en.ber 10. 1939. Quality You'll Enjoy ALADA Scouts T. .1- 5S lesus TEA ii 0, :! while Patrol; .. j gained two Advertising is arv .trmunent. rtisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ilrcl Board or by the Government of British Coiumoia Friday And Monday 4 T o More Days of Tremendous Saving in Our Store-Wide Sale j -.jr. AXMINSTKR CARPETS LINOLEUM RUGS DIN IMG ROOM SUITES r BEDROOM SUITKS CHESTERFIELD SUITKS RANGES OIL HKATKRS TOYS, ETC. ELIO'S FURNITURE fmi) AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT l"Pyour fuel cost down to minimum this Winter by using neat- coal that gives you more heat and less waste. e re In nlcklne toal that lives the most heat for the money. r that will burn efficiently In gladly help you pick a grade lurnarf, kltchea range or heater, give you more ncm, .. ?H Jou money. .Juit phone 11C or 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd MacKenzie's Furniture Card Tables de.iuctablc" Card Tables Beautlfuly finished Spanish leather tops. Priced at Phone 775 $3.75 The Silence By JAY-CSS Another Remembrance Day! twenty-one years, another war! ... - m - What or the rour ana a nan year phone 13 TaxL t-pent In flgnung me lasi war? Years of keeping the body and mind fit fit to kill other human beings. Years of mud and filth, marching In It. sleeping In It! The desolation, the suspense, the futility! Los of comrades, worry of relatives, a future without hope! A war to end ' ' war! What a mockery! And the , KinR 8rout badges. They are same or worse again. Was It worth cyclist and pathfinder. , while? . 1 This evening" the First Prince Ru- i But a country worth living in Is i pert troop Is to visit the Canadian worth fighting for. The heritage Legion Troop at its headquarters at cf liberty, a love of freedom, pride I Seal Cove Ri tlk Appointed Patroli George Rorvlk has been in Prince Rupert Trop jed patrol leader of the Fox Patrol I of the First Prince Rupert Troop, r -ently by BcouUj On Saturday. December 2. the two i p n ee Rupert Troop; troops are combining to put on an pate by Denny Oar- Apple Day to raise funds for scout- Id i t aruvan and com- Ing In the dty.. In living, hope for posterity, these ;Skog of demand all that we can give. They are worth fighting for. To live oth praise were a lingering death, a sults. " ASPIRIN Now less than 1 a Tablet fBAYERM NOVKLTY DANCE Oddfellows' Hall FRIDAY, 9:30 P-M. Serenader's Orchestra 5) COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones S8 and 558 m nxiznr kiwi rAJE -THREl hit LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold, Bulger's, tl For prompt and courteous P.R. Bowling Associating' Meeting Monday, 8 p.m Max's Alleys. Team representatives please attend. (264) H. Hanson, local fisherman, Is sailing tonight on the Cardena for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Chris Jensen, II. Halland and H. night on Namu. Port Edward sailed last the Prince Rupert for farce of living. I am my brother's J Inspector C. G. Barber, provln-keencr. I nais this wav but once clal police, is leaving on this eve- but In pawing I most prove myself ring's train for a trip to the worthy. The heritage must bejPeace River district .on official handed on unimpaired. What sac-'dutle- rlflce Is demanded must be made.l , , . Mi" E- M. Earl sailed last 4 night 4 Is it a sacrifice? Nay rather an op-' nortunlty. Proud am I then that Ij0" lh Prlnc RuPf r Vancou-dld serve. Prouder still that mil- " whcr he win n, a'r" llonr of others count their lives ,Pne to fly. to Brockrlile. Ontario j iDeine cauea mere on accounv ui ii i ii i s i Iran ijnifsu iinrini in sit-irrn.t- - i j of what makes life worth living. The challenge of the foe will be met fliTfitri TSar- lt-it a m 1 m rm tin I on an "undeflled heritage. This Is the way of life! They served till death, why not wer Dally advertising m the Dalit News Is sure to bring dally re the serious lllne)f her sister. D. p. Borland returned to the city .a, a I 11.1 ?A Out of It eomc a silent dedication. on lne Prinrpe U after-It Vancouver where he was was north while. We must piss1noJ?nrom csiiica oil accuuiik, wc buuuch death of his mother, the late Mrs. Elizabeth Borland. John Minnick and Fred Trus of Ketchikan arrived la the city on the Prince Rupert last night from the Alaska town and are leaylng on this evening's train for a trip t St. PauL I A communication has been rc 'celved at the City Hall from tha demitv nrovinclal secretary at Victoria asking that the two mln 'ute silence at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning on Remembrance Day be respected by suspension of all ' vehicular traffic during the period. I W. E HavhursL who has been a resident of Prince Rupert for the1 past twelve years, andufor cornel time was in the service of the Val entin Dairy, leaves on this eve-, nlnK' tra,n for Montreal where he T CVffur Frtti Qflliaf (nr Get safest tast Kcner tor cmbark ror nls natlve hom-j headaches, neuritk and JSM-Enffiand' 10 resumc rheumatic pain today without thought of price 100 tablets 98 No need to take chances on taking strung, dangerous drugs. Dominion druorists are now featuring A spiti, recognized as the fasten relief you can ue lor pain and culdi satdv. for ku Ikon 1 ctn! a tablttt Remember Aspirin d not harm the heart For great speed plus safety, don't take anything else. Get the economy site bottle at your druggist's today 100 Aspirin tablets for only 98f. It's a bargain you can't miss. WARNING! See this Cross! If every tablet is not stamped with the word "Bayer in the form of a crost. it is NOT Aspirin. Don't let anybody tell you it ii. Does Not Harm the Heart Quarters In the Westenhaver Block at the corner of Second Avenue and Third Street are at present being remodelled and thej Prince Rupert Club will move In j there on December 1. It was an-J nounced today by the president of th club, O. W. Nlckerson. 4 Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert J. B Barclay. Blllmor: John Mlnnlch and Fred Trus. Ketchikan; William Colquhon. H. Singleton and F. W. Hughes. Vancouver; Slvert Anderson. Decker Lake; Constance J. S. Clark. Smlthers. NO PAPER, TOMORROW1 Tomorrow, being Remembrance Day and a Dominion holiday, there will be no Issue of the Prince Ru pert Dally News. The next,regular edition will appear Monday after noon. Most people ads. Do you? Bob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q. Si S, Grocery Phone 348 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. 1 arelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Rates 81.00 up SO Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 318 210 Eighth Avenue West Bowling afternoons and evening's Max's Alleys. tf. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott and daughter, Betty, are sailing tonight on the Cardena for a two weeks' hoUday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. sn r, I 2- zr PEROXINE BLACKHEADS SALLOW SKIN sssaa fWt Hum UaiUrtaV'Sl own (mint puwier at ay Drue Stun. 111 frnllj ila hut. l ctutk tfae Uaiilaada j4j Safe, mtfto awl aaia. ft From Failing Hands W. O. B. To the "Legion.") Rest! Comrades, Sleep! Ye that swept on to render Life all that Is; youth's glory and Its goal; We have not known your last supreme surrender. Imperishable while the ages roU But we have shared Wart; bitterness and terror And though the years have brought but doubtful peace. The Empire stands supreme through hate and error Ye died for Her and so have won surcease. Rest! Comrades, Rest-Frontins the Stone, as loudly The age-old cry Is ringing through all lands, We stand with youns. brave forms beside us; proudly Our sons shall bear the Torch from falling hands. W. O. B Announcements All advertisements In this col-emn will be charged for a full month at2& a word. Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. Eagles' Bridge November 15. Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov. 18. Vaudeville, November 17. Dance, Moose Hall. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23; Country Fair November 24. St. Andrew's Dance. Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Hanklnson's reao the classified . November 30. United Bazaar December 7. I T.nthprnn Phnrch Rainnr. D- cember 9. THE SEAL ' QUALITY 1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink" Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an ill the year round payroll In Prince Rupert SHOW OUR PRIDE TOMORROW We shall be showing onr pride in those who gave their lives in the last war when we gather tomorrow morning on the lawn in front of the Court House, joining with hundreds of others In the annual Remembrance Day memorial. It should not be an eeas-sion of sadness but of joy. We shall then celebrate not the Victory over the Germans but the victory of an Ideal. Our men died for an ideal and their deeds live in our memory. It is not a great ideal to kill people but It U a great ideal to defend the right at all times. Five thousand people read the pays to let them have to sell. in.. Rupert Dally News. It know what vo& 0000000tfOO00009000KKKrWa Here's How to Relieve MISERY of COLDS Without Dosing HW There's nettling ro Swallow. Misugcd on throat, ch&t and .back, Vlcks Vapo- acts two ways IKuD at once to relieve misery of coUs. FIRST: VapoRub acts on the skin, stimulates like a warming poultice. SECOND-. At the same tone, VapoRub gives off soothing medicated vapours that are breathed direct lnt iiri-tat&i air pa&sagcs. THIS DtXtCT, 2-WAY ACTION loosens phkgm, clears uir passages, claxks tendency to aaign also relieves muscular tightness and sorwu. Because it's external and safe, VapoRub can be used freely and as often as needed, for children and grownups. No wonder it's used in I out of 3 Canadian homes. VICKS V VapoRus oooooooooooa The Rexall Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away f 8 For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 13th Rules Governing This Contest May Be Obtained at Our Store Boys and Girls Make Sure Your Name is on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows Ormes ltd. TThtt Pioneer Druqtfists Tl.r Cexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 sum. till 10 pan. SunU and Holidays from 12 noon UU 2 pm. 7 p.m. till 9 pan. PICTURES OF QUALITY Nof cKeapnrir yet too expensive our new stock of framed pictures reveal the finest craftsmanship coupled with good taste, beauty and appropriatness Classic Miniatures In pairs. Pair SI .25 Marines and Nature Scenes SlJlo to $1.00 Florals A. large range Including miniature placques, the new? deep set style, raised surface and modern. From - 20c to $2.75 Pictures Are Excellent Gifts For Any Occasion Easily Wrapped for Mailing Attractive Stand Frames In new styles 25c to $1.25 A NEW SHAVING MIRROR Round type with magnifying surface on one side. Ideal for electric shaving, ordinary mirror on reverse. Special 40c Be sure to see our line of fancy gift trays, many beautiful patterns 75c to $3.00 JL H. BULGER ) Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. .Mi Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MDk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 11 '4. is ! ': i "t. Hi I 74 1; i V9 i i til 1 i 1