Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Strong southeast to south winds, unsettled and roU with rain. 3 T 35- yoi XXVHI Wo- 263 he Urgest fields ki - mi ' a- .Vtion'i Gold Button At Jasper Buds t British Columbia Will Have No Tax Increase Minister Tells House Unemployment Costs Still Prevent Full Balance Fin ancial position of rrovincc Reviewed m Document The balance sheet for last March arv of' the Qreat War armljtle 31 showed surplus of anrU over lji ; tomorrqwo .'itgHjp.for .lcjtonr.. f irf. t wniir n zMitJM. an mcrra ana an ena v) utrnun mioic i )of 2.?08J)22 over last j-ear. . The Oermans have Intensified' 4 a The gross debt, amounting to their raids at several points, pre-i $188,193,000 is up $1.768352- ceding them with heavy artillery I The net debt It $152,061,344. an barrages. In at least one case an IIP i PnO ln-rease of $21J81.255. entire regiment was used instead UitJ. vlljLl!iiJ The sinking fund Is $38,131,705, of the usual company. All Oerman 1 jdown $U12.403. thrusts have been successfully re- TTD However. Mr. Hart said, the sink- pulsed by the French. nPAMl?ri IV IX IV IV 1 I III iir fund "rfMnit non.nroTislon of French communique today re- the major portion of sinking funds1 ported activity of contact unlts. ulnce 1933-33." was better than any The Oermans are estimated to nave one nunarea oitwoiw massca s y..w . or Thi. other province. The mlnUter of finance said that between the riif M for the last ftval veariRivers. were S7J70.513 or $851,752 under the preceding - year. The Dominion had Irion Dom nlon-nrovlnclal reU-l kk... r- i. -,.,,. r,f on Rhine and Moselle Violence of localized fighting and aggressiveness of Oerman vanguard M5PER. November 10:-un wan- $4,518.-1 units during the night strengthen '$ fishermen this year maae :.--,. mlin!plnalltl., 1965il39..ed the conviction that a Oerman of in , sweep ef the awaro oiiereu V" :.- - ft.fens,Vc was near. A French gen- T the Ma Igne River Angicxs " --r-- -- -, .4iH 4nrt,v lh9i a mki,, hia.- i. reduction in tne renei om i: me war - the' rao m m ,.nw(i connection with witn me .possible and that Ftench armies , St?.. from Jitrwtr Park twlep. HT TIlCV JTSS tOOkl M. lurt said that consideration, are braced for any eventuality. . r . . , - of provincial-1 Military leaaers cnargea uerman fi and second prlzea in one oij -Diane. lh Belgian neu- ever rcr entered irtmun;ijai i .. t!antit nnUl nflr the nom Commls- irauiy. ... nrcnrumz . ...... - - . i he Lodge who has Just completed jtioiu had reported and reforms PFQPFrT impUaUon of the records. ere maae in me reuuoru 01 kic 1 yj IVJUVJI LV X Th gold button, emblematic. governments. 3n. wss won bv Rov L Cannlf. of, An intf resting'and instructive ac fount of the Biberlan Expeditionary rce at the close of the First Oreat war was Riven bv Dr. J. T. Mandy VtMerday afternoon nt the weekly 'uncheon of the Prlnre Runert Uo- lfy Chill In IVil. rnmmnHnrn r.ntf. Resident Tetcr Ukle in the chair. vAnivir uiTATLICD karsdale New York. Mr. Cannlf s I UUA 1 j wc i i.ur. pnzewlnnlng fish weighed 24 rounds and was caught on a tonsrd five-ounce rod with a rimtchene wet fly. For the first tat since the comrjctUlon was In- lMn. 1 .-i ... .... It.Ari ltchi rhnTl ometer, 29.72; temperature. 45; visi I bility, ten miles per hour; ngni chop. Hull Harbor Overcast, southeast wind, five miles per hour; barom-er. 29.88 (rising); temperature. iv visibility, fifteen miles; light swell. Alert Bay Part ciouay. cairn; barometer. 29.93; temperature, visibility, fifteen miles; sea smoom Raining, northwest NEUTRALITY franre Or Her Allies Will Not Violate Integrity Of United States, Reynaud Declares u many uB ol .,,, hf.t If tint a dead heat for runner-up Triple isiana dhi,. uuu uw..t- . ---- ,ri .; w I. m mn twelve inllea ner hour; visl-.ted States neuUallty Is ever vlo- ervme haa awarded the joint blltty. twelve mUes; light swell and.Med, It will not be through any olls a silver button each. The rtnneri were Charles D. Dickey f Philadelphia and Earl David. Moscow. Idaho, each bringing In ... . a - ii n 'mcchcq oeauiy wcignuB Pndj 2 ounces. Thta comnctttlon Is for fly flsh- 'r"in only, and has attracted orld vide attention, many of the atsst fly fishermen on the con-nent havjng participated over a Pk4 of years. This year anglers re entered from. Canada, United States, Great Dritrtln and Australia tnd all expressed tnthuslasm over grand fly fishing offered at Malign Lake In the Canadian Rklet Princo Rupert Raining, south' east wind, thirteen mllea per hour barometer. 29.69 irlslng; temper ature. 44; visibility, twelve miles; pAMS, November 10: (CP) - French Finance Minister Paul Key- cn0p aci 01 i ranee or nv Langara IslandCloudy. snowers Westerly wind. 22 miles per hour:iTllAa1iniT Of barometer. 29.57; temperature. 45; UniOaQing UI visibility. 25 miles; light swell. Dead Tree Point-Cloudy, wind, ten miles per hour; bar City Of Flint Cargo Being Taken Off Vessel At Bergen Before Proceeding uome To United States nrnxiEN. November 10: (CP) tinloadlna of the cargo of the nuv of Flint Is nroceedlng here before she lease in ballast for the United States. Capt. J. a. uam rri savs that none of It Is con traband consisting of lubricants, v, nnhalt nnd hardwoods . t.. . k.rnm.. IU111......V . j . ..r.- - - . .... wind, five mues p.-i The carg0 has been sola locaiiy, lT. 29 90. Victoria Cloudy, southeast wind, ten miles per hour; barometer. 29.- 98. ' . Vancouver Raining, southeast wind, 27 miles V" llwm oa""" etcr, 29.96. Hockey Scores Montreal Canadians, 2; New York 41 Americans, 0. GERMAN SHIP SAILS SANTIAGO, Chill The 7000-Gtrman freighter Laund has sailed from Chill for home, taking the cargo of another German vessel Frankfort. "t There are seven German ships In Chilean ports. T -GUGGENHEIM DIES NEW YOItK-t- George Denver Guggenheim, 3t, son of flmon Guggenheim and grandson of Meyer, member, of the famous mining famlljrf fabulous wealth, Mas found dead in his suite in Paramount Hotel. He died from his own hand but his family refuser to admit it mas suicide, suggesting accident, FATHER MOORE KILLED 150-MILE HOUSE Father Edward Moore. Rnn Catholic priest, h dead here, the victim of a hunting accident. FAMILY IS LOST DAWSON Missing on Lake Le-Barge since they set out in a small and flimsy boat, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller are believed to have perished. .. j. - POPE SUPPORTS OFFER ROME Pnt Pius today put thr weight of hhVhurch behind Ih peace offer o( Qun U'ilhel-mina and King Leopold, officially wr'Jnt belllecentTriitinin to vr- lo-Mly and syropithetlrally ron ITALO-BRIT1SII .ACCORD IONDON Proiress is helng mxdr between Italy and Entland In negotiating an economic accord. Provision has been made for the setting up of a Joint committee to regulate exchanges. TODAY'S STOCKS iOouMmt S. O JnhnMoo Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .12. Bralorne. 10.55. Cariboo Quartz, 2.15. Dentonla. .01 V2. Falrview. .02. Gold Belt, 21. Hedley Mascot, .42. Mlnto. .018. Noble Hve. .02 4. Pacific Nickel. .14. Pend Oreille. 2.25. Pioneer. 2.17. Premier. 1.42. Privateer. .83. ... . Reeves McDonaldl?33. Reno, .40. , Relief Arlington, 14. Salmon Gold. .03ff Sheep Creek. l lO 'j Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con., .18. Calmont, 29. C. & E.. 2.15. Freehold, .023,. Home, 2.51. Pacalta, .04. j Royal Canadian, .22i. Okalta, 1.13. v Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties, .22. Toronto Aldermac, .42. '" Beattle. 1.07. Central PaU 2.34. ' Con. Smelters, 490 East Malartlc. 2.95. Fernland, .02s8. Francoeur, .40. Gods Lake. .59. Hardrock, 1.17. Int. Nickel, 47.25. Kerr Addison, 1.95. Little Long Lac, 3.05, McLeod Cockshutt, 2.03. Madsen Red Lake, ,45. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.20. Moneta, .91. Noranda, 76.50. Pickle Crow. 4.25. Preston East Dome,t1.86. San Antonio. 1,76.'. Sherrltt Oordon, 1.32, .. Stadacona, .39.-. Uchl, .85. x PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Weather Forecast f NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1919. European People Have Been Too Lone Paralyzed, Says British Prime Minister LONDON, November 10: (CP-- 1 Prime Minister Chamberlain's, speech at the Lord Mayor's lun-! cheon yesterday said that Great Bulletins 'DOMINIONS MINISTERS IN FRANCE Premier Daladier PARIS, November 10: (CP) Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden. Secretary of State for the Dominions, accompanied by Dominion ministers attending the Empire conference, visited Paris today. They were received by Premier Edouard Dala- dler. It is expected they will also pay a visit to the Western Front. Among them are Hon. T A. Crerar of Canada. WIDESPREAD HUNT IS ON German Authorities Active Fnl'ow- i. Anthony Eden and Delegates To Conference Are Received By . ' In; Attempt to Whe Out Hitler I And Nazi Hierarchy BFftllN, Nov. 10: CP The bomb explosion whirh wrecked the .MunVh beer hall Tucida.r nlsht Shortly after the d"(rtir therefrom of Chsmcelhr Adalf H'tler and rractlcilly the entire Nazi hierarchy with th vceptlon of Vle-Chanrellor Herman Goeriirj Is of-ficUU'- char-ird bVi Ofrmany a having been the workDJciSl',,h ... .. fTI- ... tain. Rewards totalling $360,000 have been offered for information leadlnr to the capture of the per- jpetrators. Several hundred arreits of suspects have already been made. "The trail leads abroad." declares Hpinrich Himmler. chief of the Oes- itapo, who. with Vice-chancellor Herman oerln. ha. taken ner- :4 Secret Radio Station Sends j Ship Reports MEXICO CITY, 10: (CP) Reports extermination"' aealnt Oreat BtU "IUvJU xJL November of secret German wireless stations sending Information of ship movements from the Interior of Mexico are under lnvestlga- tlon by Allied and neutral foreign intelligence agents. LOOKS FOR i FISH HERE British Buyer Would Take One Hundred Million Pounds Of Frozen Product OTTAWA, November 10: (CP) Immense quantities of frozen fish are to , be purchased Immediately in Canada and Newfoundland by British fish interests, Major Hugh A. Green of London announced here last ni ht. Already fifty million pounds has been ordered In Newfoundland and Major Green says he has been authorized to purchase one hundred million pounds. in Canada if available, LAB0RITES I.Annl .kan, nt tH. In lira t inry Vnlllam flrppn nreslritnt Tomorrovs Tides High 1:03 ajn. 21.0 It. 12:33 p.m. 23.2 ft. Low 7:00 ajn. 5.5 ft. 19:38 P-m. 1.0 ft. '"a' " " 1 " . nifi.v, vn.ji.t PRICE: I CENTS Speech Is, Presented Today NO MORE THREATS 1 Britain would not lay down arm, "until we are assurred that Europ; VICTORIA, November 10; (CP)-Hon, John .HartlSSJ T IZiTJ minister of finance, told the Legislature today in present-1 peoples.- it added -i am not very ng his fourteenth budget that there would be no increase 'hopeful of a satisfactory response in taxation for the fiscal year beginning April 1 even 0"TOart chancellor m 'hough unemployment costs are so great as to prevent a. lhe p Mlnr ' th4t fully balanced budget. Mr. Hart said that he expects the Beigo-Dutrh offer would be T " ' ' a surplus on current recenue over, carefully considered in consulta- current expenditure to amount to J tton with France and Poland. 4 Small Naval 4' $31,350 in 1940-41 bat the province VoccpI I ncf lvU,on for relicf cmU- T CoOCl LjUOL Budgeted for revenu revenues London. rovemorr CP The Air Ministry will "again be compelled to defer I full debt redemption provisions." The bud net does not make oro- is the sum -tof 129.300.141. tin $479,000 from this WATCH FOR NEXT MOVE 10: 'year, while expenditure on current Freneh Arc ,, AUti A, To Whlt an- account U placed at $29568.790. up iiuler Will Do Next nesn t that two HovaJ Air " 1 m . mm 1 4 a A- rlval ne I h A mlnlitA MM . PARIS. November 10: (CP) '1 1 no nrncn arc waicning cioseiy tint 1 was a reconnaissance . u iw niti. jor t ,i?n Vnal cnancelior Aaoil 4 iip, a me nrrmin nomocr t imntnwM nu Kv.vinmi.iin! imirr mav re comemnumntr co- ru dr -en away from the , lervic, 11 mu. mereiore. oe ordinated attacks on the front or shtt md Islands bv anil- apparent mat no cotuiarrawon can aealnil the Allies throuzh the A. - I - fl. T . I n. 1 n 1 rw. nivm .1 I M I Iim. in in. man W. ....I . a n .. nafihl. U Until w Kr!-1 that "II M. H. Korthtn Rover, a small aux- Cltr? veuel. Is considerably emdur snd must bt pre- that the province shoutd absorb it was thought that Hitler might, the whole cost of education. choose the twenty-first anniver- FRONTIER INCIDENT German Guards Rush Across Netherlands Border, Killing One Dutch Subject and Kidnapping Oothers Rushing Defences, Holland and Belgium Continue Intensive Preparations To Guard Against German Invasion INTIMIDATION PARIS, Not. 10: (CP) A HaTas News Agency dispatch from Zurich said that reports are lating there that Germany has delivered "intimidating, representations' to the governments of Belgium and the Netherlands. AMSTERDAM, November 10: (CP) One Dutch subject was shot and his body dragged across the border into Germany by Nazi guards and a number of Dutch civilians were kidnapped Into Germany as a result of a clash near the frontier late Thursday. The incident, it was feared by some InternaUonal observers, might pre- face the invasion of Holland by i Germany. Leaves of all Dutch and Belgian soldiers and air force tuen have been cancelled as. the tense situation continues. The Oermans came up to tha border In an automobile and, brandishing . ("weapons, - r u s h d across the line. OneDassene"er In S-fcUtDutfarwrriishot and the' others seized and'klragged across the border and whisked away. Th? Incident, It is stated by Dutch authorities, was clearly started by the Germans. There was added significance to William Green and John L. Lewis tne Incident In view of the fact Called to While House by that 14 occurred just at the point President Roosevelt where 11 wuld be logical for the Germans to commence their lnva-warhtnt.tik. D. c. Nov. 10. 15011 should they endeavour to en- of the wr "iiana m me direction of the 1 which will be along ar-reachlng American Federation of Labor, and " """u-" n w lines. Himmler has toned a pro- John L. Lewis, president of the Con- stra"Se l".' c Kene vof ,the clamatlon requiring report from gress on Industrial Organization. laU citizens who might have heard both were summoned to the White ah" ?csld!,nt h U yarded as of some slgnUicance in -.k v fh.n, h Pr-eiHenf pevelt ves- hinj j l CTLias4 a wut u -nunuj a tuuow mj - - 1 happening" at the beer hall meet- terday to dlscurs the oasslblllty of a InK or about Hitler having left earl- truce In the long standing labor dls- . . . 1 irr man expccicu. uniforms Into Germany Hitler was told of the explosion Oreen assured the President that TfeI . ' iwhen he r"ehed Nurnherg on his he was "ready and willing to ne 1 way back to Berlin. He commented gotlate at any time. have luck." Lewis told newspapermen that ;-one must mlnation to be read , an turn .114.1 riaBlliK tla 4TwVM " - MAMA T r A 1 lmmeaiaieiy on return 10 dciuu ji aiisci wuuiu wumc hwu hc 0j events In the explosive inter chief advisers Including Ooering. Foreign Minister Joachim von Rib- nP TT-.LJ11 bentrop and Propaganda Minister. 1 Uill UUlllll A further Incident occurred last night when a window In the studio of Hitler's photographer was smash rd VICTORIA. Nov. 10: (CP) Tne Throne Speech was adopted by the Legislature Thursday without recorded division preparatory to the budget being presented today. Premier T. D. Pattullo formally gave warning that no further ut terances such as those made oy Mrs. Steeves and Colin Cameron. C. C.F. members, in regard to Imperial and Dominion war policy would be Appreciative in the House. regard to the Dutch situation Is reported in an alleged Oerman plot to smuggle Dutch military intensive war preparation ac tivities 'of Holland and Belgium ara interpreted as evidence of deter- natlonal situation although off icial sources say the two low-lying 'nations are not afraid of lmmedi-;ate danger although Oermans are j reported to be still massing mechanized forces on the frontier. I As the lowlands took swift defence measures, Hollanders todav The- target is believed to have j ckknowledges Privileges Which He were standing guard on the newly- been a large picture of Der Feuhrer.l And Such Members Enjoy REPETITION IS BANNED C. F. Members of Legislature Warned Throne Speech is Adopted flooded "waterline" of protection and Belgium soldiers were digging VICTORIA, Nov. 10: (CP)-Tom;trenncnesln tne fast Uphill, Labor member for Fernle.' "lhvay service out ..w ',a.a ..wwaH,. nrivi. of Amsterdam has been ordered leges of Canada. "In what other country In the world could such restricted "In view of extraordin ary measures taken by the railway company." The order Is- be- members as I or some others of the y generally due to p elected?" he suggested 'tmL legislature be MllHftn cautionary eastward f SWITZERLAND , troop move ments. Further large low-lylnp areas of Holland were flooded today against the possibility .of Invasion as XT fVt Ai1tnrl - fi rs A Tlatrltm A MllRl I I IIMl defence measures. Buildings are 111 VWlUtUli 1 w .Many Soldiers Are Called Out By Order Today All Men Between 20 and 40 To Report BERNE. November 10: (CP)! Switzerland has called out an un- Hitler being specially guarded and new trenches are being dug.- Big Nobel Prize Awards Rejected Prevents Two German pc.mcU. ..... . r,mher nf frivwM In- Scientists From f!olleftinr was the successful prosecution oir-f--"- V"r:-"l ftnnft ; ' ,lftnVn - the war said the Premier. Bbuscadlllac, .04. Mosher, .09 12. Oklend, .11. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 40.00. Cluumg VWO imaiiiijf uaitawviu, f.i f"" thirty cavalry squadrons, the com- plete staffs of certain reserve brl-j STOCKHOLM, November JO: gades and regiments. AU men be- (CP) Two famous Oerman sclen-t ween the ages of twenty and forty, tlsts have refused Nobel prize have been ordered to report for awards of $20,00 and $40,000, ac- medlcal examination. No reason Is ceptance of such awards being given for the mobilization. I banned by Chancellor Adolf Hitler,