. board and room FIRST class room and board resi dence, close in, reasonable rates, i Phone Black 965. (264)1 PERSONAL YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winning, Manitoba. tf. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill nd Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines 'Repaired and Overhauled TOT DAILT Nkwh DRIVE FOR RED CROSS Canvassers Will Visit Every Person In City Next Week The campaign committee of the Prince Ruper Red Crow Society met yesterday -afternoon under the chairmanship of Arnold Flaten and concluded arrangements for the Intensive drive next week which will launch the wartime functions locally of this leading organization In war activities on behalf of the suf -1 ferers from conflict. I The drive will consist of a canvass of every place of business and 1 qwelllns In the city for the purpose of raising funds. The committee commences the campaign confident hat Us canvassers will meet with a ready and generous response In view of the outstanding importance of I the cause. t The city has been divided Into regions for canvassing purposes and the object Is not to miss a single mrson. Tne campaign captains are: Business section and waterfront Dr. H. N. Brocklesby. Westview Mrs. Thomas Boulter. Westview Bridge to Fulton Street V Already $408 has been appropriated for immediate expenditure, or baa already been apent to purchase wool, cloth and ail type of materials and sup-plieaforRedCroesbranches throughout the Dominion. The Canadian Red Crosa haa undertaken to construct and equip a 300 bed hoapital for Canadian soldiers at Taplow, England, to be known aa Canadian Red Crosa Hoapital Number One. The coat of this undertaking is conservatively estimated at 1250,000. Approximate SI&OjOOO will ! quired each month for the next eiffht months to fnrnUh all branches of the Red Crosa In Canada with the wool and other materials they need to carry on their war efforts. It is estimated that $950,000 will be required to carry on the normal Red Croas work in Canada for outpost hospitals and nursing stations, work in frontier districts, etc. During the past two years, the cost of this work was $2,293,000. This adrertUeaai" :-' r, t iiiWIM"-d or dlsMayed by ,. Liyu r 'nirl Board or by th Gox-rniueot of UrltUb Columbia Dr. H. L. A. Tarr and Mrs. Robert Blance. Fulton Street to McBride Street O. C. Young. McBride Street to Hays Crtek Mrs. J. D. Allen. Hays Creek Bridgt and Mrs. J. E. Doddle. .-1 SUPER LIFKIIUOV LONDON. November 10: CP-A lifebuoy that carries food, water and flares, but is' only one-third the weight of an equal ma-ss of cork, and supports six persons Is undergoing tests at the Admiralty WSm F. A, MacCALLUM, Trcsldent Dr. II. L. A. TAR It, First Vlre-resldcnt Mrs. J. IJ. OIIJSON, Second Vlce-I'resldent COMEDY IS PRESENTED Vlrclnia Bruce and I'redrlc March In "There (Joes My Heart" For Weekend Merry romantic adventure of a n ulrap hei: res who runs out of her . ii.raine tui a roving reporter who jt cut to t't her story but comes (back with her heart are gaily dc-1 Dieted tn There Ooet My Heart" i which is the Armistice Day feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre. Fredrlc March and Vlr-sjhVn Bruce head a great east which !i?ludes the now st roam-lined Pat sy Kelly. Alan Mowbray. Nancy Car- roll. Fugene Pallette. Ettenne Olr-ardot and the late Claude Ollllng-witer. Miss Bruce Is the helre who give.- up her yacht for a Job in a bsn-ain baseme"' March U the reporter Pit-y Kelly in an electric ! .vibrator demonstrator and Alan Mombray Is Patsy's subway motor-man sweetheart who works all night and studies chiropractic by the day. Much of the artlvttv of the picture Ls In the form of Jow comedy.) no custard pies r clipping on ban-' 'DAUGHTERS COURAGEOtf M 1 It . Tomorrow 'sTTiu Fredric M J "THERE GOf MY HEAR? JV"f'XlHrnl ana peel, t n dlculous i ... :. It U a d ordlnan . ; ;( , Bruce pia . ..j a refreshing When Canada declared wai, tfci Canadian Ked Crow found ftwlf Poetically without funds. Almost Immediately the need for Red Crosa assistance be-camo apparent from one sourco after another. Much of thia work was of vital importance tad had to bo undertaken at once. To onrry out the work to which it haa already committed itself for the coming year, the- Canadian Red CroM must have $3,000,000: . . . Normal work ( ths Red Cress U Canada J1S0.0M . . . Wool, materials and tupplUt already provided or required Immediately ky Red Cress branches througheut Oie Demmlen . . . 4W,00 ... To construct and equip a 300-oed kespital for Canadian soldiers at Taplew, Cagland ;i0,000 ...$150,000 a month for the Mit elsht months to furnish branches et the Red Cress In Canada with the materials they need UOO.OOO $1,101,000 This leaves tho barest margin for unexpected emergencies, to assist tho allied Red Crosi Societies w-ith Roods and money and for other needs which arc almost sure to arise. Total contributions of tho Red Cross during the last war amounted to 35 milliona of dollars in cah and Roods.t For tho present campaign, Canadians aro asked to contribute $3,000,000. It is eswntial that every Canadian should shoulder a share of this vital Red Cross work. Dig in and give today- Mrs. J, II, MrLi:)l, Third VlreI'resldent r. C. MILI.DIl, Sacrrtary A. I LATIIN, Treasurer and Campaign Chairman j?s j?- ,