—_— qpratt vu Hs ogitltS* GF WORK TODAY? try The News’ Want Ad. Way. THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist feess May..... Saturday, 9 a.m. Camosun........Saturday, 10 a.m. sh Ill, NO. 52 CAPT. WNL NOEL DROWNED NEAR DIGBY | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., Fripay, MARCH 1, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS GDY_ ISLAND mS. 58. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS ON HER OVERHAUL TRIP TODAY "te" FAVORITE STEAMSHIP WILL RETURN MAY 16TH FITTED WITH Koberison, the town clerk of Me Disorder Oise Ghee Area of Royal! Toronto, March 1.—An inves- OIL BURNEHS—GEORGE TAKES UP HER RUN—CAPT. lila, Manitoba, has disappeared City of Pekin—Many Killed and. tigation into the charges against BARNEY JOHNSON HOLIDAYS IN SEATTLE. and has been traced to Minne- Wounded—Mutineers Looting)...” of the attendants at the canteen apolis. An audit of the town and Firing Buildings. | Mimico Industrial School by the The Prince Rupert sailed for, and that it might be necessary to! books shows them in a terrible a... jfovernment brings out sworn th th this morning on her/ change back with minor altera-| muddle and a shortage of $10,000 Special to Daily News. | SURE eee by some of the boy last ige for the season. On) tions consuming three or four | is suspected, sae ainda * The | eee thai they were hand-! a port at Victoria she) hours’ time to coal fuel. The im- wae. ae one oe i Gen ast eae and kept in bed for a \ transfer her passengers,| provement will be made later. Joe Goes Scot Free. dae to quell an uprising Firef oe because they attempted to freight and baggage to the Prince | Skipper’s Holiday. In the police court this morn am ‘is cali eae th ee sad one away. Others said they had ge, her sister ship, which for Captain Barney Johnson and|ing the charge against Joe}, rahe ae éf the city kid been shackled and fed on bread) I ths has been in dry dock} all the officers of the Prince Ru-| Vaccher for keeping a blind DIS2) Ks ned the ‘fird at eat batten water. erhauling and burning} pert will stand by during the! gery was dismissed. Ids fae niode Lf the eae en Lee ran acento Te I The George will) overhauling, but the engineers Bee | The nit inaele confined (ethane Indoor Baseball. Seattle 48 complete me ig stokers will be paid off on We bought a traveler’s samples| selves to looting. When the fir- Teddy Bears vs. Quill Drivers, - Piso as fa i. meres at ae Sunday. Both| ,, f Carpet. They make good mats|ing took place many dead and|at Auditorium, March ist. Game| nce Rupert foute with | vessels will come off the dry dock| 314 are very cheap. On sale at}dying were left lying in the|called at 8:15 sharp. Admission| ngs from Seattle un-! improved in many ways, it is an- | Wallace’s ot streets 25c. Skating after the game. 2t 15th, when the Rupert) nounced, and well equipped to : x é kage : z go in commission, and| handle the heavy excursion trave ! - week sailings for the! expected:into the north with the ison to Prince Rupert! resumption of travel next sum-| gurated. mer, Won't Cut Stacks. Captain Johnson, wife and son It had been planned, while} will go to Seattle in about two | were in dry dock,| weeks on a visit to old auntie] feet off each of the|the skipper to take his first va give the boats a more} cat since engaging with the pearance, but com-|Grand Trunk Pacific lines two were not thorough-/ years ago. | hat the oil companies --- ae fe eee et for the present suf- S. S. Camosun for Vancouver ze supply on hand) Saturday morning, 10 o'clock. Premier Asquith Made a Siateenk to Federation of Miners That RUPERT'S BUSINESS MEN HOUGH TEAM MET ITS WATERLOO IN GAME WITH PRE- MIERS WEDNESDAY NIGHT, IT RETAINS THE CUP DU- ING NEXT SERIES OF GAMES. night the Busi- met its of thelJ Rupert cup,| to; P, | only] J G ven | ( \W dé man, ond game, 221 1-2 per Business Men. 192 i714 242 180 149 180 192 iy Se¢ wwling team 204 182 2014 173 the last game Prince straight This hey have but their winning s the end of the Busing the ¢ cup -Fames the been g 755 775 497 i914 it came too | * of Team averag the Men} nd of} WSS) Thirteen Millions More for the and Past Eleven Months. rds. | his ss INCREASE IN REVENUE es Phe W. Cameron three peri : ‘g is OR ee sd | Special to Daily News. March 1,—The for the past fiscal 160, the rey eleven yeal Ottawa, nue receipts mths of the 77,716, 391 for year. stand- the end of |‘ the high} ayers on each | total Rupert |” ovs first class bowlers |?! last line to capture! id mo! Ving congress, are the al ind a he pl shows Prince against pel iod as 64, same ends—traveler's sam- Axministers, They make nice at half the ordinary Wallace's. ~t Carpet ples Wilt and price 2050 KILEMARNACS 1iey at to be SPUBECIIS, ms mats Games sell ayed a Business Men r omiers entrals Quill Drivers i. CHAMPIONS IN BOWLING CRUELTY TO BOYS | Government Investigating Mimic | curswren roms” LOYAL TROOPS ORDERED OUT Over the Boundary industrial School. Special to Winnipeg Daily News.) Snecig ‘ » Nae iis ih iil Special to Daily News. James Government Recognizes 1 Their Demand OPERATORS REFUSE THE ‘MINIMUM WAGE Government Wiring Rush Orders for Coal to United States for Ure of British Navy) —No Industries Yet Shut Down for Want of Fuel But Many are Expected Should the Strike Continue | Special to Daily News. tice of a minimum wage, but un-,; faced with the serious difficulty | London, March 1.—Owing jto]less this was accepted by the| of fuel for its war vessels. New the failure of fhe government to] operators by agreement the gov-| orders were wired last night to settle th disput betwee! hejernment could take no steps to} the collieries in Virginian and coal miners and I 1 s the p ifore it. Less than 40 per) West Virginia, and the govern- ' nt this mor g, as| cer of the operators were op-| ment is offering to pay the large per | arranged = sche in| posed to it. rate of $5 per ton freight to the nearly a he ¢ s of Eng According to one of the leaders,} coalers. ind, Wa ind S¢ ind It is|the n have already won, as the At noon today the number of s ated h h recog 1e@ government f rikers was computed at over a s s eal al he minin ge pl ple, f lion, but no reports have come | Asquith a state-| which the ! s long be as to the shutting down of as ght he Federation} strivin mus ring them ulti-| other industries, although they M s the ct tha the i \ } are expected to do so because of government recog dsthe us-| Meanwhi I government is; the shortage of fuel on hand. FATAL DROWNING DISASTER — TODAY AT DIGBY ISLAND Captain Noel of Governme.t Snag Scow Drowned Before His Wife’s Eyes in Dodge Bay 200 Yards From Shore---Was Well Known Old-Timer in Prince Rupert and Port Essington THEI PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HOLDS LEAP YEAR SOCIAL HALL ELABORATELY DECORATED Wi WITH POSTAL CARDS AND VALENTINES HUNG iN GAY FESTOONS OF COLOR FROM WALL TO WALL. A right rare Leap Year feeling|the post mistress’s delight in that gave courage to the most! reading the dainty missives of timid maiden heart prevailed last|the mail. ; night at the Presbyterian social.| Miss Froud, Mr. Davey, Mr. The bachelor countenance, usual-| Robinson and Mr. Green contrib- ly full of the shadow of the great| uted to the program, the. latter | Lack, was flooded for a few brief| giving an excellent impersonation | hours with all the fulness of the|of a charlatan. Mrs. Hunter and | sunshine of illusion again. The | Mrs. Neher superintended the re- | hard rock of the barren wilder-|freshments, while Mrs. Car- ;ness was smitten and a clear| michael and Mrs. Stewart wel- | fountain broke forth. Postcards|comed the guests at the door. were distributed for inducing the The spirit of merriment as- j}art of poetry, and the power of|cended the dias in the early even- | sentiment compressed within the|ing and reigned supreme until too short, three line limit was al-| satisfied that all the affinities had - | most incredible, Graphie teuches|been found and the will of the |of description were given which] Fates fulfilled, | called forth a chorus of eager edad | Zuesses, a preference being shown | 8. ( jfor the fair young man _ with| Saturday | brown suit and winsome counte-| ——— nance, Just received, The hall was elaborately decor-|ment of woolens, | ated with postcards, hung in fes-|in tweeds and fancy worsteds. for Vaneccuver 10 o'clock. Ss. Jamosun morning, finest assort- latest patterns It | toons across the room, on the | will pay you to look at them. | walls and around the lights. Miss |Sweeder Bros., merchant tailors, Barker made a handsome post| Hergerson block, entrance in the 3t | girl, while Mrs. McCauley showe -d| lane. PARKER WILLIAMS POKES FUN AT MPBRIDE’S SILENT MAJORITY | SEVERAL OF THEM HAVE CONTRIBU CONTRIBUTED NO IDEAS TO LEGIS- LATURE DURING THEIR THREE YEARS IN THE HOUSE. Their’s| Victoria, Feb. 28,— ** not to reason why, their’s but to} E vote an aye,” said Parker wi RUPERT WELL liam in the legislature on Satur- ’ day as he watched what he later referred to as the “silent ma- REPRESENTED jority” putting through the legis- | lation proposed by the govern-| > ment. This reference to the| Out of the Large Number of Dele- “silent majority” elicited a pro-| gates to the Liberal Conven- test from Mr. Parson, who ex-| tion at Vancouver Eight Are ener the hope that when the Given Seats. time sally came for them to be es SAmbentd in that category, he Special to Daily News.) j and Mr. Williams would be found Vancouver, March 1.—A very jon the same side. - large crowd was in attendance at | ‘“Shoveling coal, sane: the Liberal convention, whieh ~ Priced preg 3 nectlateee ae opened yesterday afternoon, from if dubious about the strict par- Prince Rupert especially. The liamentary propriety of the re- secretary stated his regrets that mark, but did not call him to accommodations would not per- Saha mit of seating more than eight Much of the day was consumed|!'em this city and the Rupert in speeches that did not greatly|™e" decided themselves upon essen the force of Mr. Williams’! bese eight, Duncan Ross was charge that several of the mam- present as a delegate from Hazel- |bers had contributed no ideas to|!0%. The most important busi- legislation during their three|"°S*: said John Oliver, who pre- sided, was to prepare a sound years in the House. working platform for the coming |campaign, A committee was se- } lected with instructions to bring in a report this afternoon, CAME IN FOR Brand Trunk Pacitc ; ‘ 1 Right before his’ wife's iwe of water, and; quickly Harrison made efforts —— ——_ : Be Saf VS e eyes at about noon today j/may have struck the mooring! to recover the body in time to try| DEDICATI N NEW STORE OPENS ! ries the Busin . Captain Noel of the govern- buoy his fall, as he sank/to save life but failed. } eam have twice beaten the - ment snag scow fell over- struggling a was unable to News of the accident was tele- ——— |Brother of ‘Famous Publisher for five men teams Big Game of Basket Ball Prom- board from the new launch catch a grip on boat or buoy. phoned to Prince Rupert from the) Dr, Chown and Dr. White Arrive Sets Up in Business. » Dy Cook’s Dominions in ised for Saturday Night at he has just had built and From the seow on the shore) wireless station and Chief Owen) on Camosun to Take Part in| -————— + # 3,487 pins against Skating Ring—Teams in Ex- was drowned in twenty-five only two h jred yards away /of the provincial police at once! Dedication Exercises of New In the Westenhaver block, next 4u Drivers and 3,094 cellent Trim. feet of water before help Mrs. Noel hay ed to glance out) sent officers over to recover the| Methodist Church Sunday. {to the Canadian Bank of Com- F he Centrals, — | could reach him. The pro- of the | it the very mo-;body. Mrs, Frizzell of Prince Ru- + pia + Re pr merce, on Second avenue, a 25 . lay night's scores were After many weeks of hard vincial police left this after- ment the iy n fell finto the pert accompanied the launch, to = a Py 0: as 2 the and 50 cent store will be open i ve ve iiaasniae ee noon with grappling hooks on o) shed out to give) do what she could for Mrs. Noel, iite a . c ae , _ Sine for business on Monday or Tues- Premiers. Pens, (ae: Bees in to recover the body. Mrs. the alarm and get help, but help/ who is prostrate with grief and|Camosun to ; an ay 4 | aay, EG Madan 44 916 186 ball team will lock horns with the / George Frizzell accompanied ae. 4 far away and the poor| the effect of the shock she under- pte ah (ae ae mre! After a trip all over the con- A pard 174 206 457| Circle Bs, Both teams are COM) theip launch so as to be with woman, frantic with trouble,| went at sight of her husband’s ieptik ue By ea Had tinent, Mr, agho A, ak the a H. Levenhagen 244 246 194 posed of well known young men) Mrs, Noel, who is suffering | could do hing single handed, GrOWDINE a |? ce Peggle. ne Chowra iwilt beled Gao fs = aupart oe oo 7, y nning 183 2418 239! about town, and considerable in-| from the shock of the sudden Sh 1 wireless station Captain Noel was a very well) ‘ se in ee eae ee aden | ene avorabli a aoe ang “ oe terest is manifested 1 the affair.| grief. : and the boys there hastened to| known old timer here. He had} ass! ae 2 or ae Seo chair_\° very fine stoc i of ancy £00 s | a, 2 eae 886 776/The game will be called at 8) The accident happened just}do what they could, but too late.) his home in Port Essington, but} mo ee whe Dont arabe dia jand novelties of all kinds. Mr, l' average 203 1-3 o’elock sharp on Saturday night] after Captain Noel had completed Meanwhile Gus Harrison, the' was known all along the coast man a Cicaane will one oe Funk is a brother of the head of Feature high ‘average mt je in|in the skating rink the trial of his new launch, the} engineer of the captain’s launch,/and up river, Only a couple of | trict, is fir , the publishing house of Funk, ee SOR Peaeen ees |Gretna Il. He had taken a spin|from on shore some distance| weeks or so ago he had his new| honor of preac hing the first ser-| Wagnalls & Co. of New York and Hin her around Dodge Bay, where! away. had heard the ery for help; power boat launched at Port Eg-}| mon in the new edifice og will! | London, ee ithe snag scow is at present on|from the scow. He managed to/sington and engined in Prince} honor Prince Rupert at the = — lthe ways, and was leaning over! rush a boat into the water and| Rupert, little guessing that the| time. ia ' a NEW ARRIVAL PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO the bow to pick up his moorings}| rowed hard f the scene of the) Gretna Il, in which he took such| [2 ne afternoon there is to be} es , i | « i a, rhose Progressives report that they could not find a lemon when somehow he overbalanced disaster, b ; ne ne ee in was to be the means of his .S .. ern ae cos care eel Re. Wielsee Addiicn ak hig enouah f i ) | himself, He fell head first into) of the capta who hac & | Ges ‘ ‘church, and alesse: ane Rupert’s Social Circles. The a A ai has : a ; ‘pe eneed in to look lin addition to the new pipe or- wee a stank een sidewalk has been fen | “Quosque Tandem, Catalina.” SERVICE FOR MEN ONLY. | to be addressed by Rey. Dr.! ean, the first in the city, Gray's a young lady arrived in Prince What is safe to tell the people” was the burning ques The case of D. Zarelli was < ,Obown, All ladies and all nore orchestra will be in attendance. Rupert just before the Camosun Manson had for his Seanaitinte committee this morning again up in the police court this | An important “all men meet-|under 18 are requeated to he " a At the evening service at 7:30) came in, The announcement Thane tee aon oie eee Cie ne hore observes morning and was again remand-| ing is to be held in the Empress| sent from this all men ; meeting. Dr. Chown will again preach, and|/c¢ame by phone to Mr. Stanley F, of the old nea akavartoka ed, this time to next Monday Pheatre on Sunday afternoon at| Rey. F./W. Kerr will speak on one the largely augmented choir will, | Long, manager of the Bank of How be autiful to see brethren dwelling together in unity . - 14 o'clock, The Presbyterian reg- immediate Guty amare ae Une | a8 at the other services, render) British North America, who im- Che Trombone is trying to blow out the Mayor now Manson For row boats and launches | ular evening service has been dis social evil in Prince Rupert. ithe most modern classical se-| mediately rushed to the hospital back, ee : telephone 320 green. Davis boat] pensed with in courtesy to the . _ . |lections, Mrs, Sing presiding at/and exchanged congratulations | house, Methodist service in the evening, Best room in town at the Savoy.|the pipe organ. with Mrs, Long.