i 3 HI i a fat L ?AQZ rOUB DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Hare a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT KINGS. WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. we will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stork rings from S12J.0 to $1Z00.C0. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Letter Box SHOULD USE DOGS Editor Daily News: May I please be allowed a space ln your Letter Box column to express an opinion which I consider of father and son this winter on Calvert Island, still unsolved and undoubtedly there will be from time Clergy Changes jAre Announced Rev. B. Shearman, formerly at dftle Kltkatla and for the past few years at Kltwanga, is to return to Kitkal- union to time other such happenings in , from Emmanuel College at Saska-our district, I would therefore lik-; , toon, will be Mr. Parrott's successor to offer the suggestion that the ' at Rolla. Provincial Police Department be, with their trainer to wherever they I well realize the fact that iu Whifflets From The Waterfront Sockeye Fishing Starts Off Fair- Smaller Trollers Doing Best at North Island Sockeye fishing has got away u by a . v...., braller while .v,.,- fresh herring bait was being loaded from a seiner noar Pacofl. the local halibut boat Margallce was In port today with 2.500 pounds of fish. The petitioned to nave stationed here.ful do?s have of tracking. Even .v..r nmr- tramwH n nnrt with the police detachment one o: with the ordinary hunting dog I ihould abie to resume wwk possibly two well trained dogs such have seen them on an exceptional- i aeain Klon is are used by the Royal Canadian , ly wet day pick up from the ait Mounted Police for tracking lost the scent of a deer which has . . u. . persons. The cost to the govern- been lying down some hundred' e A,asltaireh,fr ment would be comparatively yards away, the scent for the I R tHann- arri at Ketchl- small and these dogs could be, human for which they were hunt-morning from keDt In constant trainin hv th.'ine to these tratnoH M'kan u1th Iro7cn and mlW cared In- at 7:30 am. in rntlnottiHi of were needed without loss of valu- cases where persons are lost in h" Tf,y,e 10 5eatUe altr " able time, the bush the government has al- cnanun?. A am ouic mil iuiyune wno nas ways aone au in lis power to trace) ' 0 Perhaps you remember when men carried "the makings" in little canvai sacks. Rolling a smoke was tedious, and often a failure; but adepts could do it lie conjurers. If you could manage it with one hand, and on a broncho, why you were a hero! Today, machines have taken over the art. Their "hands" are literally "quicker than the eye" and infinitely more deft and consistent. They roll them so fast that one day's production of one Imperial Tobacco factory, placed end to end, would stretch from Toronto to Winnipeg! And, three times every minute, these-machines take a batch of the cigarettes thev are making, weigh them and adjust themselves to correct any variation within l100th of an ounce in 50 cigarettes. Modern magic machines with a conscience keyed to a few strands of golden leaf . . . This is the tobacco industry . . . with millions in Canadian money invested, supporting thousands of Canadians profitably employed in factories and in stores at every cross-street and crossroad, so that you may enjoy "tailor-made" cigarettes perfectly packed with the finest tobacco, the instant you want to smoke. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED THE DAILY Undeterred By Mystery Of His Fate, Search For Lost Police er placed the average at about last week when he left Surf Inlet twenty fUh per boat and outside to cro8f rugged Princess Royal Is-about the same, high boat reporting ami a distance of fifteen miles. 275. Naas River average Is similar, ' for Butedale. I Ironically enough, it appears that Captain Douglas Edenshaw. who presCott mav have met with mis-was In the city at the week-end on hac when within almost sight of his way to North Island from Bute- his coal after having unfalteringly dale, said that, while the larger) traversed steep and rocky moun good catches. Some deadfall which at some points was $25 and $30 a day with a row ooai. nlgri Impenetrable. The terrain of Evidently the fish had been con- prinCe Royal Island. In fact, is jgregatlng In shallow waters where jMt about as difficult as anything the large trollers could not go. He to be encountered on ' the north raid that most of the fish taken at coajt. The trail which Prescott set steamer Catala la as missionary teacher It Is an- t.. .i,m tn mrt' . '. . might eventually be to the public ,J"tmeed by Bishop G. A. Rlx. He at U:30 thls mornine from Stew-Iutte yJyine had to ascend above interest and future beneflW lL:""; t Anyox and other northern ; 'Tc JnZo aroS read who left for the Old Since reading all the details re recently p, and saiij on time at 1:30 the recent loss of the provincial po-1 country. Mr. bnermans successor jn( .ffrnoon for Vancouver and lice officer whilst enroute from I at Kltwanga is not yet named. wayoolnts. Surf Inlet to Butedale by trail. It' Another change In Caledonian brings to my recollection other fa-'diocesan clergy involves the depart- ,,-, ,n a triD on tal losses of this kind Ue the lossjure of Rev Geoffrey Parrots from nt - c t Jack Cnri.fenwn MJ WaigOij MllCiC lie u w uc assistant . Rev. A By GLADYS l. ARNOLD Canadian Press Correspondent PARIS. June 27: CP- wonderful career for hmelf model ing." "Are you buying a gas mask' a voice Mid In our ear. Cana-. dlaiu in Parti are to have the! same privilege ai the BrltUh- we OfllCer IS Mill LOntinUing .W think III take one v home for a souvenir. It sounded CANADA IN OLD PARIS like the vote of Prank Plcken- Althmifrh thoro have been no new developments since giu. of Winnipeg yesterday and the trail has seemingly now gone cold, aj Uny Anibitum. u V,,.,-r.rt;ni nnv,nc courpH nnrtv. led hv Staff Serceant Em-1 . . . J at least a fair start on me ' , , . r,,.,,. ?c nnf innlnir u'lrhnnt. let- i River this season following the op-iel uammon ui i iiuc u.rv Jn T'l , fTPry " f !pm 10 enlng Sunday evening. Ftrat re- up tne quest lor L onstaoie viiiiuru i icuti. w i"-w nave iw omcipkb monK iu-ports ports from from boats boats fishing fishing in in the tne rit- nv- who wno has Has been been missing miSSWe since early Monday afternoon of denU. from tandceape gardening io pouncai economy, .caiuuhiu r ia-et. competing his seventh year In Paris studying architecture, was! lamenting the fact that he roust leave soon to return to his native Quebec. "I shall mUs Paris terribly." he said "Dpt. on the other hand. I'm anxious to get back to Canada and begin work there's boats had not done very well this uln dope treacherous muskeg S,tt dp Cip,' 'LT 0 t 1. .! ,towto 1 T?" y ear, the hand trollers had made swamp ,and and undergrowth and J? 1" Ahrp j c- uj had earned . .. .. ...... ,. Home of Canadian nutfd cuased lra the tiiala trials and and trtbuta dls- tribulations North Island had been delivered by nut in fnllonr vat a rrv Htlle used Madame Vanler. wife of Cokmel 2:30 the Searchers renort to nrovindal m toucn wtin tnem an," we mj nolire hwdouart. here that thev "e wu eTtr7- " " "v"n . 1 o .v,i, ione else how anxious we are to must be ttwi fvf completion or launching, he either 200 "nd finding more erery chanted his mtnd or was disturbed, "jr. she told us deltehtedly as a A tborourh examination of the face huTZ o French and English ftHd nf the cUff and dratging of the the rooms. The students found had nrwricnr, Hh rtrvr. In fil- tViem anH at inn,M.nhi. iv.i.h.F c.Im. . -rtr thrMrK)t hv oarrhrm u. nTnseives very much St home Ml country whilst hunting will beat buit it would appear that in most r-eoreeson. was In port thi morn-J'ni two ror-ns. ha failed to dl- 'n' Tm-wtheUc atmosphere creatine out thatne well, trained &n rases these searches are fruitless. In? from Vancouver dl-harginge' any furtJw trace. (frt abm,t them, would do nvire effective work: than so whvr-notlet.as endeavour to coal and building materials. I rot th officer's wfetv' "n mt b,t nt Canada here.-possibly fifty of a search party stop "t-'fosr-'oT' valuable lives 'aoear now f be none to brKht ""M Katbln Lovelnck nf M-In 6pite of the fact that much and try something which others ! bot how Iws rwrt K been ven ui -l-Pralrie as , being this country is swampy it would 'rh as the R. C. M. P. have found Dally advertising m the DallJ'wd tn view nt th- musfttltty that helped to a piece of real "deytts not Tint Ynr by anw moanc means the to w be .. . ... ... ' ' i n .u- w f"oH" rhrvlaf r any destroy so effective keen faculty which these wonder- i... TbeHaildis quicke. HUBERT WARD. 0 v. News is sure to HlU bring daily re than tbeEye t - n. be away from rnr1 a j m-ff s-rw-nt Fnst Gammon. '" '''! th ,hw Peaure rrsk'H" , H-4-nrtw a But-- nt e1n" rnsmn ytr -.k Miss Loveoek Is wwkln. trt-l- W b-irt H rnf again. '"'rt theu ,B renh lltera w-!t- Ian- and N4 Nel-m of n the nolW Mat PMI 1 fnk Vr ure' f Su-f Inlet Frank Geoffrey oft port Arthur ta "prewnted by n,.-. and Ed KUitland, a naUveiP"11"8 ,ho gaidc and woodsman, who Has been.1" aboul h fU,fr ,,n Y0w:k ,th ' 8fie a d!al pride. giving invaluable assistance. FAMILY REUMO.V PLYMOUTH. Eng.. June 27: (CP Three brothers were reunited after 21 years when A. F. Hunter of Reglna. Satk.. landed on Plymouth pier to greet M. If. Hunter and Capt. F. J. c. Hunter. They had parted at the Armistice. SINGAPORE RAIDS ; SINOAPORE. June 27: CPt ; Straits Settlement eovernment does not now favor evacuation of Singapore In wartime. Earlier the evacuation of r-wicesterf ara fA j rural camps had been supported by I the government. MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price rhone GREEN 880 727 FRASER ST. 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 nas a coot neaa ana is maiung a II Dominion DAY Single Fare and For Round Trip Between All Stations in Canada (Minimum Fare 25c) ' GOING i June 30th to 2 p.m., July 2nd RETURNING i Leave destination up to 12 Midnight, July 3rd Information torn Any Attnt- W)-4I1 in the mtki:mk m irr or imiTtxii COMMUU In the Matlrr of trrdrrhk William ftmrd, lrMM-d And In thr Ullrf of tlr 'AdmlnLlmtloii Art" TAKE NOTICE thu bT Ortler of II I Honour Judg. W E riahrr Jtod the 23i Uy ct Jut 1639 I iu .ppolnt-d Admin -rtor of th Zttrt trt fri-drr-k WUUam Ikanl, HrmeX, lit of the Villa of Tttk. BrKlrtt Coluitf bta, and all prnuM havtn( oialnvi aairw Uie mid EMate rr hrby required to furnlMh aante in tne prctrrlr wlflfrl on or More the Slat day of July 19S0 and all vfe inAHA4 to the Mtld F.tMlr rc mnjjred to pay Urn nmount of their indebUxtneii to me lortriwlih NORMAN A. WATT. (XXietaj AidmiBUVrwUr. Prince Rupert, B.C. DATED the 20th day of June 139. I've had ii mm lujjJj m T7.. H Bette DaviT In the Picture 151J , u Itememptred For DARK VICTORY" With r.LOKGL BltKVr IIUMTIIKKY ItOGART lAt T:20 and t V,, FATHA WALT IMSNiXS -PRACTICAL Pl(. SrOItT- TMUHWATtn of the dance for she Is studying) t ballet seriously The biggest trouble I have is to find a really had been speaking i MHivenient place to Mve. My most lives." said Colonel v When Important lesson Is from 12 to are amazed at the nun.: sacred lunch hour In ing in Paris and th his packer, the Edenshaw. to Bute- onc and tne markings were very OorRC P Vanler. Canadian Mm- Franco and it seems to be un- they are detng." . , j j. utr tn Frsnr arrival thu Heard oi Wat anyone snouid want a itu. w... I poor, wmy an expericu.ru wua- -- - spring and began putting her Av- to luach alter that hour. Us even mini: studesU oobidi- CapL I through but. notwithstanding thU. enw Fbch anartment In rder she hard to tri reMaurant that studies the CanaAsn siuioi I swamps or oast cliffs. n-fthAut hu told tntt corresponaent tne nrst TC imcuidtt many doetort an4 Hi A -.-- . . . . . . - -i. social effort was to be for the vwwnei ana Mame vamer so- hhs doing PAti-ifSdusti! -k Canadian studenu in Paris. P""" ke Pfodkglous memories uklng spetisl tovrses y,m. Our only worry is how we shall fr to ks than no thne thy whom are In Parts w . Tfrom h" nam and addresses ler from your family." said LONDON. Jmt xi T r teen iil Surf through a ir dsT an oma Se 'M that we may keep In touch with Madame Vanler nUlrly to Mart- bootmaker, srt sailing Wa- of crark-l.' " ,en an OI wuu" ora'r w-ntng iwooo ;l n - . ; ifu having suffered a couple and WMter-i"1 c. u nat P S J rtbi as a result of being struck ?T22d to aTreS- True to her word, a series of In- " f mHM . H. Srott. a recent graduate win.iY ol Te . . . p. . . . pleasure to see so many EmHsh- UU htve been c4aeed mr H; . nice on uuteaaie lakc aooui irecpuuin rt umnun w . . thre mile from BuU-dale. women There. There.. , gether getfter young young men men and ana to progress further, a detour evl-ifrom every province and city in dently became necessary, alterna- Canada In the charming salon of lives being to take to the water by the minister and his wife, raft or by swimming or to climb to The first of these receptions was the top of the cliff, a distance of held on a May Sunday afternoon some three thousand feet. Faced .Wearing a simple but beautifully with this blockade, what Prescott : cut gown of sheer black with decided to do and what happened ' sleeves embroidered with Uny to him tn so doing is the bafning -white beads, her only ornament -pvsterv. Three roush hewn sticks i a necklace of pearls. Madame Va- whteh have been found suggest that nier welcomed the guests with local oolice so that at a mnmonr, be tn thPm tntt , vn r tv,. 'fKh for tranwhlpmetit East over he may hare storied out to build a, comradely simplicity notice thev could be dnahM dnr vu in th, hnntin, t Canadian National Railways, safl- raft during which task, before "Wee already discovered nearly nTiuni 1 numn!i rntiirrmt rrrucTipmjn prugiSBi w away tn French as though they ed ELIO'S 5th. Anniversary Sale The Talk Of The Town New (Joods Arrive Daily Kvcry piece of furniture plainly marked with the price down to the limit Truly the Talk of the Town ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue fhont Grten 151 Knjoy the Advantages of .Modern Kitchen Equipment l Issssl With McCLARY RANGE FOR COAL, WOOD OH OIL Drop in and see 'he if M 'Clary Range I V? ' for youraelf their ' i ' feature of superM .' Heautlful r.tiamrl Unlih-.Jilly Kept Clf an Splf ndid Hi kin f OvenFully Knairurllrd Inlde Hl'hly rollthed Top fxonomltal Fuel Conumption A MeClary Range with oUburner installed will Rite sitUfsr and economical baking, cooking and heating service .It r&n b changed back for use with coal or wood in a short time For Satisfactory Sen-Ice Get a McCUry GORDON'S HARDWARE MrlilUDC STRLCT rhonc 3U J. H. BULGER Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized Milk Optometrist . . VALENTIN DAW Royal Bank Illdg. M rilONE 6J7 . ' ' . ' f.'- 4